Step by step

Chapter 9 God-level Transformation Storm 4

(The red ticket will be more fierce, and the wonderful will be staged soon)

After listening to these brief introductions, Zhong Li fell into meditation.

The five-color aura is exclusive, but how to deal with the attributes of these five people's garbage? Even if they teach their top skills, I'm afraid they won't be able to practice ugly.

What should I do?

Suddenly, Zhong Li's heart flashed and his eyes lit up.


When he used the divine ring for the first time, didn't he be given a bonus skill called adsorption?

It should be said that as long as the skills provided by the divine ring, none of them are chicken ribs. Zhong Li is well aware of the power of the divine ring.

After refining 180 elixirs, Zhong Li specially checked the divine ring, which has reached 50 points.

The barren growth value has been more than half, but there is still no function to turn it on again.

However, Zhong Li suddenly thought of the way to use this bonus function at this moment. Can he really try it?

Is it that you have become so powerful after crossing? Unexpectedly, he has the means to change people's lives against the sky!

If everything is true as he expected, Zhong Li can't imagine what kind of miracle will happen.

Is it destined that Zhong Li is destined to be a born legendary foundry!

Just finished a legend and will soon create a new legend?!

Zhong Li's heart is really a legendary heart.

After pondering for a moment, Zhong Li has made up his mind.

"Well, now you all calm down and don't think about anything. Take the marrow-washing elixir. I will help you develop medicine and improve your body's absorption of medicine!"

Hearing Zhong Li's instructions, Wu Shao carefully sent the precious marrow washing elixir to his mouth, closed his eyes, took his mind, and began to operate his own cultivation skills.

Zhong Li got up and stood behind the five people, quietly waiting for the moment when the medicine in several people's bodies melted.

The first to prescribe medicine was Billy King. Among the five people, his cultivation is the highest four stars.

When the drug power melted in his body, Xiao Jin heard a sound in his ear.

"Xiao Jin, I will use my spiritual power to help you transport the medicine to various parts of your body. There will be some unexpected pain. If you hold on, you will have a huge harvest."

Billy King nodded, and then felt a mellow and powerful spiritual power pouring in from the vest, directly taking over his control of his body.

At first, this spiritual power was like long eyes, and quickly wrapped the marrow washing elixir firmly, and then, from the sea of Qi, it wrapped the melted marrow washing elixir. This spiritual power used a strange running route that he did not understand at all, and operated fiercely in the strange meridians and limbs of his body.

Each meridian begins to expand under the operation of spiritual power, and it expands to the greatest extent. The resulting pain was like a sharp blade constantly tearing the meridians, which made Xiao Jin feel painless.

He gritted his teeth and tried his best to endure and persisted. The boss's persistence will be rewarded!

After each meridians expand, the medicinal power of the medullary elixir will penetrate in at his most painful time and distribute it evenly on the meridians, which will relieve the pain there.

However, the spiritual power quickly ran in his body and finally concentrated on the top of his head. Xiaojin felt that his nerves were numb with pain, but he couldn't control his body, and the spiritual power began to run again.

another wave of heartbreaking pain was created-

In this way, Xiao Jin, who didn't know if his teeth had been bitten by himself, can't remember how many times the spiritual power has been operated, as if it was very fast and as if it had grown for several years.

Suddenly, the severe pain in his body suddenly disappeared, and then he regained control of his body.

But he felt that the spiritual power was still in his sea of qi, as if it was constantly rotating there. Xiao Jin only felt that his body was empty except for the spiritual power in the sea of Qi, and he could not find a trace of spiritual power from anywhere in his body.

Where has the spiritual power I have practiced for more than ten years?

That's a four-star spiritual power! Xiao Jin was panicked, and then the boss's voice came to his ear.

"Be careful and run your own skills, quickly!"

Xiaojin hurriedly restrained his mind and prepared for the operation according to the method of transportation he had practiced since childhood.

At the same time, a huge suction suddenly came from his vest, and the spiritual power that stayed in his sea of air suddenly withdrew from his sea of air and drilled out like a dragon in the vest. Even with him, he seemed to take the last trace of spiritual power from his body.

"Yun Gong - Hurry up!"

The boss's voice sounded in his ear again without doubt. Xiao Jin didn't notice that there was anything strange in the vest, and the skill had been started familiarly.

At the moment of starting, it seemed that there was an extremely powerful suction in his sea of air. A single alcohol and powerful aura of heaven and earth directly poured into his body like a tide from the Baihui acupoint above his head, and immediately filled the dry and hungry meridians.

"Don't think too much, you just need to run your skills." The boss's voice.

The continuous spiritual power kept pouring into Xiao Jin's body, and under the operation of his skills, it began to flow in his body in an orderly manner.

So, after a week of operation, Xiao Jin obviously felt that his body had undergone a shocking change.

