Step by step

Chapter 28 Spring Rain is coming

(Second update, thanks to the strong recommendation of the editor-in-chief of Bingda. Don't hold such a big pear in your hand. Your eyes are already sour without tasting it first. Do you support it or support it?)

No matter what the result is, we only look at the gains and losses in the process. The results are really not important. Most successful people will always inadvertently mention such a sentence when introducing themselves, and the listeners always applaud. This is a common phenomenon, and its essence is a show. -- Zhong Li's farewell


A rainbow that has not appeared for many days hangs on the wading forest, covering the mysterious place with a layer of unique charm. Beauty and crisis are together. Many people in Niuhua Town appreciate this rare scenery, but they can't help but think of the endless danger of that place.

The seventh floor of the Spring Rain Building.

Chunni quietly looked at Sister Chunyu standing by the window and the mysterious green skirt girl who never spoke easily. She had always been curious, but did not dare to ask Sister Chunyu what the mysterious girl was from. Judging the situation, the eldest sister absolutely had some scruples about this person.

At the age of seven, she was taken in by the eldest sister. Chunni has been a maidservant with the eldest sister Chunyu and survived the same fate as other girls in the building. The little girl is very grateful to the eldest sister in her heart. In her heart, the eldest sister is an omnipotent goddess. It seems that nothing has made the eldest sister lose her square inch and her unique elegance that others can't learn. In Chunyulou, even if the beauty of the four talented women is not as beautiful as the eldest sister's smile, it can't match the eldest sister's piano sound. Chunyulou is because of her beauty, talent and independence. My sister is famous all over the world.

However, Chunni, the little girl, found that her affectionate eyes today were full of deep melancholy. Although Chunni still didn't know what melancholy was, she was very sure that she was clearly looking at the colorful rainbow in the distance at this moment, but Chunyu's eyes were full of her heart, and the deep melancholy were fast. From the soft eyes, Chunni's mood became so nervous. She stood behind the door and clenched a pair of small fists, and her hands were full of cold sweat. She didn't notice it, but she still didn't dare to ask what the eldest sister was worried about.

Compared with the spring rain, the green dress girl looked as relaxed as usual. She still held a handful of five-spice melon seeds in the palm of her hand, which looked very absent-minded. She lay on the window sill and knocked on the melon seeds. Judging from her expression, the melon seeds did not taste good.

Chunni guessed the two people and stood quietly in front of the window. I didn't say anything, at least for nearly an hour.

The rainbow in the sky was finally taken away by the last disappearing sunset. It turned out that the gorgeous and infinite place only left a huge dark shadow, stretching into the endless distance. Chunni knew that it was one of the seven fierce places in the world.

I heard from Sister Chunyu that the wading forest was transformed by the long hair of a beautiful infatuated woman in ancient times. She was crazy about the lover of the expedition, but when the beauty became old and the black silk turned white, she waited for 3600 years. In the long years, the woman finally died safely, and her body turned into a long mountain range, and her long hair surrounded her body into a dense forest.

I don't know why, when Chunni heard Sister Chunyu talking about this legend, she cried like peaches and was sad alone for several days.

The little girl couldn't help thinking, I don't know if there will be a man worthy of waiting for him for thousands of years one day? Sister Chunyu is like a holy and proud lotus flower. Is there a man in her heart who is willing to wait for thousands of years?

These problems have made Chunni gloomy for a long time. If she can be a close maidservant for her life, she should be very satisfied. What should she do to think about those illusory things? My elder sister's tomorrow is her spring mud tomorrow.

The sky finally darkened completely. Chunni was shocked from his infatuation. As soon as he was about to palm the lamp, he heard a sentence in his ear that the eldest sister said leisurely.

"Is it windy? He should come too————”


Xiaoshu looked carefully at the man in the mirror, dressed in a well-cut red cotton brocade robe, and set off his figure as heroic and great. Is that himself?

He was energetic and magnificent, and it seemed that there was no place in his body that was not full of explosive power. Although his muscles were covered by clothes, he could feel it completely.

After a few days of training, he felt that his progress could no longer be described as speed, perverted, yes, extreme can only be expressed by this word!

From the seven-star realm magically transformed by the boss, he has broken through to the realm of a senior samurai in just two days. In addition to his pride, he also has too much gratitude to the boss.

The 27 horsepower number on the crystal column has not faded, and everything is reminding him that everything that happened to him is real.

