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Chapter 95 Master Zhong Li who can play tricks)

[Don't deceive others, because anyone who can be deceived by you is a person who believes in you. Without the trust of these people, you will even lose your final qualification as an ordinary person. No matter what the circumstances are, Biaoxu has never deceived people who believe in him in his life, even when he is desperate.——————Bixu]

Or Yueying Qingchen walked over and gently grabbed the corner of Tiantian's clothes and shook them a few times, which means that several masters should not pose a scary posture to scare Zhong Li's brother, so she was very uncomfortable. The little girl's feelings for Zhong Li are now as tight as Joanne, a little tighter than herself.

Sweeping by the sharp eyes of Zifeng, the little girl Joanne couldn't help approaching Zhong Li beside her. It seemed that only by leaning on her brother could she gain great strength and no longer be afraid of anything.

Relatively speaking, Longbao and others are obviously not very afraid of the momentum and oppression of this kind of strong people. After all, the five of them are more than a little higher than Joanne and Yueying Qingchen. They are secretly calming down and biochemicallyjie the powerful oppression that comes to their faces, and they do not show any unbearable or panic.

These seem to have no impact on Zhong Li at all.

His eyes were persistent and firm, and he boldly met Zifeng and the fing eyes of reading, and he was not weak at all.

He patted the moon shadow dust's head gently every day, indicating that it's okay. Don't be nervous. He smiled softly and said, "What a genius. If I really didn't look at it, come on, scholar, madman, I'm going to officially say a big thing next--"

While talking, he took out a transparent light purple ball from his arms, about the size of a thumb, and the whole body was crystal clear and very similar to purple crystal. He put the ball on the table in front of him.

Then, put your hands together every day, close your eyes, and read words in your mouth.

A few seconds later, his eyes suddenly opened, and two gorgeous lights flashed away from his eyelids. Suddenly, he shouted "Open!——" with his palms in one place, pointing his index finger at the small ball.

The small light purple crystal ball suddenly bloomed into a thin layer of light purple and steamed. In the blink of an eye, it filled the space where a group of people were, about three or four cubic meters. Then, everyone felt as if they were in an independent space at this moment, completely isolated from the outside world.

Every day, he couldn't help stroking his bare chin, and everyone could feel the unconcealed compladened look on his face.

It is not the first time that Wuxiao has experienced this kind of prohibition. When they first saw the boss Zhong Li, when they accepted the transformation of their qualifications, the boss casually set a huge isolation space to circle them in the middle. It seemed that the boss's hand was easy and effortless, and it seemed The space is also much better than the crystal ball made by this master every day.

At least the space made by the Tiantian master is more than several times smaller than that of the boss Zhong Li, which is a secret comparison made by Wu Xiao in his heart.

If you know every day that the five little guys in front of him don't say anything or even sneer at him, will they spit three liters of blood on the spot?

Fortunately, Wuxiao did not show his thoughts on his face, otherwise Master Tiantian would not be able to hang his face.

Zhong Li praised unmovedly and softly, "Yes, it is quite rare to achieve this level of small isolated spiritual beads."


The lust on Tiantian's face was completely erased by Zhong Li's words in an instant, and replaced by an unbelievable face!

"You, you... Do you even know about the isolation of spiritual beads? You... Who the hell are you?" Tiantian was originally the most stable of the three people, and at this moment, he couldn't stop his surprise and asked in surprise.

Zhong Li waved to Yueying Qingchen, and Xiaoying walked to Zhong Li with a face that saw the holy light of his idol's fans.

Zhong Li pointed to the little shadow written on his face of worship and joy and said, "Since Master Tian has imposed a ban on isolation, of course, I can talk to you openly. I believe you are waiting here specially, right? Xiaoying and I, Annie's sister, are Zhong Li's two closest relatives in the world. I can risk everything for them. What I learned in the next body is too complicated and the origin is too secret to tell you. However, I once swore in front of the little shadow girl that I should do the greatest help for her and her sect in this life, nothing else, but that the sacred mission of "helping the world" does coincide with my plan. These five brothers next to me It's a certificate. Xiaobao, you can show your real side to several masters. Don't keep it!"

When Longbao and others heard the words, they quickly stood up and walked to Xiaoying's side and lined up. The five people who stood up straight had undergone earth-shaking changes in momentum and spirit in an instant!

This change stunned several knowledgeable people every day!

In an instant, there were at least five very obvious changes in the five people of Longbao.

And the momentum of the five people also rose directly layer by layer, and it was not until the stage between the silver two stars and three stars that it stopped abruptly!

It can be imagined that this is not a simple quantitative change, but a complete qualitative change!

The five three-level young people with intermediate cultivation are like tricks. The cultivation on their bodies increases layer by layer, and the auras fluctuate on the bodies of the five people. The most terrible thing is that the auras on the five people are completely different in color, pure and single, which is the only representation!

Oh, my God!

What do you see in your eyes?

