Step by step

Chapter 85 Gilbert. wu chao

Chunyu Tower has been bustling with visitors for many days, and many foreign visitors have almost broken the threshold. These people are all here to witness the miracle trading auction.

What many people don't expect is that in a remote place like Niuhua, there will be such an elegant and unique fireworks place as the Spring Rain Tower, which not only makes many people linger, but also admires that this business philosophy is very unique and is simply a unique boss's wife. Unfortunately, the hunchbacked guy said that the boss's wife goes out. He has not returned for many days, which inevitably makes many people feel a little sorry for the peerless face of the beautiful boss who are envious of the rumored beauty.

South spring rain, north sales gold.

The Panshi Street, where the Chunyu Building is located, is bustling with people coming and going, but the gold cave that should have caught countless bigwigs in the world to witness the miracle conference and made a lot of money when they came to Niuhua is very lonely, and even the Liushui Street where it is located is sparsely populated.

For this reason, they came to the door for no reason. More than a dozen silver and platinum-level guards were easily killed, and even damaged a powerful second master. The most important thing is that the seven rats of Lichuan died under the gate of the gold grottoes, leaving no scum left, which is miserable!

The business of the gold grotto, which was still fighting for gold a few days ago, can only be described as extremely bleak.

It seems that no one wants to go to such a place to get a little bad luck, especially those bigwigs who are very lucky. However, from time to time, one or several extraordinary figures quietly walked to the door of the gold grottoes and watched the plaque that could not be eliminated. If you want to destroy this plaque, it seems that you can only dismantle all the doors of the gold grottoes, which is extremely good for businessmen. It seems that the boss of Duldes did not dare to give an order easily.

These people basically came to admire the "little handsome man" when they heard it. The five dragons and phoenixes fell on the plaque of the golden cave like flying immortals. These five words are very flexible. They seem to be like a beautiful hero who is about to fly straight to the sky in the wind, and seem to be telling something loudly to the people of the world, a strong overlord who is proud of the world. On the plaque, there are three points of simplicity, three points of obscure, three points of mystery and one point of uniqueness.

These five words make all the people who come to appreciate secretly shake and be dazzled. Unfortunately, no one dares to show the amazing real feelings in their hearts.

Because King Lichuan sent people to Niuhua Town and lived in the Pinjin Grottoes.

An extremely good general manager of King Lichuan's Mansion, together with representatives of other three continents families, there are no more than 30 elite guards who are all in the silver and platinum realm! Such a team, not to mention an ordinary bandit bandit team, even a well-equipped army of hundreds of people is likely to be flattened by them in a very short time!

Who dares to provoke such a luxury team that almost includes the strongest elite figures in the three continents of Lichuan?

The strong combat effectiveness seen by its fools made many people restrain their actions and began to be careful. Not only the tragic death of Lichuan's seven rats, but also the king of Lichuan seemed to be very angry. I'm afraid that the Sanzhou family was also extremely angry. If you don't find out the matter, you will not give up.

Such bad things will affect the family door valves. Everyone is careful to avoid it. On the one hand, they hope to never find themselves, but on the other hand, they are very curious about what kind of end such a big battle will end.

Everyone has a heart for such a great disaster, which accidentally plunged themselves and their families into a terrible situation. Countless people can't help praying for the Almighty God to bless them from trouble.

Unfortunately, with the joining of the Black Knights, the investigation army began at the moment they stepped into the gate of the Golden Grottoes. A total of 130 people were invited by them to enter the Golden Grottoes in various forms, and no one saw them walk out of the gate of the Golden Grottoes!

For a while, those bystanders or experienced people fell into a great panic when the blood case occurred in the Golden Grotto. No one knew whether the fate of the next second would be the same as those 130 people, with uncertain fate and a life and death dilemma?

Everyone's danger is the strange atmosphere that is spreading rapidly among most people in Niuhua Town.

