Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 515 Interrogation in progress

On the sea, the ship continued to walk forward, but there was a small tail hanging in the stern of the boat, and there was a warrior who was tied to his cultivation.

It was the helper invited by the previous group of pirates, the seven-level warrior of the martial arts king.

This guy is also sad. Before he came, he didn't understand what was going on, and he was pressed.

On the ship, Xiao Chen and several people also tied up the sea god. In the face of the warriors who could easily defeat the seven-level strong men of the martial arts king, the sea god completely knew what a master was. In the face of so many fierce people, he also regretted it.

"Why am I so unlucky to meet such a group of colleagues?"

Up to now, he still thinks that Xiao Chen and others are also pirates.

The god of the sea looked aggrieved and said to Xiao Chen, "Guys, you can let us go. The little man who doesn't know Mount Tai actually provoked you. It's really damned. Please forgive us if you are not villains."

"Yes, yes, yes, please forgive us." The vice captain also called down.

Xiao Chen played with a jade pendant in his hand. The jade pendant is only the size of a palm, and the whole body is green, with an aura, which is not ordinary. There is a word engraved on it, night!

It is obviously related to the night family.

Xiao Chen looked at the two pirates and asked, "Say, how did you know that guy?"

The two pirates looked at each other, looked back at the night warriors who were still faint in the stern of the ship, paused and said, "If we tell you what we know, can we let us go?"

"You can consider it." Xiao Chen said lightly and dealt with it.

Pirates have no choice but to become fish and can only be slaughtered by others. After that, they explained their relationship with the Ye family.

It turned out that before moving away from the capital, the Ye family had already colluded with the pirates in the South China Sea a few years ago. They secretly cultivated their forces and used pirates to find them to find their foundations. Then a few Ye family members moved in the South China Sea to support the actions of pirates, so as to slowly paralyze the major forces in the South China Sea, so that they would come back to the South China Sea. After that, even if the pirate's strength suddenly increased a little, it would not be so noticeable.

It can be seen that the night family's plan has been prepared for many years.

And the current sea god pirate, which is an overseas force cultivated by the Ye family for so many years, is not loyal to the Ye family, and can only be said to use each other.

According to the explanation of the sea god, there are many pirate forces secretly cultivated by the Ye family. For so many years, they have been active on the basis of consolidating the islands in the deep sea. All forces close to the deep sea area, whether they are major forces or pirates, will be wiped out by them, because pirates are the momentum they cultivate themselves. Li, outsiders don't know that even if an accident happens, no one will suspect the night family.

Even if someone dies, it can be excused from pirate fighting or pirate*, and the major forces will not find out at all.

If someone's identity card hadn't been secretly removed this time, I'm afraid that the situation of the Ye family in the South China Sea would not have been discovered for a while.

After asking about the situation, Xiao Chen and others frowned. There was little information available. They didn't even know the exact location of the root base of the night's house. The sea was so big that no target was just looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Six uncles, we really know so much, just let us go." The sea god cried again.

Originally, a good pirate leader, the second-level cultivation of King Wu avoided the people of Penglai Island, and he could basically cross the sea.

But I didn't expect that such a powerful group of people suddenly came out and were met as soon as they went out. What else could they say except bad luck?

"What do you think?" Xiao Chen pondered for a moment and asked for other people's opinions.

Mojun, Lei Zhen and Jing Chuanxiu never use their brains for this little thing. In their words, they are only responsible for doing it, and Lei Zhen is the same. This guy basically does not speak and can be regarded as non-existent. Only when fighting, will he silently brush his sense of existence.

Not to mention Gong Feixue, a girl is still so arrogant that she has no intention of taking care of this matter at all. Her attitude has been very clear since she went to sea. She is here for vacation.

Then the problem will be simple, leaving Xiao Chen, Niu Man and Chen Daozi Zhenyangzi.

Chen Daozi said, "I can't let him go. What if I startle him?"

"Yes, you can't let it go. In my opinion, it's all killed to save trouble."

The two pirates' legs softened by Niu Man's words and hurriedly begged, "Uncle, you let us go. We swear that we will never spread this matter. We swear."

"Do you swear to believe that the sow can climb the tree!" Niu Man carelessly scolded the two pirates.

Xiao Chen is worried. It's not appropriate to kill or release it. It's really difficult.

In the end, I really couldn't see it. I came out and patted my chest and said, "Let me pay attention to you."

Everyone looked at the girl strangely and said in surprise, "Do you have any good ideas?"

"Hey... Since they can't kill and can't let go, let them report on Penglai Island. Anyway, we still lack a group of guardian islands on Penglai Island, so let them go. Anyway, their cultivation is also good, and they are idle. It's better to use waste. There are also people on Penglai Island to watch, and they are not afraid that they will inform them.

Miao raised her eyebrows proudly and looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Well, my attention is good!"

