Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 612 Small Things in the City

On the road, six figures are running fast. One of them is constantly educating the people around him, and he will slap the latter on the forehead while educating him.

"Second-hand man, I didn't even know that one eye was cheating you just now, but you actually talked to yourself. Didn't you expose yourself?"

Chen Daozi became more and more angry and slapped him.

Niu Man covered his head innocently and said aggrievedly, "How do I know he cheated me? Why do you blame me?"

"You still talk back. Also, after you exposed yourself, why did even Xiao Chen and I confess? Chen Daozi stared.

Niu Man grinned and said, "We're not together in the first place. Even if I don't say it, they know."


Chen Daozi slapped him again, spit out and roared, "Do they know what they are talking to you about? You son of a man, I'm so angry with you."

Niu Man rubbed his head and his face turned black. Why is it always me who gets beaten?

As soon as he saw that the one-eyed man next to him was secretly having fun, Niu Man immediately slapped him and said, "It's all your fault. It's all your fault."

One-eyed slapped and opened his mouth wide.

What does this have to do with me?!

I was beaten with one eye, and I was very upset. I also wanted to find a little brother to practice. As a result, I turned around and saw that the big fool and poisonous red flowers ran behind Xiao Chen at any time. As soon as the person beside him was Xiao Chen, the guy quickly put away the hand that had been raised and hurried on his way.

This man is a cruel man. We can't afford to provoke him.

I didn't see how straightforward it was to kill the old wolf's head before.

When I thought of the death of the old wolf's head, my eyes shudder.

Six people stopped for a while, looked up, came to a city, looked at three big characters hanging on the archway, and looked at Tangcheng.

"Grandma, after five days of driving, I finally met a town and finally had a good meal." As soon as Niu Man thought of eating, his mouth began to drool.

In order to avoid mountain thieves these days, I haven't had a good meal for several days.

The one-eyed and big fool are also drooling, and it seems that their situation is not good.


Chen Daozi slapped his forehead and said, "A group of foodies."

Xiao Chen frowned at Tangcheng and asked without looking back, "I remember someone said that there were already mountain thieves controlling the town in Tangcheng in Chaliao, right?"

"Yes. I just don't know who the mountain thieves in this city will be?" Chen Daozi took a step forward and replied.

Niu Man looked at the tower carelessly and said, "Whoever he is? As long as it's not the old mountain thief, who are the three of us afraid of?"


Chen Daozi slapped again and said angrily, "Second man, don't forget that our injuries are not completely healed. Now that Yan Luo and Qinglong appear together, it's difficult for us to deal with it."

The cow rubbed his head aggrievedly. Why do you always hit me?

He turned around to find a one-eyed eye. Who knew that the one-eyed eye was smarter than him. He had known that this guy would vent his anger after being slapped and flashed away early.

This awesome man quit.

The one-eyed knows how to hide, doesn't that mean he is smarter than his old cow?

Niu Man's face turned black and waved to his one-eyed and motioned him to come over.

Knowing that he was going to be beaten when he had passed, he immediately shook his head.

"Come here!" Niu Man is impatient.

The one-eyed look at Xiao Chen and Chen Daozi for help. They pretended not to see it and had no choice but to move slowly to Niu Man's side. They immediately became flattered and nodded and smiled, "Big Niu, what's the matter with you calling me?"


Niu Man slapped his one-eyed forehead, followed by another slap, and said angrily, "I asked you to hide. Didn't you hide? Isn't Master Niu more stupid? You still want to change the topic and see if I don't kill you.

"Big Niu, spare your life." Seeing that his little cleverness didn't work, he was grateful to beg for mercy.

Niu Man patted for a while and felt relieved. Then he stopped and said, "In the future, you are not allowed to hide after I am beaten. Send it to me to relieve my anger. Do you hear me?"

Under the threat of violence, the one-eyed can only wipe her tears and nod, like a bullied little daughter-in-law. Now he begins to regret whether it is right or wrong to follow this violent boss, and his future is dark.

Lazy to pay attention to these two goods, Xiao Chen has entered the city, and everyone keeps up.

When I came to the gate, I saw a mountain thief questioning with a portrait at the gate, which made the people who entered and left the city uneasy.

"What should I do if there is a check-in?" One-eyed carefully came forward, subconsciously away from Niu Man, and let him follow Xiao Chen and Chen Daozi, far better than Niu Man.

In this way, Niu Man will make fewer mistakes, and Chen Daozi will not beat him. If Chen Daozi does not beat him, Niu Man will not beat himself.

A good calculation in one-eyed mind.

This is to stop from the source, and the root of the disease should be cured, which is the king's way.

Xiao Chen glanced at him and didn't know what he was thinking, but he didn't bother to care about it. At present, he took out two handfuls of beards from his arms, one sticking to his nose, a pinch stuck to his jaw, and then walked to the gate of the city without even changing his clothes.

When the mountain thief recognized the person, he casually looked at him and immediately let him go when he saw that it was not the person on the portrait.

These little mountain thieves are so impatient.

After reading it, Chen Daozi also went into battle easily. He didn't even stick to his beard and went straight over. After coming to the gate, the mountain thief looked left and right and let go like this.

Niu Man's eyes widened, and he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Xiao Chen is fine. At least he knows that he can hide it with two handfuls of beards. It's not surprising, but Chen Daozi didn't dress up at all, and he even fooled around. Is the mountain thief who watches the door a pig? Can't even see this?!

