Step by step

Chapter 100 Bamboo Leaf Green for Encouragement

[What is the wisdom of swallows? Its core is actually distance. It knows that human beings are animals that you can't be too close to him or too far away from him. Because rare birds and beasts are far away from human beings, they attract human beings to work hard to hunt; poultry and livestock are too close to human beings, they completely lose their homes and are raised by human beings and killed at will. Only the swallow understands human beings, understands the nature of human beings, is not only close to human beings but also is not controlled by human beings, and has always maintained their spiritual independence for thousands of years. So people worship swallows like gods. It turns out that there is a kind of wisdom from swallows called: Ruo Li.



This is a fairyland on earth.

In the blink of an eye, the scene in front of them changed, and everyone was speechless and deeply shocked by the magnificent scenery in front of them.

The fragrance of birds and flowers, and the aura in the air is so strong that it is almost visible to the naked eye permeates this unique world.

There is a large field full of strange flowers and plants, which can't be seen at a glance. From afar, you can see several beautiful peaks, often full of green trees, hidden in the clouds.

They are located on the edge of a huge lake. The lake is rippling, and the lake is full of various lotus flowers, all of which are strange species that no one has ever seen before.

You can clearly see various forms of fish in the lake playing freely in the water, which is pleasing to the eyes and leisurely.

A beautiful attic by the lake is connected, unique and antique.

Unknown birds sing crisply in the woods behind the attic group, pleasantly, echoing between heaven and earth for a long time.

A circle of ingenious and exquisitely designed flower platforms are winding around the attic group and lakes, and all kinds of strange flowers and plants in the flower platform are blooming or dripping or delicate, which is refreshing.

There are also beautiful butterflies that are big or small, dancing or stopping between the flowers, and the graceful and vivid dancing posture makes the moon shadow Qingchen and Joanne cheer and fly all the way.

"Sister, look, that butterfly with wings like a moon pattern is so beautiful. Let's quietly go and catch one..."

The little girl half bowed her waist excitedly and quietly gestured to the moon shadow dust behind her and said her intention.

Mosueying Qingchen rarely brushed the heart of this lovely girl and whispered, "Sister, how free these beautiful butterflies are. I think it's their happiest thing to dance casually among the flowers. Let's not disturb or hurt them..."

Joanne nodded heavily, but boldly ran to the nearest attic, and Yueying followed her uneasily.

Zhong Li walked to Shuili Fang Sanying, who was shocked and wonder why the world was so full of aura, and said softly, "Three masters, this is the cave below."

Every day, the three of them turned around and bowed to Zhong Li and said in unison, "Shui Lifang Tiantian (see Zhong Li Shenjun!"

"Ha ha, I'm not a god!" Zhong Li stretched out his hand to help, and the three of them felt an irresistible surge of force every day. They just picked up their bodies and were terrmented.

As early as ten years ago, the three had been promoted to the realm of platinum three stars.

Because of the tasks in the door and specializing in their respective cultivation fields, they have not been able to touch the threshold of promotion to the golden strongman over the years.

Since the five young people with the qualifications of shining stars honor Zhong Li as the boss, although the three of them don't know what the boss means, they are definitely forward-looking.

The five teenagers showed a level of more than two platinum stars, but their age is at most 16 or 17 years old, which is really appalling.

Among the three, Zifeng, who was the first to advance to platinum, was also 18 years old, which was still under the personal help of the saint in the door.

This Zhong Li's cultivation seems to be at least above the golden level!

Otherwise, Shi Li, just now, will not be helped up by them lightly this time.

The three people are more awe-inspiring, with endless magical objects, five talented teenagers who are qualified as bright stars, and have their own caves that the world definitely does not have. What is this Zhong Li not a god?

Zhong Li turned around and ordered Wuxiao, "Xiaobao, you two girls take a walk around. I'll go into the house and talk with the three masters first. Go!"

Five Xiaoxiao had an infinite yearning for this magical place, but he did not dare to run around as freely as Anne and Xiaoying. Without talking to the boss, the five of them had to suffocate by the boss's side.

After receiving the boss's decree, the five people answered loudly: "I will obey the boss @ the decree!" He laughed and shouted the names of Xiaoying and Anne, and ran to the two girls.

It is rare to see these boys and girls around him who are destined to follow their hardships on a difficult road to find childlike innocence, and Zhong Li's face is bright.


After a brief loss of distraction, Zhong Li led the three people around the fragrant flower platform by the lake and stepped on a meter-wide path paved with rain stones to an attic.

The two exquisite and majestic lion statues in front of the attic door are separated from each other, and two seal characters "broken army" are written on a quaint plaque on the door!

