Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 397 The Catastrophe in the Inn

Looking at the departure of the demon king, the three disciples of Wanhuangmen were also a little dumbfounded. They looked back at Xiao Chen incredulously, and their eyes were full of horrment.

Who the hell is this guy?! Is it really more horrible than the demon king?!

Xiao Chen just finished healing Yanchuan's injury, and he was indeed a little tired. His eyes only glanced at the three people at Wanhuangmen and directly ignored it.


"Xiao Chen!"

Gong Shaolin and others greeted him, and then swept Zuoqiu, which swept the Wanhuangmen, and said a few words to Xiao Chen. I think he was also introducing the identity of the three.

Xiao Chen nodded and didn't pay attention to it. He stretched out his hand and handed over the Yujing bottle to Gong Shaolin and said, "I'll give it to you. Say thank you to your sister for me."

Gong Shaolin nodded and left with his fist.

Xiao Chen also immediately went back to the room and did not say a word to the three people of Wanhuangmen from beginning to end. After they left, Ming Yan and others came to their senses and suddenly looked a little angry and said, "Who the hell is this guy? He is more arrogant than the Demon King. He didn't even look at us and simply didn't let us go. In my eyes, it's really disgusting."

Zuo Qiu thought for a moment, then stared at Xiao Chen's room and said lightly, "I'm afraid he is the person mentioned by Mr. Teng, Xiao Chen, who is the leader in the secret world!"

"Is he Xiao Chen?! That King of Wu Level 6?!" Mingyan didn't believe it. The real person seems to be the same as the legend. It's no different. It's really the sixth level of King Wu.

But why did the demon king value him so much just now?!

This is a puzzled place for three people.

"Let's go. We still have something important to do. Let's go first!" Zuo Qiu shook his head, and even he couldn't figure it out.

Mingyan and Chaoshan snorted coldly, thinking that Xiao Chen was just a false reputation.

Of course, this is just an episode.

Yanchuan's Daoji has recovered the power of the jade bottle and slowly recuperated. In the future, he can continue to practice and go further. This is not a small piece of good news.

In the capital, with the end of the final election of the Holy Martial Arts Conference, many warriors have left, and most of them have left the sects that were destroyed in this competition because of the conspiracy of the night stars.

The people in Tianyunmen said hello to Xiao Chen in the next few days, and then they will leave.

The World Sect and the Immortal Mountain suffered heavy losses this time, and the elites were almost destroyed. The World Sect only lived alone, but the Taoist foundation was ashes and still became an abandoned person.

There is still a night unicorn left in the infinite mountain. After this war, I believe that there will be more feelings and gains, and it will definitely be a difficult opponent in the future.

The people of the three gates have left, and the people of Tianyunmen also consider the situation of the six counties of Dongcheng. This time, the destruction of the world sect and the infinite mountain elites is a good opportunity for Tianyunmen. Maybe it is the rhythm of re-rising to dominate the Dongcheng again.

Jialan also wanted to stay to help Xiao Chen, but was rejected by Xiao Chen.

At present, Xiao Chen's situation is still unclear, and it may be dangerous to stay in China, so he still let Jialan go back to Dongcheng and practice well.

Jialan also knows her cultivation, and she can't help at present. Wuwang's second-level cultivation is indeed nothing. Only Dongcheng can give full play to her strength.

"Don't worry, I will definitely go back to Dongcheng."

Before leaving, Xiao Chen promised her that Yiren would leave reluctantly.

Now Xiao Chen's reputation in the central capital is as high as the day. People come to visit every day, and all major families have thrown out olive branches, hoping to recruit Xiao Chen to join the house.

In the past, Xiao Chen was still the enemy of the people, mainly from the power of the Lei family, and everyone wanted to take the opportunity to eradicate him and reduce one competitor.

But now, after the secret world war, although the secret place was issued a seal order by Wanhuangmen, the major families and forces are very clear that Xiao Chen's performance in this battle can be said to be the first, especially the last human battle of Night Star, which threwthrew his conspiracy and compared other martial gods and the pride of the family. The things that went down made everyone see the value of Xiao Chen, so they came to their homes one after another.

Outside, in order to save their face, the major families said that Xiao Chen actually did not have the ability. In terms of real strength, he was not their own proud opponent, but soon secretly, they immediately took out a generous gift and visited, hoping to win over Xiao Chen, which can be described as a fancy play.

For the win-up of these families, Xiao Chen did not offend them on the surface. Anyway, it doesn't matter if there are gifts. As soon as he sees someone coming to the door, he will hold the gift in his hand and wave his hand to receive it!

And for those who came to see him but didn't bring anything, Banshanyue said, "My master is closed, and I won't accept it!"

All of a sudden, the people of those families turned dark and walked away with a wave of their sleeves.

