Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 676 Sweep Record

Half a month later, Wanhuangmen.

Three months have passed since the one-month vacation of Zhuofeng's new disciples. Xiao Chen and others who should have returned to Zhuofeng, but none of them came back.

Since the war between the South China Sea and the night family, the atmosphere of the whole city has also become delicate.

After Lei Zhen returned to their family on vacation, they never left the sect again. It seemed that they fell into a retreat and had no intention of returning to the humble peak.

Wanhuangmen did not say anything about this, but secretly the surveillance forces of the major families in Zhongdu became stricter.

Because now everyone knows that Wanhuangmen and the night family fought, and their vitality was greatly damaged.

No one knows whether there will be a next family that will become the next night family at this time.

The situation in Zhongdu is changing secretly, but in the Wanhuangmen, the battle between Zhuofeng and Jinlongfeng is still the same.

A group of geniuses appeared in Zhuofeng, which made Zhuofeng ask for the fate of the bottom. Zhuofeng's people also began to work hard to continue to preserve this glory.

But the reality is always cruel. Without Xiao Chen and others, the people of Zhuofeng were defeated by fate again. They fought with Jin Longfeng and suffered repeated setbacks, which also hit Lin Dongcheng and others.

"Hahaha... You Zhuofeng is a group of mud that can't be helped. Without Xiao Chen and those people, you are still defeated. In this way, you still want to fight against our Jinlongfeng. You are too over yourself, hahaha..."

A man in Jin Longfeng stood on the humble peak and laughed at Lin Dongcheng and others contemptuously. Lin Dongcheng and Zhou Hongtao blushed and clenched their fists, but they were full of powerlessness.

Since Xiao Chen and others went to the South China Sea to participate in the battle, the situation of Zhuofeng has been getting worse every day, and many disciples on Jinlongfeng have begun to bully Zhuofeng again with an arrogant attitude.

The place of experience has reopened a new secret place, in which there are five small levels, which are recorded separately. The difficulty of this secret place is also very large, but one thing is relatively novel, that is, you can invite the other four warriors as teammates to break through the level together.

Lin Dongcheng began to brush records on the first day after the new secret land, and as a result, Jin Longfeng's disciples were also competing with them.

In five days, Lin Dongcheng and others brushed the records first, but they were all brushed back by Jin Longfeng's people.

Until now, Lin Dongcheng and others tried their best to get the record back. As a result, they were immediately brushed back by the other party, and it was improved by five minutes.

13 minutes and 24 seconds, the record of the first level is fixed.

Listening to the ridicule of Jin Longfeng's disciples, Zhou Hongtao clenched his teeth and said angrily, "Jiang Shaoqun, you are at least the 33rd strongest of Wuwangshi. It's not a skill to be majestic in front of us. If you have the guts, go to break the experience from the first peak to the seventh peak and break the record there. If you really have the ability to break it, then you can ridicule us again. We have nothing to say.

"What, do you mean that our Jinlongfeng is not as good as your clumsy peak? Can't break the record there?" Jin Longfeng's disciples said angrily.

Lin Dongcheng also looked cold and said, "Isn't that right? Xiao Chen's record has been hanging there for more than half a year, but who has broken it?"

Speaking of this, the disciples of Zhuofeng couldn't help raising their chests. The record of the experience of these seven peaks is the pride of the whole Zhuofeng.

The young group looked ugly and snorted coldly, "What do you know? Do you think we really can't break it? It's just that we disdain to break it. Our boss Jin Lie has become the Emperor of Wu. If you want to break Xiao Chen's record, it's not a matter of minutes. Don't think that Xiao Chen's record is hanging there, that is to say, our Jin Longfeng is not as good as you. Zhuofeng is a concentration of waste wood, and it can't change the fact that your waste wood.


Zhe Feng and everyone looked angry, but they dared not say anything.

Zang Shaoqun is the 33rd strong man of Wuwangshi, and his cultivation is the seventh level of King Wu. If any of them is Xiao Chen, they will not pay attention to this cultivation.

But in front of Lin Dongcheng and his group of six-level martial arts kings, he is indeed a strong man.

Zhang Shaoqun and others looked at Lin Dongcheng's ugly faces, and finally left arrogantly, leaving only Zhou Hongtao and others with a decadent face.

"Oh... Without Xiao Chen and others, our Zhuofeng's situation has returned to the past. It's really unwilling. Zhou Hongtao clenched his fist.

They also want to change all this desperately, but they are congenitally insufficient, and no matter how hard they try, they can't.

Lin Dongcheng also looked at the sky, took a deep breath, and sighed, "If only Xiao Chen were still here..."

Everyone's face shows a color of memories.

Recalling the days when Xiao Chen and they were at Zhuofeng, it was the most glorious moment for Zhuofeng, but that time is gone forever.

