Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 338 Strange Hole

It has been nine days since Xiao Chen entered the ancient secret place, the first mountain, but they still didn't find any clues.

Zhenyangzi has also lost his patience, and it is difficult to maintain the previous calm attitude on his face. He began to urge Xuanshe and others to find treasures for him.

The mountain has almost been turned over, leaving only the last mountain that has not been found, which is also Zhenyangzi's last expectation.

Xiao Chen has been following them to the last mountain. His feeling for this mountain is not as warm as before, and he even vaguely feels in the bottom of his heart that there will be nothing he wants on this mountain.

is just an intuition, but it makes Xiao Chen feel very real.

"Are all the treasures hidden in the same place?" Xiao Chen can't help thinking this sometimes.

"Hurry up, there is only one last mountain left. If we can't find anything, we may come for nothing on this trip to the secret place. Even if you go back into other mountains, maybe the treasures have been taken away.

Zhenyangzi doesn't seem to feel very good and can't calm down.

Once he really doesn't find what he wants on this mountain, his chance of getting one of the treasures is reduced by a percentage.

Xuanshe and others also have a bitter face. In the past few days, they have always been shouted by Zhenyangzi. In addition, they can't find anything for so long, which makes the three of them look ugly.

"I don't know if there is any progress on the devil's side." Xuanshe has a worried face.

After some adjustment, the wounds on Xuanshe and others have healed seven or eight points, but they still dare not act rashly, and there is still the poison that Zhenyangzi gave them to make them afraid to escape.

"We have arrived at Brother. Look, there is a cave." The dirt mountain on Penglai Island suddenly saw a black hole at the top of the mountain and immediately shouted in surprise.

Zhenyangzi suddenly became happy and his eyes were bright. He stepped forward and asked, "Where is it?"

With the pointing of Tushan's hand, the five people really found a dark cave not far ahead with a mysterious atmosphere.

"I really found it." The joy on Zhenyangzi's face is hard to hide.

After searching for so many days, the first time they saw such a cave made them subconsciously feel that this cave must be the place where treasures are hidden.

"Let's go." Zhenyangzi couldn't wait. He walked to the cave first, looked at Xuanshe and others behind him, and then followed.

"They really found it." Xiao Chen also felt quite unexpected, but when he looked at the cave, his intuition was getting stronger and stronger, and he felt that there would be nothing in it.

But whether there is or not, Xiao Chen must keep up with him.

When he came to the mouth of the cave, Zhenyangzi couldn't help holding his breath excitedly and looked at the mouth of the cave.

The entrance of this cave is relatively small, only one person is tall, and it is relatively narrow. It seems that it takes people to bend down to enter, and there is also a yin wind inside, which seems to be very simple.

Looking at the entrance of the cave, Zhenyangzi frowned and felt that it was not like a cave that could hide treasures.

He hesitated for a moment, and then swept the three snakes behind him and said, "You three go in first."

A sharp light flashed in Xuanshe's eyes and clenched his fists, which obviously allowed them to explore the way. If there was any danger in it, it was not equivalent to sending them to death.

seemed to feel the anger of Xuanshe and others. Zhenyangzi's temper was not so good. He no longer said anything to convince people with virtue, but directly said coldly, "Why, do you want to try the feeling of poison?"

As soon as this came out, the three Xuanshe immediately felt hot all over, and there was a sharp pain in their bones, as if they were eaten by ten thousand ants, making their faces turn pale in an instant.

"Stop, let's go, let's go..." Xuanshe immediately spoke and struggled to shout that this poisonous feeling was simply mental torture.

Although they are not injured, the feeling of ten thousand ants eating bones is like seeing the abyss of death, and it is difficult to fall down to death. The feeling of not going up or down is the most frightening.

"Hmm, don't drink a toast." Zhenyangzi snorted coldly and waved his sleeves. Xuanshe and others immediately felt that the uncomfortable feeling disappeared, and their bodies gradually returned to normal.

The old wolf and another warrior are sweating and weak.

The snake was not much better. It barely supported his body, but cursed Zhenyangzi thousands of times in his heart. He lowered his head, looked at the mouth of the cave with vicious eyes in his eyes, and then collapsed.

Someone took the lead, and the old wolf and another warrior also followed. After not hearing any noise, Zhenyangzi walked into the cave with Tushan.

After they disappeared in the hole for a moment, Xiao Chen, who had been secretly following him, appeared. He looked at the hole, hesitated for a moment, and followed in.

The hole was dark, and the surroundings were gloomy and cold. I reached out and touched the stone wall. It was cold and piercing, very strange.

The snake in front took out a piece of cloth from its arms, then found a wooden stick, wrapped the cloth, made a simple torch, lit it and led the way in front of it.

