Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 518 Battle Bar, the outbreak of Jing Chuanxiu


The powerful collision made the sea roll, the wind and clouds change, and the fighting spirit were rampant. The battle between Xiao Chen and Jing Chuanxiu became white-hot from the beginning.

"I'll wipe it. These two are too fierce. They are serious as soon as they come up." Bullman is a little incredible.

Chen Daozi also stared at the air and sighed, "This is their level of battle. Both of them know how strong each other is, so there is no need to hide it. Their opening is not surprising."

Everyone nodded.

Indeed, the strength of Xiao Chen and Jing Chuanxiu are all there. If you try this trick again at the beginning, it will be a little weak. It's better to have a good fight before you have a good time.

Xiao Chen and Jing Chuanxiu did the same.

At the beginning of the attack, Jing Chuanxiu's combat skills were like a continuous sea, rolling in waves, wave after wave after wave. In the battle, he also changed his appearance. He became serious and no longer had the usual loose bookish anger. The spirit of the god of war was fully played by him, and his whole body was like a beast out of the cage, unstoppable, his fists were extremely strong, and the void of oppression was trembling.

"Xiao Chen, I've been waiting for this battle for a long time, so let's share it happily!" Jing Chuanxiu shouted loudly, hit two punches out, crushed the void, and even shattered the void.

Xiao Chen's eyes condensed at one point and shouted, "Then come and fight!"


The two people's fists hit each other, and with a bang, waves rose from the bombed sea, rattling like rain, causing the tsunami tide to roll towards the distance.

"The painting ground is solid, frozen for thousands of miles!"

"Painting the ground as a prison, beacon fire and wolf smoke!"

Xiao Chen and Jing Chuanxiu shouted at the same time, using oral words, and the first move was the same.

In an instant, the cage fell from the sky, trapping Xiao Chen and Jing Chuanxiu. At the same time, each other's back move had also been killed. Jing Chuanxiu was frozen for thousands of miles, and a layer of cold air quickly permeated Xiao Chen's body, which condensed into a layer of ice, freezing Xiao Chen into an ice sculpture.

And Xiao Chen's beacon wolf smoke also came, and all of them were shot on Jing Chuanxiu's body. The latter's body immediately appeared dense wounds, but they did not hurt the root, just skin trauma.

Bum, click.......

The power of the painting is weakened, and it can only trap Xiao Chen for three seconds. At a time, Xiao Chen will break free. People are like a mad dragon out of the abyss. As soon as he is free, his dragon capture seal has been shot in the air and fiercely suppressed by the scene.

Jing Chuanxiu also broke free from the shackles with him almost at the same time. Facing Xiao Chen's capture of the dragon seal, he did not dodge. His fist was like a fierce tiger and rushed up with a roar.


The dragon seal exploded, and a shock wave filled the void.

Xiao Chen flew backwards into the air and stared at Jing Chuanxiu with bright eyes. The latter was still the same, and the two faced each other in the air.

The offensive battle just now can be said to be extremely fierce. Both of them did not stay behind and were full of danger, but when their cultivation reached this stage, they also knew that it was impossible to defeat their opponents easily.

The surrounding demons and others also held their breath and became nervous.

The demon king looked at Jing Chuanxiu's battle, and his eyes were full of war. He put his spirit into Jing Chuanxiu's body and deduced how he would fight against Xiao Chen if he had just fought against him, and was confident that he could suppress Xiao Chen.

Lei Zhen is a little impatient. He has lost to Xiao Chen once, so he is the person who wants to fight with Xiao Chen the most and wants to prove himself.

However, he always found that the distance between himself and Xiao Chen was still a little short, so he has never challenged again.

As for Leicheng Zhenyangzi and others, they won't think so much when they look at such a battle. Maybe they will feel that they have hope to catch up with Xiao Chen, but the fact makes them find that the worse, the farther they are.

This station is more about learning for them.

Niu Man is needless to say. He was just watching the fun. He was very happy to see Xiao Chen and Jing Chuanxiu fighting. He said heartlessly, "Oh, if Jing Chuanxiu's punch just now could be a little more fierce. Maybe he could suppress Xiao Chen."

Chen Daozi rolled his eyes and said, "Why do you talk so much? If you think you are awesome, you can do it!"

Niu Man immediately scratched his head and said, "I've been addicted to it. In terms of strength, I'm no match for them."

"You still know yourself."

Jing Chuanxiu has entered a state of fierce battle. His whole body seemed to be excited. His eyes sparkled with a different brilliance. He stared at Xiao Chen, clenched his fist, and his whole body disappeared in place with a bang.

Flash formula!

Xiao Chen raised his eyebrows, and at such a moment of hesitation, Jing Chuanxiu had already come to Xiao Chen's body and punched him in the chest.



The sound of the fist set off a wave, and the fist kept hitting Xiao Chen's body.

The people below couldn't help exclaiming when they saw Xiao Chen being hit.

"Xiao Chen actually escaped?" Chen Daozi was surprised.

Xiao Chen was also surprised. He found that the flash formula performed by Jing Chuanxiu was faster and more silent than his flash formula.

"Is it really their stuff? Is it better than me?" Xiao Chen is a little helpless. At this point, he can't compare with Jing Chuanxiu in any case.

