Step by step

Chapter 83 Witnessing Miracles

Shangwu Qingwen is a major tradition of the Qingxi Empire.

Qingxi Empire has three invincible legions that sweep the world, the iron-blooded tiger group, the bloodthirsty wolf group, and the bloody lion group.

The first two legions are in the hands of Li Si, the marquis of the military aircraft minister, and only the bloody lion regiment belongs to His Majesty.

Each legion has three tokens, white, black and gold. The golden token is the highest token of the legion. As you see the legion commander himself, you have the privilege of mobilizing all forces in the current range to participate in unified operations.

The commander of the Iron-blooded Tiger Regiment is Dong Wushuang, male, 27 years old, with golden cultivation. Proficient in military tactics, good at training, and the top strong man in the platoon, is a rare literary and martial arts talent.

The weapon used is the "ethereal sword" of one of the five divine soldiers of the empire. It is said that this sword is a golden-level divine soldier, which has a history of at least 3,000 years, that is, the divine soldier who appeared in this world when the divine religion destroyed the temple in one fell swoop.

Dong Wushuang ranked fifth among the top ten outstanding youths in the empire, and a rare super genius in the history of the empire to be promoted to gold before the age of 30.

The commander of the bloodthirsty wolf group is the mainstay of the second generation of the remnant families of the four major families of the imperial city, named Canyan. Male, 44 years old, gold. He is tough and fierce, but thick and thin. He is a typical figure with a rough appearance and hidden in the universe.

In the 29th year of commanding the bloodthirsty wolf regiment, he personally led the legion to participate in 144 battles, large and small, two of which shocked the world.

These two battles have changed the fate of too many people and changed a certain pattern of the empire, which is of extraordinary significance.

It's a "battle of buildings and shops".

In the past, 13 civilian uprisings formed by worshipping civilian brothers began to destroy the city and occupied 19 states in three counties. For a moment, the world was restless, the aristocracy was panicked, and the rule of the Flamenco family seemed to begin to crumble. By the order of the old marquis Li Si, he personally led 300,000 troops to completely annihilate the 1.33 million rebel army in the building store, completely quelled the largest rebellion in the history of the empire and re-stabilized the unshakable dominance of the flamenco royal family.

It is a famous "Kafang Port Battle".

Kafang Port is a large port border card near the boundless Dead Sea in the northernmost part of the empire. Eighteen years ago, the Dead Sea pirates gathered 180,000 elite troops and suddenly appeared in Kafang Port. Only 30,000 troops were stationed on the side of the port. In the face of the fierce attack of several times more powerful Haikou coalition forces, the situation was very serious. Once the pirates' allied forces break through the north gate barrier of Kafang Port, they are likely to ** go straight to Wangdu! At that time, all the elite legions of the empire were fighting on three fronts, scattered thousands of miles away from the east, west and south.

In the face of danger, he was ordered to walk through the dead desert closest to Kafang Port and go for reinforcements.

At that time, he only led 8,000 elites. When he arrived at the port on a starry night, he found that the troops had lost hundreds of people when they crossed the dead desert. However, more than 7,000 people like this, together with 30,000 garrisons, held on for 26 days under the obvious disparity between the enemy and us, seized the fighter plane, cleverly deployed, personally led 3,000 death squads, and annihilated nearly 70,000 people of the most elite force of the naval coalition in one fell swoop! This is the most famous "3,000 to 70,000" battle in history! The Haikui alli were seriously injured. After damaging the most elite skeleton army, they hurriedly fled back to the depths of the Dead Sea and never dared to step on the territory of the empire for 18 years.

These two most famous battles in the history of the empire are included in the textbooks for the most classic battle analysis of famous universities, and are also included in the annals of the glorious history of the empire. No one can ignore the far-reaching impact and significance of these two classic battles.

There was one of the most famous military scientists who did not hide his admiration for these two classic battles under his command, making them two mythical legends and two milestone legends in the military history of the empire.

