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Chapter 104 The Marquis Meets Thieves in the Spring

[Gratitude is another form of charity, which is the most important thing in life. So I can lose everything, but I only know that the gratitude that helped me can never be lost. Thank these people for their care and support for Beixu: wood, Zuiyue, frame, Xiaole, Tiantian, reading, wind, snow, upside down, ten generals, Xiaojiu, Qiao, etc., etc., all the brothers and sisters of Shuilifang, as well as friends who have become bitter-handed second-handed writers like me, don't forget!]


When night falls, how many dirty and shameless things can be staged unscrupulously under the cover of darkness.

There will be rain tonight, and the spring rain tower hidden in the misty rain is still full of people.

Rich people from all over the world are excitedly waiting for tomorrow to rise, and many people can't wait.

A trading conference in an originally ordinary town attracted many people because of unusual publicity.

The rich people in the four nearby counties have sent representatives, and the most eye-catching thing is the personal presence of Lord Li Si.

The marquis who controlled half of the elite army of the empire came to Niuhua Town this time, which attracted the attention of all parties.

Of course, except that the king of Lichuan, who has never been on his way, has never sent people to come, Mabian, Ebian and Meishan counties have all sent senior generals of the barracks with the garrison to escort.

What is the identity of the old marquis?

More than 10,000 people under one person, he has fought for a lifetime and made countless proud achievements for the empire. It has been across the Qingxi mainland for decades. It is an immortal pine in the military world and an eternal myth.

The Iron-blooded Tiger Group and the Bloodthirsty Wolf Group, these two elite armies that have been firmly in the hands of the Marquis, have been guarding the north and south fortresses of the empire.

East Wuhuang, the two golden generals, two mythical legendary generals in the military world, are the powerful left and right arms of the old marquis.

Legend has it that more than ten years ago, the old marquis's life has broken through the shackles of gold-level perfection and entered the peak of martial arts - advanced to the holy level!

But in the past 30 years, no one has seen the old marquis take action in person, and no one knows how he has cultivated.

The old marquis is here.

There are only two people around.

A young man in blue with no expression on his face, like an infallable javelin, holding a rusty sheathless sword, standing three feet away from the marquis.

No matter where the marquis goes or what he is doing, the man in blue always maintains this distance from the old marquis.

The other person is the famous little fox Fangyi on the top ten youth list, the wisdom brain of the old marquis.

The three refused all visitors and lived in the elegant room on the top floor of the Chunyu Building.

I heard that the Spring Lady in Chunyu Building will serve the old marquis to drink in person tonight, and no guest can see this great beauty to say hello.

Only the old marquis can be so domineering!

The Spring Lady will never entertain anyone in person. Even if she is a nobleman or a rich chaebol, no one can enjoy the personal hospitality of this beauty.

No one saw that the old marquis was always ugly, short or thin, but people just knew that this strong man of the empire, who would make a big earthquake tremble with a cough, came in the boudoir of the beautiful spring lady in Chunyu Tower.

Who dares to have any resentment?

Who dares???

However, there are so many guests in the spring rain building tonight that there are still 13 tables in the lobby on the ground floor and still can't find seats.

But these standing people are also very happy, holding the hunchback A Niu and other subordinates Zhang Luolai's wine, with the same expectant smile.

It is a great honor to drink in the same place as the god of war of the empire.

Tonight's Spring Rain Tower is the most lively, but also the quietest.

No one dares to shout loudly, no one dares to cough loudly, and no one dares to indulge in desphem with girls.

With the old marquis of the military god, who dares to be presumptuous???

This is a very memorable night.

But in the middle of the night, a big thing happened that shocked the world.

Something happened to the Chunyu Building, and it was a big deal!

The old marquis was stolen!

The garrisons originally stationed outside Niuhua Town in each county immediately blocked four gates and surrounded Chunyu Tower together with the town's guards and the Black Knights.

This thief is so bold and smart!

Who on earth dares to steal the old marquis's head? It's simply impossible to live!

