Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 606 Ancestor's action

A big red knife hit Xiao Chen's head.

Xiao Chen's head tilted slightly, held Yan Luo's attack with a magic knife, and sneered, "It's up to you, do you deserve it?"

A true spirit was improved, and a powerful force exploded. Yan Luo seemed to feel Xiao Chen's counterattack, and his body turned upside down, just avoiding Xiao Chen's knife. The whole person's head and feet fell from the sky and stabbed again.

"Kid, how dare you look down on me? I want you to pay for your frivolity!"

His words attracted Xiao Chen's disdainful smile, which made Yan Luo even more angry. If he didn't speak, the offensive in his hand was tightened.

The red knife is not ordinary at a glance. Every time it collides with Xiao Chen's magic knife, it will always burst out a strong spark and burn to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen's magic knife circled and attacked Yan Luo. He didn't know much about the knife method. Even if there was a knife method in the secret book he absorbed before, he had not paid careful attention to it, so he was not familiar with it.

His knife skills are completely based on his own combat experience. There are no superfluous moves, and one shot is the simplest and most direct killing move.

The magic is rolling, and the long knife cuts to Yan Luo's waist and abdomen. If this knife is cut, even if Yan Luo does not die, he will be seriously injured. I'm afraid that his whole stomach will be split.

Yan Luo was not careless at all in the face of Xiao Chen. He tightened his nerves and blocked the knife on his waist and stopped the knife.

With a sound, the two knives collided and burst into a spark. Xiao Chen continued to press inside. Yan Luo's knife was forced to retreat an inch. Suddenly, the blade of the magic knife cut Yan Luo's waist. The clothes broke, and there was a faint place where the clothes quickly moistened.

I saw blood.

"Ah..." Yan Luo was shocked and roared with all his strength to shake Xiao Chen's knife away. He quickly retreated to open a distance from Xiao Chen and gasped.

But Xiao Chen did not give him this opportunity. As soon as the magic knife was shaken open, Xiao Chen rounded his arm, turned around and jumped high, and the magic knife was smashed down fiercely again.

"Kid, you are too pushy. I really think Yan Luo is a vegetarian."

Yan Luo also became angry and didn't have time to retreat. With a horizontal cut of the red knife in his hand, he cut Xiao Chen's legs.

This is a way of playing both sides. Instead of defending, he attacked Xiao Chen, which shows that he is gambling.

I bet that Xiao Chen will not cut his legs in order to cut him.

He just wanted to do this and forced Xiao Chen to withdraw his knife.

It seems that he saw Yan Luo's thoughts. Xiao Chen's mouth slightly raised. Will he cut Yan Luo at the cost of his legs?

Obviously not.

This is an uneconomical business. In Xiao Chen's eyes, Yan Luo is nothing. There is no discussion about killing him. He loses his legs in order to cut him with a knife. This is what fools do.

So, he let Yan Luo get what he wanted, took back the magic knife, and just said softly, "Flash!"

When Yan Luo saw Xiao Chen withdrawing the knife, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He made the right bet.

"Hey, after all, he is a young boy. You don't have to be obedient when you are forced by me." Yan Luo smiled and wanted to take the opportunity to take down Xiao Chen, so his knife did not take back and cut at Xiao Chen.

However, when his knife was about to cut Xiao Chen's body, he blinked, but there was no trace of Xiao Chen in front of him when he looked at it.

He swore and blinked his eyes.

was a second or less, and the person disappeared.

Yan Luo's heart tightened again and hurriedly swept around to find Xiao Chen's figure.

"Are you looking for me?!"

At this moment, Xiao Chen's voice sounded above his head. Yan Luo looked up and saw that the blade of the magic knife had reached straight to his forehead. At the critical moment, a cough suddenly came from the dark, and Xiao Chen's body immediately seemed to have been hit by something, and he suddenly flew out sideways.

This mutation made Xiao Chen's face change greatly, but he immediately realized what it was. After being knocked away, he still hit Yan Luo with a knife. Unfortunately, the distance was a little short. The knife light brushed Yan Luo's forehead and only brought a drop of blood.

Yan Luo was stunned. He only felt as if he had rubbed his shoulder with death once. That feeling was too terrible.

When his forehead was cold, he reached out and touched it and found that his forehead was dripping blood. The knife just now actually cut his forehead, although it was only a layer of skin.

is a little worse. As long as it is deeper, maybe Yan Luo will go to find the real Yan Luo report.

"It's so close, so close..." Yan Luo had a lingering heart, and his calm heart for many years actually beat violently at this moment. But he immediately realized that if the blow hadn't impressed Xiao Chen with the cough just now, he might have died.

"It's the ancestor, it's the ancestor. It must be the ancestor who saved me."

Yan Luo immediately stood in the void excitedly, bowed three times in the direction of Yan Luo's hall, and shouted, "Thank you for saving my life."

Xiao Chen was inexplicably hit, paralyzed and lost consciousness. After a long time, he slowly recovered. His eyes shot a ray of light, looked in the direction of the Yanluo Hall, and muttered, "The ancestor of mountain thief!"

The cough just now is the masterpiece of the mountain thief's ancestor, a sound wave attack.

The ancestor of mountain thieves can actually use sonic attacks to this level, and his cultivation has exceeded the ability of the second-class martial emperor.

"Is it a medium martial emperor? Or the superior martial emperor?" Xiao Chen is not sure.

On the other side, the battle between Niu Man and Taoyi has also entered a white-hot stage, and the collision between the two people shocked the world.

