Step by step

Chapter 93 Shui Lifang Sanying

[If you always care about other people's opinions, then one day you will become their prisoner and completely lose yourself; can we try to change the world with our own smile instead of letting the world easily change our smile? โ€”โ€”-Don't]

Talent is very important, but acquired diligence and creation are also indispensable. At the age of seven, he began to come into contact with the law of runes and Taoism. He has a superhuman talent and has worked hard for 20 years. He has become a lineage in the production and innovation of runes, like a veritable generation of masters.

Their perverse and lonely personality are the characteristics of several. For example, Zifeng likes to recite the wind and the moon to show off everything in the world. In addition to being obsessed with gadgets, he valued eating and drinking most every day. These are the most unruly aspects of their personality.

Zhong Li's words about Rune were extremely simple, but they deeply touched the heart of reading.

In this world, reading has always admired only one person. Like Tiantian and Zifeng, they all have a supreme respect for this person and a deep feeling for a place that is difficult for ordinary people.

That's their teacher, the school they came from.

Maybe no one in the world knows that all three of them come from a mysterious sect, whose name is "Shui Lifang".

It is impossible to verify who created the "water encouragement"

This sect is extremely mysterious and almost does not appear in the world, but all the disciples from it are powerful figures in the world. They become famous legendary masters at such young as Zifeng, Reading and Tiantian, which are also rare in the talented water.

The person whom all three respected changed their lives, leading them to gradually become the most outstanding leaders in completely different fields, until they were respected as masters by people in the world.

If you let the three of them evaluate, that person is definitely at the level of a super master. They can't be compared with it at all. There seems to be endless novelty and profound knowledge in that person, so that they can't learn his three skills in their lives have been pestering the three people.

If the three people reading the book are compared to three small stars, then that person is the hot sun, which not only warms everything but also nourishes life. His heart is broad and shining, and no one can surpass it!

I don't know why, just as Zhong Li was talking about the rune, the three people who read the book looked at each other silently and gave birth to a strange feeling in the bottom of their hearts at the same time: why did the seemingly ordinary young man in front of him have the feeling they were extremely familiar with, even the tone and tone of his voice. They are very similar to the person they are familiar with, which surprises them. On the contrary, it makes Tiantian, who is afraid to breathe and dare not relax, relax secretly.

After Yueying Qingchen discussed with him, Yueying Qingchen explained the reason to Zhong Li, and gave it to Zhong Li, and let Xiaoyingyi show it with his unique blood without hesitation. This is not the original intention of the divine temple at all. This is just that more disciples of the Divine Temple can't bear to sacrifice more lives for a ethereal fantasy every day. I hope that Zhong Li can temporarily eliminate the idea of the senior management of the Divine Temple to continue to send people to do this matter. What's more, Zhong Li did give Tiantian the initial impression of a person who came out somewhere.

Every day, gambling on his judgment, betting on the feeling of moon shadow dust, gambling on the fate of Shen'an.

And Zhong Li did not disappoint Tiantian at all, constantly creating all kinds of surprises, so that Tiantian gradually stopped worrying about the criticism of the senior management of Shen'an.

One thing was mentioned in the secret message left by Yueying Qingchen, which made Tiantian more convinced that this young man named Zhong Li might be from that place. If that's the case, the revival of the shrine is really hopeful and no longer an unreachable dream!

Xiaoying repeatedly told Tiantian not to reveal secrets, which told Tiantian that he had not recovered for a long time. That day was the day before the bloody battle in the Golden Cave.

Zhong Liyuan never returned in Wulan Valley, but that day, Yueying Qingchen quietly met Tiantian and told him some facts, which made Tiantian, who had come to inform Xiaoying to return to the Shen'an, unexpected.

Xiaoying proudly told Tiantian that her current cultivation has broken through to Samsung Advanced! You will soon enter the realm of silver!

I have been with Zhong Li for less than a month, and the progress of Yueying Qingchen's practice can only be described as flying arrows! I almost fainted every day on the spot!

Therefore, the big bottle of small bottles seems to be extremely precious every day, but they are regarded as a pill for small shadows, a magical hidden breath - a magical kung fu that can completely cover up its cultivation strength at will. Today, Xiaoying can reach a terrible 50 horse power with a punch, which is already a high-level success of Samsung. For cultivation, the poor Master Tiantian was surprised and happy!

When a simple but extremely flexible set of eyesight is very powerful, it is unpredictable every day

When the elegant swordsmanship was skillfully displayed in the hands of Yueying Qingchen, it completely stunned Tiantian. In his bones, he had already identified Zhong Li as the person who came out of that place, and it was also very confirmed!

So after sending the news back to Shen'an, he informed the two people every day, two partners who grew up with him, and two partners who were sent far away by the sect like him. Of course, Zifeng and Reading came in a hurry to receive the message sent by the three people in a special way!

