Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 643 Night Exploration of Enemy Battalion, Underground Thieves

After another night, Xiao Chen finally slept comfortably, sat up and stretched out, and his whole body crackled.

"It's cool."

Xiao Chen sighed, and then looked back to look at Niu Man. He looked around the city tower and saw it. Xiao Chen looked down and saw that Xiao Chen was happy. Niu Man was actually sleeping on the ground.

"Nima, you still know you're tired. I thought you didn't know how tired when you howled."

Xiao Chen laughed and cursed and untied his tinnitus acupoint. There was an immediate wind around him. He frowned because he felt a murderous atmosphere from the wind.

Standing on the edge of the city and looking out, the army of mountain thieves outside the city actually doubled.

"Their reinforcements have finally arrived, and it seems that the time for the decisive battle is coming."

Xiao Chen looked at the mountain thief's team, and the flags of Destruction and Taoism were all inside, and knew that the reinforcements had arrived.

With these people together, the next attack will not be far away.

"What are you thinking about?" Chen Daozi also woke up. At this time, he came behind him and asked energetically.

Xiao Chen said, "I'm wondering what method they will use to break this array. I always feel a little uneasy."

Chen Daozi looked at the mountain thieves outside the city and smiled and said, "Don't think so much. It's okay. The stars are so powerful. Didn't you say that we just need to pay attention and don't let them get close to set fire. What else can they do?"

"No, there must be loopholes that we haven't noticed. For example, if there is a starry array, there is no way to stop the divine consciousness and sound. If there are many masters in their team who are proficient in divine attack and sound attack, then the starry array will be powerless.

When Chen Daozi heard this, his face also calmed down and he was no longer so optimistic.

Xiao Chen still informed Wu De of these speculations, hoping that he could be prepared to deal with it as soon as possible. Once the other party really has such a master, they will suffer great losses if they are unprepared.

Wude has also noticed that the power of the mountain thieves outside the city has expanded again, and has long ordered to strengthen all preparations and prepare for the first war.

Unexpectedly, Yan Luo's team was gathered outside, but they did not immediately launch an attack. On the contrary, the camp has always been calm.

Without Niu Man's singing, no one screams in the mountain thief camp, which looks very abnormal.

"Are they also sleeping to replenish their spirits while the cow is resting?" Xiao Chen guessed for a moment, and then quickly overturned this speculation.

As soon as they arrived, they had never enjoyed the awesome singing. They shouldn't be so calm.

"There must be something strange in it." Xiao Chen subconsciously felt something was wrong, but he couldn't guess what Yan Luo would do.

In the end, he could only use a killer mace and arrest Niu Man.

"Hurry up, keep singing, don't stop." Xiao Chen pulled Niu Man up and dragged him to sing.

Niu Man pushed and muttered, "What are you still singing? You are not afraid anymore. It's boring."


As soon as his words fell, he was slapped by Chen Daozi and said angrily, "You two, are singing to torture us or to torture the mountain thieves? Are you unhappy? As long as the mountain thieves suffer."

Niu Man rubbed his head and muttered in a low voice, "But I have the motivation to watch you suffer."

Even Xiao Chen couldn't listen to this. He kicked him on the buttocks and scolded, "Hurry up and twist your buttocks. Let me see if there is any movement on the mountain thief."

It seems that it is really useful to sing by himself. Niu Man suddenly became energetic and immediately opened his mouth and howled, "twist, twist your buttocks, pee and water the tree..."

The familiar voice and familiar lyrics suddenly rushed up with a sleepy one-eyed brush, and I found a brick and was about to smash it on my head.

It's very good, which shows that the effect of Niu Man's singing is still there.

Outside, there were all kinds of screams and throwing things in the camp of mountain thieves.

"Oh, my God, why did I start singing again?"

"Help, if you continue to sing, you will die."

"Fuck, this won't let people live. I'm going to kill that guy!"

Hearing these words, Xiao Chen felt a little relieved. Maybe he thought too much. Those mountain thieves were really recuperating when Niu Man was resting. As long as there are no other small actions.

"Niu Man, you performed very well. Continue to sing and sing them to death." Xiao Chen encouraged Niu Man and immediately lit his tinnitus acupoint.

Chen Daozi over there saw that his head was about to be swollen, and he couldn't bear to bear it, so he told the one-eyed method. One-eyed was like a treasure, and his inner cow kowtowed and thanked him. Finally, he could also enjoy a quiet world.

After Niu Man was encouraged by Xiao Chen, his spirit greatly increased, thinking that even if Xiao Chen was not afraid, at least he still had his own little brother, it would be good to see his pain.

As a result, when he looked back, he was squinting his eyes and crossing his legs, looking like he was enjoying himself, and Niu Man was even more dumbfounded.

