Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 277 Fire Lion Provocation


The battle in the hall is still hot and sticky. The battle between the two sides is difficult to separate, and no one can take a step forward.

Neither of the martial arts on both sides is willing to let others take the lead to the martial arts post, and the low-level martial arts kings have also burst out unprecedented combat effectiveness, making it difficult for senior martial arts kings to walk.

Xiao Chen also drifted with the tide in the crowd and encountered strong resistance. Soon he found that the more he showed his desire for martial arts stickers, the stronger the attack, the greater the resistance he encountered.

The two eighth-level martial kings in the crowd were particularly fierce. One was a lion-like man, with long fiery red hair, casually draped over his shoulders, exuding this fierce fiery breath all over his body. As soon as he took action, he stirred up a world and waved a large area of flames, and his attack power was very strong.

This person is also famous in the eighth level of King Wu. Xiao Chen only knows that his code name is Fire Lion, which is extremely difficult to deal with.

There are fifteen or six warriors who deal with him alone. Most of these warriors are level 5 and 4 characters of the King of Wu, working together to form a copper wall and iron wall to trap the fire lion in it.

"The martial arts post is mine. I'll kill whoever blocks me. Get out of here!"

The fire lion's combat effectiveness was particularly fierce, which made all the martial arts kings feel a great pressure.

There is also a martial artist, with a cold smell all over his body and a poisonous snake mask on his face. His whole body seems to be very mysterious and he is eight-level martial arts king.

There are also fourteen or five warriors responsible for blocking him. Like the fire lion, they are all four-level and five-level characters of the king of martial arts, dragging him to the hall and can't get close to the steps.

As soon as the man took action, he set off a black fog in the hall, which was thick and unpreventable. Then he suddenly took action and injured several kings under him.

His code name is Xuanshe, and he is also one of the most difficult characters to deal with.

The two eight-level martial arts kings alone, Fire Lion and Xuanshe, consumed more than 30 people to stop them.

There is also an eight-level martial king, but his cultivation and combat effectiveness are only ordinary. It is difficult to move when he is entangled by a martial king level 7 and a five-level martial artist.

The remaining seven-level martial arts king and the six-level martial arts king fought together and approached the steps, but they had a tacit understanding with each other and did not let each other take a step forward.

The strength of level 6 and level 7 is not far from each other, so both sides have formed a strong restraining force.

After discovering this, Xiao Chen immediately began to retreat, wisely protect himself and shoot the first bird. The more fierce he is, the easier it is to create crowd attack. Only low-key is the king's way to win this battle.

"It seems that I have to wait for the opportunity." Although Xiao Chen is strong in battle and his combat effectiveness is far beyond cultivation, at this moment, he should not show too much extraordinary power to avoid being attacked by the crowd. The key is that the competitive palace may be suspicious of him.

Xiao Chen began to change his camp in the crowd, blocked the footsteps of the senior martial arts kings with other low-level martial arts kings, and easily preserved his strength in the crowd.

Chang Lao has been staring at Xiao Chen. He particularly appreciated Xiao Chen's previous performance in the arena, so he paid special attention to it and was very optimistic.

After seeing Xiao Chen begin to protect himself wisely, Chang Lao couldn't help but nodded secretly: "This boy is smart and knows how to judge the situation. He doesn't make a head bird. He is smart and powerful. Such a person will definitely make great achievements in the future."

The battle lasted for more than half an hour, but no one could get the martial arts stickers on the hall. The battle was also the same as water and fire, but it was difficult to distinguish the winner.

Many warriors began to be eager, especially the powerful senior warriors. Their hearts were burning. If it hadn't been for these low-level martial arts kings pestering them, they would have already got the martial arts stickers.

So their attacks became more and more fierce. Under such circumstances, the low-level martial arts kings began to gradually fall behind. In terms of combat effectiveness, after all, they are not as good as the senior martial arts kings. The battle consumption is very large, and they are the first to show decadent.

The fire lion and Xuanshe also felt that the situation had begun to change. The two men's action became more and more fierce and irresistible. With superb means, they abruptly drove the crowd and approached the steps of the hall.

The low-level martial arts kings also felt the danger, but after all, they were already strong.

"Here comes the opportunity!"

Xiao Chen saw that the low-level martial kings had been defeated, and his body was close to the steps of the hall. At that moment, a fine light shone in his eyes and suddenly acted.


He shouted in a low voice, and the flash formula of the emperor's seal was launched, and his body suddenly disappeared in place and quickly appeared on the hall.

When the fire lion in the crowd saw that someone took the lead, he immediately shouted: "If you dare to take the first place with me, you want to die!"


Xiao Chen was about to bend down to pick up the martial arts sticker when he suddenly saw the fire lion slapping.

A huge fire cloud came, and the blazing flame emitted a high temperature, making everyone retreat.

