Step by step

Chapter 55 on the stilt

[Recommend Tao Sanqian's "The Most Beautiful Years of Rebirth"]

Entering the underground passage that seemed a little narrow at first and slowly began to become wider and wider, from afar, Zhong Li felt a burst of heat coming to his face, which would be the same in any blacksmith's shop, but after many days, he once again let Zhong Li return to the legendary environment of the nine days of Fengwu, which was like a different world.

It seems that the temperature here is much higher than the blacksmiths he has stayed in before, which also shows that the blacksmiths in the world may be different from those he has experienced in the past.

There is a little more expectation in my heart. As a former professional master of whole life, Zhong Li is familiar with every forging process, the basic processes, heat, and even drawing drawings of some artifacts, etc. For him, he is familiar with it.

He wondered whether the dwarf grass showed another completely unfamiliar forging method. During the journey, he had quietly asked the khaki behind him and learned that the mysterious and powerful forging technique that the dwarf family called the world was called "divine refining".

Finally, in front of a door, Barger pushed the door, and several people stepped in, and the hot temperature came to face, making people breathe tight.

This is an open hall. On the left side of the hall, there are all kinds of unique iron, basically some armor and weapons. After all, in this world where martial arts are respected, the demand for weapons and armor is far greater than others, and the more refined the weaponry and equipment, the higher the price will be.

Seeing these various forms of weapons and equipment, Zhong Li couldn't help sighing. In his previous life, he once forged weapons and equipment for the four major fairs, and each order will bring him a huge income. Of course, in the whole nine days of Fengwu, only the weapons and equipment cast far exceeded the requirements of orders in terms of quality and attributes, because he is a real master and a refiner. , casting master.

When Zhong Li saw this scene in front of him, he couldn't help but have an idea. He didn't know that with his master's superb skills, he could mass-produce those equipment and weapons in Fengwu Jiutian, which is equivalent to building a huge military processing factory. It can not only solve his problem based on raising a large amount of funds, but also fund it. The growing power around Kim provides the necessary equipment.

This idea made him feel hot. No wonder that in order to buy Xue Bu Yue and the Ten Generals, he almost let the novice go bankrupt and owed a large amount of high debt. He had to find a way to repay it quickly.

In the past few days, it seems that too many things have been delayed. Without receiving his notice, he knew that the five little children would only stay quietly in their practice rooms and practice hard, and would never dare to come to see him. Once these five bastards were transformed, they did impress him, but it was not in vain for his painstaking efforts.

"Your Excellency, you are here!" While Zhong Li was bowing his head and meditating, a loud voice interrupted his thoughts.

When he looked up, he saw a big man with a naked upper body leaning down to greet Balger. The strong muscles under his dark skin rose one by one. He held a large casting hammer in his hand, and his forehead was full of sweat. Although his whole body was soaked in sweat, it gave people a particularly strong and strong. The ultimate masculine beauty.

"Venance, today I'm going to introduce you to a casting master, a future master craftsman-level genius craftsman,——"

While talking, Balger pointed back to the grass with his calf belly.

"This————? I have seen Master Xiaocao!" Although this big man called Vision had a few seconds of blankness in his mind, he recovered in time and did not impatiently salute Xiaocao.

It seems that this also made Xiaocao extremely satisfied. After all, this big and strong man did not judge people by their appearance. He waved his hand generously and said, "Well, he is a polite big man. Well, from now on, you can fight with me this week. Maybe for the sake of your clever ability to speak, Ben The master will dial you as soon as he is happy, which will definitely benefit you for the rest of your life!"

The big man did not show a happy expression. Although he looks like a person with developed limbs, it does not mean that his mind is average. He can be personally brought into the blacksmith's shop by Lord Barger, and even call himself a master, and even say that the future master craftsman is just a dwarf, but his vision is not contempt. On the contrary, he is very cautious. After all, the "divine alchemy" of the dwarf family is peerless and unparalleled in the world. Any dwarf who is not amazing is likely to have a profound attainments that ordinary people can't expect. When modesty asks for advice, he is eager to take his skills to a higher level, and he will never waste any opportunity.

Kki deliberately dropped: "I said Master Xiaocao, his vision is the most famous blacksmith in Niuhua Town. His forging skills have some of the charm of a master, that is, he is one of the best in the whole of Lefos. Several of his disciples have gone out and opened blacksmith shops all over Lichuan, all of which have become Li Outstanding figures among foundry blacksmiths all over Sichuan. The degree of vision is not low! This time you asked him to fight, but you took advantage of it——"

Of course, this sentence made the unpleapering grass immediately burst out again.

