Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 403 Prelude to Joy

Wanhuang Mountain is extremely towering and towering into the clouds. From a distance, you can't even see the whole mountain.

On the top of the mountain, there are clouds and fog, looking up, as far as looking at the sky.

When Xiao Chen came to the foot of Wanhuang Mountain, many people had come here, most of whom were martial artists. These people also knew that today was the second final election of Wanhuangmen and came to watch.

This final election can be watched by other warriors, and I don't know what the competition is.

Xiao Chen was puzzled, but he still stepped forward.

The onlookers also knew Xiao Chen. Seeing his arrival, they automatically gave way, which made Yanchuan and other people who followed him feel honored to follow him.

"See, my master is still awesome. When he comes, someone will automatically make way." Half of the mountain moon became proud.

Gong Shaolin was speechless.

As long as the candidates come, they will make way, okay?!

I didn't bother to argue with him. Six people walked into the inner circle and stood under the mountains of Wanhuangmen.

The surrounding aura suddenly gathered, almost stronger and purer than the aura of the second mountain in the secret place.

"No wonder so many people want to enter the Wanhuang Gate. If they can practice in such a blessed place, they will not make rapid progress." Xiao Chen sighed for a while.

Thinking of those inner disciples who were born in Wanhuangmen, they are really more popular than others. No wonder all the people inside are so arrogant.

Xiao Chen looked in front of him again. The mountain road of Wanhuang Mountain was paved with steps, all of which were paved with white jade. It was paved layer by layer, and he didn't know how many steps there were. However, looking from afar, it seemed that there was an archway halfway up the mountain, faintly between the clouds and fog.

The archway is towering. Only when you look at it from a distance can you see three big words engraved on the archway: Wanhuangmen!

It is majestic and powerful, highlighting the majestic posture of the Wanhuangmen.

Now the people at the foot of Wanhuang Mountain are all warriors. As for the people participating in the election, Xiao Chen is the only one so far.

"Did I come early?" Xiao Chen was stunned.

Just as he was stunned, another person came down the mountain, dressed in a strong red suit and long red hair, exuding a cold breath.

Crazy King Night Kirin!

Night Kirin came alone, and even the captain of the infinite mountain did not come. Seeing him, Xiao Chen found a sense of superiority.

At least there are still mid-mountain moon around me, and Ye Qilin is really miserable.

The unicorn didn't care about this overnight, but walked down to Wanhuang Mountain firmly, and the crowd automatically gave way to him to the inner circle.

Ye Qilin naturally saw Xiao Chen. His eyes were fixed on Xiao Chen and said coldly, "This time, I won't lose to you again!"

This is still in the secret world, in the battle against Ye Xingchen. Everyone fell before Xiao Chen, making them think that they have lost Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen is very depressed. Before he started the war, he already has one more opponent. What the hell? He won't come to the national enemy again!

"Hey Ye Qilin, why are you staring at me? If you want to compare, you can find those guys who are the Demon King Lei Zhen. Those people should be happy to be challenged. Go and find them, ah." Xiao Chen's tone was like coaxing a child, as if to say that the child was good and looking for a child of the same age to play with. He listened to Gong Shaolin's animals laughing hard.

Xiao Chen glanced at them angrily.

hold it, hold it, let's see if it will hold you out of internal injuries!

Ye Qilin was still indifferent and said coldly, "I will win, but you are the one I want to win in the end!"

Shit, this undoubtedly makes Xiao Chen's status invisibly higher than that of the Demon King and others. This is a praise!

Xiao Chen was speechless and angry. Just as he was about to speak, the crowd dispersed again, and another person came, still alone.

The proud son of the six counties of Nancheng, the first person on Penglai Island, Zhenyangzi!

Zhenyangzi, dressed in a white Taoist robe, walked slowly, out of the dust, surrounded by a cyclone, automatically pushed people away, slowly walked to the inner circle, stood still, and then looked directly at Xiao Chen and said, "This time, I won't lose to you!"

Xiao Chen opened his mouth and was dumbfounded.

Nima, do you want to be so neat? Why does a person come for himself? I haven't despised you when you come alone. How dare you challenge me first!

is unbearable.

Xiao Chen was angry and waved his hand and said domineeringly, "Come on, you all come. I, Xiao Chen, will definitely defeat you one by one!"

After saying this, the mid-mountain moon had screamed and cheered, " boss, what a domineering!"

"Of course!" Xiao Chen also has a feeling of raising his eyebrows.

Nima, it turns out to be a cow. The feeling is so cool. No wonder the Demon King and Lei Zhen are all bullish all day long. Dude, I finally played it today. It's cool!

"Okay, it's worthy of Xiao Chen, refreshing and heroic enough, hahaha... Then I, Chen Daozi, will also participate in one!"

While talking, the crowd has dispersed again. This time, it was the people of the Chen family in Zhongdu.

