Step by step

Chapter 59 Under the Red PII Giant Scorpion

[Today's dedication of ten thousand words, where are the rewards and red tickets? Haha]

What kind of monster is this, so ugly and fierce?

Each red pliers scorpion has a blue-black giant, the size of an iron pot, with a two-foot-long red pliers-like tentacles on its left and right, shining with a faint red light. The pincer's mouth is sharp and sharp, and it keeps opening and closing when the tentacles are waved, which is ferocious.

These red pliers scorpions are huge, flat and long, with tentacles more than two meters to the scorpion's tail.

It seems that there are still many small black tentacles under their abdomens. No wonder they can make a violent rustling sound like centipede.

You can't see the eyes on this group of poisonous scorpion giants, but there is a slender and soft beard-like thing between the two big pliers tentacles. Do they rely on this must-to-identify smell to track objects? Zhong Li made a judgment in his heart what he saw in an instant. As the red pliers approached, the situation was quite critical, and he must make a decision immediately.

A strong rotten smell is very similar to the smell of black soil under your feet that you smelled before. This is the harsh and poisonous smell of this group of red pliers and scorpions around!

Countless poisonous tongs shining with bright red light instantly approached Zhong Li's body, three meters, two meters, one meter...

It's now!

Zhong centrifuge let out a shout, and the colorful spiritual group of Qihai quickly rotated and swam across the limbs in an instant. His whole body rotated like a top, and the long knife in his hand gently waved out!


I don't know how many giant pliers the long knife in his hand hit in the rotation, constantly making a crisp sound of gold and iron. The giant scorpion around Zhong Li was only shaken out by the long knife, but it was not damaged. The tentacles of the giant pliers were as hard! Zhong Li's mouth hissed a few breaths of cold air!

Just as these first approaching giant scorpions were blown out by Zhong Li's long knife and fell into the originally orderly poison scorpion team, which made their formation chaotic. The chaos only lasted for a few seconds. Soon, the red pliers next to them began to wave the two big pliers on their heads and rushed up fearlessly. !

Looking around, there is a red light shining around, and there is no edge at all.

Zhong Li's rotation was not slow, and the long knife in his hand did not stop at all, nor did he increase his strength. He waved as before.

He noticed that in the visible area where the red pliers scorpion besieged him, the diffuse fog disappeared cleanly. It seemed that there was a close connection between these highly poisonous fogs and the group of scorpions. Zhong Li had not yet discovered what it was.

Continuously waving the knife, and then the giant scorpion was smashed away without danger, and another round of impact began. After such a cycle, Zhong Li's heart gradually had a trace of inexplicable irritability.

Suddenly, he felt that the brown-red power that had been ready to move in his body suddenly burst out a domineering breath and quickly gathered on his right hand holding the knife. At the same time, a fierce murderous idea occupied his mind violently!

Zhong Li doesn't know how horrible he is at this moment!

It's just that he felt an inexplicable mania filling his mind, and a voice in his consciousness kept shouting at him: "Kill them, kill them, kill them! Kill! Kill————”

He didn't know that his eyes were all occupied by fierce red at this moment. He just wanted to wave the long knife in his hand to destroy all these teeth and claws in front of him!

Zhong Li's mouth let out a low and almost cold howl uncontrollably, and the long knife in his hand suddenly changed into a gorgeous brown-red color, with a huge force, fiercely cutting down the poisonous scorpions around his body like lightning!

"Puff..." The sound is endless, and the black smelly juice keeps spewing from the body of the poisonous scorpion that has been cut off the giant pliers on its head. Any poisonous scorpion that touches a long knife will end up with a broken head and limb!

Zhong Li has never thought about why the iron-solid scorpion's limbs suddenly became so vulnerable. He completely waved the long knife in his hand with a mechanical movement, and his body still rotated like a top. In an instant, the ground within ten meters from his body was full of debris from the poison scorpion's body!

What's strange is that those poisonous scorpions were almost crushed on the black soil by long knives. They were originally smelly and covered with a thick layer, but in an instant, they all disappeared. Even the red broken giant pliers tentacles also disappeared without a trace, as if they had been sucked by the strange black soil under them. !

At the same time, a force similar to the inexplicable brown and red violent breath in the original body kept coming back from the long knife to Zhong Li's body. Zhong Li felt that the idea of killing in his heart became stronger and stronger, and even had a violent impulse to destroy everything around him under his knife!

I don't know how many poisonous scorpions have been cut into pieces by his long knife in this round of fierce killing, but the poisonous scorpions that keep coming to fill the gap still continue their attacks!

