Step by step

Chapter 25 Uncle Meets 1

(There was a delay in something important today, so I rushed back to code the word and send the first update. I apologize)

There is no good thing in the world that you send to your door. If you encounter it, you are doomed to turn yourself into a knife meat sent out. ——From - "Youhao's Sad Memory"


Balg. Longtu didn't want to mention that he had a son in front of people. Even if he received an admission invitation from Lichuan College, he didn't expect his prodigal son to earn a great honor for him. He casually ordered the clerk to post the notice, and then he remembered that he had not seen the hateful boy for at least two days. Anyway, after all, it's him Barger. Longtu's son, even if he is really a loser and a troublemaker, can at least see a little shadow of his beloved wife who died early, which can more or less comfort his missing his beloved wife.

Lord Longtu, who walked out of the study, happened to see Aunt Qiqige coming from her son, carrying a big bag in her hand, and said to himself, "What is this boy tossing about?"

"Master, do you want to see the young master?" Aunt Kikige is less than 40 years old and has been staying at Lord Balger's house for 15 years. Longbao, who is more than one year old, was brought up by her after losing his mother. In the mayor's mansion, his aunt is second only to adults. From her lightly makeup face, you can still see the youth and beauty of the past. Seeing the town chief from afar, the aunt stopped to say hello to him.

"Oh, it's Aunt Qiqi, what are you holding? Is that bastard messing around again?"

"Master, you don't know? The young master seems to have changed a person, practicing very seriously in the martial arts hall alone. Look, these are the dirty clothes he changed, all wet with sweat. When the wet nurse talked about Longbao, her eyes naturally showed the unique maternal love of women, and her love for Longbao far exceeded her love for her own son, which Lord Longtu was very clear.

"Will this boy practice by himself? You won't lie to me, baby girl, will you? Lord Barge looked unbelievable. It was more difficult for him to believe that Longbao, the troublemaker, would turn to such a progressive and conscious man, as making him believe that the rooster would lay eggs.

"It's true, sir. When did Qiqige lie in front of you? Moreover, the young master has become very sensible and polite. I cleaned up these dirty clothes for him, and he kept saying thank you to me, the wet nurse. The young master has grown up and is promising, sir..." While the kind Aunt Qiqige spoke, her eyes were full of tears. Are those tears of relief and satisfaction?

The adult sighed secretly in his heart. Women, especially kind women, are always easy to be confused by superficial things. It is futile and useless to believe that they see or hear and want to play any tricks in front of him.

Seeing Aunt Qiqige leaving with tears in her eyes, the town chief also had some doubts in his heart. Anyway, he has not used it for nearly three years to observe the hidden hole on the wall of his son's bedroom.

There was a little unreal expectation in my heart, which made Lord Balger's footsteps soft.


Holding the pink and cute child in his arms, Yueying Qingchen didn't know what to say in his heart.

Maybe this child is the little angel arranged by God to rescue her, otherwise how can she escape safely after being besieged by the Black Knights?

A series of sudden changes caught everyone off guard.

First of all, the black riding eagle broke out and hurt people without warning, and the target turned out to be the bearded old top!

Poor this senior warrior in the three-star stage was unexpectedly pecked off his eyes and torn his throat by the golden eagle. Although everyone present is used to all kinds of scenes, they are still caught off guard in the face of such sudden changes. What's more strange is that the Golden Eagle, who has always obeyed the command of Youhao, actually ignored the master's scolding and scolding and flew directly into the depths of the sky.

Immediately, two knights returned to the city for treatment after being seriously injured. The remaining seven people looked at each other, especially Youhao, who had just been knocked unconscious by happiness, and stared at the child in the arms of the thief Ni, who was completely a naive child with harmless expression.

The golden eagle is crazy and does not listen to the order for no reason. Ten * is because of the Peiyuan elixir in the previous child's hand. Will the so-called "Seven Turn Xuanyang Dan" also have problems? Youhao was shocked and stared at the child. There must be something strange. Youhao only felt that it was like swallowing a toad in his stomach, which was disgusting and anxious. Cold sweat couldn't help flowing straight out of the elongated horse's face.

Then, at the moment when the child looked up at the golden eagle taking off, Youhao clearly saw the child blinking a few times cunning at himself. Youhao felt that his head was struck by lightning and roared, and almost collapsed to the ground, if he hadn't pulled the reins of the mount hard.

It turned out that everything had been designed by the child for a long time. You Hao, who was self-respectingly smart, couldn't wait to slap himself with a few ears and would fall into the hands of a child. He felt that the cute child in the arms of the little thief Ni now looked like an extremely treacherous little devil.

But several others don't think so, especially Wu Nashi, the captain who has always valued him very much.

Wu Nashi felt that the abnormality of the Golden Eagle was not worth making a fuss. First of all, with Lao Ding being blinded by the Golden Eagle and scratching his throat, the last one in the Niuhua Cavaliers who dared to fight against him was also completely scrapped. No matter what the outcome of this mission is, it will not change his position in this team to finally cover the sky with one hand; Secondly, it seems that there are too many strange things hidden between the child and his girl's mother. Pei Yuandan, who can make the golden eagle crazy, and the middle-level warrior who has not been promoted to three stars can actually draw with the veteran top who has been tested for a long battle. All this makes Wu Nashi's heart full of confusion.