In the past, if there was anything he didn't understand, Niu Man could only hold it or ask Chen Daozi, but now that Chen Daozi has left, he doesn't want to hold it. Fortunately, now he also has a younger brother, so he pulls his one eye and asks Chen Daozi how he sneaked in and is not noticed.

When one-eyed was shouted, he thought he was going to be beaten again. He was sad, but as soon as he heard that he was going to ask this, his face was immediately relaxed. He replied with a smile, "Big Boss Niu, you don't know. In fact, the mountain thieves are not talented. The wanted portrait they painted is simply miserable, eight hundred miles away from the real person. . In addition, Boss Chen is already handsome, and it is difficult for ordinary people to draw his demeanor, so the portrait is even more different from him. He went straight to the portrait, and those mountain thieves will never recognize him.

Listen to the one-eyed explanation, Niu Man thinks it makes sense.

"So that's it. Then don't worry. According to the domineering and powerful momentum of my old cow, even Lao Chen is ashamed of himself. How can those mountain thieves draw it? Then I don't have to change my clothes. I don't believe they can recognize it?" Niu is full of self-confidence.

As soon as he heard it, the sweat on his forehead flowed down on the spot and quickly pulled Niu Man to persuade him.

As for the simple and simple appearance of this guy, he only needs to explain two sentences without drawing pictures. He is big, and he looks stupid. He is a fool, and he catches one by one.

Is it still powerful and domineering?

I went there, it's really enough. Coquettish.

He slandered with one eye, and then changed a suit of clothes with a smiling face, then pretended to be a pig killer, and bought a farm car from the farmer next to him and pushed it before entering the city.

When he came to the door, Niu Man deliberately swayed in front of the mountain thief. The first time he looked at the mountain thief casually and impatiently let him pass, Niu Man felt unbalanced.

You are so domineering and powerful that you can't recognize him. You are blind!

Niu Man wandered around in front of the mountain thief again. As a result, the mountain thief stared at him and muttered, "Is this guy sick?"

Niu Man couldn't stand it. He rolled up his sleeves on the spot and wanted to fight with the mountain thief. Fortunately, he was clever. In the case of a sweat, he stuffed a piece of good dragon soul fragrance for the mountain thief and whispered that Niu Man was mentally ill, so the mountain thief stopped.

"Mr. Niu, what are we talking about with that kind of mountain thief? Is that kind of goods suitable for you? Let's find Master Chen and Master Xiao as soon as possible." One-eyed and whispered persuading Niu Man, this guy is really hidden by both ends.

Niu Man slowly calmed down after hearing what he said. Finally, he didn't forget to raise his middle finger at the mountain thief and said contempt, "Stupid!"

One-eyed quickly turned around and apologized to the mountain thief, and then wiped a handful of sweat to catch up with Niu Man.

It's really a sin to meet such a boss, and he wants to send him to the door, and his head was kicked by a donkey.

The one-eyed only dared to slander in his heart, and then continued to accompany Niu Man carefully, for fear that this guy would make a moth again.

By the time Niu Man and the others found Xiao Chen and Chen Daozi, they had ordered a table of dishes, sat in front of the window with wine glasses, and watched the people in the city come and go. They looked comfortable. No matter how they looked at it, they didn't seem to be avoiding the pursuit.

Niu Man sat down with his face and began to think about it. He was still angry that the two mountain thieves at the gate just now did not recognize him.

Chen Daozi looked curiously and asked how they came in, and quickly told the matter.

"It's really annoying. You said that Zhang was so powerful and unique. Why didn't they recognize me? It really pissed me off." Niu Man wants to find comfort here with Xiao Chen.

Who knows that Xiao Chen didn't look at him at all and said to Chen Daozi, "I just asked that the mountain thieves in this city are a group of mountain thieves called 'Wuji Palace'. The boss is called Muji. I heard that he is an eighth-level master of the King of Wu, and he is also a force at the same level as the Qinglong Village in the mountain thief group and the Yanluo Temple."

Chen Daozi said, "I also inquired about it. Just before we entered the city, a large number of mountain thieves entered the city. It is said that some people saw the flag heads of Yanluo Hall and Qinglong Village."

"Yan Luo and Qinglong are also here? So fast." Xiao Chen frowned.

It seems that their idea of wanting to go to Qijianmen has been seen through by Yan Luo and others, so they came to Tangcheng in advance and planned to intercept Xiao Chen here.

"Do you have any plans?" Chen Daozi picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

Xiao Chen smiled and said, "The soldiers will come in the future, and the water will cover the earth. If there is no way, there is a way out. As Niu Man said, as long as there is no old monster, who are we afraid of? Even if our injuries have not recovered, is it difficult to deal with some of them?

This is full of confidence.

Chen Daozi laughed, and the two of them had a drink and finalized the matter. The one-eyed eyes next to them were full of admiration.

Only Niu Man looked blank, looked forward, grinned and asked, "What did you two say just now?"

Xiao Chen and Chen Daozi gave him a white eye at the same time.

Niu Man was very injured, and he wanted to ask Chen Daozi's hand fell on his forehead.

"Why did you hit me before I asked?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's easy."


Niu was very angry and wanted to find one-eyed when he turned around, but one-eyed rushed downstairs with a whole chicken in his arms.

Stay away from Niuman, which is the first rule of survival with one eye now!