Zhong Li walked to the door, and his hands sparkled with a golden light. The door opened automatically. With a bright smile, Zhong Li turned around and made a gesture of invitation to the three people.

Every day, the three of them stepped into this sacred attic with great piety.

Entering the door is a living room, talking about a few quaint seats and a few small and chic short ones.

But suddenly caught a pair of couplets hanging on the wall behind the main seat of the head of the hall.

The couplet is:

Deepness is a disease, so why not treat it shallowly;

The next couplet is:

The shortcomings are also a point, please click here.

There is no horizontal batch, pen walking dragon snake, gold hook silver stroke, momentum like a rainbow.

Zhong Li smiled and said, "The three masters laughed. This is because they went crazy after drinking a few years ago. They spread a few words randomly and can't get into everyone's eyes. Haha, please sit down."

Along with the text, the three people who read books are all very knowledgeable. Seeing Zhong Li's couplet, this couplet is unruly, seemingly rough but actually wise, and its connotation is deeply thought-provoking.

In this way, Zhong Li became taller and fuller in the hearts of the three people.

"Please prepare some tea for me." Regardless of the obstruction of the three people, he turned to the back and made trouble.

Reading the book and said in a low voice, "Two brothers, this Zhong Li's research and refining of the way of runes not only make me feel as appalling, but also possesses such things as Dongtian. If you want to get the favor of this person, you don't have any different thoughts. You need to tell each other frankly. Don't ruin our water. The reputation of the world.

Zifeng said, "Yes, I see that this Mr. Zhong Li is frank and affectionate, which is really rare. Let's first inform the origin of Shen'an and our sect, and then try our best to let Xiaoying stay with Mr. Zhong Li. First, when Xiaoying is taken care of him, he will have an unlimited future. Second, it can be seen that the relationship between Xiaoying and Mr. Zhong Li's sister is already deep and unbearable to leave, and the prince also attaches great importance to this. Third, Xiaoying Isn't it the blessing of the temple that the shadow has received such a God-given?

Tiantian shook his head and said, "Do you know who the world-known Zongheng Xiaoxiangshuai is?"

I read a book and exchanged a color with Zifeng, but I didn't answer, but I was stunned. At the same time, an idea surged in my heart: "Is it?——————"

nodded every day, "Yes, since Xiaoying was rescued from the Black Knight with great magic power by the prince, I knew that this young man was not ordinary when I got her message. Do you think I am the one who is best at makeup and transfigurement in the door? But ask yourself how far is it to reach the arbitrary realm of the prince's unpredictable incarnation of tens of millions? Xiaoying once said that Mr. Zhongli can become a few-year-old child, which can last for several hours. What kind of means do you think about this?

Zifeng and reading are intoxicated. After all, Tiantian is already the top master of the door, and the production is very exquisite. The sect has secretly arranged people to auction it. One of them has been auctioned at a high price of 3,88 gold coins has been praised and ashamed by Tiantian. Obviously, it makes Zifeng and the two people more interested.

"Later, I saw the skills passed by the prince to the little girl and took a brief look. It was simply magical! And the elixir that those princes gave to the little girl to practice and supplement on weekdays are all precious things. Every time the little girl says that she is like eating a snack to deal with those elixirs, I feel tight and painful! Poor children can't afford to be hurt, and the disciples of the poor sect can't afford to hurt even more. Even if we have the title of a broken master and the hat of the top ten outstanding youths, can we eat? What really made me make up my mind is the changes in Xiaoying. You have also seen the real cultivation of the girl who used to be in the Zuiyue Building, but now I believe you can see it, right? How long has it been? Who will believe it? What an unbelievable thing it is that a little girl was directly promoted from Samsung Intermediate to Samsung Advanced in less than a month!

Obviously, the previous Zifeng and reading had no time to think of this. Now when they heard Tiantian's words, they were suddenly shocked and thought of the terrible extent of this matter.

Tian leisurely continued: "In fact, it was based on these and my next secret visits and observations that I decided to let the little girl tell him about the secret map. Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhong Li gave Xiao Ying a big gift after learning about the secrets and blood and tears involved in the Shen'an and this secret map, and promised that he would definitely Help find the two reply beads, Canghai Shenzhu and Wushan Lizhu, and don't seem to care about those dangerous princes in the magic secret map. This is the beginning and end of entrusting the secret map. Later, we have to think about the order of Shen'an to cancel the order to recall Xiaoying.

Zifeng nodded, suddenly thought of something puzzled, and hurriedly asked, "That's why you used the thousand-mile note given by the scholar to send us the news and rushed to see Mr. Zhong Li? What's the matter with the Zongheng Xiaoxiangshuai you just said?

