Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 579 Double-headed Python

Mo Jiao was stunned when he saw that his Pishan pig demon had died tragically.

"How is that possible, how is that possible?"

The mountain thieves below also looked at the monkey in shock. It's amazing that such a big monkey can win the pig demon.

Is this monkey the most powerful monster in the beast?

When Niu Man saw this scene, Niu's eyes were almost staring out, "I'm going to wipe, this monkey is going against the sky. Why didn't I see that it was so powerful before?"

Chen Daozi also found that something was wrong with the monkey. The battle was over, and the monkey was still very excited. He was very abusive to the body of the pig demon, which could be called a bloody killer and very cruel.

He looked at Xiao Chen and guessed something in his heart.

Only Xiao Chen can have the ability to let the weak monkey kill the pig demon.

The stewmer on the ring also stayed for a long time before announcing Xiaohui's victory. The end of this battle was surprising that even the stewiff himself began to doubt whether the monkey he casually caught in the mountain was actually a very fierce beast.

"Congratulations, sir, your fighting beast has won." The stewor came up flatteringly and talked to Xiao Chen, which seemed to be a little to please Xiao Chen.

Niu Man couldn't stand it and said, "What, now you are watching this monkey become more powerful. Do you think the price sold before is a little lost? You want us to pay more."

"No, no... How can we still ask for what has been sold? What we do in this industry is a reputation. Don't worry, I don't want you to add money. The stewor smiled with him, although he was indeed bleeding in his heart, and he felt that the monkey had lost a little money.

If he had known that it was so powerful, he would have marked a sky-high price, but now it's too late to regret. He just wants Xiao Chen to teach him his skills of choosing beasts at such a cheap price as the first monkey.

Now if he still says that Xiao Chen can't choose beasts, it's just that his head is squeezed by the door.

Have you ever seen a person who can't choose a beast and can defeat the Pishan pig demon by picking any monkey?!

This must be a master!

"Then why do you suddenly feel so polite now?" He looked at the stewman like a thief.

The stewman smiled and said to Xiao Chen, "Brother, you see, we are all from the channel. I also eat the bowl of rice of fighting beasts. I think you can listen to the beast selection. Is there any secret trick? Do you think you can..."

Hearing this, Xiao Chen knew what he meant.

Dare to think that he has a unique method to see that the monkey will be so powerful.

However, anyone will doubt that the inconspicuous monkey at the beginning did not see anything special, but was selected by Xiao Chen and then won a beast.

Everyone guessed that the monkey might have been extraordinary, but no one found it, and finally Xiao Chen saw the clue.

Seeing Xiao Chen's hesitation, the stewman quickly reached out and took out all the things that Xiao Chen had bought monkeys before and whispered, "Brother, let us know your ability to choose beasts."

This stewmer is not stupid. He knows that the secret is more valuable than these temporary dragon soul incense, so he wants to buy it.

Xiao Chen took these things and couldn't help smiling bitterly and said, "Actually, I really don't have any secret. I'm just confused."

Xiao Chen really didn't lie to him. There is no secret of choosing beasts, but there are many elixirs that want to make the beasts powerful.

He felt that he was too honest.

The steward was confused after listening to it.


Can you choose such a powerful beast?!

If you have the ability, please give me another look!

The stewman felt that Xiao Chen was deliberately excused, but he also knew that the ability to choose beasts could not be learned casually, and he was not forcing him at present, thinking about slowly trying to find a way after the incident.

He didn't believe that Xiao Chen was confused, but Mo Jiao believed it.

"How can that boy be so lucky? A monkey chosen at random can be so powerful. Is it a mutant ancient beast?"

Mo Jiao was unconvinced. Seeing that the Pishan pig demon he had worked hard to catch was killed and lost a lot of things to Xiao Chen, his heart was like a cat scratching, and his whole body was unhappy.

"I don't believe it. I can't beat you." Mo Jiao looked at Xiao Chen. He didn't look like an old man who had been on the battlefield for a long time in the Colosseum. He didn't believe that he could have any secret skills in choosing beasts, so he calmly said to Xiao Chen, "Kid, that game just now doesn't count. Let's have another game."

As soon as Xiao Chen heard this, he knew that he was unconvinced, but he couldn't do whatever he wanted.

Niu Man felt that this was a good time to cheat people. At that moment, he winked at Xiao Chen and said, "Let me do it."

Xiao Chen smiled and waved his hand, as if you were casual.

It is more appropriate to let this product cheat people. This product is simple and honest in appearance, and it is a good hand to cheat people.

Niu Man smiled and showed his signature smile. He was honest and honest. At first glance, he was the kind of person who lacked roots. How could this kind of person be the kind of person full of bad intentions?!

This kind of person can only be an idiot and a fool.

When Mo Jiao saw Niu Man coming to him, his first feeling was: "How could the opposite side let such an idiot come to talk to me?"

Niu Man doesn't know Mo Jiao's idea. Otherwise, I'm afraid that an idiot alone will let Niu Man slap him to death.

"Hey... Boss Mo Jiao, do you still want to compare with us? The cow looks stupid.

