Step by step

Chapter 88 Drunken Moon Tower Cooking Wine Hero 2

[The furthest distance in the world is not life and death, but I go out with you. You go to buy apples for the fourth generation, and I can only buy four apples in my pocket bag. ——Don't wait]

Gilbu Wuchao couldn't believe what he saw with his eyes.

The strange and very situation in front of him completely subverted the inherent concept in his heart. When has the world become so chaotic that it is no longer respected by strength?

Two silver-level guards were repelled by two intermediate-level children. It seems that they have been seriously damaged. What's the situation?

Three-level martial artists can only have a spiritual power of about 20 horsepower. Even in the case of explosion, they are no more than 25 horsepower. Why can they suddenly repel the two-star silver guards beside him in the case of bare-handed attack?

What's the reason?

Just now, his two guards took action, and Wu Chao looked quite carefully.

The two guards obviously saved their strength. Although they only had about 30% of their skills, due to the sudden failure in anger, the spiritual power attached to one punch and one palm of the two was at least close to 40!

Not to mention these two villains, even if they are replaced by two senior warriors, and they must be promoted to the level of Samsung. Maybe they can be on an equal level with his two guards. The little man and the fat villain are only the level of three stars. What's wrong with them?

Wu Chao cast his doubtful eyes on the two people who had just returned to his side.

These two sad silver strongmen originally wanted to deal with the two garbage-like kids on the opposite side. It was simply an easy thing. Unexpectedly, they suffered a huge dumb loss with one move!

The guard with Longbao's fist was a little better, but his fist was in severe pain and his arm was numb. His other companion, that is, the man who cut the wolf with a knife, was not as lucky as him.

When he turned his hand into a knife and cut it down fiercely, his eyes had long found that the wolf pointed to the palm of his hand without hesitation. He was almost certain that in the next blink of an eye, his iron-like palm would shake the little boy's fingers to pieces, because even if he only used 30% of his power, his spiritual power At the turn, the powerful momentum of more than 40 horsepower will completely destroy everything, not to mention a three-star intermediate level?

Between the lightning and stones, the little wolf's fingers were like spikes, stabbing the "Lao Palace Cave" in the palm of the guard's hand!

In fact, after these days of hard training, the little wolf has long been impatiently eager to use a battle to examine the recent training level. It is rare for Brother Bao to help Qiu Buer find the misfortune of the tailor's boss, so several people came together.

Since five people have practiced the "hidden qi" to a great success, Zhong Li once said that unless Jin Dan is strong, no one can see through the real strength of their hidden qi!

However, because several people, like Xiaoying and Annie, are buried in the secret room, they don't know that Zhong Li's blood washed away the golden cave and almost died, and no one mentioned "Zhongheng Xiaoxiang Shuai" and so on. They only knew that the eldest brother took medicine for the ten generals and returned safely, and they knew nothing else. .

When several people saw Chunyu and the two in the fat tiger garden, they were so surprised that they were speechless and looked depressed.

However, several unscrupulous teenagers with good memory are obviously just amazing. They have completely forgotten the crazy words that used to make fun of the Chunyu Building, but they just wonder why the boss Chunda has a bright and kind smile on his face. Why is this little beauty in green skirt always a pair of beautiful eyes and viciously in several people? The face kept scanning, and it seemed that it was very disgusting and hate several people, just like a girl who was bullied by several people when she saw the murderous eyes of several people again, which made Xiaoshu completely confused.

Several people even thought to himself, could it be that Brother Bao said something bad about our brothers in order to pick up girls?

However, Brother Bao, who has always been insulated from beautiful women, doesn't seem to be the kind of person who favors his brothers and flatter women?

It was not until the young master almost dispersed Sumanu's old bone and clashed with the old man's prospective son-in-law, the little beauty's undisguised angry words were regarded as clearing the suspicion of Longbao, which also made the brothers understand it. After a long time, this little girl didn't like us at all. What's the secret with Brother Bao?

