Step by step

Chapter 19 Three Trees Step by Step Thief 1

(Sneakly deliver the first update on time in the early morning, ask for tickets, receive, point)

There is only love in the world for no reason, and there is no hatred for no reason. The pie falling from the sky is all the words that the girls in Chunyulou have said in your ear - just some beautiful lies. --Zhong's parting words


Zhong Li always felt that he was barely a lucky person before he met a woman. After an unbeautiful encounter with that woman, Zhong Li sadly found that his luck was so bad that he could basically eat half a bowl of cockroaches and walk with bricks falling from the sky and smashing his head. How could he "remorize" the word?

Of course, he cleverly attributed this change to the fact that he was too lucky some time ago. The so-called extreme must be reversed, and only when there is a surplus can he understand the true meaning of perfection. Just as all kinds of unsatisfactory and smooth alternating life, people can deeply experience the beauty of life and understand the meaning of life. A square inch of gains and losses is full of supreme truth.

However, although he repeatedly persuaded himself to accept these reasonable truths in his heart, he couldn't help sighing in his heart when he saw the mysterious person around him.

Before he could enter Niuhua Town, he found that there seemed to be some changes in the city. Three gates were closed, but one in the west was allowed to enter and exit. It seemed that some amazing changes must have happened in the city. Now he only has the skills of a three-legged cat. In case something strange happens when he enters the city In the muddy water, it is really not in line with his current purpose of being a low-key ideal that he just wants to be named Xiaoxiangshuai.

It is said that if people have bad luck, even if they drink a bowl of cold water, they will fill their teeth. The words are wrong but correct. Zhong Li's "miserable" experience just confirms this statement. When you don't want to get into trouble, it doesn't mean that trouble won't come to you actively and accurately with a sniper locator.

Seeing the chaotic changes in the city on the top of the big tree, Zhong Li took a blind attitude and climbed down more than ten feet. After searching for a long time, he found a place between three trees that was the least visible and would not be easily reached. He found a good place suitable for lying down and not to fall down. It is a natural bed composed of the thick branches of three trees. To be honest, this bed is much more upscale than the messy grass nest of his current broken family.

Zhong Li used almost all the dexterity and flexibility of his body. After spending 90% of his already pitiful spiritual power, he finally arrived at the ideal bed as he wished. Zhong Li's throat made a pleasant moan with almost extreme satisfaction.

Carefully lying on the soft branches, breathing fresh air between the nose and the unique fragrance of the faint new redwood branches, which naturally makes people feel relaxed and happy. Zhong Li carefully adjusted his body, looking for the most comfortable posture, and the pleasant satisfaction even spread to every pore of his pores. If practice is to go beyond the limit and break the restrictions of heaven and earth on the human body, then he is not integrated into nature at this moment, which is quite an ethereal free state.

Slowly closing his eyes, Zhong Li completely closed his six consciousnesses, and the whole person entered the state of internal breathing circulation. With the automatic operation of the unique mind method of Xiangshuai Heart Sutra, he began his first formal mental practice after coming to the Qingxi Divine Realm.

Originally, outside the wall of Niuhua Town, there was an extreme lack of aura within three miles. It was a necessary means of protection for every Qingxi boundary town. If there is a war, the enemy who enters the town within three miles has no spiritual support at all, and the result can certainly be imagined. However, the means to completely isolate the aura of Fangyuan Sanli is really a little strange and magical. The sacredness and power of the divine religion are often reflected in many things that have long been accustomed to by the world in the impercepts of time.

The work of the divine religion will definitely not leave traces of being easily detected. Listening to the thunder silently and being alone in this mountain may be a true portrayal of people under the subtle huge handwriting of the divine religion.

Zhong Li's luck is really ridiculously good. Within three miles outside the city wall of Niuhua Town, only one place where there is still Reiki can be encountered by him, and it is actually a rare attribute Reiki in the world.

The seeds of these three redwood trees come from Zhuxianmen, one of the four immortal gates in Qingxi. It is rumored that a person in this place met a master of immortals and was passed down immortal skills. This person has built a foundation for five years, four years of golden elixir, three years of Yuanying, and successfully crossed the fairyland for two years. In fact, he is the fastest person to become an immortal in tens of millions of years in the world of cultivation. This is also the most famous legend of "Four Immortals" in the history of cultivation.

After this fairy sent a boy from the fairyland to scatter three tree species, perhaps because of the immortal's last point of the earthly world, and the boy stayed in this world and did not return. He became the founder of the Zhuxianmen, the head of the four immortals in the divine world. His life was infinitely glorious and his disciples Throughout the Qingxi divine world, as for when to get the Tao, because it has been ten thousand years, and the legendary versions are different, there has never been a qualitative statement, but this ancestor's immortality is absolutely affirmed.