As soon as the thin brown-red power entered Zhong Li's body, it immediately merged into the original strange power, which seemed to be enriching and filling, making him not feel the consumption of spiritual power in his body at all. On the contrary, Zhong Li felt that his body was more and more full of explosive power, as if he could destroy this world with his hands and feet.


Zhong Li could no longer suppress the impact of the violent and murderous breath in his heart. He couldn't help roaring up to the sky. His spinning body gradually slowed down like a top, but the long knife in his hand was more determined to cut the successive poisonous scorpions that were constantly attacking around!

"Oh... Poo..."

I don't know how long such mechanical killing will continue, and Zhong Li's heart is getting more and more irritable.

A rough estimate, in this short period of time, he has cut at least more than 300 giant poisonous scorpions into pieces!

The hacking continues...

I don't know how long it has been. At this moment, it is as long as a century. Zhong Li has been completely lost in the almost mechanical and endless killing and can't extricate himself...

After each round of killing, a new strange energy will be uploaded from the long knife of the right hand to the body, constantly growing and expanding the amount of brown-red violence in Zhong Li's body.

Minute by minute and second passed quietly in the almost numb killing, and he failed to notice the huge change that was happening in him.

First of all, the long knife.

With the growth of that strange force, the color on the long knife became darker and red. I don't know when a red light the size of a tail finger was quietly released from the tip of the knife and gradually began to extend its length. As the killing continued, it grew from the initial inch to nearly a foot today!

Once those giant poisonous scorpions collide with this fine light, they are instantly dismembered into small pieces of meat and thrown all over the sky. The scene is both spectacular and horrible!

The rotation of Zhong Li's body became slower and slower with the continuous growth of the strange force, but it would never affect the long knife in his hand to draw the circle of knife rings - the red gorgeous knife ring.

Zhong Li did not see these changes. If he saw it, he must be surprised when he had reached the realm of knife gasification. In the slow rotation, his eyes had quietly closed, because he felt that his whole person had fallen into an endless sea of blood, which was a real sea of blood!

Zhong Li felt that his whole body and neck had disappeared into this sea of blood. He was unable to break free, because a vast and huge force came from the sea of blood, which sucked him tightly.

At this moment, Zhong Li just wants to become a drop of blood in the sea of blood to enjoy the violent murderous atmosphere!

He was willing to sink, and he began to sink without resistance. The blood was hot and tasteless, slowly flooded his jaw, his lips, and the bridge of his nose, until his eyes reached his eyebrows!......

At this critical moment, there were three huge explosions in Zhong Lizhi's sea!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The fierce explosion took place in the sea of knowledge, making Zhong Li's consciousness immediately completely fall into the boundless darkness, and no longer unconscious...

At this time, his body was completely still, and the long knife clenched in his right hand fell silently, and the tip of the knife fell to the ground!

He can no longer see half of the remnants of the giant scorpion's limbs around his body, and what's more strange is that the surviving giant scorpions have disappeared without a trace!

The dissipated miasma slowly gathered again, but it could only diffuse three meters away from Zhong Li's body and could never cross this boundary.

Zhong Li's body began to steam a strange brown-red aura, and almost every pore under his body penetrated this brown-red aura from head to toe.

These aerosols have changed from thin to thick, from less to more, gradually covering Zhong Li's body completely until it is completely disappeared!

Those brown and red aerosols are surrounded by layers, wrapping Zhong Li tightly. At first glance, it looks like a huge humanoid blood cocoon!

Those valley poisoning miasma seemed to be very afraid of these brown and red fogs. They dared not approach at all and kept escaping. Gradually, a fog-free zone with a radius of more than ten meters was formed around the bloody cocoon of Zhongli.

At the same time as three huge explosions occurred in Zhong Li's sea of knowledge, there was also an earth-shaking change in his body, even a big war!

Originally, the colorful spiritual power in his body was completely defeated by the rapidly growing brown and red strange power. It was gradually forced to retreat into his sea of air and struggled to resist the invasion of the strange force. The strange force naturally took over the control of Zhong Li's body and began to invade Zhong Li's sea space.

Zhong Li's sea-knowledge space barrier has become very strong, especially after adding those spiritual powers. However, in the face of this strange force invasion, the space barrier became useless and was quickly broken by the strange force with a destructive force!

If the sea space is completely occupied by this strange force, then Zhong Li will no longer be sober in that sea of blood!

At this time, the three small balls under the three small saplings suddenly burst into three completely different violent lights and exploded.

The chaotic sea space completely collapsed in the violent explosion of the ball.

The explosion produced an extremely huge new energy, which converged into a tornado, fiercely facing the overwhelming invasion of strange forces, and an almost tragic battle began...