These two great and classic battles made the remnants famous, and also made the remnants family, which was originally one of the oldest four families in the empire, more firmly occupy the first place of the four major families and lasted for a long time.

What's more, even His Majesty the King has praised the cruel words in front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, which may become the most promising to be promoted to the holy level to create another great legend in 30 years!

Holy steps!

The legendary existence of becoming an immortal!

So everyone knows that the old fox can occupy the throne of the military aircraft minister for more than 40 years, and can hold 1.8 million elite troops of the two iron-blooded armies, which is completely inseparable from the support of the Canyan family.

If the wise brain of the old marquis Li Si is Fang Yi, one of the little foxes, one of the top ten outstanding young people, then Dong Wushuang and Canyan are his most powerful right-hand man, which is also one of the fundamental reasons why Li Si can call for wind and rain in the empire to cover the sky with one hand.

The bloody lion regiment, personally ruled by the king, is divided into three small armies: the imperial army, the guard and the guard army, with a total of 1.2 million soldiers. Except for the 600,000 imperial army and the guard troops left in the royal city, the remaining 600,000 troops were divided into six small regiments of 100,000 regiments, and six princes were commanded by the scattered and stationed in the king. In the six county territories outside the capital.

The forbidden army and the guard army of the royal city are usually under the jurisdiction of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Unlike the first two imperial iron-blooded legions, the violent blood lion regiment is actually an elite united children's legion composed of the royal family and the children of the big family.

Even the lowest cultivation level of a lion regiment must reach more than three stars of senior warriors, so the combat literacy and staffing of the whole lion regiment is actually the highest among the three legions.

The officers at all levels of the Bloody Lion Regiment are basically the children of the royal family or the excellent children of the big family, and there are few examples of outsiders. These officers are basically the most outstanding, outstanding and potential children of the royal family or the big family, which determines that the power of the lion regiment is always firmly in the hands of the king or the Flamenco family.

Few civilian children can enter the bloody lion group. Even if you have super force and unpredictable amazing military talent, you will never enter unless your majesty personally agrees. This is an extremely blood-oriented legion, known as the imperial aristocratic elite legion.

Therefore, the children of ordinary people who want to get ahead and earn their achievements on the battlefield in exchange for their families or families can only place their hopes on the tiger regiment and wolf regiment. Many imperial colleges even train entering the legion as the highest goal of the students.

In the legion, except for officers at all levels, of course, military high-level staff and staff are indispensable. However, military seniors and staff are usually synonymous with waste, and these people are unable to practice martial arts, so they have to embark on such a road.

Even if they have amazing military literacy and talent, they are still despised and despised by those martial artists in the legion. In such a country, people who do not know martial arts are actually equivalent to waste and dead people.

A full-talented man of literature and martial arts like the little fox Fang Yi and Dong Wushuang can only be said to be a monster in ten thousand.

And the old marquis easily pocketed these two monster geniuses, and had to show that he was really lucky, but many people understood that the two handsome men who were included in the list of the top ten youth at the same time did not have a prominent origin*, they are just a civilian!

Therefore, the old marquis Li Si also has a Bo Leya number of a virtuous scribe.

The three legions can sweep the world, which is inseparable from their sophisticated weapons and equipment.

The best set of armor can be worth all the property and life value of 100 civilian families.


In the Qingxi Empire in the past decade, there have been six brilliant masters. These masters have extraordinary achievements and reputations in different fields, but not some of them are not well known, because except for their dragons maintaining that kind of mystery, even the country His Majesty may not come as promised if he summons them in person.

Free, invisible in the world, erratic, leaving legends everywhere. These are the six masters.

The wood master, who is good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, is rumored that it is difficult to find the word wood, which shows that this master has an unparalleled position in this field.

In the most magical field of alchemy, there has always been a Tiantian master who no one knows his actual age and origin. Many wonderful and novel inventions in the world have a lot to do with him.