I don't know what level the big brother and others have reached now, but at least they will not progress slowly. This little tree can fully believe it by patting its chest.

The boss's elixir, the magic training booklets given to them by the boss, and their real "star" qualifications, even if God wants to stop them from moving forward, it seems to be out of reach.

Everything is from the magical boss, Bruce. Zhong Li, they are all called the brothers of the boss.

I don't know if Brother Shicaibao sent someone to inform him to gather at his house. What's the important thing? Isn't he trying to show off the results of his recent training in front of his brothers? This eldest brother is still the calming appearance. Although he taught the arrogant stupid son a lesson in Chunyulou that day, the eldest brother's performance can be described as amazing, but without our brothers by his side, I guess he can't find anyone to share and tell the joy in this guy's heart, and he will drive him crazy.

When he stopped packing up, the little tree brushed his hand to test the crystal column, eliminating the shocking and crazy numbers on it, and went out briskly to see Longbao.

The sky is gray, and only a few sparse lights on both sides of the street shoot from the window lattice to the street. The small trees shake their heads. If this rare street continues like this, I'm afraid it will be more deserted. The monthly auction and trading conference is really unreasonable. If it is changed to a large trade fair twice a month and transform it into a free trading retail market, it will be many times more lively than it is now.

Unfortunately, his suggestion was criticized by the family elders and gave him a serious warning not to come up with ideas, stay calm, and not to cause trouble to the family.

The heart of the little tree pulls out the cool ground when he thinks of this.

There are several streets in Niuhua Town: Liushui Street, Panshi Street, Zhenyi Street, Lichao Street and Mozi Street.

Coincidentally, each of the five streets happens to have one person living in each of them. It seems that if the territory is divided, is Niuhua Town destined to be assigned to them?

The two big lanterns in front of the mayor's mansion shone obliquely. The little tree clearly saw three figures standing at the door. From a distance, it looked like two monkeys hanging on both sides of a long bamboo pole. It was Xiao Jin and others.

The little tree rushed over quickly, "Brothers, I'm coming————"

What greeted the little tree was a sudden fist, with a fierce wind. Judging from the little tree today, at least this fist has more than 20 horsepower, which is the stinky bamboo pole of Xiaojin!

The little tree did not dodge. By the momentum, when his fist was about half a foot away from him, he suddenly returned a fist, his fist!

The two fists are full of spiritual power, but at the moment of collision, there is no violent sound. This is the most direct change after the spiritual transformation of beads. Of course, it is also what Zhong Li repeatedly requires in the pamphlet training method given to them.

Strong without hair, rigid but not broken, is also for boxing!

I didn't expect to be punched by Xiaoshu to hold his fist. Xiao Jin, who took the lead, suffered a dumb loss and was hit by Xiaoshu's punch and retreated three steps in a row!

Xiaojin's face was shocked first, then opened his mouth and smiled, "Little tree, you are a dead boy, how can you sneak up on your brother?"

The little wolf and Xiaoqiang witnessed the scene of their fisting just now. While they were happy that their brothers had made great progress, they were laughed at by the bamboo pole gold words. Who secretly attacked whom?

The little tree touched the back of his head with a careless look: "I said, brothers, don't be busy distinguishing who attacked whom. We are just fighting back, and we didn't even have time to use one of our strength. How did you know that the bamboo pole was so unplayed? Hey hey, low-key..."

"What? Do you have the guts to say it again? Not a part of the strength has been used? Well, Xiaoshu, I've been defeated by you, but you can say this in front of the eldest brother, hehe..."

"No, brothers, it's a joke. Now my little hands are still burning and painful. Let's go in quickly. I'm afraid I'm waiting!" Xiaoshu is busy changing the topic.

The guard who guarded the door heard the knock on the door and saw that it was the other best friends of the young master. He didn't dare to stop him at all and directly let the four people swagger into the house.

As soon as they passed through the courtyard, the four excited people were suppressed by a full of majestic shout: " Stop, where are you going?"

The four felt a lot of cold sweat on their foreheads. Why are they so unlucky today? As soon as I entered the door, I was hit by an adult. Shit!

A tall middle-aged man, whose face was as heavy as water, blocked the way of the four of them. Just looking at the pair of boots with several patches under the robe, several excited little guys who were still majestic just now, like frosted eggplants, bowed their heads and dared not look up at the Gang in front of them. It is impossible for the mayor to bend his spine, not to mention that he is Barger. Longtu, the fat brother's own brother.