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Chapter 17 The Dance of Breaking the cocoon 3

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If you want to ask who the five subordinates are the powerful actors, Zhong Li will definitely choose Longbao as the best actor. - Zhongyuan's words

Who knows that Longbao on his cheeks at this moment smiled and said, "It seems that our brothers are laughing loudly, which does affect other people's mood, and we don't quarrel with others. Anyway, I won't come in easily in such a place in the future. Why don't we change to another place, such as going to "Biyuntian" to taste tea?"

Blue clouds? Tea tasting? If these words were said in Longbao's mouth before, he would first jump over and test the temperature of the fat man's forehead with his palm to see if there was a fever. But now when they heard Longbao's words, the brothers nodded happily.

Longbao pretended to be angry and shouted strangely: "Okay, brothers, the big brother in your hearts is the same as the material outside, and the water can't be poured into the irrevocible, right? May you make progress. As your eldest brother, how can you fall behind? Er, I said a few people, do you still recognize my eldest brother or not?

"Let's go, big brother--" The little wolf and Xiaoqiang took Bao's strong arm, and several people got up and wanted to leave quickly.

"Boom", with a loud noise, the exquisitely carved door was kicked open. I don't know where the materials were found when the spring rain building was built. The small door was undamaged at all, which was amazing.

Little Jin and Xiaoshu, who fell behind the three Longbao in front of them, stepped and stood beside them. The brothers put their hands on the shoulders of the brothers next to them and looked coldly at the people who stepped into the door.

This is a young strange man, half open in a brown brocade robe, embroidered with gorgeous gold**, and the red star on a white medal is a little dazzling. The young man, whose eyes were almost half-closed and half-open, looked ordinary, but he seemed to be a little drunk, a little drunk, and his face was red and white. When he entered the door, he raised his finger and scolded five people: "Daes, didn't you hear what the old man said? Are you scared now? If you want to go, quickly kneel down and leave an arm for the uncle. Maybe the uncle can give you a way to live!"

While talking, the man's drunken eyes suddenly opened angrily, and his two bright eyes stared at Longbao and others fiercely, like a hungry wolf who chose a man to eat, and a fierce breath came to his face.

Without waiting for a few brothers to make a statement, an anxious female voice came from outside the door: "This gentleman, please calm down your anger. Will Lotus kowtow to you?"

With that, a girl in red stumbled in behind the man, rushed to Longbao and others, opened her arms, stopped the man, and knelt down to the ground with a bang.

When did Longbao suffer from such a cowardly bird spirit?

Let a weak girl from the Spring Rain Tower open her arms and stand in front of him like a hen protecting her cubs. For a moment, she rushed to the top of her head and broke away from the little wolves beside her. She reached out and pulled up the kneeling girl and patted her on her shoulder comfortily: "Miss Lotus, thank you very much. It's okay. Please stand out."

The lotus girl rushed in in a hurry, just based on the guidance in the building. This man is her guest. Since she is dissatisfied with her and vents anger on other guests, it is her responsibility. She must stand up to defend these innocent guests in the building affected by it. Those actions were completely her subconscious actions. It was not until she was pulled up by Longbao that she saw that the tall man who pulled her up was actually the "fat tiger" she had always hated before - the young master of Longbao in Mr. Balger's family!

The lotus girl suddenly exclaimed: "Fat tiger————" Suddenly, her pink face turned pale, and she quickly covered her mouth tightly with a jade hand, but there was no time!

Only then did Lianhua realize what a big mistake she had made. How could she call this evil Yahao to her face? In a panic, she saw four behind Longbao looking at her with a smile. Who else could the other four of the five tigers be!

It's terrible. It turned out that there were five tigers here. If I had known it, I wouldn't have jumped into this muddy water.

The man was stopped by the lotus. In fact, the time was just a short moment. There was a thunderous precursor. Judging from the look on his face, he was really angry. He trembled and pointed to the lotus and cursed, "Bitch, how dare you follow me and protect this fat pig in front of your uncle!" I think you're tired of living. I'll kick you to death first!" While talking, he flew up and kicked the lotus girl's chest and abdomen.

Longbao, who is secretly adjusting himself, is about to take action. In any case, he has to stop this powerful blow. Otherwise, even if the flower girl does not die, he will be half disabled. The other party is a seven-star junior warrior!

Before Longbao took action, a soft and beautiful voice sounded in his ears with anger: "This gentleman calmed down his anger, don't kick our precious girl."

The Longbao brothers couldn't see clearly, and the lotus girl standing on the right side of Longbao's body suddenly arrived at the door. The man's fierce foot with a little strong wind narrowly past Longbao's side.

"Who the fucks nosy?" The man fell and turned to the door angrily. Only then did everyone see clearly that there was a tall woman standing behind the lotus girl. At this time, a lotus that was about to escape death and gently pulled out of the door. Compared with the man's voice, the woman's voice made everyone sound like heaven: "Lotus, go down and listen first. Let's go. It's up to me."

Lotus answered sadly and turned away.

Longbao and others finally recognized that the person who rescued the lotus girl turned out to be the boss of Chunyulou, who was called the boss's wife of "Spring Lady".