"Tut-tut... I really can't see it. This girl is young and has a good brain. Niu Man praised, and then asked Zhen Yangzi, " By the way, is she really your sister?! Why are your IQ and appearance so far different?

"Get out!" Zhenyangzi was furious.

Finally, Xiao Chen listened to Zhen Miaoer's suggestion and asked these guys to report on Penglai Island, banned them, and notified the people of Penglai Island with a summoning stone, so that he was not afraid of what the two pirates could do.

The two pirates can save their lives and quickly thank them for their gratitude. It is also a good choice and way out for them to join Penglai Island, the first in the South China Sea. They are much more promising than pirates, and at least they can live openly under the blue sky.

The two pirates were sent away, and finally there was a night warrior left, who hasn't woken up yet.

"What should I do with that?" Chen Daozi skimmed the warrior and asked.

Xiao Chen hesitated for a moment and said, "The news we need to know may have to start from this guy, but I'm worried that this guy is the hardest and won't say it."

"Don't worry, just leave this matter to me. I have 108 kinds of criminal law, and I will give it to him all. I'm not afraid that this guy won't say anything. At that time, I promise to make him want to die, hey hey..." Niu Man smiled evilly, which made Xiao Chen and Chen Daozi shudder. They were immediately five steps away from the goods, as if they saw a demon with horns on his head rising behind the goods.

The night martial artist in a coma was also suddenly full of excitement, as if he had a nightmare and suddenly woke up.

"Why do you feel that something bad is going to happen?" The night warrior looked up and fell into a small boat tied like a zongzi. He looked up at the pirate ship in front of him, and then slowly recalled the situation before his coma.

"Hey, who are you? Why do you want to help me? Let me go quickly, otherwise, I want you to die." The warriors of the Ye family are very arrogant, and their words are still so arrogant.

Bang, Niu Man jumped down, and the boat couldn't help shaking. He looked at the night warrior with a bad smile, held a dagger in his hand, and approached and said, "Oh, how dare you threaten us. It seems that you haven't seen the situation clearly yet."

"You... Who are you? Let me go quickly. The warriors of the night family are still arrogant.

"Well, you don't have the awareness of being a prisoner, and it seems that I also need to let you clearly understand your current identity. Then... Let me give you a bath first!"

With that, Niu Man threw out with the warrior of the Ye family in one hand. With a bang, the latter was thrown into the sea, and a large area of bubbles suddenly appeared on the sea.

After all, the strong man of the King of Wu, who can resist more than ordinary people and can hold his breath. After half an hour, Niu Man pulled the goods up. The latter's face was pale and his eyes were about to turn out, and he was almost out of breath.

When he came out of the sea, the night warrior gasped quickly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that we have controlled your cultivation. Let's see what suffocated the child. Come and have a look..." Niu Man raised the warrior's chin, and two small fish jumped out of the man's mouth. "Tut, you must have drunk a lot of water."

The warrior of the Ye family slowly came to his senses, but still did not give in and said fiercely, "You bastard, don't wait for me to find a chance, otherwise I will definitely cut you with thousands of knives and skin and cramps!"

"Yo-you... The tone is quite loud. Have you forgotten how you fell into a coma? Do you want me to help you relive your old dream? Niu Man smiled maliciously again.

The martial artist was stunned that night, and then slowly remembered that he seemed to have been knocked unconscious, and he was kicked before he fell into a coma. How could the owner's voice be so similar to the guy in front of him?!

Won, did this guy finally kick me in the face?!

The night warrior was very angry and roared, "If you have the guts, you can let me go. We will fight one-on-one. What a hero is if you bully me more."

"Oh, you really have a lot of conditions. OK, I didn't like it just now, so come on, but if you lose again this time, you have to answer honestly!"

When Niu Man heard that this guy was going to challenge himself, he was so happy that he almost jumped out. This guy had been suffocated for a long time, and the previous battle was not enough.

It's rare to be afraid of death.

Xiao Chen and Chen Daozi also shook their heads and sighed, "If you don't die, you won't die. It's a famous saying!"

Niu Man lifted the rope and prohibition on the guy's body, and then stood on the boat casually, waiting for his opponent to take action first. He shook his hair and said, "Come on, don't say that Uncle Niu didn't give you a chance to punch you three times. Come on, fight!"

The warrior of the Ye family is not a vegetarian, and the young generation of the Ye family is also strong, so he was sent to command a group of pirates. Hearing Niu Man's carelessness and punch himself three times, he sneered in his heart, "This bastard, if I hadn't reacted before, coupled with the large number of them, how could he be my opponent? Now he dares to pretend to be an elephant in front of me. It's really looking for death."

Dare to think that Niu Man's strength is not as good as him. He completely regards Niu Man and others as pirates who are more powerful than the sea god.

"Okay, that's what you said. If you lose, let me go!" Night martial artists also learned to bargain.

When Niu Man heard this, he was happy and said, "Okay, it's up to you if you have this ability!"