So every day, he mixed in the crowd and saw the bravery of Zhong Li, who turned into a scar-faced man, wash away the golden cave. Speaking of the golden cave plaque, which was magically erased by the wooden master's handwriting and changed to the five big words "horizontal little fragrance" that could not be removed. Speaking of the end, the little fox Fangyi, the mysterious man's little man V. Durdes, the quasi-gold-level boss of the Golden Grottoes, joined hands to beat Mr. Zhong Li to death. Speaking of his extremely low mood and water his sorrows with wine, he changed countless restaurants and restaurants to leave with Xiaoying after the arrival of Zifeng. Besides, he inadvertently saw the magical appearance of Xiaoying in the Zuiyue Tower. Zhong Li beside him was so excited at that time that he almost drank two pots of intestines and so on in one breath.

Especially with the vision of a strong man who has been a platinum master for many years, he talked vividly about what happened in the golden cave at that time, and the two of them were dazzled!

Zongheng Xiaoxiangshuai, is it the elegant name of Mr. Zhong Li?

"Let the three of you wait for a long time. Zhong Li is really uneasy. Please use a little coarse tea!"

Suddenly, the three people heard Zhong Li's signature warm and spring-like voice, and then there was an extra teenager in front of them holding three large wooden tea plates full of hot tea.

The signature shallow and sincere smile, the peerless beauty that can't hide, and the handsome and healthy face, this is Zhong Li.

The god recognized by the three masters.

The three hurriedly left their seats and picked up the teacup, and their mouths were frightened.

Zhong Li did not sit on the main seat, but sat opposite the three people, still smiling. Next to him was a few teapots, the same cup of hot tea, which was no different from that of the three people.

"The three masters have not cooked tea for a long time. It took some effort to clean these tea sets. Let's try it first!"

This tea is called bamboo leaf green, also known as green leaf nectar. It belongs to the flat-shaped fried green tea. Its style is mellow and elegant. It belongs to the gentleman in the tea, and I usually love it very much. This tea is produced from a famous mountain, which is surrounded by mountains and surrounded by clouds all year round. The green bamboo is dense, and the tea trees are very suitable for growing. The bamboo leaves are flat in shape, with two pointed and thin ends, shaped like bamboo leaves; the internal aroma is high and fresh; the soup color is clear, and the taste is mellow; the bottom of the leaves is tender and green and uniform.

Seeing the leisurely taste of the three, Zhong Li continued.

"This tea is made from fine and tender tea leaves in early spring. It is a stir-fried green tea. Its process is exquisite. When stir-frying tea, it is low temperature and moderate, and the amount of leaves is small. It skillfully adopts shaking, grasping, skimming, pressing and other processes to stir-fry and form at one time.

Its appearance is flat and straight, and its color is tender and green; the soup color is yellow, green and bright, and the bottom of the leaves is light green and tender; the taste is mellow and refreshing, and the aftertaste is sweet after drinking. What do you three think?

Zifeng put down the teacup, closed his eyes slightly, and wrote a poem leisurely.

"The Bigan general flew from the sky and stood in the center of the cup.

It is delicate and does not forget the color of Qinling, and the fragrance dares to be better than Hainan coconut.

Exploring the exhausting shoes, you don't need to pour sea boots.

My best friends gathered together with a cup of laughter, tasting tea and discussing Taoism and harmony.

Zhong Li clapped his hands and praised, "Master Zifeng is so talented!"

Reading a book and laughing, "It's really boring for a madman to make a fool in front of the prince. Please do a little trick and punish him!"

He laughed around every day. Seeing that everyone's atmosphere suddenly became so harmonious, he was naturally in a good mood and also encouraged Zhong Lifu to write poems.

It really couldn't pass the blame. Zhong Li picked up the teacup in his hand and raised it in front of him. He looked at it carefully for a while. He smiled and said, "I think it's right words. I hope it's not a joke."

He laughed every day and said, "Who dares to laugh, let's turn him into a marijuana immediately!"

When everyone calmed down, he listened to Zhong Li leisurely read:

"Jiang Yulu has repeatedly become a table guest of seven sages in the bamboo forest. Who knew that the bamboo shadow could not be left, so he achieved this color. Crystal clear, green and fragrant, cold, intoxicated, how many literati and heroes. Thousands of years, the reputation has not fallen, and it is always on the wine list.

Chen Si Xiepei, Li Bai as a turtle, and the red wall of Dongpo gives the bright moon. There is also Du Langjun's appreciation, and he still remembers Xinghua Village, which is a good Qingming Festival. The poet is famous for his wine and poetry, but now he has stepped forward from the beginning. Looking at the land of Fenhe River, the wine is soaring and renovated. If you don't sing a prosperous song, the poetry is still endless!"

The seats are full of silence.