It can be said that God planted a tree, and Zhong Li was stained with immortality.

Originally, the divine angels used their magic power to seal off the aura of the three miles outside Niuhua Town, but these three redwood trees came from the aura gourd of the most awesome fairy, which was more or less stained with some rare spirituality. After the wonderful cultivation of the ancestors of the Jade Immortal Gate, and after tens of thousands of years of vicissitudes and downs, these three trees actually had no teacher. Tong, self-cultivated into a path that captures the creation of heaven and earth, produces rare attributes of aura day and night, but will never leak out half of it. Only for the three trees's own breeding needs, the three trees have naturally become commonly known tree spirits.

It happens that the most lush branch where Zhong Li lies is the only real intersection of the three trees. These three trees produce three rare attributes of aura, wind, electricity and thunder. In this world, the aura has always been divided into five elements, and no one can cultivate other aura different from the five elements. Even if you occasionally find someone who cultivates rare aura, this person will inevitably be quietly invited by the divine religion, and there will be no message from then on.

Everything pays attention to cause and effect, and drinking and pecking is God's will, which is definitely the biggest bullshit in the world. There are only two people who believe this, one is a dead person and the other is a divine person.

Xiangshuai's heart method follows an elegant and natural route, which is completely unusual. This invisibly coincides with the self-contained style of the three trees. When the exquisite divine ring gathering function is automatically turned on, the most tragic moment of the three old trees that have been cultivated for tens of thousands of years was born.

Zhong Li closed the six senses and only started the inner vision. As soon as the mind was unfolded, he completely immersed in it leisurely. However, the place where he is located happens to be the point where the three tree essence blends with the essence of aura. The opening of the spiritual gathering function of the most powerful cheater exquisite divine ring in history is undoubtedly the most deadly for the three tree essence.

According to theory, no matter who, even if Daluo Jinxian practices to become an invulnerable fairy body, he will never dare to incorporate the three most cherished attributes of aura into the body at the same time. The result of that is that Daluo Jinxian also burp.


On the one hand, the rare aura is too powerful and will never be willing to integrate into the aura of other basic attributes, just like the current aristocratic class meets a commoner. It is sure that it is a great insult to compare its noble bloodline with the lowly civilian bloodline. The rare property Reiki and the five-e elements basic property Reiki are naturally compared with noble and lowly. If you want the self-respecting noble and the lowly to form a ball or blend and coexist harmoniously, the former absolutely has the determination and courage to be broken, and the explosive destructive force is almost irresistible;

Second, as far as these three rare attributes are concerned, they will never coexist peacefully. Just because a covenant was made on the day when the three trees opened their consciousness at the same time. Usually, the three trees absorb the aura they need from each other, and the extra five elements of Reiki, which they think are absolutely garbage, are all used to cultivate a blending point, that is, the bed where Zhong Li lies now. Even the three tree spirits have never tried to exchange aura with each other or try to coexist between the two. It's not that they don't dare, but they are completely clear that there is no possibility of coexistence at all. Why take this unnecessary risk?

Zhong Li tried his best to find the free natural bed built by the tree spirits. At first, the three tree spirits didn't care at all. Zhong Li completely didn't notice any of their familiar aura fluctuations. He thought that he was just a slightly lucky mortal who found here. However, this mortal in their eyes almost killed them!

The strength and shamelessness of the gathering spirit is that it naturally deprives all available resources for its own use, and it is irresistible and domineering.

Zhong Li's body was originally a five-color spiritual power, and the basic composition is five elements. After so many years of his own efforts and the continuous refinement and improvement of the divine ring, the five-color spiritual power in his body is close to perfection and perfection, and he only needs to constantly break through in quantitative changes. However, the divine ring does not care whether the object of gathering spirits is the basic five elements of aura or a rare aura that self-respects of noble blood. It can be accepted!

In this way, Zhong Li does not know pure introcious cultivation at all, and the divine ring can gather aura where there is no aura at all, and it is also a rare aura! Just after Xiangshuai's heart method ran for a week, Zhong Li found an abnormality and a new aura continuously came in from his right hand!

This is a spirit completely different from Zhong Li's perception! As soon as he entered his meridians, Zhong Li immediately felt the domineering and uniqueness of this strange aura!

Starting from all the meridians of this right hand, it quickly fought fiercely with the inherent five-color spiritual power in the meridians with a destructive rampage.