It's enough for Xiao Chen to enter the realm of ignoring their own voices so quickly. How can this guy also reach this realm? It's really evil.

Niu Man is very depressed. As soon as he sings depressed, it will be even worse, and the mountain thieves will be more painful.

For the next two consecutive days, the mountain thieves did not take action, which made Wu De and Xiao Chen very strange.

Wude went upstairs to discuss with Xiao Chen, because he always felt something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong.

"To be honest, I also have this feeling. I always feel that Yan Luo and others will not be so quiet. They must have some actions, but we don't know. I always have a bad feeling in my heart."

The same goes for Xiao Chen.

In the past two days, he has had this feeling in his heart and felt that danger was slowly approaching.

But looking at the mountain thieves outside the city hiding in the camp, he really couldn't figure out what was wrong.

Wu De saw that Xiao Chen had no idea, so he had to go back first and ordered people to carefully observe the movement on the opposite side.

At night, Xiao Chen's uneasiness became stronger and stronger. He always felt that something would happen. He was tortured by this feeling and restless. Finally, he decided to visit the mountain thief camp at night to see what they were doing with his own eyes.

He told Chen Daozi his attention, and Chen Daozi decided to go with him. Originally, Niu Man also wanted to go, but Xiao Chen told him that whether they could move safely depends on Niu Man's singing.

As soon as Niu Man heard this, he patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I'll leave this matter to me. I will sing worse."

"Well, okay, come on, I'm optimistic about you!" Xiao Chen and Chen Daozi quickly slipped away.

It was bad enough before, but now there is something worse. I can't imagine what kind of voice it is.

In the evening, taking advantage of the moonlight, Xiao Chen and Chen Daozi went down to the tower of Wucheng. Their actions were notified to Wu De before and got Wu De's consent.

Niu Man's voice sounded again, but this time his singing purpose was to cover Xiao Chen and others. Under Niu Man's singing, those mountain thieves must have relaxed their defense as soon as they were in pain, and the two of them would better sneak into the mountain thief camp.

After getting off the tower, Xiao Chen and others moved closer to the ground, which was not easy to be found, and the two still approached the camp of mountain thieves very quickly.

As soon as you get close, you can hear the painful howling inside.

Now they found that they could clearly hear Niu Man's singing when they stood here, which showed how loud the voice of this guy was.

Xiao Chen gestured to Chen Daozi. The two explored separately and each other was careful. Chen Daozi nodded, and the two separated in front of the camp.

He slipped into the mountain thief camp and walked around. As a result, Xiao Chen found that there were very few people in the mountain thief camp, and only a few hundred people were outside.

"What's going on? Where are so many mountain thieves now? Why are there only so few people left?"

Xiao Chen became more and more uneasy. Seeing that the camp in front of him was the largest of all the tents, and the flag of the Yanluo Hall was still hanging on it. He hesitated for a moment and carefully approached it. He came outside the tent and listened carefully to it. He didn't find any sound.

He carefully explored it with his divine consciousness and found that there was really no one in the tent.

"Where have people gone?" Xiao Chen suddenly slipped into the tent and was empty.

He looked in the tent and saw a map on a table. He picked it up and looked carefully. Xiao Chen's face changed greatly.

"It's not good!"

Xiao Chen hurried out of the camp to look for Chen Daozi. After the two met, Chen Daozi said, "Xiao Chen, something is wrong. There are only more than 100 mountain thieves in the whole camp. This is not normal."

"Of course, it's not normal. I'm afraid that Yan Luo and others are about to rush into the city now." Xiao Chen's face was horr astonished, and he quickly rushed to Wucheng.

Chen Daozi was shocked when he heard the words and hurriedly caught up with him and asked, "What's going on? Why did they rush to the city? We haven't seen any movement from them.

"Wrong, we are all wrong. It's not that they haven't moved in the past two days, but we can't see them when they are in action. They are actually... Dig a tunnel!" Xiao Chen's face was gloomy.


Chen Daozi's face also changed greatly, and then he suddenly thought of something. The speed of the two improved again and quickly flew back to Wucheng.

As soon as he arrived at the tower, Xiao Chen shouted, "Be alert, hurry up, Yan Luo and others have rushed in. Be careful in the city!"

Niu Man's song was no more sung. Wu De and others dared to come in a hurry. After listening to Xiao Chen's words, they were stunned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Didn't wait for Xiao Chen to explain to them, there was a sudden explosion in the city, and the whole Wucheng shook, and a ground in the center of the city collapsed, followed by one figure after another, rushing into the sky.

Yan Luo stood in the void and looked down at the crowd and laughed, "Wu De, Xiao Chen, you didn't expect that we would break your array from the ground. Hahaha... We are sure to win this battle. Kill!"