Step by step

Chapter 62

[Continuing outbreak of ten thousand words without water, three update, ask for rewards, collection, red tickets and cheers!]

A vast blue ocean stretches endlessly, but you can only see a range of about 500 meters, and further away, it can't be distinguished by the fog.

A bright star hangs over this blue ocean!

The star emits a faint blue light, softly sprinkled on the ocean, reflecting the ocean with a blue color.

Zhong Li explored very carefully. It turned out that the ocean was not blue at all. On the whole, it showed a crystal white like jade. Only under the light of the stars, the surface of the ocean reflected the bright blue!

Is this?

Zhong Li is full of doubts!

When he deliberately mobilized his consciousness to approach the star, suddenly a huge attraction came from the star and suddenly sucked all his consciousness in.

After a very brief dizziness, Zhong Li suddenly felt that he had incarnated into that star! The shape turned out to be the shape of a tree, which is now firmly rooted in a blue land.

What a magical experience!

At this time, Xiaojiu's voice seemed to come from the distant sky: "Congratulations to the master for refining the unique divine star in the world and opening up a super sea of knowledge that integrates nine attributes in the world!"

Star of Divine Knowledge? Is this blue star?

Super knowledge of the sea? Nine attributes?

Zhong Li was puzzled.

The spirit Xiaojiu seemed to be completely connected with Zhong Li, and immediately began to puzzle Zhong Li.

It turned out that in Zhong Li's body, it was originally the most basic five-element spiritual power. Later, he inadvertently used the step-by-step high-heart method to absorb the heart of the elements of three ten-thousand-year-old tree essence and all the rare auras stored by them, and actually mixed them into a special spiritual power containing eight attributes.

The brown and strange energy that later entered his body was actually murderous. At present, the exquisite ring, which has only been unsealed to the "Hong" level, is not enough to refine all the murderous spirit to an extremely meek degree. Only then can the murderous spirit enter Zhong Li's body and fight against the eight-attribute spiritual power.

This time, Zhong Li suddenly stimulated the murderous spirit in his body and absorbed a large amount of killing spirit from the dismembered red clamp scorpion. For a time, the murderous energy value in his body suddenly increased, quickly breaking the calm state of anxiety and balance with the eight attributes of spiritual power, and fully controlling Zhong Li's body.

Therefore, Zhong Li felt deeply immersed in a sea of red blood.

When the murderous spirit captured his original eight-attribute sea-knowledge space barrier, the three tree goblin souls who felt a strong crisis had no choice but to explode their elemental hearts. The power of the elements contained in the hearts of these three elements is very huge, which is by no means that the murderous value can compete with. So soon, they gathered the eight-attribute spiritual power that came back from the sea of gas, and they gradually swallowed up the murderous spirit in Zhong Li's body!

At this time, the spiritual power combined with murderous spirit suddenly produced a new mutiny and completely turned into crystal pure white. This is a new spiritual power that caused violent shocks and changes in the exquisite divine ring. It also awakened the spirit Xiaojiu, who has been sleeping in the divine ring for many years because the shock in the divine ring is too intense.

Seeing this critical situation, the spirit Xiaojiu immediately followed the memory copied by the divine ring, ran the step-to-heart method, and began to repair Zhong Li's soul and build a sea of knowledge.

Unexpectedly, he actually found a few remnant souls left by the three tree spirits in the collapsed sea of knowledge space, and found five vow souls that Zhong Li tried his best to protect in the deepest part of the sea of knowledge. Therefore, after absorbing the remnant souls of those silk tree spirits, the spiritual power automatically built a sea of knowledge.

One after another, he unexpectedly opened up such a strange scene with a divine star and a blue sea of knowledge. Xiaojiu patted his chest and said, "This is an ancient wonder!" Shocking!

What's more, a strange tree grows inside the divine star, which can not only refine various auras like the divine ring, but also automatically breed new aura to nourish the soul, which is simply an unprecedented spectacle.

Now the strength of Zhong Li's divine consciousness has surpassed his own cognition and Xiaojiu's cognition. They don't know how powerful such divine consciousness has been. In short, it's too appalling.

And Zhong Li's body was penetrated by murderous spirit at the beginning, and then completely washed and filled by new spiritual power. Every piece of flesh and blood is now extremely pure, much stronger than his heyday when he danced in the nine days of Fengwu. At his Qihai Dantian, a milky white elixir is gradually taking shape!

Zhong Li was surprised and happy!

Surprised by such a strange situation, he was inexplicably close to the realm of condensing into a golden elixir. What was that he was worried that his strength was not enough to fight against the world's strong man, which made him more happy than sending charcoal in the snow!

Zhong Li is very clear about what the situation will be like once Jindan is formed.

This undoubtedly adds a super heavyweight weight to the realization of his grand plan!

Slowly calmed down his excited mind, and Zhong Li carefully released his consciousness.

At this time, he almost looked up to the sky with excitement!

Everything within a kilometer is now under his consciousness, and it seems that everything in this area can never escape his control.

Beyond this range, he felt a little difficult, which would make him a little dizzy. He did not force his mind to carry out the experiment.

The divine consciousness can cover kilometers, which is of great significance to his current expedition!

This magical encounter and change made Zhong Li sigh.

At the same time, it also breeds his almost unshakable super confidence: become a Daluo golden fairy, shape Xiaojiu, and unlock all the seals of the exquisite divine ring, all of which will become a reality one by one!

Xiaojiu felt the master's mind and said quietly, "Master, you are a little perverted now, but Xiaojiu likes it, hehe."

Zhong Li ignored Xiaojiu's flattery and asked, "Xiaojiu, do you know how long I have been in a coma?"

"It's been at least seven days since I woke up!" Xiaojiu replied after careful calculation for a while.