Lin Dongcheng and others did not expect that their lonely appearance was being looked at by a figure in the distance at this time.

"Is there a new place for experience? Then go and have a look."

Xiao Chen's consciousness was swept away, and he chose a direction and flew over.

In half a month, Xiao Chen has rushed back to Wanhuangmen. This time he came back to start what he had been waiting for for so many years.

Save your mother.

Now he is the Emperor of Wu and has the strength to negotiate with Wanhuangmen.

Maybe Wanhuangmen has been closed to his mother for so long, and he has already wanted to open it?!

Everything has to be tried before you know.

He just came back, but unexpectedly saw a scene where Jin Longfeng's disciples were arrogant in front of Zhuofeng's disciples. Lin Dongcheng was also his old acquaintance. Zhuofeng was so miserable that he had to help.

Soon, Xiao Chen came to the new place of experience. Maybe everyone was breaking through the barrier, or maybe it was because it was already dusk, and everyone went back. At this time, there was no one around.

Looking at the door of the experienced place, Xiao Chen smiled and broke in.

The five small levels of the new place of practice are originally intended to stimulate the cultivation of other martial arts kings with a lower level, so it is not too difficult.

At the first level, Xiao Chen came out as soon as he entered. It originally needed five people to cooperate to break through the level, but it took him less than three minutes to directly blow up the record, improving the original Jinlongfeng record by another eight minutes.

Following, the second level, the third level... Until the fifth level.

At this moment, there was finally a team of Zhuofeng disciples who came out of the first pass dejectedly.

"Oh... Failed again." A warrior lowered his head feebly.

Everyone also wants to give a little effort to Zhuofeng, but they can't break the record of Jinlongfeng at all, which is the limit for them.

"See how much time is left?" A warrior looked up at the curtain stone. At this glance, he was dumbfounded and couldn't help screaming, "Ah... It's broken!"

"Breaking? What's broken?"

"Don't joke. It's not like we broke the record."

Several other people thought that the first person was joking, and everyone inadvertently looked at the curtain stone. This look also froze in an instant, and their mouths grew up to look at the time on the curtain stone.

Two minutes and thirty seconds.

It's really broken!

"Ah, it's broken. The record is really broken. Look, who it is..."

Just as everyone was about to read the record, Xiao Chen came out in the fifth level, with an unfinished look on his face. He looked back at the fifth level and smiled and said, "Interesting, but it's still too easy."

As soon as these five people saw that someone actually came out of the fifth level, they turned their heads and saw a face younger than them. They couldn't help asking, "Who are you?"

Xiao Chen was stunned when he heard the words. It seemed that he didn't expect that there were still people at this time. He turned around and smiled and said, "I'm the same as you, Zhuofeng."

Huh? Zhuofeng's?"

Five people were stunned.

Xiao Chen ignored them, turned around and flew away to the depths of the peak of Wanhuangmen.

"Oh, that place..." A Zhuofeng disciple originally wanted to remind Xiao Chen that he could not enter casually, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he found that Xiao Chen had disappeared.

"Who the hell is this person? Why did it disappear so quickly? I always felt very familiar, but I couldn't remember it for a moment. A warrior touched his head and thought.

The other four people turned their heads and looked at the curtain stone and muttered, "What do you care? Let's see who broke the record first."

Four people looked at the curtain stone carefully. It recorded that the customs clearance time, two minutes and 30 seconds, the customs clearance person, Xiao Chen!

"Ah, Xiao Chen?!"

"Who is Xiao Chen?"

The four people just feel very familiar. I have heard it before, but at the critical time, the more anxious they are, the more they can't remember.

And the other disciple who had been thinking about when he seemed to have seen Xiao Chen before was reminded by them and suddenly remembered it. He patted his forehead and said, "Ah, I remember it's Xiao Chen. Oh, my God, it's Xiao Chen!"

After knowing it, he screamed unbelievablely.

"You mean, the first master of our humble peak, Xiao Chen, who has defeated countless strong enemies of Jinlong Peak and blown up the place where the first peak to the seventh peak has been trained?" Others also began to recall gradually.

"That's right, that's him!"

Everyone looked at other small pass impatiently and found that the records of the five smallguan in the newly opened place of practice had been blown up by Xiao Chen.

Five people's eyes hurriedly lit up, "Our Zhuofeng is saved!"

"Go back this news quickly."

Five people hurried to Zhuofeng. After arriving at Zhuofeng, the five people suppressed their excitement and shouted, "The five levels of the new place of practice have been broken, and they were broken by our Zhuofeng people."

After they shouted, they thought that everyone else would be shocked, but after they shouted, they found that others had been shocked for a long time. After asking, they knew that there had been strong news back.

The Wuhuang Tower was broken through the customs, and the customs clearance... Xiao Chen!