Every day, the three people groaned with pain and happiness at the same time!

Golden wood, water, fire and earth, pure five elements spiritual power, single five elements qualification, these are five "star people"!

What is a shining star? This continent is the hottest. A person is worth a few cities and may even cause a disastrous battle. Such a unique talent is also difficult to find in the Shuilifang Gate, let alone in the withering Shen'an Gate.

What are the five concepts?

The five teenagers who appeared in front of them at the same time, they know what it means!

Since Mr. Zhong Li dares to show the most terrible real face for his brothers, it shows Zhong Li's clear attitude.

Although the three have profound cultivation and are in isolation at this moment, and they are not afraid that the situation will be leaked out, they immediately thought of a more terrible thing. What is Zhong Li's cultivation?

This teenager claimed to refine a large number of high-quality and even excellent-grade runes with inferior materials. At a glance, he recognized at a teenager who took out every day to isolate the spiritual beads. This drawing rune actually used curved seven loops, which didn't even read books. The teenager who has completely mastered the strange advanced painting technique, this and the five shining teenagers who can calmly hide their real cultivation in front of them are called brothers, and the five geniuses are completely a mysterious teenager with a respectful expression, who let them come to investigate every day. What is this? Is blessing a curse?

People dare to reveal their true secrets in front of themselves, or become allies from then on, or only one side can get out of this drunken moon tower alive, and there is no other way.

What is the terrible purpose of this teenager?

The five people's fescue eyes shifted from Wuxiao to Zhong Li.

At the sign of Zhong Li, Wuxiao removed his eye-catching state at the same time, and returned to the state of intermediate warrior's perfect cultivation that can only be seen by others no matter how others look at it. The five were unpretentious and calmly returned to their seats.

The aroma of the wine became more and more mellow, diluting the suddenly deadlocked atmosphere on the court.

First, Yueying Qingchen broke the silence and said delicately, "Uncle Tiantian, can this wine be drunk? If you don't drink the aroma, it will dissipate. The good dishes at this table will be ruined in vain."

Suddenly, I hit a few times every day and laughed and said, "Yes, yes, yes, our little shadow is careful. If you don't say it, I really didn't notice it. Mr. Zhong Li, can we talk while drinking?"

Zhong Li nodded with a smile.

So, a few people still returned to their original seats and were about to pick up wine glasses every day. They didn't want to turn over their palms and conjure up several extremely exquisite silver wine glasses like tricks, which were placed on the table.

Xiaoying asked in surprise, "Brother Zhong Li, do you also have a storage ring? Why didn't I see it? Look, I also have one, which is our master's baby!"

Zhong Li turned his head and looked at the old bronze ring on Yueying Qingchen's finger. He saw its quality and function at a glance and smiled and said, "Good girl, I've been busy recently. I don't have time to prepare gifts for you to drink Annie. Instead, your sister is careful and considerate, and bought her such a beautiful hairband and butterfly hair card, etc. After tomorrow's work, my brother promised you to make a beautiful storage ring for each of you that can hold a lot of things. How about it?

When the three of them opened their mouths every day and couldn't close their mouths at all, Wu Xiaona would miss the opportunity to get the storage ring known as an artifact from the boss, a magical artifact that they had never dreamed of in the past?

Wuxiao immediately surrounded Joanne, who was about to get his brother's new gift, holding hands and smiling with Zhong Li. Several people gathered behind Zhong Li's front and hooked up with the boss. One by one, they began to say a lot of flattering words, just asking for Zhong Li's Nod.

" boss, you are biased like this, aren't you? Look, Xiaobao, I have not only been diligent recently, but also become so slim now, which is a clear proof! What's more, I took good care of the two girls during your time out, Sister Anne, don't you think so? Xiaobao lowered his eyebrows and said good words in Zhong Li's ear, asking for credit, and kept looking at the two little girls.

"Yes, big lazy brother, brother Xiaobao is very good to me and Xiaoying sister. Every day, he comes to our practice room to see us and brings a lot of delicious food to my mother..."

" boss, don't you think I lied, Annie's sister also said so. Boss, do you think about it and give it to our brothers..."

While talking, Xiaobao raised his head and quickly sent a message to the other four guys to strike while the iron was hot.

So, a group of crows began to scrape in Zhongli's ear!

Zhong Li was not angry. He bowed forward slightly, and immediately came out with a cup of steaming fragrant tea in front of him!

This time, it was not the little tree that has always been clever. It turned out that the tall and long-armed little gold took the lead!

This is a rare situation.

However, the boss Zhong Li, who took the tea, said a soft sentence and immediately made the five little people who couldn't stop scratching and return to their seats.

"You know that the boss is squeezed and exploited. Don't you know that the boss still owes tens of millions of foreign debts? Whoever helps the boss solve the debt, I can consider giving you the same treatment as Xiaoying..."

When the three people heard this every day, their eyes turned white and almost fainted in anger!