7 days!

Oh no, why have you been dizzy for so long!

Zhong Li stood up, but did not see the flag thrown by the two monsters in Sha Tsui that day, so he asked Xiaojiu.

"Master, are you talking about this "10,000 poisonous flag"?" Xiaojiu Dao.

Mix flag? Zhong Li entered the divine ring again, but saw Xiaojiu holding a black flag in his hand. Isn't it the strange flag thrown by Pang Deyuan that day?

Zhong Li asked, "Xiaojiu, what is the use of this poisonous flag?"

Xiaojiu coughed twice, raised the flag in his hand, and began to make an introduction.

This ten thousand poisonous flags is actually a vicious evil weapon. Its flagpole is refined from the spine bones of ten thousand-year-old poisonous centipede. The flag is made of the letter of the thousand-year-old python. This small flag needs at least dozens of letters of the python to weave. Then on this flag, there is a "fallen soul" rune pattern drawn from poison mixed with hundreds of poisons. In this way, the flag has really become a poisonous flag!

It is not only extremely poisonous, but also emits strong toxins to attract poisons. The soul that can automatically collect poisons into the fallen soul array and nourishes toxins.

This ten thousand poisonous flags is already equivalent to a vicious magic weapon, but it doesn't need to be sacrificed.

Xiaojiu said that there are at least thousands of poisonous souls in the fallen soul urn of this ten thousand poisonous flags. As long as you continue to collect and gather tens of thousands of poisonous souls, this ten thousand poisonous flags will undergo a complete transformation and become a real magic weapon! It is not only extremely vicious, but also powerful.

Zhong Li has never been interested in poisonous things, and he is quite disapproving when he hears Xiaojiu's introduction. What he doesn't quite understand is why Shazui Shuangjie is willing to drop such a precious weapon, just to attract the group of domineering poisonous scorpions?

Zhong Li said indifferently, "Xiao Jiu, I don't like to touch this kind of vicious thing. You put it in the corner of the clutter. I don't want to see it!"

Xiaojiu shook his hand and said, "Don't, master, don't underestimate this thing. I observed that in almost all dangerous environments similar to now, this thing can be useful..."

"Oh? Then you can talk about it." Zhong Li became interested at this time.

Xiaojiu became a little shy, which made him suddenly look very cute. Zhong Li was secretly funny. It's rare for an old man to have such a cute attitude!

"Master, have you noticed that the place we are now in is full of poison? Although the owner has taken some preventive measures, I'm afraid that if you meet those unknown poisonous beasts, you will be in a hurry. Now if you have this poisonous flag in your hand, the situation will be very different. This ten thousand poison flag can tell the owner the most toxic orientation area in advance, which will allow the owner to take precautions in advance. In addition, this ten thousand poison flag can easily obtain the murder value and help you unlock the second seal of the divine ring. If it has a huge use, it depends on whether the owner is willing to use it? ......”

This time, Xiaojiu didn't say anything, and Zhong Li couldn't laugh or cry.

"Let me tell you..."

At this time, Xiaojiu suddenly became excited as if his spirit had soared and gently waved the flag in his hand. This time, Zhong Li, who was close to him, did not smell the strong smell of nausea on the flag. His heart moved, "How did you do it?"

Xiaojiu is a little proud: "Actually, what is this means? To tell you the truth, as long as the evil magic weapon, which is ten times more powerful than this ten-poisonous flag, can make them obedient. Ha ha, now the master only needs to inject a trace of your mind into this ten thousand poison flag, and it can be like an arm!"

Seeing Xiaojiu's hard recommendation for a long time, Zhong Li was also a little moved, so he put a small thought into the flag.

Suddenly, he felt that the ten thousand poison flag seemed to have become part of his body, and even thousands of poisonous souls in the ten thousand poison flag were completely under his control.

Anyway, after all, he got a sharp weapon for self-defense in this dangerous place, even if he is very uncomfortable. But in order to better collect murder values, he feels that it is okay to use this object reasonably against his own preferences, as long as he doesn't use it to harm people.

A great man once said: Whether it is a black cat or a white cat, as long as you can catch a mouse, you are a good cat! Maybe that's the reason.

It has been delayed for seven days in vain, and he doesn't know what the Shazui Shuangjie has planned to enter this Wulan Valley. He is also curious that he is willing to spend such a big hand to open a passage into the valley.

However, it is urgent that he has to find the bitter flowers quickly.

It is said that the bitter flower is a highly poisonous plant. Once it blooms in 300 years, once it blooms, it is the end of the life of the plant, because within an hour, the stamens of the bitter flower will emit a strong corrosive smell, first poisoning all its stems and leaves and roots, leaving an unreliable flower. If it falls to the ground, it will be annihilated into mud in an instant.

Therefore, this poisonous flower is the most sad flower in the world, commonly known as the "bitter flower".

This is the biggest purpose of this trip to Zhongli Wulan Valley. Of course, if you can encounter some other materials by the way, it will be a surprise.

Xiaojiu told Zhong Li that if advanced drugs want to grow in such a strange environment, either the place where they grow is very remote and difficult to find, or the toxin is stronger than other places, and there will usually be one or a group of poisonous beasts waiting around it, which can be completely borrowed from the detection of ten thousand poisonous flags. Explore the function.

It seems that this vicious pseudo-art weapon is not useless. Zhong Li smiled bitterly and moved his mind, and the ten thousand poison flags hung in front of him in an instant. In a moment, the information from the ten thousand poison flag clearly pointed out the strongest direction of the toxin for Zhong Li.

He put this flag into the exquisite ring. Zhong Li picked up the long knife on the ground and strode towards that direction.

Zhong Li noticed that wherever he went, those poisonous fogs had taken the initiative to avoid. What happened to him that he had not noticed?