Fortunately, when several people first came, the boss's wife personally sent a pot of jasper crisp. After that, no matter what the five villains tried, the spring lady would never meet the five people again.

Who knew that when we saw each other today, it was such a scene, and they didn't expect that Mrs. Chun, who had a golden face, had super martial arts skills. At least the five Longbao felt that they couldn't see the realm of Chun's wife at all, but they actually found a trace in this woman that only their boss had given him. Their kind of unfathomable.

The four trees stepped forward again and stood beside Longbao. The five brothers who had tacitly exchanged a lot of eyes that only they could understand in an instant. All five looked coldly at the man who was still with teeth and claws.

The arrogant man is only 22 years old, but his qualifications for winning the seven-star medal must be a little better than Longbao and others (of course, compared with Longbao and others before). They are arrogant and absolutely have money. Five former evil young people admire this man in their hearts and this man. Compared with the arrogance of the five of them before, they were completely flat. How could they have so much arrogant courage and reliance before?

The spring lady is very beautiful, but I'm afraid that no matter how beautiful Longbao and others are, they can only be called sisters. She looks at most 278. She looks beautiful, but she is slightly elegant and elegant. Her eyes are calm and resolute. Among the beauty, there is another kind of girls that can't find at all. Only such a mature beauty can have unique charm, especially For a 16- or 17-year-old hairy boy, this kind of mature woman's temperament is the most lethal!

Irreliance of Longbao's five ugly appearance that almost didn't flow out of water. The long rippled cloud skirt on Mrs. Chun's body just swung gently. Goodbye, she was already in the door.

"Haven't you asked this gentleman's name? Where is Xianxiang?" Although Chun Niangzi's words to the arrogant man were polite, Longbao and others fully sensed the chill in the words and involuntarily took a step back together.

This is very consistent with their shameless character of bullying the weak and greedy. Only Longbao secretly complained in his heart: It's really difficult for him to wait for himself before!

The man is not a simple arrogant man. Just now, the Spring Lady took the lotus away from the room. He didn't see it clearly at all. This will never be accidental. Although he did not know the beautiful woman in front of him who seemed to be very smart and was afraid of her status in this spring rain tower, he did not want to lose momentum and face in front of the five straw bags. At present, the arrogant man snorted coldly in his nose, curled his lips contemptuously, and his voice was still sharp and unpleasant:

"He the mother, who do you care who I am? The old man spent money here to consume, and his mother couldn't see a group of strawbags rumbling in my ear. What's the matter, he shouted like a mad dog in the building with this group of strawbags, which made me not in the mood to do business. Instead, you spring rain building blamed me! What the principle of this mother???"

"Son, please calm your anger. It must be that the girl in our building didn't greet you well, which made you so angry. Come on————" Mrs. Chun's voice was extremely cold, and she actually made a judgment in a short moment, which was really bold.

In a blink of an eye, a man came in and stood behind Mrs. Chun: "Boss, what can I do for you?"

Longbao's ears are sharp, and what he heard was the hunchback Ale, who had previously rewarded three gold coins!

"Go on the message. Today, I listened to the lotus on duty in the No. 4 Yajian of Yuge, and the guest was whipped for no reason. According to the example, she defended the five princes here, so she changed from 40 to 30. Immediately go and notify the law enforcement Mister Hall and execute it immediately without delay!"

The beautiful Chun Niangzi looked surprised for the first time. Although it was only a short moment, it was enough to prove that Longbao's words and practices definitely caused an uproar in her heart, which was a real unexpected super surprise!

The man has been saluted, and the Longbao who straightened up was not surprised by the favor and humiliation:

"I was in a bad mood when I heard the brothers scolding me. I tried my best to dissuade them not to cause trouble. It's better to keep a low profile. Just like in the past, I didn't know what heaven and earth were thick. There were mountains outside the mountains. They have always been arrogant. Today, they are also under the teachings of my father. I suddenly woke up and understood these truths.

"My father has already given me a great master. I heard from my father that when this master retired many years ago, he was already in the realm of platinum three stars. After so many years, I don't know how amazing his cultivation would be. If he hadn't owed my father a great favor, he would have been so much. One person, how can He De get the guidance of such a peerless master, not to mention not only guidance but also a personal disciple!"

I don't know how to describe the mood at this moment. Good boy, the golden master has made it up. What else can't this boy make up? In her heart, she didn't take Longbao's words seriously at all.

"Maybe this news is too amazing. For a while, these brothers were overjoyed and disturbed the prince next door again. Originally, they were going to take the two brothers through the door to apologize in person, but they didn't expect to hear the prince curse at this time, "Bitch, get out of here, who? His mother is tired of being crooked." The unbearable shrew scolded the street, and he also heard the miserable cry of the lotus girl... It's really shameful and hateful. This gentleman's actions can't help spit heavily on your face--bah!"

After Longbao, an unscrupulous young man, the thick phlegm that had been brewing for a long time, flew out of his mouth that was still talking about truth like lightning, and landed on most of the arrogant man's face. This strange change made the four people not expect it!

Big brother is really too much. Others are extraordinary. After all, Bao Shao is Bao Shao, and his original move will make him famous in the world!!