Step by step

Chapter 13 Thieves and Thieves

(Today, three is closer to the outbreak of 15,000 words. Please pay attention to and collect it. Let the ** come more fiercely!!)

Zhong Li unfolded his light body skills and swept towards Niu Huazhen in his memory. He has not used martial arts for a long time, but he has used it frequently recently.

In fact, the "Xiangshuai Heart Sutra" he practiced was originally the essence of a generation of thief Chu Liuxiang's life. The thief proved the Tao with martial arts and finally stepped through the void.

In the nine days of Fengwu, Zhong Li actually only practiced a small part of this heart scripture, that is, the mind method and finger magic power. He has never changed his mind from the most promising professional player to the top strongman. Even after becoming a master of all life professions, he has gained countless secret skills and skills of immortal cultivation, but in the end he has not practiced any of them.

Fortunately, he accidentally cultivated his unparalleled five-color spiritual power, and with the divine power of the exquisite divine ring, he was able to take the full-level world's strong man's head in the thousands of troops, such as exploring the bag to get things. Because of this, his body was more or less stained with a little handsome and elegant chic.

If I really want to be a world-changing practitioner, should I be counted as a kind of worldly practice? Zhong Li smiled bitterly. From afar, Niuhua Town can already see some shadows and can faintly see the tallest building. Is that the battle castle?

Every town has a battle castle, which will build high walls on all sides of the town. No matter who they are, they can only enter the town of the Qingxi Empire through the gate. No one can enjoy the privilege of leaping over the city wall into the city, because this is a divine rule.

If you forcibly leap into the city wall, well, the tallest and most majestic battle castle in the center of the town will release a gorgeous red light, gently, like a lover's soft hand brushing over you quickly, but at the moment you ecstasy, you have become a pile of ashes. The embumbilt dissipated over the town.

Once, in Mabian County, a strong man in the late Jindan who had never left the sect received a favorable invitation from a luxury family, so he came to resist the wind, but at the moment when he marveled that the world was prosperous and gorgeous, he was turned into powder by the iron-faced selfless battle castle red light over the wall.

This is the hard rule of the Qingxi Empire: no flying within the town.

God religion, in this Qingxi divine world, even a messenger can be found for non-might events, but the religion seems to be everywhere. Inadvertently, maybe you have been destroyed under its gentle majesty.

This is something that Xiaoshu and several others have repeatedly told the boss to pay attention to, and Zhong Li knows that it is not surprising.

At best, the battle castle is just a defensive magic array. It is a powerful defensive array established by the divine religion to protect each town. It seems that this divine religion is indeed not simple.

About half a miles away from the town, Zhong Li stands under a small hill. In front of the hill is another hill with a smooth and weed-free slope. Several huge redwood branches on the top of the slope are lush, like a few giant umbrellas covering the upper part of the hill.

Zhong Li paid attention to the look around and flew up the smooth slope. After stepping on the stone wall more than a dozen times in a row, he finally climbed to the top of the dark hill.

I haven't tried the taste of climbing a tree for a long time. Zhong centripped his breath into the palm of his hand, kicked hard and rose up. Unexpectedly, he flew over the huge and smooth tree at the bottom of the tree. Zhong Li exhaled a turbid breath and reached out to grab the most The low note continued upward by force, and his toes kept gently moving on the borrowed branches, and the branches were almost motionless. Until the end approaching the top of the tree, the light suddenly shot in from the cracks in the branches and shook the bell a few times. The force was not well controlled, and the borrowed branches under his feet produced a slight shock.

Shame, shame, the consequences of not using martial arts for a long time, the control is significantly reduced, and the keen observation and judgment of the environment are weakened. If the natural feeling between the body and martial arts are not intermittent, it seems that it will take more time to re-practice the martial arts that used to be like an arm. In this martial arts In the world of respect, let Xiang Shuai's old man's martial arts skills be awesome!

Bie Xu said: Practice is the only shortcut to practice.

The tree that Zhongli climbed up is nearly 30 feet high, and you should be able to see the whole picture of Niuhua Town on the top of the tree.

Zhong Li hooked one leg to the top of the tree that had become the size of a small bowl, gently touched the junction of two small branches, put one hand around the trunk, and peeked the panorama of Niuhua Town through the largest tree crack.