The oral art was originally a unique skill of the Zhenwu Tower in the six counties of Beicheng. The master who created the twelve floating slaughter seals in those years did not know how to steal the oral speech technique, so he condensed into the twelve floating slaughter seals, and was learned by Xiao Chen.

"That senior may have something to do with Zhenwu Tower."

Xiao Chen guessed a general idea in his heart, and then restrained his mind. He is still fighting now.

Jing Chuanxiu's fist hit him, but his fist strength could not break through half.

"Is it impeccable?" Jing Chuanxiu was stunned and then understood that when his fist was smashed out, Xiao Chen had already blocked him with impeccableness.

In fact, he didn't hit Xiao Chen at all.

"Drink, Kanglong has regrets!"

Jing Chuanxiu shouted loudly, changed the formula with his hands, and suddenly a very masculine gas gushed out of his hand and rushed out. In this breath, there was even a little familiar smell.

Mojin martial arts!

"He also learned Mojin martial arts in the Wuhuang Tower? It's just a little bit." Xiao Chen was clear in his heart, his hands also changed, his inner fist clenched, and suddenly burst out.

The earth pulses with 16 waves!


Two powerful true qi collided, immediately shaking the sky. The sea was like a tsunami, setting off a tornado, rolling the water on the surface of the water, forming a drop of water connecting the sky and raging on the sea.

The hull of Niu Man and others standing also shook constantly in the waves, as if there was a possibility of overturning at any time.

"I wipe, do you want to make such a big noise? The ship is going to capp, the ship is going to capp!" The bullman shouted and hurriedly pulled the sail down.

Gong Feixue, who had been silent, suddenly stretched out her jade hand and a half-foot-high white jade bottle with a bunch of willow branches in it, emitting a faint blue light.


Gong Feixue * stirred the willow branches and waved a little light. In a moment, the whole sea seemed to be calm and the hull stabilized.

"Damn it, what kind of magic is this? Teach me, teach me." Niu Man's eyes immediately lit up and he leaned over to Gong Feixue with thick skin.

With a crack, Chen Daozi couldn't bear it. He slapped Niu Man on the forehead and said indisputablely, "Can you be a little promising? Don't be ashamed."

"I just want to prevent seasickness after learning. Why did you hit me?" Niu Man felt very hurt.


The sky dimmed, and the battle between the two changed the world.

Xiao Chen stood in the air, his black hair danced wildly, and his fighting spirit was boiling all over his body. The murderous spirit in his heart was faintly ups and downs. The fierce battle made him a little unable to suppress his murderous thoughts.

He hurriedly took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and his momentum suddenly weakened.

Jing Chuanxiu's will to fight is getting higher and higher. The martial arts of the martial arts of the god of crazy war is that the more fierce the war, the more violent the war is, and the more incredible combat power can break out in the Vietnam War.

As soon as he felt that Xiao Chen's momentum was weak, he immediately seized the opportunity, rushed up again and shouted, "Xiao Chen, I know that your close combat is very powerful, and you have also learned the dragon-killer of the Lei family. Let me see it today!"


Jing Chuanxiu's melee martial arts skills continued to attack, one after another, one wave after another, like a group of tigers, alternate forward attacks back and forth.

Xiao Chen wanted to suppress the killing intention in his body, which suddenly made him passive. He could only be distracted to resist the restlessness of killing martial arts while suppressing the killing intention in his body. Relying on Jing Chuanxiu's continuous attack, he did not fight back.

Jing Chuanxiu didn't feel anything wrong. He had the fighting spirit all the way, and the attack became more and more fierce. His fists were like a tiger, and behind him were like the god of war on the side. His fists were hot and unstoppable.


Xiao Chen secretly runs the secret, and at the same time, he is invulnerable. He also integrates Mojin martial arts in it, showing his full defense.

The battle seems to have entered another competition.

Jing Chuanxiu attacked wildly, Xiao Chen defended, and the two of them looked at who couldn't hold on first.

"What's going on? Something's wrong. Why did Xiao Chen suddenly fall into passivity?" Niu Man and others immediately saw that something was wrong and were surprised.

Chen Daozi frowned, "Is it because Xiao Chen was suppressed by Jing Chuanxiu that he could not fight back?"

"Impossible. Although Jing Chuanxiu's attack is very fierce, there will always be flaws in the long-term offensive state. If Xiao Chen really wants to fight back, there can't be no chance." Lei Zhen said firmly.

Among these people, only he and Xiao Chen have really had a battle, so he may be the one who best concludes Xiao Chen's strength.

He clearly knew that Xiao Chen's calmness in the battle was terrible.

After looking at it for a long time, the demon king slowly said, "Xiao Chen may be suppressed because of something in his body, so he can't fight back separately."

I have to say that the demon king's eyes are poisonous, and in one word, he can see Xiao Chen's difficulties.

As for what the difficulty is, they can't figure it out.

At present, the battle seems to have entered a crazy stalemate. Jing Chuanxiu attacked wildly, and Xiao Chen was still retreating and being beaten. The impeccable shield was broken again and again. Xiao Chen also suffered more than a dozen punches, but he was still defending.

Whether the spear pierced the shield or the shield blocked the spear, this result is about to be confirmed by Xiao Chen and Jing Chuanxiu!