Step by step

Chapter 2 The Sad Golden Finger

This should be the second big gift received by Zhong Li after crossing. After that, let's rest in peace.

In "Phoenix Dance Nine Days", I started as a life professional player with the least promising future, and finally stood at the top of the world so gloriously. Aren't those so-called 100-level masters still beaten and trampled under their feet?

Zhong Li used the war on July 7 to stimulate his slack nerves and stimulate his fighting spirit.

It is very important to correct your mind. Zhong Li secretly warned himself.

The vicissitudes of bass no longer sounded after reading that short passage.

The super perfect fit. What will it be like if the super artifact that has been separated from him for nearly three years will follow him? Zhong Li can't wait to cheer up and take a closer look at the operation panel.

There are only two red circles in the middle of the panel, which are written with function and assistance respectively.

There is a row of small circles at the bottom of the panel, which are arranged neatly, no more or less, just eight.

There is also a small gray official character in each small circle, which is Huang, Hong, Zhou, Yu, Huang, Xuan, Di and Tian from left to right.

The color of the first barren character has turned yellow by about one-tenth, and Zhong Li suddenly understood that these are the eight growth levels of the Linglong Ring.

The growth value number under the barren circle is 10/100, and the number under the second Hong character almost didn't make Zhong Li back - 0/3000!!

This is not over, and the numbers under the last six grade circles are not displayed at all.

Damn it, damn it, Zhong Li despised and cursed fiercely in his heart, but his partner didn't know who it was, so he had to give up.

G Laozi, what is this damn growth value? It's different from the game. How can we not follow the rules and play cards according to common sense? Zhong Li is so sad.

It is said that time travel is privileged, and it is said that the golden finger is the one who traveler. Why is it so boring and not special when it comes to our turn?

The sadness in Zhong Li's heart can't be made clear in a few words.

At least we are the ones who sweep 500 masters. Why should we save some face for us?

Zhong Li was extremely frustrated and tried to click and open the function circle.

"In view of the super perfect fit between the master and the divine ring, the first time you use the divine ring to get a bonus function: adsorption, and get a free initial growth value of 5 points." The vicissitudes of the bass sounded again.

Bonus function? What is it?

Zhong Li looked carefully at the data displayed on the panel:

absolation function

1, Juling (1 level) 0/50 cooling time three days

Then I found that the middle was gray and blank, and nothing was displayed. Obviously, the functions of the barren level were not enough to display.

Intachment function: adsorption (1 level) 0/50 cooling time 12 hours

In addition to these, there is no more information in this functional circle, which almost suffocated Zhong Li.

In the game, Linglong Ring is his best treasure. He can become one of the top ten super masters in the world and has many contributions to this precious artifact.

But now, after crossing with him, the unlucky man, it seems that the first artifact such as the exquisite ring has depreciated significantly. What can these two broken functions that he doesn't know?

However, it's better than nothing. Zhong Li also figured it out. As a living horse doctor, he is the only favorite item he brought. Even if it has no function and accompanied by it, it is not in vain for his inexplicable time travel. Let's be regarded as a difficult brother.

Clicking on the auxiliary gave Zhong Li a little surprise.

1, storage (1st grade) 0/501 cubic meters unlimited

2, alchemy (level 1) 0/500

Zzhi xue pill (1 iron lotus 3 Malan grass 6 oolong whiskers) primary

Bianqi Dan (2 Tianyuncao 2 Good Fruit 2 Orange Peel 3 Lilac 3 Wild**) Primary

It's gray again, and you can't see anything.

However, Zhong Li is already very satisfied. As a professional master of life, he completely feels that God has opened his eyes at this moment. He is more happy to be able to use his familiar life skills than to give him the Heaven Sword and Dragon Slayer Knife, and he firmly believes that with the change of the growth value of the divine ring, many powerful functions will slowly appear.

Other people's alchemy needs to use aura and master the formula and heat, and he only needs to put the material into the divine ring to easily get the elixir he wants. Think about what kind of thing it is?

Maybe it is more perfect and awesome than any alchemist.

Who can guarantee a 100% alchemy success rate? It is estimated that the alchemy masters in the world can't do it either.

However, Zhong Li can, and the exquisite divine ring can.

For a moment, it seemed that the one who dominated the world in "Nine Days of Phoenix Dance" came back. On Zhong Li's extremely depressed broken heart, he suddenly came with such a gentle comfort, which made his eyes that seemed to be unable to see the light, and for the first time a trace of firm light bloomed in the world.

The mentality is really important, Zhong Li admitted. From this moment, he knew very well that the strong, courageous and indomitable Zhong Li came back.

Although Zhong Li's name is Bruce now. Zhong Li.