As a civilian boy, it is impossible to swagger around the town. If you want to see the terrain of the town and some hidden arrangements, this half a miles away is the best.

I believe that in this town, in addition to the strong battle castle that relies on the magic crystal to provide energy, there are other hidden arrangements that Zhong Li, the array master, can see through. As for the personnel allocation of the guards in the city, it can naturally be easily obtained from Longbao.

You can see the whole leopard at a glance, and you can see the sea when you see the dripping water.

The purpose of Zhong Li watching Niuhua Town is that the town is the smallest administrative unit in the world. The state capital or county is nothing more than an expanded town.

Looking at the design and layout techniques and techniques of a town, it is not difficult to guess how well the methods of the divine religion have been.

The most important thing is that Zhong Li has subconsciously regarded himself as the most proud disciple of Chu Xiangshuai, and he is not one of them. He is ready to be like a master. When he is a romantic thief in this world, he is still so chic, confident and gentle. For example, he left a letter in advance, and there are tulips on the envelope and letter paper. Charming aroma, the content Zhong Li is ready to design as follows:

I heard that you have a grade treasure, which is rare in the world, extremely beautiful, and Xiaoxiang is very handsome and yearn for it.

Tonight, when you step on the moon to pick it up. Junsu Yada will not make me go back and forth in vain.

How should I write the payment?

It's time to prepare a loud name, the heir of Xiang Shuai, the thief of the alien world, and Li Xiang Xiaoshuai?

What kind of elegant and powerful nickname should I take?

Zhong Li was very injured.

Why do men pretend to be AC always torture themselves?

A small man with a dark face and wearing a worn-out shirt walks like a loach in the crowded crowd away from the nest street. His eyes are bright and flexible, sliding away in the crowd while constantly observing all kinds of people around him.

Leichao Street is the busiest street in Niuhua Town. The left and right sides of the street are crowded with all kinds of vendors and all kinds of exquisite jewelry. Women can choose satisfactory accessories here at a very cheap price, and they can also buy a variety of exquisite snacks while walking.

There is a rally in Niuhua Town every six, and some vendors in nearby towns will also bring all kinds of goods to sell and trade, and this nest street is the largest commercial street in Niuhua.

There are various shops on both sides of the street, including pubs, grocery stores, tea shops, medicinal stores, grain stores and so on. There is a three-foot-wide pedestrian bluestone corridor in front of the doors of these shops, and the small vendors on each street will consciously leave an opening between the two stalls that can be used by a person to walk through, which means that their stalls have blocked the door faces behind them, and they must leave a way for people to enter and exit.

In the middle of this street, there is a simple and majestic square corner tower. Only a few meters away from the front and back of this corner tower, you can't see the shadow of a vendor.

Because of the underground hall under this corner tower, the largest human meat market in the town is inside.

In the Qingxi Empire, the booming business of all the human flesh market will make businessmen jealous. Unfortunately, no one can get involved, because people with a little insight know that Shuker, the first-class marquis of the royal city, the imperial military aircraft minister. Li Si, the old fox of the empire, is the largest shareholder in the human flesh market of the whole empire. Only Li Si can transport a large number of prisoners of war without the cost of a copper coin to the human flesh market across the country to earn watery gold coins for him.

Who let this old man control half of the empire's army?

Of course, except for the cowardly prince of Lichuan County, the other six princes more or less hold shares here. Therefore, the human flesh market in every place is heavily guarded, and no one dares to stretch out a hand to share, let alone make trouble in it.

Take the meat market in Niuhua Town as an example, thousands of prisoners of war are sent in from various side cards in Lichuan every month, most of whom are dwarves, elves and barbarians. Although the Qingxi Empire has never stopped fighting against these three alien empires and has never stopped slaughtering and trafficking these alien human beings, these three countries have always stood still, which is a miracle.

Sometimes, some nobles will also bring in some of their servants and sell them among those prisoners of war.

Many prisoners of war did not wait for the buyer to appear and died in a gloomy and humid underground prison.

What usually kills them is hunger, disease, wound deterioration, infection, etc. In front of the strong guard of the human flesh market, all those who resist and dissatisfied may be killed at any time.