With the continuous entry of this strange aura, the battlefield slowly spread until fierce battles were staged in all parts of Zhong Li's body. What these big and small battles have brought to Zhong Li is that he can no longer find a piece of intact meridians! All the meridians in the whole body have been damaged to varying degrees! At this moment, Zhong Li can't even stop the operation of the skill.

Forced to guard the Qingming of the spiritual platform, he tried to mobilize the strongest two five-color spiritual power, one to protect the sea of knowledge, and the other to protect the sea of Dantian gas. However, the domineering aura that entered the body obviously refused to let him do, constantly trying to occupy the territory guarded by the five-color spiritual power, and the battle was staged everywhere in Zhong Li's body. The fierce and uncontrollable pain is secondary. The key is that if the new strange aura is allowed to prevail and dominate his body, then he can only become a useless person! And there is a possibility of a tragedy of explosion and death at any time.

What should I do?

Zhong Li doesn't know what happened, but he must not sit back and wait to death. He has to find a way to change the current unfavorable situation.

Zhong Li is struggling to support it, and the three tree spirits on the other side are even more bitter.

At the beginning of the initiation of the divine ring, the divine ring was still cautious, but slightly plundered the aura from the tree spirits, and the three tree spirits did not find a subtle passage of the aura. However, after the divine ring gathers the spirit, it will carry out high-strength compression and integration of the received aura, and then separate and refine it, and then integrate and compress it. Therefore, the aura consumed in this process is very huge!

It can be said that since the three trees refined their aura, at least eight thousand years ago, except for the heart of the elements that have been formed, their huge trunk branches and roots, all contain rich single aura everywhere. However, only a week after Zhong Li's practice, the tree spirits were horrified to find that somehow, at least one part of their auras disappeared without a trace, and the place where they disappeared was the fusion point.

Therefore, the three trees tried their best to stimulate the hearts of their respective elements, trying to prevent the dissipation and exposure of the aura, but a powerful attraction that did not allow them to struggle crazily plundered the aura directly from their control, and the speed and amount of plunder continued to accelerate and increase over time, and they were frightened. Ten thousand, but there is nothing I can do.

For example, refining one of the aura that enters Zhong Li's body consumes at least 30 times more than the aura in the tree essence. In this case, when the refined aura spreads throughout Zhong Li's body, other auras in addition to the elemental heart in the three large tree spirits have been swept away!

Seeing that the powerful suction is about to start to attack their elemental hearts, what should I do? The tree spirits are panicked. Unfortunately, tens of millions of years of cultivation have just formed the heart of elements for more than a hundred years, and they have not yet enlightened their spiritual knowledge to the level of R&D skills. Otherwise, if there is such a little counterattack, will it be as dangerous now? The hatred and sorrow in the three trees rise alternately.

And the same anxiety is Zhong Li, who is a shameless thief, even more anxious than the one who was stolen.

At this moment, the situation in his body has not changed at all. Fortunately, many years of cultivation of five-color spiritual power has already refined his meridians and bone blood to be extremely tough. Therefore, after waves of spiritual power and aura competition, although four-fifths of the meridians have been damaged, the two most important places are still firmly guarded by five-color spiritual power: Qihai Dantian and Shihai.

The pain caused by the injury in the body has not been once or twice over the years. Zhong Li is still unbearable for this, but what is the way to turn this rampant aura into spiritual power? Zhong Li's mind was like a high-speed precision electronic computing instrument, which made an accurate analysis and judgment of various possibilities. Finally, the most ideal method he found was a special skill recorded on the last page of the Xiangshuai Heart Sutra, called - Bubugao.

The reason why Zhong Li has only practiced the mind and finger magic power of the Xiangshuai Heart Sutra for a long time, and has never dabbled in the rest is that he believes in a principle of cultivation - greed. Therefore, he has always believed that as long as one or two doors are suitable for him, constantly strengthen and strengthen them, and finally strengthen them to the brilliant and dazzling moment, just like Xiao Li's flying knife has no return, just like Chu Xiangshuai's finger magic power and free and has not failed. He has always thought that he can do it, as long as he is dedicated and persistent, no Practice on the ground and constantly improve and improve in the practice, then he will eventually make a perfect interpretation of that sentence - a fresh move and eat all over the world.

However, at this life-threatening moment, he has to break the rules he set and make an exception to learn a new and useful skill, hoping to complete the difficult self-rescue.

This skill of "Step by Step" is the experience of Xiang Shuai's later years, probably written a few years before his old man's broken void.

The formula of this skill is: break and stand, separate without separation, break without connection, turn without turning. Let it be surplus and shortage, let it increase and damage, and when it is complete, it will be the road.