Chen Daozi was restrained and followed by more than a dozen elders of the Chen family. He came slowly. After coming in, he hugged his fist and said to Xiao Chen, "Brother Xiao Chen is polite. Since Brother Xiao Chen has just said something, I, Chen Daozi, are disrespectful. Do you think it's good to count the other one."

"Hahaha, such a fun thing, how can I lose my old cow!"

As soon as I heard this sound, I knew that it was the Niu Man from Dawu Mountain in Xicheng.

With a rough voice and a strong figure, he walks like an iron tower, but it's not this bull barbarian.

Niu Man was accompanied by two martial arts elders from Dawu Mountain. One quickly rushed into the inner circle. After seeing Xiao Chen, he stepped forward. A big hand patted Xiao Chen on the shoulder and almost knocked Xiao Chen down.

"Nima, this is a sneak attack, ** naked sneak attack!"

Xiao Chen is about to spit blood. Does he need so much energy?

Xiao Chen glanced at Niu Man, but Niu Man didn't seem to see it. He smiled cheerfully and said, "Brother Xiao Chen is really powerful. He has declared war on all his opponents before he started the campaign. I admire you. When we run for election, we must have a good competition!"


After listening to Chen Daozi and then listening to Niu Man's words, Xiao Chen had a feeling that he had been cheated by himself.

What's going on? Why are you coming at me?

The last time in Xiaohuangshan, they all knew how to avoid the conspiracy, but this time they openly killed themselves and put themselves in the position of the first opponent. This is already a conspiracy.

I was cheated by myself!

"Cough..." Xiao Chen coughed dryly, covered up his embarrassment, and then smiled and said to Chen Daozi and Niu Man, "You two, I was actually joking just now. How can I do you with you masters? You must have heard it wrong."

"No, I heard it clearly. You have to defeat all of us. I, Chen Daozi, now announce that I have accepted Xiao Chen's invitation to fight!" Chen Daozi answered decisively. It seems that he has made up his mind and put Xiao Chen in the first position.

Now Xiao Chen understands that he can't run away.

"Why am I so impulsive?" Xiao Chen began to regret his heroic words just now, and in a blink of an eye, he had two more opponents.

Looking at Niu Man, the simple guy who was still constantly wink at Chen Daozi, Xiao Chen had an impulse to spit blood.

Nima, the two of them dare to hook up in front of me. It seems that everything just now has been negotiated by the two. Even if I don't say what I just said, I won't let myself go.

"He, two animals, who said that the honest-looking man is really honest. This old man is an exception. He staring at the honest man but is doing the weasel's business. What a real talent!"

Xiao Chen whipped and despised the two fiercely in his heart.

Dong Shaobao has begun to worry and whispered, "Brother, I don't think the master's situation is not optimistic now!"

He has seen Xiao Chen's situation and has become the goal of everyone.

But the mid-mountain moon is still immersed in Xiao Chen's heroic heroism just now. Now he keeps muttering in Xiao Chen's mouth and sweeping around the corners of his eyes. It is clear that he is disdain and despised.

This guy suddenly wanted to make a mistake and whispered excitedly to Dong Shaobao, "Brother, you are wrong about this. The boss must have burned his fighting spirit now. Look at the boss's disdainful eyes. It's clear that you are already winning. Don't worry!"

"Is that so? Why didn't I see it?"

Dong Shaobao was confused. Seeing Xiao Chen's appearance did not seem to be disdainful, but more contemptuous.

If Xiao Chen knew the idea of Banshanyue, he would definitely come and give him two chestnuts.

Why are all Nima talented people!

And the onlookers next to him heard that Banshanyue and Dong Shaobao, one was a boss and a master. When was they a little puzzled? Are these two talking about one person?!

Half-mountain Yue is still used to calling Xiao Chen the boss, hey... It seems that it can't be changed.

Just as Xiao Chen secretly drew circles and cursed Chen Daozi and Niu Man, the official characters finally began to appear.

Jing Chuanxiu came with the old slave, a total of two people, dressed as a scholar, with a scripture ink pen, the same appearance, a faint smile on his face, and a harmless human and animal on his face.

"I'm really good at pretending. I'm afraid that anyone who sees him for the first time will not be associated with that belligerent violent maniac." Xiao Chen is full of emotion.

"Sorry, I'm late. I hope I didn't miss anything good." Jing Chuanxiu greeted everyone one by one.

Everyone wanted to give the face of the god of martial arts, and everyone also returned the gifts. As soon as Niu Man, a big mouth, said a few words, he immediately told Jing Chuanxiu the 'big words' Xiao Chen had just now. Xiao Chen couldn't wait to rush up and put his feet on his buttocks.

Sure enough, after hearing the words, Jing Chuanxiu's eyes, which had just smiled faintly, immediately burst out a blazing fire, which was a fierce fighting spirit.

"Really, Brother Xiao Chen won't hesitate to teach me!"

Xiao Chen's face suddenly turned black.