Mo Jiao looked at it and laughed in his heart. Finally, he thought that it was good to deal with this kind of goods. It's easy to talk. So he pretended to say, "Well, in the scene just now, I just saw that you didn't seem to understand the beast fighting, and deliberately chose a weak beast to let you increase your experience. But next, I won't let you."

Niu Man's performance is very stupid, but his mind is not stupid. The guy said kindly, "That's good, but Boss Mo Jiao, as you said in the competition just now, as long as you lose, you will pay back the gambling debt you owed to us last time in the inn and add 10,000 dragon soul incense. You said that you are the leader of a group of mountain thieves, and you won't be so stingy, will you?

When Xiao Chen and Chen Daozi heard this, they were about to laugh secretly.

Niu Man is still very suitable for this kind of thing.

After listening to this, Mo Jiao looked at Niu Man strangely. Looking at this guy, he was quite short of roots, but he was not stupid to speak, and he actually knew how to ask for an account. He spoke in a set way, and put back all the words that Mo Jiao wanted to play tricks.

If he repudiated the debt, wouldn't he be very stingy?!

In order to save face, Mo Jiao could only beat his swollen face and pretend to be fat and said, "Cough... No problem, I haven't paid attention to that little thing. If you can still win the next game, I will give it to you right away.

"Good, good... How big does Boss Mo Jiao want to bet on this game? Niu Man climbed up the pole and began to pit the ink again.

He knew that Xiao Chen would definitely win by taking action, so he simply took the opportunity to win.

Who let him bet with Xiao Chen before, but lost a day's expenses. This guy wanted to get the money back in advance on Mo Jiao.

Mo Jiao was stunned and still bet?!

Mo Jiao, who was full of confidence in the second test, began to waver for no reason when he heard that he wanted to make a bet.

Although he has more powerful fighting beasts, he is also full of confidence in this fighting beast, otherwise he will not fight with Xiao Chen with the intention of revenge.

But as soon as it is related to the bet, this guy feels uncertain, and there is always a bad feeling in his heart.

"Do they also have any powerful beasts?"

He was not sure. He always looked at Xiao Chen secretly. Seeing that Xiao Chen seemed to be very sure, he was even more uncertain.

Seeing that he was hesitant, Niu Man couldn't help but start to use the method of excitement and said, "Mother Mo Jiao, why don't you talk? Are you afraid?"

"Are you afraid? Who said I was afraid, I would be afraid of you. Just bet, just say how big you want to bet this time!"

Mo Jiao couldn't stand being provoked. Hearing what Niu Man said, he immediately agreed with a rough voice.

Niu Man hit the railway while it was hot: "Then why don't you bet 20,000 yuan on the best dragon soul fragrance in this scene? Don't you have it?"

"Bet, who says I don't have it? I can't take out such a thing. You look at me too much." Mo Jiao was furious and seemed to have an impulse to go away.

Niu Man smiled and said, "Then let's make a deal."

"Okay, get ready to start!"

Mo Jiao was stimulated and promised everything cheerfully. He returned to the ring and began to carry out his killer mace.

It is a two-headed yin and yang python, more than 30 meters long, with thick thighs and two heads, one is ice-colored and the other is fiery red. Two snake heads stand in the air, spitting out snake letters together, which looks quite horrible.

After the other mountain thieves below saw the python, they couldn't help screaming one after another.

"Ah, it's the yin and yang python of Dangshan!"

"What, yin and yang python, the yin and yang double-headed python known as the assassin killer in the fighting beast?"

"How can he catch this kind of beast? It's really a big deal."

Listening to the people around him being so surprised by the yin and yang python, Xiao Chen was slightly stunned and said, "Is there anything special about this python? It's not more powerful than the black water snake at the level of martial arts, is it?"

The steward next to him has been thinking about how to have a relationship with Xiao Chenla. Now when he hears that he has doubts, he hurried over and explains, "Brother, don't you know this yin and yang python?"

"Well... I haven't been in contact with the beast before. I don't know. Xiao Chen confessed.

The steward was stunned.

Is this guy really confused when he chose that monkey just now?

However, he explained it to Xiao Chen politely.

It turns out that the yin and yang python, also known as the yang double-headed python, is very popular among major beast lovers in the game of beast fighting, because the snake's body scales are small and dense, strong defense, and slippery, which is very difficult to deal with.

With the snake's two heads, the attack power is greatly increased, and the snake itself has toxic liquid. When the collar prohibits its ability to ban it, it will not ban venom, which is equivalent to another killer mace. Therefore, in the beast fighting, this snake has a nickname called assassin killer.

In the past, no matter how powerful the opponent was, it was almost poisoned by the two-headed python.

Therefore, the two-headed python has an extraordinary status in the beast.

But because this snake is very cunning, the place that inhabits is Dangshan, which is in the 100,000 mountains in six counties of Xicheng, which is difficult to catch, which makes the snake more and more precious.

When watching the stewer speak, his eyes were full of unconcealed envy for the two-headed python, and Xiao Chen's faces were even more strange.

"Isn't it just a snake equivalent to the ninth level of a martial artist? Is it really as divine as they said?"