The legend cast in the nine days of Fengwu and the glory of writing, Zhong Li is fully confident that he will do it again in this different world, no matter how difficult it is.

Thinking of this, Zhong Li couldn't help but put the Linglong Ring on his lips and kissed it a few times. Before he put his hand down, the vicissitudes sound sounded again.

"The intimacy between the master and the divine ring is increased by 1, and the initial growth value is 10 points, and the advanced lifelong skill - stealth."

Just after a close contact with the divine ring, a boss's pie fell from the sky and almost knocked Zhong Li unconscious.

Invisible, advanced, Zhong Li clearly knows the importance of this reward.

At the beginning, he spent three years of hard training to upgrade this skill to the intermediate level. The intermediate stealth could almost gallop freely in the nine days of Fengwu. Will this advanced stealth be worse?

Using this exquisite divine ring has been like an arm for Zhong Li. He has been getting along with each other for more than three years. The reasonable use of the divine ring is simply more comfortable than moving his little finger. With the movement of his mind, Zhong Li has turned on the stealth function.

At the same time, he secretly opened the panel and checked the introduction of this powerful cheating skill.

Additional skills: stealth (advanced)1/88866 duration 1 hour cooling time 2 hours with penetration effect ignoring any spell

It's not just against the sky. It's simply too against the sky. Zhong Li clearly felt that his face was as red as the crown of a hen who had just laid eggs, and his chest was like a little girl with a happy deer in her heart.

In the game, the intermediate stealth, the duration of 15 minutes, and the cooling time of 1 month are already a great super treatment for Zhong Li at that time.

It's good to travel to this world, advanced stealth, but the cooling time is reduced to 2 hours, and the most unbelievable is the duration of 1 hour and the attached function.

The duration of 1 hour is enough for him to stay calm all over the world.

Ignoring all spells means that all prohibitions are useless in front of this skill.

What's more, there is a penetration! Zhong Li clearly knew what the concept was.

That is to say, even if there is a copper wall and an iron wall in front of him, you have to turn into tofu as soon as you meet his advanced stealth!

No matter what formation or prohibition, it can be freely penetrated, so didn't you pick up a powerful treasure-searching cheat?

Hey, who called us just a humble civilian? Civilians, hum. Zhong Li said a few words fiercely from the bottom of his heart.

Suddenly, an extremely sinister and obscene smile flashed on his face. Zhong Li knew that this was ugly, but he could not control his inner impulse at this moment.

Nobles, take good care of your valuables, our family is coming!

The gloomy clouds in the sky seemed to be suddenly disturbed by the inexplicable wind at this moment and dispersed everywhere.

It seems to be lamenting this "river crab" Qingxi divine world, and there is inexplicably an extra thief.

And our future "world's first thief" does not feel ashamed at this moment. Even if we can no longer be angry and kill everywhere for a steamed bun of little plum, as a ranger who kills the rich and helps the poor, just like Zorro, Zhong Li is much more happy.

After sorting out the messages in his mind and touching the stomach that kept protesting, Zhong Li shook his head and strode towards the cooking smoke.

He suddenly thought of the appearance of a little girl, and a smile appeared involuntarily at the corners of his mouth.

Will you be shocked if the little girl knows that she has such ability?

By the way, I really miss the little girl's hot meat-filled pancake. Let's go to the little girl's house to fill her stomach first. Maybe the girl has already made the cake.

By the way, it seems to be good to scare the girl a little, hehe.

If it is known that Zhong Li uses advanced stealth to scare and tease a little girl, will they try their best to find Zhong Li, who is violent?

But it's also normal to think about it. Zhong Li before crossing is only 17 years old. He is as big as the unlucky Bruce in this world. He is young and not worth making a fuss!

——Tell me, what is happiness? I asked Linglong in my hand, and Linglong was very shy.

Tell me, what is the most rare? Is it free and easy not to be a man?

Dandelion said to Fenger, I don't want to land! Hold me like this, it's so hot in your arms!

Don't ask me why I can't bear it anymore. I'm already used to the nest made of thorns!

We made an appointment to wander together, even if there was nothing we could do, there was no choice...

He hummed a touching tune and strode to the little girl's house. Zhong Li couldn't hide the happiness in his heart.

Fortunately, there is no one nearby at this moment. If someone hears this song but can't see the singer, will it scare people to death?

Zhong Li, who figured out what was on his mind, didn't care about this at all. He couldn't wait to use the sweetest pancake produced by the little girl in the world to soothe his grunting stomach.

No matter what kind of situation people are in, mentality is very important, and happiness is very important.

This became the most important sentence in Zhong Li's life and the words that affected his life.