Step by step

Chapter 38 The blind wrestler and the master dwarf

[Thank you for your reward and support. Don't be worried, but the honor of entering the general list of new books has made me a hundred times more energetic. No matter how tired today's work is, I will drive out two more today. Thank you.]

Zhong Li has always been not the most malicious to specise others, because he is an optimistic pessimist, so as not to be disappointed as much as possible. His eyes drooped, his eyes were half open and half closed, and he seemed to be not interested in the boring bidding at all. However, he secretly asked khaki by voice, as if he did not notice the fleeting surprise in khaki's eyes.

Because, similar to the transmission of sound, the cultivation must be at least silver, and there must be a unique technique. The mystery on the boss made khaki more and more difficult to figure out.

"Kki, just now, I secretly looked at the boxes you mentioned. Like you, I can't see through them, but some traces are relatively obvious. Let's talk about it first and see what you have come to."

Kaki's eyes followed the figure of the little man named Qiu Buer and said, "I think the three old guys on the 9th may have something to do with the dark guild, but this is just the conjudation of khaki; No. 33, I think it's mostly from that place, which has something to do with the rumored elf princess this time. ; As for the two guys on 51, they are either elite guards from Wangcheng or "iron armored lion guards" in the border army... I don't know what the boss thinks--?"

Zhong Li nodded and did not answer, but the teacup in his hand trembled and poured out a little tea, and the fire in his eyes flashed away.

Kaki noticed that the young man handed over the elixir bottle given to him by Zhong Li to a guard. The guard ran down the stage and whispered to Araki for a while. Araki couldn't take the elixir and threw it directly into his arms. He still returned behind Wang Yuna on the stage. Nothing seemed to have happened, and even his eyelids did not look at the bell. Lift it up from the direction of box 25 where they are.

Perhaps, for Zhong Li's ridiculous act of pity, in fact, he is disdainful in the heart of the proud son of Araki. The slave is about to take action. Whether he is injured or disabled, as long as he can sell it and exchange it for gold coins, he is unwilling to make troubles. Who knows if this bottle of healing medicine can really make slaves There may be other miraculous effects in treating the wounds on our bodies, and he is unwilling to do more.

For this move, this three-star silver warrior who did not want to be enchanted too early never thought that he would be listed on the list of must-kill by someone because of such a move. If he knew it, he would regret what he did today.

The little boy returned to the room and shook his head apologetically to Zhong Li, looking helpless.

Zhong Li smiled and said, "It doesn't matter." Drink tea without saying a word.

Time passed quietly in a round of boring bidding and trading, and even sold the highest price record since the establishment of the market in the seventh round: 36,000 gold coins!

Xiaoqiu looked blankly at the kind cloth man beside him who seemed to be dozed off. He originally thought that he could earn some commission on this young man. Unexpectedly, more than 40 rounds had passed. He didn't see that the young man had the intention to bid with his stewmerate at all. Did they all come to see the excitement?

The ghost axe craftsman comparable to the alchemy master, the invincible warrior who pulls out the mountains, and the unparalleled beauty of beautiful and mysterious archery. Are they here for this?

Qiu Buer's heart jumped wildly. If it was as he expected, he would not be surprised to earn a considerable commission. However, he also knew that those bigwigs who had never taken action like these two were also waiting for this moment to come. They could compete. Have you ever had it?

The half-happy and half-worry little boy's eyes were not free at all. He cautiously peeked at the beauties in the 18th box. Not everyone had such opportunities and luck as him. He could see the beautiful women in Chunyu Tower at the same time, not to mention the two smaller ones were also stunning.


Ten generals opened their eyes angrily and couldn't see anything.

A greater despair surged in his heart and the heavy responsibility of revitalizing the wrestler family. It seemed that he could not complete it. He did not know how to face the old patriarch and those people under the spring after his death.

He let them down.

Ten generals know that he is blind.

In fact, after the grass fell asleep again and stuffed the last sweet "ethyl fennel bean" into his mouth, the ten generals knew that he might be really blind.

In the past, he opened his eyes angrily. Although his face was covered with thick cloth, he could still feel the shadowy images in front of him with the dim stone crystal light. But now, the cellmates around him have been driven out one by one, and the empty cell should have become brighter and better, but he can only look To the boundless darkness and nothingness in front of us.

What vows to strive for governance and the idea of lying on firewood and tasting gall have all been extinguished at the bottom of his heart, like the colorful bubbles blown up by a child. At this moment, they are silently broken and traceless, together with his heart that has been completely broken and traceless and has been as strong as iron for more than ten years.

A heart that belongs to a giant, a heart that aspires to become a real wrestler.

The wide lips of the ten generals were completely dry, and he could hardly make a sound, because every time he moved his tongue in his mouth, he would exhaust his whole body.

The ten generals felt that maybe he would become the only wrestler's blood in the barbarian family who was starved to death, but he could not even rise to the sad idea now. After listening to it, he was in extreme weakness and trance. He completely lost the strength of chewing the bean that could bring strength to his teeth**.

Am I going to die?