Therefore, he meditated, and the other knights did not dare to take the lead at all. This is also the situation he pursues wholeheartedly. The knights really took him as the core and looked forward to his horse. For this day, he suffered for several years and finally got his wish today. It seems that he has to thank the thief in front of him. Mother and son.

"Little nun, tell me where you hid the treasure and handed it over. I made an exception for you and your mother and son today." Wu Nashi's voice was low, but full of deterrence.

"This uncle, you are called the wrong person. My mother is not called the little nun. She is Xiao Ying--" The child answered Wu Nashi's question clearly in front of Yueying Qingchen, who was about to answer, and with an angry expression, pouted his cute little mouth. It seems that he called Wu Nashi wrong. My mother's name seemed very dissatisfied.

"Oh? Xiaoying, haha, how can your mother wear the boots of Stealing Tianshen Temple? A fierce look flashed in Wu Nashi's eyes, which aggravated her tone.

"Mom, that uncle didn't hurt you, did he? The baby was so scared that his uncle took his mother away. ----Mom, why are you wearing that uncle's shoes? Where are your shoes? So strange?" The good baby squatted down and touched the moon shadow dusty boots and said to himself. The voice was not high, but it was enough for the people present to hear it.

"Who the hell are you? What are you doing here?" Wu Nashi held down the anger in her heart and faintly believed the child's words. Did the thief of the temple abduct the woman and forcibly change her boots in order to attack the east and west and distract the attention of these criminals? That cunning thief!

"We are here to find my uncle! We are here to find my uncle! Mom, when can we go to see my uncle? The child shook the skirt of the moon shadow dust.

The strange thing is that Yueying Qingchen blushed, but he couldn't make a sound.

"Mom, don't worry, I'll ask Uncle Big Bird to take us there, Uncle Big Bird--can take us to find Uncle?" The child looked at Youhao with an expectant expression.

"Who is your uncle?" Youhao moaned silently and asked hoarsely.

"My uncle is Barger. Longbao, is that right, mom, the baby is right? The child shook the skirt of the moon shadow and motioned her to hug herself.

The moon shadow dust ghost nodded and picked up the lovely baby son who fell from the sky, but couldn't make a sound from his mouth.

What happened to you? Why did this cute child appear here, call his mother, and help him relieve himself? What does it mean that the boy named Zhong Li shouted to find Master Balger when he finally pushed himself away? Everything was so weird that she was very confused.

Wu Nashi and others' hearts thumped, Barger. Longbao? The super prodigal son of the town's family? This child's uncle? Have you ever heard that the mayor has such a daughter? It's a little messy. It's really too messy. Everyone's thoughts should be calmed down.

At this moment, Youhao suddenly reported, "Captain, the news came from the golden eagle that the trace of the thief of Shen'an was found in the Mushroom River 300 miles away. Please show me!"

"Mother, I said that I didn't get such good luck today. I caught the slippery thief when I went out of the city. After a long time, it turned out that your golden eagle was lying about the military situation--" Ruggs roared angrily at Youhao.

You Hao returned his contemptuous look, and the two looked at each other angrily.

"What do you do?" Wu Nashi's eyes were like a knife and glanced at the two people.

The two people who were competing with each other hurriedly moved away their angry eyes, with a respectful look of obedience to orders. Youhao turned over the horse, but his eyes passed lightly from the child's face, and the child's face was full of sincere smile.

"Uncle Big Bird, you must come to my uncle's house to play, remember!——" The child's words made Youhao tremble, and he knew that it was not that simple. It seems that the future is bad luck, which is too difficult to predict, but one thing is certain is that this A child is doomed to escape entanglement with him.

The news from the Golden Eagle only slightly dispels some doubts in Wu Na's heart. The mysterious mother and son in front of him can never be relieved. What's more, the strange and mysterious death method of Bull Steel Tower and Gulit is still an unsolved mystery. It is really difficult for the captain to dispel the confusion.

Sum, Wu Nashi made a few screams in his mouth, and then several figures came out of Niuhua City Gate.

That's the figure of Captain Araki Nan of the Market Guard.

With this silver captain watching, Wu Nashi doesn't believe that the mysterious mother and son will come out. Whether it is a relative or a daughter's grandson of Lord Barger or not, it will be clear when Captain Araki Nan takes someone over.

In the blink of an eye, Araki took two brothers to Wu Nashi and others.

After seeing the salute, Wu Nashi whispered to him briefly and said, "The matter of ensnapping up the thief will be handed over to Wu and his brothers. Captain Araki has to pay more attention to this matter. Time is tight, and I dare not delay any more. Let's say goodbye and go, Mushroom River!" The horse galloped east first.

The tall and vigorous Snow Bay horse instantly disappeared from people's sight, leaving a long string of smoke and dust.

Araki looked coldly at the moon shadow Qingchen holding the child tightly and said after a moment, "Let's go and escort the two to the mayor's house in person."

The child clapped his hands and cheered: "Okay, okay, I'm going to see Uncle Bao soon. I don't know if uncle is still so fat?" An excited expression.

Yueying Qingchen cried incessantly at the bottom of his heart. One of the three people in front of him is a silver warrior and two three-star senior warriors. If they want to escape, the idea is simply boring. But why does her heart have a familiar feeling and an inexplicable stability when she sees the appearance of the child in her arms?

Three worried warriors, an inexplicable beautiful mother, and a cute boy with pink makeup entered the gate of Niuhua Town.