At this moment, gluttony's whole body is blue and purple, and his face is blue and swollen. All these are masterpieces.


The two collided again and then retreated separately.

Niu Man stood more than ten meters away and looked at the gluttony at this moment. He couldn't help laughing and mocking, "Well, now you know how powerful Grandpa Niu is. But you should thank me. Your current appearance is more in line with the name of gluttony. Well, with a little domineering in the ugly, it's rare.

Taotie didn't understand what Niu Man meant, but just stared at Niu Man angrily.

After he knew that Niu Man was a taboo warrior at the beginning, he knew that he might not be able to beat Niu Man, but he felt that it would be no problem to drag at least a few thousand rounds of war.

But after a hand, he found out that he was wrong.

The big fool looked simple and honest, but it was so sinister. What kind of monkey stealing peaches, poking chrysanthemums, grabbing dragon claws... All kinds of obscene moves emerge one after another, and he uses any shameless moves, resulting in two big holes in the gluttonous chest, revealing two purple dots inside, as if it had been pasted with dog skin plaster.

Niu Man saw that he didn't understand his words, so he took out a mirror from the storage ring and shook it to the glutton and said, "Look, this is the result of my plastic surgery for you. Let's see if you are satisfied. If you are not satisfied, we can continue to do it."

When Taoyi saw a pig's head in the mirror, he was stunned for a few seconds, and then gradually realized that the pig's head in the mirror was himself.

The gluttony was furious: "I'll kill you!"

"Ah, I'm not satisfied, let's continue to do it!"

Niu Man was not polite and began to greet Taoyi's face again. With the strength of his eight-level taboo warrior, there was no suspense to deal with Taoyi, the eighth-level martial arts king.

This guy is also the same as Qinglong. He had always pretended to be the strength of the seventh level of the King of Wu before. He wanted to wait until it broke out at the critical moment, but now he can't take so much attention to be forced by Niu Man.

Niu Man has always hated that this guy has robbed Dawu Mountain, so he didn't attack him. It's just a lifeless torture, and he punched his left and right punch to vent his anger.

Just when there was no resistance to the gluttony, the cough sounded again, and the cow man, who was ferocious, was hit by lightning, and his body was thrown dozens of meters with a bang. He was blocked by Xiao Chen before he stood down.

"Grandma, is that old man doing a good job?"

Niu Man spit out a mouthful of bloody saliva, looked in the direction of Yan Luo Hall, and cursed viciously.

Xiao Chen nodded.

At this moment, Chen Daozi and Qinglong are still fighting, and the battle between the two is entangled and difficult to solve.

Qinglong knew that Chen Daozi was powerful, so he never touched him hard. He kept fighting guerrillas and dragged Chen Daozi to be unable to move.

He is consuming Chen Daozi with combat experience and wants Chen Daozi to panic, and then find an opportunity to attack.

But his estimation was wrong. Chen Daozi's heart, who practiced Taiji, was not so easily disturbed, but he was very depressed that Qinglong did not fight with Chen Daozi head-on.

His Taiji pays attention to the first-come, and his defense is more than aggressive.

If the other party doesn't touch him, his Taiji power can't be fully exerted.

Just as Chen Daozi was planning to change his strategy and change his combat skills to attack, he suddenly coughed again.

"It's not good!"

With the experience of Xiao Chen and Niu Man in the first two times, Chen Daozi immediately exerted the power of Taiji after hearing this cough, and the Taiji behind him was shining brightly.

The power of sound waves came and hit Chen Daozi's Taiji map with a bang.

With a bang, the light of the Taiji map dimmed and shook three times. Chen Daozi hummed and stepped back three steps, and his face surged with blood. Obviously, he suffered a little dark loss.

But at the same time, the foodie closest to Chen Daozi also snorted, as if he had been attacked. His body was thrown hundreds of meters away and a mouth spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Everyone around saw this scene dumbfounded.

"What's going on?"

"What's going on? Why was Tao Li also attacked?"

"This doesn't make sense. The ancestor won't take action against him."

Xiao Chen and Niu Man hurried to Chen Daozi's side and asked him how he was.

Chen Daozi waved his hand. Later, when he saw that the glutton was blown away, he couldn't help laughing and said in the direction of Yan Luodian, "I didn't expect that your ancestor's attack was strongly transferred to the gluttonous body by my Taiji. This is deserved. Although it has only turned 60% of the strength, it can be seen from the glutton's injury. One blow is tough enough. Your mountain thief ancestors really did it. Don't blame me. If you want to blame your ancestors, hahaha..."

With a smile, Chen Daozi's injury was affected, and a pain in his chest made him laugh.

The gluttony over there was helped by everyone and flew back. His hateful teeth were itchy. He wanted to scold but couldn't scold him. He was afraid that even his ancestor would scold him together. This time, he was very depressed and could only break his teeth and swallow it.

Yan Luo and the mountain thieves don't look good. This time, they besieged Xiao Chen and so many people, but they didn't expect that they still didn't have any advantage.

If Lao Zu hadn't secretly helped, the three of them would have been in danger.

Seeing their low looks, Xiao Chen knew that they were already afraid of the three of them. At present, he couldn't help but be more frivolous and said to the crowd, "Well, you guys are nothing more than that. Even you need your ancestors to take action to deal with the three of us. Do you still want to rebel with such a little ability? With so many masters in Dawu Mountain and Wanhuangmen, do you think there is hope for your rebellion this time?!"

Xiao Chen's words hit the hearts of everyone and changed everyone's faces.