Am I going to see the old patriarch and those people who died tragically?

How do I have a face, how do I have a face, how do I have a face...

He was completely stunned by the last thought left in his heart.

Of course, when he had been close to the wall for decades without moving his huge body and fell on the hard and wet bluestone floor of the empty cell, the huge roar attracted at least 15 six guards nearby.

Although the dwarf slept more than a pig, his big brother fell to the ground this time and woke him up from a beautiful dream.

"Big man, big brother--ten generals!————What's wrong with you?"

No matter how hard the grass was, even if he almost stuffed his whole mouth into the ears of the ten generals and shouted, he failed to wake up the giant brother again.

The dwarf trembled his little hands. Before the guards opened the prison, he tried his best to untie the thick cloth strips on the face of the ten generals.

At the moment when the prison door was opened heavily, the dim yellow light of the stone crystal lamp suddenly penetrated and sprinkled on the extremely wide face of his giant brother Ten, and the dwarf grass stopped sobbing silently and was dull.

Above that huge dry face, there are a pair of huge eyes and a pair of brown-red eyes!

What kind of thrilling brown red is that!

Later, every time Xiaocao recalled this past, he would always jump on the shoulder of the ten generals and lie down in the shoulder well of the ten generals, and shouted loudly: "Brother, let me recall the unbearable years. The current days are really comfortable. It's hard to die--"

Of course, even if there are countless masters and strongmen and countless heroes and beautiful women present, the ten generals will show a rare gentle expression on their faces, stretching out a finger and patting the dwarf gently a few times lovingly.

No one dares to laugh at these two giants and the little one's "soft" basic performance. No one dares to laugh, and no one dares to laugh.

Of course, these are not available for the time being.

Xiaocao faintly heard the dialogue between the guards in a dull state.

"Mom, this giant boy actually fell down to death now. What should I do?"

"Hey, I guess I'm hungry, right? Who the fuck made a bad idea? He hasn't even given a mouthful of water for seven or eight days, and his iron King Kong has also been laid down. Don't let him die--"

"Look at me--"

The grass quietly shrank his body into his eldest brother's collarbone. I hope he won't be found. He felt a little trembling. There was no big brother beside him. If he was sold to any unscrupulous mine owner and asked him to help him mine day and night, he would not want to kill him.

The dwarf has the pride and dreams that other dwarfs of the same age do not have.

The grass heard the huge footsteps (human footsteps are tantamount to thunder for the dwarfs) and walked this way. A figure covered the light of the stone crystal lamp shot into the door. The figure squatted down and stood up later and said excitedly:

"Old Wu, it's really dangerous. This boy still has a breath. I think it's better for you to sacrifice and pour a "Yiyuandan" wine for this boy. I guess it will soon be the boy's turn. Don't let everyone be scolded by the guards for no reason--

"I said, Ding Sandan, you have a good calculation. Why do you want me to take Dan out to save this boy? When he came in, this boy almost slapped me to death. I didn't do this stupid thing and want to save yourself--"

"Don't, Lao Wu, it's not that you don't know the situation. You haven't been home for many days. Usually, you are afraid of being stripped by the guards. Who dares to bring Dan, money or something? You are different. Lord Wang personally praised you. Who the mother dares to find fault with you? Besides, wait a minute, if this boy lets us carry it up like this, I don't think anyone will please him. Just spend a little--"

"Yes, Lao Wu, wait for a few brothers to jointly write a report to Lord Wang and the mayor of the town, and write this matter as earth-shaking. It is all up to you, Lao Wu to turn the tide, regardless of personal grudges, personal gains and losses, and save this valuable man who almost died in prison. At that time, hahaha, you know, Lao Wu————————”

"Yes, what we are talking about is from the bottom of our hearts. Lao Wu, please consider it——"

"Well, hey, at that time, I won't forget the good words of my brother when I get the benefits, but I'm a little unwilling to take advantage of this barbarians for no reason... Just get out of the way, Ding Sandan... For the face of my brothers, it's a little sinister to save him with money and an exception, isn't it?

"I said who is Lao Wu? That's the number one tough player in our Niuhua Guard. Who dares to say no? I, Ding San, was the first to turn off his turtle son's head as a chamber pot, hahaha——————"

A figure came. The grass lay on the edge of the boss's collarbone and secretly looked up. He saw a thin hand separating his brother's dry lips, and the other hand was pouring a gourd into his eldest brother's mouth, and a smell of wine floated into the nose of the grass.

"Cut, the eldest brother is finally saved, but the wine in the wine gourd of that man is really too bad. I think it's boring to rinse my mouth. How dare you call it wine?——hum--"

None of the guards knew that on the shoulder of the rescued giant, there was a dwarf who was despised and slandered them. The dwarf claimed that he was a master of refining, a master of wine, a master of tailoring... Wait, at least seven or eight master titles, although every time I heard him brag like this, I disdain his words.

The name of this boastful dwarf is Xiaocao, Shishicao. Xiaocao is his full name, which comes from a small town closest to the Qingxi Empire.