In the process of these invitation talks, the Black Knights naturally provided information and clues, and assisted in leading the investigation team members to participate in the invitation activities. Therefore, the Black Knights, who were originally not well-known in many people in Niuhua Town, were secretly cursed and scolded by many people behind their back. .


Gilbu. Wu Chao didn't expect that his first visit to his future father-in-law would start with such an extremely embarrassing and embarrassing form. From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to pay attention to the obvious things in front of him. He and the young masters of several major families in Mabian County used to do ten times more than what he saw in front of him. Arrogant, but those are all in the past tense!

As the highest college in Mabian County, one of the top students of the famous imperial schools "Biancheng College", and also as the best heir of the Gilbu family, the black nest that has long been self-cultivated should indeed have something to be proud of.

At the age of 20, he is about to break through the shackles of Samsung's senior and step into the silver realm, which is a proud achievement that can also be at the forefront of major famous schools.

What's more, as the most valued heir of Gilbu, a big family that is intent on making the leather business into the royal city of Luodu, today's Gilb. Wuchao is simply a typical representative of the legendary rich and handsome man who can be met but not sought. Many people wonder why the Gilbu family has made a marriage contract with a tailor in a mediocre and ordinary town in Lichuan town.

This point, Gilbert. Wu Chao was also very puzzled, but unfortunately, after the elder of the family secretly told him that there was a more powerful and mysterious * behind the tailor Alda, he was no longer worried about this matter. In the college, of course, there are many female classmates of famous nobles or his admirers, who more or less maintain an ambiguous relationship with him, but which teenager is not romantic?

What fascinated Wuchao most was the rumor about the beautiful daughter of the Arda tailor, who was also his blindfolded fiancee. It is said that his fiancee is not only shy, but also good at female red. What's more rare is that she has designed several novel styles and unique shapes. Clothing with ornamental and visual impact has been popular in the circle of celebrities in seven counties for a long time, and has even been fired to the extent that it is difficult to find a daughter.

Such a beautiful fiancee, of course, has secretly made Wu Chao's heart happy for a long time. Perhaps only such a woman deserves his Wuchao!

The black nest, which always emphasizes the principle of interests, will never do anything thankless under normal circumstances. Everything needs to be profitable, which is the ancestral motto of the Gilbu family and one of the codes of conduct that Wuchao adheres to. But today, when he had no choice but to bump into the embarrassing things he saw, he had to temporarily abandon the principles he adhered to. Although he had cursed more than ten times, there were a thousand people in his heart that he was unwilling to be dissatisfied with, but he had no choice but to do it.

He greeted him and asked for help, but he came to visit his future father-in-law today. Not to mention the obscure * behind this prospective father-in-law, the best fiancee alone is worth putting aside and saving him.

A group of seven people stood in front of their fat young man with cold eyes.

"This gentleman is polite. Gilbu on the side of the horse. Wu Chao, this father-in-law Alda. Sumanu happened to be his father-in-law, but somehow he had a little entanglement with several princes. I don't know if I can give you some thin face. How about asking your friend to let go of your father-in-law first?

Gilbu. Wuchao Chonglong gently hugged Longbao and saluted, with a false smile made by thousands of hammers on his face, but his words were very appropriate and decent, which made people have to praise the children of the big family for their deep roots after all, and the steady temperament in his self-restraint behavior was clearly higher than that of ordinary people.

Unfortunately, he found the wrong partner today. The fat young man opposite him is the eldest young master of Niuhua Five Tigers who is looking for fault.

In terms of arrogance, domineering, and knowledge, Longbao can only eat dust behind the buttocks of the young master Wuchao who came out of the big county, but unreasonableness is the biggest stubbornness in Longbao. When they have been closed for many days, they have long been aroused by the experience of Qiu Bull and Aunt Qiqige. The unique hegemony of the five tigers that are going to disappear. This time, they have already decided who will come. Unfortunately, Wuchao just hit the muzzle of the gun. It can only be blamed for his unfavorable years.