The hole is very dark, and even the torch can only illuminate the distance five meters in front of you.

The group moved forward carefully. The feet were full of gravel and uneven, and it was very difficult to walk. In addition, the cave was narrow and could only accommodate one person. The top of the cave was low. Everyone could only bend down and move forward, which made it more difficult, and even had no room to turn around.

"What the hell is this?" Tushan couldn't help complaining in the back.

"Tushan, don't talk nonsense, shut up." Zhenyangzi also felt bad about the surrounding environment and was in a very bad mood.

With a curl of Tushan's mouth, he is a little wronged.

Zhenyangzi holds a night pearl in his hand, which is much better than the torch of the Xuanshe, but it can only illuminate seven or eight meters in front of him and slowly follow the Xuanshe and the others.

The hole was a little quiet and dull, and even people could hear their own heavy breathing.

Stepping on at any time, it keeps making a creaking sound, and the sound slowly spreads in the hole.

Everyone has been walking forward for more than ten minutes, but the hole does not seem to have an end, which makes everyone feel more depressed.


At this time, a strange sound sounded in the hole, and everyone immediately stopped. They only felt a stench quickly permeating the crowd, and then the faces of a group of people turned black.

Because the hole is narrow, the air does not circulate, which makes everyone feel sick like eating flies.

"Who farted?" Zhenyangzi looked green on the spot and shouted with wide eyes.

Xuanshe looked back, and the old wolf shook his head and looked behind him. Another warrior behind him also shook his head and looked back at Zhenyangzi. Zhenyangzi's face turned black and looked back at Tushan. Tushan scratched his head shyly and smiled, "I'm sorry, I ate too much at noon."

"If you dare to fart again, I will throw you out." Zhenyangzi gritted his teeth and said, scaring that Tushan's neck shrank.

Everyone continued to move forward. Because the air was not circulating, the stench kept circulating among several people, so that in the end everyone had to inhale hard, suck the smell, and then sprayed it out of the nose and transformed it. Then it felt better.

"Oh, the hole seems to be slowly getting bigger."

The old wolf in front of him was surprised. At the same time, he moved his body and found that it was not as crowded as before.

Everyone immediately became energetic for a while and moved their bodies. They found that the entrance of the hole now seemed to be much more spacious, and they could walk straight, and there were some gaps around, which was much better than before.

This made Zhenyangzi feel a little better. Everyone continued to move forward and raised the torch, but it was still not clear how long the cave was.

As he walked, the snake's feet suddenly squeaked, like a strange sound like diarrhea. This sound suddenly made the old wolf and the warrior behind him take a step back and subconsciously pinched their noses.

Zhenyangzi's face turned black and said angrily, "Who farted?"

He took a step forward excitedly. It didn't matter. His cry suddenly came out with a 'poof', which was equally unpleasant, and at the same time, a stench spread out.

Everyone heard it this time. The sound came from under his feet. The snake raised its torch and looked at his feet, and suddenly frowned.

One of his feet is now trapped in a pile of black mud, which exudes a strange smell, which is disgusting.

The same is true of Zhenyangzi's feet, and even his whole ankle sank in.

Tushan lowered his head and smelled it, and then pinched his nose and said, "Wow, it stinks. This seems to be some kind of animal feces."

"What?!" Zhenyangzi's face is pale green.

He actually stepped on shit, which made Zhenyangzi, who had always been obsessed with cleanliness, unbearable and immediately scolded.

The black snake in front suddenly realized what was wrong and frowned and said, "feces? Could it be that the place we came in is not a treasure cave, but the nest of fierce beasts?

As soon as this came out, the irritable Zhenyangzi immediately calmed down.

If that's the case, it means they are going the wrong way.

But there is no end. Zhenyangzi doesn't believe it and is not willing to retreat like this.

"Whatever it is, you continue to move forward for me, and you are not allowed to retreat until the end. I don't believe there will be nothing here."

After a series of suffocation, Zhenyangzi was about to endure the limit, and he was really unwilling.

The snake can only continue to raise its torch and walk forward. The more forward it goes, the more feces there will be on the ground. In the end, it is inevitable. Everyone can only pinch their noses and know that there is feces under their feet, and they can only step on it fiercely.

The further forward, the more difficult it is to imagine the degree of accumulation of feces. By the last foot, the feces flooded the whole foot, and the unpleasant smell filled the whole space, making everyone faintly nauseous.

Just when everyone was about to stand it, the snake seemed to feel something. He didn't believe that the accumulation of feces here was pushed out by fierce beasts. With the help of the torch, he suddenly looked up and shocked him.

I saw a huge monster hanging upside down on their heads... Bat!