Because he found that he could look inside. That's something that only junior warriors with seven stars or above can do!

In surprise, Xiao Jin still runs his skills while looking at his body.

Now I don't know how many times the meridian blood vessels in his body have been enlarged, and how many times it has been strengthened. The bones of the whole body, including the five internal organs, are attached to a layer of golden spiritual power. He obviously feels this spiritual attachment, making his internal organs, meridians, blood vessels and bones strong, and Full of vitality and vitality.

Then, he realized, wait, how could the spiritual power become a single golden? Single metallic spiritual power? How is that possible? Isn't it?

"Don't be distracted, continue to practice until you can't bear to faint, or don't stop!" It's the majestic voice of the boss.

Forced to suppress his inner surprise, Xiaojin continued to work. A few weeks later, he found that a great change had taken place in his air, and now he was really scared by himself.

Spiritualized beads!

It turned out to be a single metallic spiritual bead!


Similar to the changes that happened to Xiao Jin, which also happened in the other four people.

This is a change against the sky, similar to a miracle.

An hour later.

Zhong Li looked at his five unparallelled transformed subordinates with satisfaction and sighed that it was simply too cool to have the privilege of time travel. Is such an unbelievable thing really done by himself? Haha, Zhong Li simply had an impulse to roar loudly.

After the transformation of Zhong Li's ingenious hands, Niuhua Five Tigers, who once thought that they would stay in the stage of five or six-star junior warriors all their lives, have completely become the most potential high-quality dishes!

Shining star! The spokesperson of the hottest and best roots in Qingxi divine world!

All five people were transformed into the root bones of a single attribute. Unexpectedly, they came to the old Stuart's house to play around. The five people actually harvested the great changes that were rare in their lives and met a god-like Zhong Li, and then they directly transformed from the most garbage spokesperson to a dazzling star who could make a state and county turbulent.

In the blink of an eye, in a remote rural place in Niuhua Town, five more stars suddenly appeared!

No matter which side of the force, if you know this news, I'm afraid there will be a man-taking war that will shock the whole Qingxi divine world, and the battle will certainly be extremely tragic!

And the five gorgeously transformed children did not dare to slack off at all. Even if they were surprised by the shocking changes in their bodies, the boss asked them to continue to practice, so they could not be distracted. They didn't want to be distracted. They didn't want to have such a super refreshing experience of fork cultivation at all. Stop.

Because the words of Boss Zhong Li are still in their ears--Now every time you move more, it means that you are one point closer to the door of immortal cultivation. Whether to continue or stop, you can decide for yourself.

The cunning Zhong Li took the cultivation of immortals to ** other people's underage, Xie Te.

The five people were immersed in crazy cultivation. Zhong Li said that they would notice when the ban was lifted, so they could not stop practicing until the ban was lifted.

This is the order of their boss.

What Zhong Li said is now heard in Wuxiao, just like the edict of the Oracle, and there is no disobedience.

Zhong Li has completely conquered the hearts of the five people.

Since then, no matter how difficult it is, these five people have never wavered their trust in Zhong Li. Zhong Li is the true god in their eyes!

The secret of this transformation has never been mentioned to anyone in their lives.

However, from this moment, there are five more unprecedented superpowers in the future Qingxi divine world, who are the five tigers* of the future luxury kingdom.

Exclusive to the boss's privilege, Zhong Li gave these five people easy names: Xiaobao, Xiaoqiang, Xiaojin, Xiaoshu and Xiaolang.

This is the five small blessings that have been passed down through the ages.

What happened today, the Five Tigers felt like they suddenly arrived in a fairyland in a dream, which was really amazing and magical.

Even after many years, whenever the five tigers recall what the boss did today, they are always particularly proud and proud, which is a feeling that a person will never experience.

can enjoy Zhong Li's unique and thorough treatment. In the end, there are only five of them in the world.

For them, today is like a adventure in a fairyland. How can the previous things be ashamed? Only the five of them have enjoyed the unparalleled anti-sky means in the world. What can be remembered in their hearts more forever than everything today?

Even the later golden iron horse, the bloody battlefield, even the rise of the commercial empire, the rich world, is not as profound as what is today's, because officially from now on, the once unlearned Niuhua Five Tigers have completely died, and they have been reborn, and it seems that they have seen Jin The incomparable future is waising to them, and officially from now on, each of them has been branded with Zhong Li's seal. They will no longer live for themselves in their lives. Even if they die, they will have to obey the boss's arrangement.

Their boss's name is Zhong Li!

Once one of the thousands of civilian kids in Niuhua Town, he is anonymous and has a life like grass. His full name is Bruce. Zhong Li.

(Please collect and follow. The previous chapters are a necessary transition and forging, and the exciting and hot-blooded plot will be staged immediately. Please look forward to it.)