Don't you look down on us?

Those brothers will show you a few hands to open your eyes!

This is a real idea in the five cautions. Of course, the primary purpose is to humiliate the greedy Arda Sumano. As for showing a little in front of the beautiful woman, isn't it one stone?

In terms of the progress of cultivation, five people are not much different, and the two-star silver, which is close to 200 horsepower, is the real strength of them.

However, if you meet a person of the same level after the enchantment, I'm afraid it will be difficult for several people to resist.

Because if a silver-level warrior exerts his enchantment skills, he will increase his power by at least 200 horsepower out of thin air. How many people can deal with this at this stage?

The thing is cleverly on the "hidden technique"!

At the moment when two guards from the Gilbert family of the Mabian family took action, the cunning little wolf and Bao Da Shao immediately accurately identified that the two attacked with less than 40 horsepower!

There are no opportunities for such yin people every day. How can there be no reason not to grasp the two unscrupulous people? Otherwise, they would not have been called the five tigers by the Chinese before!

How many days of training of tiring special forces have not only improved their physical agility, response, control and other aspects, but also their cultivation has grown and deepened to a horrible level. Of course, this horror is only relative to their first situation.

If Lord Balger knew the real situation of such a terrible change, he might be stunned and shouting incredible.

As several young people involved, they have no idea about it. They think that they are already the qualifications of shining stars. In fact, they should treat them calmly as ordinary things. They don't feel that they suddenly get the waste of getting a professional medal from several lifelong hopeless junior warriors to the seventh-level junior warrior stage. Promoted to a height that many people can't reach in their lifetime--silver-level strongman, what's shocking about the world?

The special forces training manual given to them by Zhong Li is almost an encyclopedia of skills and physical ability, which is all-inclusive.

Of course, some tips are also explained in detail, some skills that can be used at will after the body is stimulated by high-intensity training to have enough powerful potential, such as using force, four or two strokes of a thousand pounds, and so on.

For the exquisite acupuncture point technique of "orchid brushing hand", only the little wolf likes it most and has worked hard for many days. He also specially asked the casting master of Bao's family to create several exquisite iron men with refined iron - iron men marked all the acupuncture points all over his body.

As of yesterday, the third iron man had become fragile in the hands of the little wolf and finally scattered into a pile of useless scrap iron!

Now the little wolf does not need to deliberately remember or look for it. It is like the wind, and the acupuncture points of the human body seem to be clearly visible in front of him.

Unfortunately, the guard of the Gilbu family, who fought with him like a knife, became the first experimenter after the little wolf practiced brushing the acupoint hand. Of course, the result is not as miserable as the final fate of those iron men, but it is not much better!

Laogong acupoint is one of the most important acupuncture points on the palm of the human hand.

Together with another acupuncture point "Shaofu Cave" on the palm of the hand, it constitutes the two most important acupuncture points on the palm of the human body, which directly affects people's mind.

The little wolf pointed and poked, which contained at least 60 horse power. At the time when his palms were connected, the guard felt shocked all over, and a sharp strength directly broke through the defense of his palm and penetrated directly into his body. He secretly said that it was not good!

The guard first felt the hot pain in the palm of his hand, which made him groan coldly. Then when he felt that the situation was not good, he made a state adjustment, but found that the strong energy on the other party's fingers suddenly disappeared without a trace, but his mind suddenly began to be inexplicably irritable and began to start. Sweated outside, and at the same time, there was like a blazing flame rising in the inside, burning and pulling, but he couldn't find an outlet to vent. He suddenly retreated until he stood firm beside his young master's black nest, and the sweat had soaked all his clothes!

At this time, he could not mobilize the spiritual power in his body at all, and was completely in a state of panic and out of control. Although the little wolf's poke did not really hurt his vital point, his loss of control when facing the enemy was completely equivalent to sitting and waiting for death, so the guard was extremely panicked.

It seems that there is magic on the boy's finger, so strange and weird. He has never encountered such a situation.