Wuchao saluted gently and said humble and decent words. No one had to show some face to the young master of the Gilbu family. Unfortunately, standing in front of him was a young master of Longbao who couldn't find a place to vent his fire!

The strange disappearance of the boss, the unprovoked injury suffered by Aunt Qiqige, and the serious injury of Qiubul, a brother-like brother and sister, together, even Longbao, who is self-cultivated and reborn, can no longer calm down. Without looking for the bad luck of this greedy and vicious tailor shop owner, he is not Longbao!

Bao Da Shao didn't seem to hear the black nest in front of him at all, nor did he see the humble attitude of people's salute. He even owed a cold hum response. He looked up to the distance at a 45-degree angle and looked at it indifferently.

This attitude is ridiculously arrogant and arrogant. If it hadn't been for Niuhua Town, if it hadn't been in Mabian County, he would have been beaten to look for teeth at this moment!

Wu Chao's face suddenly became cold and gloomy, and she almost couldn't suppress the anger that rose to the sky. Unexpectedly, among the two beautiful women next to her who stood by, the best little beauty in a green skirt snorted coldly in her nose, indicating her extreme dissatisfaction in her heart. This time, she couldn't help but make Wu Chao suddenly have a A strange feeling of blood surging.

Although the land boundary of Lichuan here is not the staggered edge of his Gilbu family, how can Wu Chao, the proud son of a famous school, lose his pride in front of beautiful women?

He himself majored in the family secret skill "1 Thunderbolt". This time, the six guards who came to Niuhua Town with him are among the best in the family, all of them are strong men in the silver realm. The family elders sent him to Niuhua this time to witness the miracle conference that shocked the world recently. Meeting the future father-in-law and meeting the beautiful and talented fiancee is completely the best of both things.

His seven-person team can retreat even if he meets a bandit of 20 people. At this moment, how can the evil young people who seem to be at most three-star intermediate martial arts can be in the eyes of Master Wuchao?

He has absolutely sufficient confidence that he can beat the five guys in front of him with his fists alone, but he has always deliberately maintained a modest and gentlemanly style in front of beautiful women. He doesn't want to take action in person, so as not to destroy his beautiful image in the heart of the beauty!

He has long been coldly looking at the situation on the field, making it clear that he can't see whether he has practiced martial arts or not. The two beautiful women in the realm are not the same as these five villains, and may even be in the wrong way.

It's just five small middle-level martial artists. He absolutely believes that if he sends one or two people behind him to raise his hands and feet, he can successfully save his father-in-law and easily teach these evil young people a lesson. Terrible consequences.

So, Wu Chao hummed coldly, "If you don't give face like this, then don't blame Wu Chao for offending!"

After saying that, he gently retreated a few steps. Two slender and strong guards flashed behind him and walked slowly to the bamboo pole Xiaojin holding Sumanu.

Sumanu, who was on the verge of despair at the previous moment, almost shouted happily, "Why don't you let go of your uncle and I? You will look good later." In the past, he couldn't imagine an amazing sentence that could be used on Niuhua Five Tigers! However, the shadow left on their hearts by the five tigers over the years was too big. For a moment, he never dared to shout out this sentence proudly. However, his face was full of pride and pride at this moment, as if Niuhua Five Tigers were trampled under his feet and begging for mercy.

No one wanted to, but the arrogant fat man who looked up at the sky suddenly moved a few steps and abruptly blocked a wide body from the way of the two guards. He still didn't say a word, but put his arms around his chest and stared at the two people.

Two silver-level guards looked at each other, and the ferocious look of the hungry wolf only appeared when he saw the lamb.

The little beauty in the green skirt clapped her hand gently and whispered excitedly, "Sister and sister, look, those big fools are going to be unlucky. Hee hee, they deserve it. It's better to beat them so hard that they can only lie down ** and can no longer go down! Hurry up——"