The human flesh market in a town is generally equipped with at least 15 to 20 warriors. These warriors with the lowest cultivation are also one-star senior warriors. Generally, a silver warrior will be responsible for leading the team.

On the only floor of the square corner, there is the captain of the guard and the trading officer in charge of underground market transactions. The guard of underground prisons is generally handled by local guards.

The two seemingly murderous senior warriors standing at the entrance of the market building directly turned a certain area around the building into an open space where no one dared to set up a stall. Even some self-contained vendors dared not try it easily.

However, today, an old man in a black and white leather robe looks at least 70 years old, with a white beard and a black round leather hat on his head, Shiran actually put the stall on the street facing the gate of the corner tower!

The whole nest street seemed to have changed from extreme noise to sudden silence at that moment. Of course, it was just the psychology of a good-hearted man who pinched a cold sweat for the old man. There were still hawking and noises on the street, but there were still countless pairs full of doubts, doubts, uneasiness, intolerance, regret, anger and so on. His eyes quietly stared at the corner tower.

A tragedy seems to be unavoidable. Even if the old man is well dressed, people have never found a good end to the person who violates this corner tower taboo.

Sluda and Sluke are two brothers from the Silu family, a samurai family in Zigong Prefecture. The family's business is mainly concentrated in Yongfu County in the west, dealing in medicinal herbs and rare confiscated materials. Both brothers wear silver-gray medals on their chests, with three red stars on the surface of the medal. This is a medal belonging to a senior samurai and the glory of a samurai.

Both brothers are just over 30 years old and are the proud sons of the family's children. This time, they participated in the three-month escort of Niuhua Town because the family wanted to open up a new market, so as to please the old fox military aircraft minister Li Si and the princes. The two brothers came to Niuhua reluctantly due to the family's orders.

The two have excellent martial arts qualifications and worship the three-star platinum warrior Sylvester in the Sylvester family in Zigong Prefecture. Under the family of Yang Hu, Governor Yang Sen's brother, his family has done a good job in Zigong Prefecture, and Governor Yang Sen also favors the two brothers.

The two brothers were bored at the door of the market, but suddenly found an old man in a leather robe who was systematically supporting a simple stand on the street directly opposite the door.

In the guard of the market, the two brothers have always been enough to rank in the top five. They are famous for their calm and flexible minds. Seeing this abnormality, the two first exchanged tacit eyes formed over the years. Then, the two separated into one left and one right, five steps apart from each other. This is the best distance for mutual protection and rescue, and also The two brothers devoted themselves to the gains of years of cooperation.

When and wherever, the two people always maintain this cautious attitude towards everything, which also helps them to protect their ability in all kinds of battles over the years.

The two brothers walked blankly, holding the machete handle at their waist in one hand. As they walked, they looked at the strange old man at the stall carefully. Somewhere the sunlight leaked on the two of them. The three-star silver-gray medal on their chest glowed, which made people feel depressed.

The Samurai Medal is divided from low to high according to the samurai level: white, yellow, silver gray, silver, platinum, gold, and the purple medal is the identity symbol of Wu Zun.

Two senior warriors, or three stars, do they really want to deal with such a bad old man in front of them who was finally characterized as ordinary people after their observation for a long time? The Siluda brothers were a little confused and looked at each other again, but the steps under their feet were not stopped or messy at all.

The small black-faced boy, who was unusually slippery in the crowd, was unconsciously squeezed by the crowd at the corner tower. At this moment, the two brothers have stood in front of the old man in leather robes, one left and one right, which is the habit of the two brothers, and The shaking light of the medal on their chest obviously dissatisfied the black-faced boy.

"Two senior three-star warriors who are about to be promoted to silver samurai are really powerful and magnificent. Is the old man in front of them a master above the silver level? It's rare for silver-level masters to come out to set up stalls!"

The boy muttered in a low voice, but it happened to let the two brothers Si Luda hear that he deliberately slowed down and bite out word by word, even Si Luda, who had always been calm, could not suppress the anger in his heart.

Sluda turned to the direction of the black-faced boy and asked in a gloomy voice, "Who was chewing his tongue there just now and stood up by himself?"