In addition to being shocked, Wu Chao looked at the two strong family members who returned to his side. One of them hung weakly close to his waist and trembled. His eyes were full of panic, and he was sweaty as if he had just got up from the water. What happened?

The other four guards behind him brushed forward to protect him and the two escorts in a very bad situation, and the powerful aura unique to the silver strongman instantly locked five small.

If it were an ordinary middle-level martial artist, he would have long not collapsed and knelt down under the pressure of so many silver strong men. However, the villains on the opposite side were still as if nothing had happened, but the other two teenagers who were a little farther away slowly approached the fat master. For a moment, the two sides fell into a terrible In a stalemate, the situation on the court suddenly became very delicate.

Arda Sumanu, the tailor shop owner who was held by the bamboo pole Xiaojin, had already been stunned when the four silver guards launched the powerful silver strong man's aura. As soon as he let go, Xiaojin collapsed to the ground like a dead dog.


Wan's mind was completely confused, and she didn't understand how the two hateful villains escaped safely from the two silver guards.

At this time, she realized that the two painful shouts she had heard before were actually from the mouths of the two guards, which made her even more surprised.

When she always encounters difficult doubts, the little girl usually habitually asks her sister next to her.

But when she turned her head and was about to ask Chunyu, she found that her rare sister Chunyu had lost her mind.

The spring rain is like a wisp of weak rain at this moment. Her whole body is in a erratic state of almost riding the wind, but her eyes are firmly locked in one direction and have never moved.

Looking along her sister's line of sight, the first people who entered the eyes of the beautiful girl were two pure and beautiful girls.

A girl is about the same age as her, her slim figure, and a plain long skirt can't hide her unique temperament.

A thirteen or 14-year-old girl came hand in hand with this girl. She was a little short, and a golden ponytail could not help shaking on the back of her head, looking naive and youthful.

Where did these two lovely girls come from?

Wan noticed that her sister's eyes actually fell on a man who the little girl turned back and shouted.

wan wan always felt that she seemed to have met the man somewhere, the ordinary teenager who was dressed in cloth and followed the two girls.

Her heart suddenly moved. Has her sister been watching this teenager? Is it...? Where on earth did you see this teenager?

Wan tried her best to put the teenager's appearance into the fragments of memory for comparison one by one. Out of a moment, she shouted excitedly: "Sister and sister, I remember that he is the teenager who bought the elf princess!!!"

The exclamation interrupted the fluttering thoughts of the spring rain. She withdrew her eyes, but blushed for no reason. She pretended to cough and turned her head. She did not dare to look at Xiao Nizi's scrutiny, but she didn't know that the sister beside her had already seen her distracted embarrasment.

"Hee, sister, come from the truth. Do you like that boy?" Yuyu came to Chunyu with a big or small smile. As she turned her head to look at Chunyu's face, she asked in a serious tone.

"You!——Don't talk nonsense..." Chunyu raised her palm angrily. Wan knew that her sister was scaring her. How could she be afraid of Chunyu's threat?

"Hee hee, sister, I've seen it, and you still don't admit it! Humph, I don't know who stared at a stinky boy just now. Tut, that look has never been seen by your sister? Come on, isn't that what I said!?——"

The little girl couldn't let go. She hugged Chunyu's hand and couldn't help shaking, chasing and asking questions.

Chunyu was so ashamed that she turned her head again. In fact, her heart was as chaotic as a deer. It was clear that there was a voice repeatedly questioning herself at the bottom of her heart.

"Is this the man who is willing to wait for him for thousands of years? Will it? Will it? Will it?————"

At this time, a pair of Gilbu Wuchao had released a strong aura and gradually approached Nalongbao. The situation was extremely unfavorable to the five small.

Chunyu struggled several times and finally made up his mind.

The decision of spring rain instantly changed the situation on the whole field, which was not expected by the two sides at all.

The spring rain suddenly took action.

violated her 25 years of habit and took action without hesitation for the first time under such circumstances.