"What? What do you old man mean by this? I think the little grass master standing in front of you is not as good as you big blacksmiths! Ah, it's really annoying. Let me open your eyes today and see what the real casting technique is! Bring the hammer, what's that--"

"Master, the younger generation is called Vision. Which casting hammer are you going to choose? He spoke carefully and bent down as much as possible. When he bent down, the sweat on his body fell to the ground.

Xiaocao crossed his waist and pointed to the humble blacksmith. He completely acquiesced the respect of the other party's predecessor and said in a tone of a lesson to the younger generation: "What kind of master do you worship? Didn't your master give you the most basic casting introductory class? Seeing you sweating like steamed prawns, I will feel ashamed if you don't feel ashamed. Yes, come here. For the sake of letting you work for a few days, I will give you a free introductory class today to teach you a master's introductory skills!"

The vision was skeptical and completely impressed by the grand reprimand of Xiaocao. His face became more red, but he squatted down and put his head in front of Xiaocao.

The dwarf looked around warily. First, he stared at Barge threateningly, and then khaki. As for Zhong Li, he didn't pay much attention to it. After all, this is the eldest brother, and he must maintain this minimum respect and trust.

Xiaocao roared at Balger and Kaqi, "You two old men, stay away from me. Don't eavesdrop on the secret of this master. Hurry up. Of course, you don't need to avoid the respected master. I'm only doing this for some unconscionable guys, cough..."

Barger and Kaki looked at each other, coughed a few times awkwardly, walked to the side of the hall, turned his back, and Zhong Li also followed.

Xiaocao is still secretly praising that the owner of the real brother is much higher than others!

Seeing them go far away, the grass stood on tiptoe, put his palms close to his mouth, and whispered a few words next to the ears of the vision.

At first, his face was a little disapproving, but as the grass spoke, his eyes became very eager, and even a surprise, and one became more red. When the grass left his ear, the vision actually knelt down and knocked the grass three times in a row!

The change of this scene stunned several people next to him.

What makes Li Chuan's vision so cautious that he will give such a big gift to Xiaocao?

No one asks, and no one will foolishly ask such a question at this time.

"All right, get up. Hurry up and familiarize yourself with this technique, or it will delay my next major bet!"

"Master, what bet are you talking about?" The vision asked.

"Are you confident that you want to help me build a platinum-level weapon in seven days?" Xiaocao's voice suddenly rose and asked with an extremely proud voice.

"Platinum? Do you mean I can help you?... Within seven days...? Master, I will do my best to do it well. Don't worry!" The vision patted his chest hard, and his big palm splashed the sweat stains on his body.

Xiaocao waved his hand, "Go and practice quickly. This sweat is really terrible!"

"Yes, master." The vision turned around and walked to the blacksmith's shop.

"Wait, leave your casting hammer for me." The grass shouted.

The vision turned around and carefully handed the hammer handle to the grass, because the hammer head was in contact with the ground, and he was not afraid to hit the master who was not as short as high as the hammer.

Vision is actually a natural divine power, which has a talent on the way to casting. The casting hammer he used has always been much heavier than others, and the whole casting hammer is at least one foot taller than the grass!

So, the little grass master holding the casting hammer became a beautiful scenery here.

Xiaocao knew that at this moment, the faces of the two old men who were heartened to see his jokes must be that kind of laughter, and he would soon make them laugh at nothing! The grass was fierce and shouted, "The vision, why don't you go?"

Just as the vision turned around, the grass raised the casting hammer high and raised it directly from in front of him!

It is at least 40% heavier than the ordinary casting hammer. As soon as the casting hammer leaves the ground, the grass has this judgment. Although it is a little heavier than the casting hammer that Grandpa used for him in ordinary times, it does not seem to be difficult for Xiaocao to use this casting hammer for just seven days. Of course, if he spends a month, I'm afraid he will be a little overwhelmed.

With an amazing expression, he quickly entered the lounge next to the blacksmith's shop to practice the new technique. He secretly marveled that the dwarf family was indeed a well-dedicating natural magic power, which was fully reflected from this grass master.

He can't wait to prove the new technique taught by the master - the entry-level compulsory skill of casting!

Despite the surprised eyes of Balger and Kakki, the grass has rushed into the forging room with the casting hammer high and jumped on the forging platform.

The forging platform was at least two feet high from the ground. The little grass hand raised the weight hammer and jumped up so deftly that he couldn't help but impress Zhong Li and others again.

In everyone's amazing eyes, the hammer in the grass's hand has fallen like lightning to a piece of carb iron on the forging table, which is the first step of forging to help the carb remove impurities.

The eye-catching thing is far from over, and the next scene will make the people present unforgettable for life.