In the final analysis, Xiao Chen can't offend these people from the middle family. He still needs to do things in the middle. In case he annoyes the people of these families and comes to assassinate or something, although he is not afraid, he is not patient.

In this way, Xiao Chen spent a day under the visit and harassment of major families.

During the day, I closed my door, meditated and practiced, avoiding visitors, and at night, I spent a lot of time with Gong Shaolin, released happily, eased my mentality, and prepared for the second final election of Wanhuangmen.

The days also passed quickly.

"Wuwang Level 7 is only a little short, but it always seems to be a little short."

Xiao Chen sat in the house, with all his luck, closing his eyes and looking at the true qi in his body, circle after circle.

The true qi in the body runs like water in the body, warming the whole body, the muscles and veins are strong and powerful, the blood is fresh and running, and the bone marrow is bright and shiny, like a ten-year-old jade.

These are the results of his cultivation step by step, and they are also the capital for him to fight beyond the level.

The ventilation is really congenital, the blood is reborn, and the marrow is changed. Each of them has been hammered to the extreme, which has now had the strong combat power.

But that's exactly what made his breakthrough more difficult than others.

At the level of King Wu, he has already stood at the top of the martial arts. It is even more difficult to take a step forward.

"I haven't broken through for months. It's too slow, hey..." Xiao Chen sighed and never had a clue in the face of his seven-level barrier of King Wu.

Fortunately, he didn't let others hear this, otherwise he would be shocked.

It's slow if you haven't broken through for a few months. Isn't the martial artist who hasn't broken through for decades have the face to live in the world?

Although it is only 20 pairs of days outside in the secret place, it has been more than two months in the secret place. In addition, half a month and the previous time have been almost three or four months.

This is indeed the slowest time for Xiao Chen's previous cultivation speed.

"It's just a little bit of insight and a little opportunity. Take your time!" Xiao Chen took a deep breath, opened his eyes, closed his attack, smiled at the corners of his mouth, and sighed whether he was too greedy.

It is impossible for Taijitu to play the rocket-like upgrade speed again. Even if it is thrown into ten herbs, it is impossible to convert much pure energy. It is like a drop of water in the sea, which has no effect. The future road may depend on itself.

This makes Xiao Chen, who is used to breaking through quickly, really uncomfortable.


The door was knocked. Xiao Chen opened the door. Yanchuan was standing at the door. He asked, "What's wrong?"

"Master, the demon king is here again!" Yanchuan looked at Xiao Chen with a wry smile.

Sure enough, Xiao Chen immediately felt that his head was big as soon as he heard it.

In the past few days, the demon king came to fight with Xiao Chen every day. At the beginning, Xiao Chen could still use himself to recover and it was inconvenient to fight. However, two days later, the demon king came again, and he no longer believed Xiao Chen's ghost excuses and wanted to fight.

Xiao Chen doesn't want to fight with him. With his current strength, if he fights with the demon king with all his strength, although he will not lose, he can't win. At most, it is a draw. He may be at a disadvantage, but he will not lose. There is no need to fight with him. Therefore, Xiao Chen pushed three obstacles, and the demon king persevered, and made Xiao Chen It's all annoying.

"Go and tell him, just say me... If you say something about me, just say that I'm angry and injured internally. I won't accompany you. Xiao Chen waved his hand impatiently and continued to sit back as soon as he closed the door.

"This demon king is really annoying. He loves to fight so much. Why didn't he go to the two belligerent guys Lei Zhen and Jing Chuanxiu? Why did he find me? I'm depressed. It's not easy to have a relaxing time at night, and now it's ruined again.

Outside the door, Yanchuan touched his nose helplessly and could only go downstairs to reply to the demon king.

As soon as the demon king heard this excuse, he immediately broke out. There was a lion roar downstairs, which almost collapsed the restaurant.

"Xiao Chen, come out, I want to fight with you!"

The domineering spirit, Xiao Chen's windows banged like gongs, and Xiao Chen's ears buzzed.

"This guy, what the hell? It's immoral to shout like this." Xiao Chen muttered a few words in the room, but he had no intention of going out.

As a result, the demon king howled downstairs again. The broken gong voice shook the whole restaurant, as if there was an earthquake. The owner of the inn hid in the counter and trembled with his hands and prayed, "Oh, my God, who did I provoke? It's almost ruined to open an inn."

Banshanyue and they are also speechless. This demon king is really worthy of being the demon king, and even forced to fight so domineering.

The guests of the whole inn also trembled one by one in the house. Several guests ran away overnight and watched the boss spit blood.

This is a big loss.

The demon king roared and roared for more than half an hour. Xiao Chen finally couldn't help it. He slammed the window and drooled at the demon king downstairs and shouted, "Old boy, you are endless, and you don't let people rest!"