He is good at feng divination. It is rumored that he can know the world's affairs for 5,000 years and can cut off good and death. He is known as a half-immortal purple wind master in the field of divination.

A book master who has refined countless magical runes and created an amazing feat that killed more than 100 bandits. He is the most mysterious master who has transcended the unique achievements of the world in the field of making charms.

Life is immersed in the refining and research and development of elixir, the world's best medical skills, and the pigeon master in the world.

The last one is the bug master who is good at forging and is known as the most comparable to the casting skills of the dwarf empire. He is the only one among the six masters who is well known in the world, because he comes from the Peng family, one of the four major families in Wangcheng, the richest family among the four major families in the empire. He and his family are the largest suppliers of weapons and equipment for the three major armies of the empire.

No matter where, the arms business has always been one of the most profitable businesses.

Rumor has it that in the next few days, a unique auction trading conference will be held in a small Niuhua town in Lefo, Lichuan County, a conference named "witnessing miracles".

A small and unknown remote place, an ordinary auction and trading conference has attracted the attention of countless people.

Even the death of Lichuan's seven rats, which was talked about by everyone the day before, and the magical little handsome, are no longer the focus of people's discussion. They are completely forgotten because of this "witness of miracle" conference!

People talk about many aspects, such as the rules and publicity of the conference, the organizers of the conference, etc.

Witness the rules of miracles:

I. This conference adopts the method of purchasing admission tickets. Admission tickets are divided into five types: holy, gold, platinum, silver and advanced. According to different levels, the treatment is also completely different. This admission ticket is non-refundable;

2. The ticket price is as follows:

Advanced (unlimited quantity), each price is 10,000 gold coins, and there is no discount for transactions;

Silver-grade (200 pieces), each priced at 100,000 gold coins, and you can enjoy a 90% discount on transactions;

Platinum (100 pieces), each priced at 300,000 gold coins, and you can enjoy a 10% discount on transactions;

Gold-grade (50 pieces), each priced at 600,000 gold coins, you can enjoy a 20% discount on transactions;

Holy level (ten pieces), the price of a single card is one million gold coins, and you can enjoy a 30% discount on the transaction.

3. This conference has a mortgage workshop and a barter workshop to provide extremely convenient help and support for promising participants to maximize access to funds under fair bidding;

4. All transaction organizers of this conference will not charge any commission, and tips will no longer be like this.

Wighting Miracle Propaganda:

Luxury and amazing, high-profile publicity, magical and practical, novel and unique, satisfying your greatest curiosity, breaking your shocking eyeball!

Only you can't imagine, nothing we can't do!

If you have money, if you want to reach the peak higher, faster and stronger, if you have endless imagination, if you hold an admission ticket, then what are you hesitating about? Because the next second is the moment when we witness the birth of the miracle together!

Introduction to witnessing miracle items:

Super degree - a quasi-golden soldier from the mysterious dwarf country, mysterious armor suit - definitely not inferior to the most proud work of Master Bug!

Magic calligraphy and painting, magical black and white chessboard, I don't know if the wood master has seen it!

Countless elixirs are by no means the elixirs that can be refined by the magic doctor pigeon master, and there are countless natural treasures, which will make you feast your eyes!

Can't the rune that can send fireballs, the rune that can shoot ice knives and frost swords, and the runes that can transmit sound thousands of miles be comparable to the runes of Master Tiantian?

Witness the miracle, which will definitely make you satisfied and return happily.

As a result, Niuhua Town became lively, and businesses from all walks of life became unprecedented in the past few days.

Many rich families sent people to buy admission tickets. It is said that in the end, even high-end admission tickets were swept away, and one of the most ordinary high-end admission tickets was speculated to a sky-high price of 150,000 gold coins!

Most people come to promote the items produced by the six masters, and no one cares about the ridiculously expensive ticket price.

In a word, in just a few days, Karki and his Yipintang have become the center of heated topics all over the world.