Those low-level martial kings saw that Xiao Chen had gone up, and they could no longer stop others. They also dispersed and rushed to the steps above the hall.

The situation was chaotic, and the deadlock was broken in an instant.

Xiao Chen frowned and scolded the fire lion fool. With so many martial arts stickers, he could find another one. Why did he stop him?

I thought so, but Xiao Chen was not ambiguous. He slapped it out and made a shot with the fire lion.


A muffled sound exploded in the hall, and a shock wave spread out. It immediately blew away ten martial arts stickers in front of them and flew up and fell into the crowd.

The situation was even more chaotic, and all the warriors rushed to capture it in the air.

Xiao Chen locked a martial arts sticker in his eyes, and a fine light shot out from the bottom of his eyes.

"That's you!"

The dragon seal suddenly took action and grabbed it towards the favorite martial arts sticker.

"If you want martial arts stickers, you have to pass my test first!"

Seeing that Xiao Chen was about to be caught, the fire lion suddenly rushed out again, as if he had no intention to get along with Xiao Chen, and he slapped him again.

"Do you mean to live with me?!" Xiao Chenren avoided the palm of the fire lion in the air and continued to grab the martial arts post.

The fire lion snorted coldly, and a fiery breath was overwhelming. He came over and said coldly, "No one can compete for the first place in front of me. With me, whoever robs me will destroy me!"

Xiao Chen's heart gradually showed a trace of warring, and a murderous intention emerged in his eyes. He no longer showed weakness. His momentum suddenly soared and said in a low voice: "Then come on!"


The two collided in an instant and immediately set off a shocking wave.

The surrounding warriors were shocked by the battle between the two and avoided them from afar.


After a bang, the two pushed each other away and confronted it with a murderous atmosphere.


The martial arts sticker in the air fell down, just between the two, with the bright red cover and bronzing characters, which are particularly dazzling at this moment.

The fire lion's eyes widened and confronted Xiao Chen. His fiery red hair rolled and moved, like an angry lion, exuding a fiery red breath all over his body, like a fire god beast.

At the same time, he was also a little surprised. Judging from the previous engagement, he failed to take advantage of Xiao Chen's hand, and even failed to shock Xiao Chen back with a few slaps. This alone can prove that Xiao Chen's strength is not weak enough to attract his attention.

Xiao Chen was angry. The fire lion did not grab other martial arts posts, but competed with him for this martial arts post. It was because of Huang Miao's first move that he couldn't fight with him.

"Since you came to the door, don't blame me for coming to you!"

Xiao Chen's eyes are fierce.

Although he can't be too strong, causing suspicion and suspicion in the competitive palace, if he blindly shows weakness, I'm afraid that even if he grabs the martial arts stickers, many people will not accept it. After that, those who don't grab the martial arts stickers are bound to snatch the martial arts stickers from him.

In this case, he simply showed some means to deter other warriors and let them know that he was not easy to mess with.

And the fire lion is the best target.

Among the crowd, the fire lion has the highest level of martial arts, and its combat effectiveness has been obvious to all. If Xiao Chen can suppress the fire lion, I believe that no one dares to think about Xiao Chen's martial arts posts.

After paying attention, Xiao Chen's murder became more and more cold, and the strong almost became real.

The two powerful momentum in the hall immediately collided, like two fierce beasts competing in the hall, which was terrible, forcing other warriors to stop in surprise.

The other nine martial arts posts are in the chaotic robbery, and they are already famous. In addition to the fire lion, Xuanshe and another eight-level martial artist have grabbed a martial arts sticker. Their strength is there, and it is not surprising that they can grab them.

Six of the other seven fell into the hands of the seven-level strongmen of King Wu, and two fell into the hands of two six-level Wuwang strongmen. Their combat effectiveness was also particularly strong, even when the seven-level strong men of Wuwang faced them, they did not dare to be careless.

Other martial arts posts have been allocated, leaving only this martial arts post between Fire Lion and Xiao Chen. However, after the people around them see the strong momentum of the two, no one dares to participate in the competition between them. Otherwise, not to mention whether they can grab it, I'm afraid that they will be immediately given the spirit of the two strong men as soon as they take action. Teared.

The chaos in the hall slowly ended. The person who grabbed the martial arts sticker no longer cared about anything else. He put away the martial arts sticker, then retreated aside and stared at the others warily to prevent someone from grabbing it.

I didn't grab it. Looking at the people who got the martial arts post now, they are all masters, and they can only admit defeat and stand aside to watch the play.

The hall also slowly calmed down, and everyone's eyes were all focused on the fire lion and Xiao Chen, and the atmosphere became tense.

It was not until now that they found that the person who fought against the fire lion was actually a six-level warrior of the king of martial arts, but the momentum was not weak.

After seeing this situation, there were bursts of discussion in the crowd.