The black-faced boy turned his head behind the others who couldn't see and quietly spit out his tongue.

"I count three times, and you stand up and kowt ten times to me, and I will treat you as if I didn't hear your fart just now! Otherwise, none of you will want to leave! yi————”

Suluda suddenly pulled out the machete around his waist with his left hand, pointed to the group of people who were so scared that no one dared to move, and shouted harshly, "Who was it just now? Hurry up and stand up, and I will give you one last chance————————————”

At this moment, the crowd suddenly moved without any warning, and they moved quite well: directly let the black boy out alone!

The black-faced boy hated the people around him who looked at others live or die indifferently, but his face tried to squeeze out a smile that was worse than crying. He said in his mouth, "Lord warrior, the boy just--just said casually--don't care, don't care-- ——”

As he spoke, his eyes rumbled, and he didn't know if he was choosing the most suitable route for him to escape from the scene.

Just as Sluda was about to pick up the immortal boy, a vicissitudes of life voice came from behind him: "Guys, several Warcraft materials just collected from the Wandering Forest, skeleton ape, hook soul poison scorpion, red wood thunder wolf, flame giant pig magic crystals, one piece each. The price is fair, first come, first served-- ————”

The Sluda brothers, who were about to attack, looked at the four beautiful magic crystals slowly taken out of their bodies by the old man and placed on the simple table that had just been placed.

This is a magic crystal! Adult Warcraft has cultivated to a certain level, and the crystals containing huge energy formed in the body are the source of Warcraft energy. How can they appear on this bad old man???

These magic crystals are all taken from the fierce fourth-order warcraft. The Siluda brothers are well aware of the fierce methods of these four fourth-order warcraft.

Each fourth-order warcraft is only higher but not lower than that of senior warriors. Moreover, they can also use some primary magic, which makes many warriors unable to defend themselves. Generally, few warriors dare to enter the forest alone to hunt and kill monsters.

Usually, the hunting of warcrafts is done by the hunters of the bounty guild. Hunting such four fourth-order warcrafts, Siluda brothers analyzed that it takes at least ten senior bounty hunters to complete it. Where did this old man get these magic crystals?

Taking advantage of Si Luda's daze, the black-faced boy actually wiped Si Luda's side and walked directly to the south of the nest street. Three or two turns, how can he find this strange boy's figure in the crowd?

At this time, the old man who was shouting suddenly put the four magic crystals in his arms, pulled his hands a few times, and folded the booth table and took them in his hand. He didn't look at the two brothers, and said to himself, "Oh, it's really unlucky. Why doesn't anyone know such a good magic crystal? What? What a pity————”

While talking, the brother Sluda, who had not woken up, found that the strange old man squeezed into the crowd and disappeared into the crowd in an instant.

Those who were originally interested in watching the lively scene basically got used to ignoring everything and began to disperse around. After a short quiet time, the streets began to make people's voices boil again.

Although the inexplicable senior samurai brothers felt that the right thing was a little strange, they had no choice but to walk back to the gate of the corner tower and continue to be on duty.

Suluke hesitated for a moment and said to Sluda, "Brother, I can't see any way to this old man just now. Is it really a master outside the world who is so idle that he comes to play with us two brothers? I always feel that something is wrong--"

His heart was like a dazzling lightning, and Si Luda's heart trembled wildly. It was terrible. His face changed dramatically. He casually inserted the machete back into the sheath of his waist and began to grope around his body with his hands. After a while, his face began to turn white. Seeing a big sweat coming out of his forehead and the tip of his nose, he was stunned as if he had lost his soul.

Suluke was shocked when he saw the situation and asked in a hisss, "Brother, is it————?"

At this moment, Sluda only felt that he had lost strength all over his body. His mind swirled, and his eyes were black, followed by astringent throat and sweet throat. Unexpectedly, he spewed out a mouthful of blood. The three-star senior warrior roared up to the sky, clenched his fists like a hammer, and fell straight back.

Si Luke hurriedly reached out to catch the eldest brother, only to find that the eldest brother's face was like gold paper, his eyes were closed, and he was in a coma.

"Come on——————!"

Sluke's sad roar resounded in this bustling nest street.