The purple wind comes from the royal city thousands of miles away in the north. Reading books comes from the three areas between the elf continent, the barbarian empire and the wading forest, but it is also 3,000 miles away.

Since they are disciples of Shuilifang, their fate is like the disciples of Shen'an like Xiaoying, which is completely at their own mercy. Like the mission of Shen'an disciples, the mission of Shuilifang's disciples is also to help the world.

It's just that the disciples of Shen'an bear the heavy blood debt of hundreds of thousands of seniors.

This is also the reason why a man intersects with the shrine all-female shrine every day. Those childhood memories at the foot of the shrine headquarters are still lingering in the minds of him and Zifeng, reading books and others.

Shui Lifang and Shen'an, the most mysterious sects in the two continents, are also the sects with forces secretly spread all over the world. The former are all male disciples, and the latter are female disciples, but the two sects often cooperate secretly. They never communicate with each other on the surface, but secretly help each other and contribute to the great move of helping the world. Blood and even life.

However, Shuilifangmen have never shown their origins in the world, so this sect is completely opposite to the style of dealing with the bright and bright.

As for the inextricable connection between Shen'an and Shui Lifang, the second chapter will slowly reveal the secrets for you, not for the time being.

A teenager who was told by Tiantian's message, a mysterious teenager who was related to the future and major fates such as the rejuvenation of the Shen'an, and Tiantian, who has always acted very safely and deeply appreciated by the sect and the senior officials of the Shen'an, is willing to give up the children stained with countless sacrifices of the Shen'an and secretly helping. The magical teenager who lives and hides the secret map of blood and treasures can completely let him come to Niuhua Town with the purpose of reading books and using the high-value rare "divine charm" every day. There is only one purpose. Their "Shui Lifang Sanying" wants to get together to investigate the name Bruce. Zhong Li's ordinary teenager.

Unexpectedly, at the gate of the Zuiyue Building, the five young people surprised Zifeng.

such as "This is not an authority, and the purple robe is golden with dust; who can be as glorious and rich? The name of the eternal name is Yang..." Five consecutive sayings are aimed at Xiaobao and other five people. It is extraordinary to get the uninvited figure of Master Zifeng, not to mention that five people with such an amazing fate will appear at one time in this border town, and they still appear together, which is completely unexpected to Zifeng.

The most amazing thing is that such five talented teenagers actually have something to do with an ordinary teenager who makes him have no clue at all, but this teenager is actually the magical teenager who let them rush to come to Niuhua Town every day, Bruce. Zhong Li, an extremely vulgar and ordinary name without any gorgeousness, just like the ordinary appearance of this teenager at first glance!

Zifeng remembered that his master once said such a sentence to him: "The sound of self-study must be heard in the hearts of the people, clear and extraordinary."

This is the key point that his master repeatedly warned him to walk around the world and use the art of observing people.

This kind of character can be described in twelve words: unique, outstanding and outstanding.

I remember that their master once said a sentence about the fate of the three of them: "*, once you meet the wind and clouds, you will turn into a dragon!", and warned that one day if the three of them meet a small person at the same time and are convinced by it, the fate of the three of them will always be with this person who is destined to turn into a dragon. It is closely related and completely changed by it.

The three people who have become the six famous masters in the world for many years have almost forgotten the words of the master. At this moment, the three of them suddenly woke up, are they?......

Are the three of them destined to meet the person who changed their lives as the teenager who recognized the inferior "flame charm" used to read the book at a glance, and talked about the Taoist theory as several treasures said?

Is Zhong Li 18 years old?

For a long time, Zifeng and reading books have been secretly called "Shui Lifang Sanying" by the people of the sect every day. They have always been a model for the disciples of the sect to catch up and learn. Although they have been busy with the affairs arranged for the sect for the Qingxi mainland all year round, they will be countless heroes in the world and get used to how many storms. What will happen! Never has anyone been as frightened and unpredictable as they are now.

It has been many years ago to become the six masters of the world. Now Shui Lifang Sanying suddenly remembered the words left them by the great man when he left the sect. For a while, his heart was surging.

Is today the time to fulfill that motto?

This series of dark psychological changes is actually just a short moment. When the three people of Zifeng recovered, Zhong Li just drank the hot tea handed over by the two mouthfuls of little girls.

Zhong Li did not continue the previous rune topic, but put down the teacup, turned his palm, and suddenly a small piece of paper appeared in his palm.

This is also a piece of paper!

The difference is that as soon as this paper charm appeared, a simple, mysterious and obscure atmosphere suddenly came to my face, completely diluting the strong fragrance of the boiling wine on the table.

The eyes of reading almost fell to the desktop...