Apart from the legendary cultivation of the old marquis, Fang Yi, the little fox beside him and the man in blue with a rustless sword will make people have a cold war. Who can steal things under the eyes of these strong people???

Many times limit the freedom of the guests trapped in the Spring Rain Building and even doubt the reliability of this matter. However, seeing that this situation does not look like the marquis having nothing to do to make everyone happy, many people can't help muttering in their hearts.

Who the hell is it?

If this person really succeeded in stealing around the old marquis, doesn't this thief have an unnatural ability?

So who else in the world can't steal??

Everyone felt a chill on their backs, because they were all wealthy people. They were very afraid not to be targeted by this thief. At the same time, they secretly celebrated that this time, thanks to the thief's hand at the old marquis, they seemed to understand that all their fortunes were not as good as the old marquis's fingers. The thief knows who the real fat sheep is!

What on earth was stolen by the marquis?

People are speculating.

Search and interrogation begins with everyone in the Spring Rain Building.

The sixth floor of Chunyu Building.

Chunni looked at her thoughtful sister out of the window and knew that she was looking at the forest.

The misty rain is so dark that you can't see anything clearly. It's a stumulty forest in the middle of the night.

Chunni felt the deterrent pressure from the marquis's room next door, and his heart tightened. What on earth did the marquis see?

What is sister standing by the window and looking at?

Is she thinking about the ancient legend again?

In this life, will there be a strange man whose sister is willing to become a forest and wait for him for 3,000 years?

Will that man appear?

Is there really such a man born for his sister in the world?

Spring mud also learned from the appearance of spring rain, looking at the huge dark shadow, and his eyes were as hazy as the smoke and rain in the night outside the window.

In a trance, she thought that if one day, her sister's head turned into a forest, she would rather turn into an ageless vine, always on the largest tree in the forest, guarding her sister, and waiting for her man with her.


Witness the Miracle Trading Conference, which was held in the former human flesh market.

Because the market has been completely closed since Lord Wang Yuna announced that the army would no longer arrest slaves in the near future, it is said that the khaki boss of Yipintang spent 4.65 million gold coins to stock up the four-four building together with the underground auction house.

In just a few days, the original four-corner building was demolished, and the place where Lord Wang Qina achieved impressive auction results here was carefully renovated by the khaki boss.

In particular, those boxes have all adopted a closed situation, leaving only a seemingly transparent curtain wall. Unfortunately, this curtain wall can only be seen from the inside, and people standing outside can't see anything inside the curtain wall at all.

The owner of khaki declared that this is called protecting the privacy of buyers.

For the fact that the sky-high admission tickets have been sold out for a long time, the khaki boss is interested in visiting the guests who are still complaining that it is difficult to get a ticket. Although many things are not as good as the items of this trading meeting, there are also many things that are extremely rare on weekdays.

This made Yipintang's oriental ancient blood directly change from a former little guy to a big stew in charge of 20 subordinates.

However, although guests are pouring in, and although these guests are all guests who have not been able to buy tickets to the trading conference, it does not mean that these people are poor.

On the contrary, these people are not poor, but they are simply rich.

Seeing these people buy a lot of things that they may not know what they will use or will never use in their lives with a lot of gold coins, the ancient blood of the East secretly despised these outbreak of wealth, and then eager these brainless guys to buy the whole Yipintang items with the inventory in the warehouse. It's good to be empty.

He understands that these stingy miser-like rich people don't really want to buy things that may be completely useless to them. They just want to prove that they are really rich.

I just want to prove that although they don't have witnessed miracle tickets, it doesn't mean that they are poorer or inferior to those who have tickets. They should never lose to those people. Maybe those guys who paid for sky-high tickets are more valuable than their luck. It's better that they bought the coupon first.

There is more money, who is afraid of whom?

Who can think about the psychology of the poor? At least the children of the poor are unpredictable. It seems that this inexplicable behavior of secretly comparing and throwing money crazily to vent has actually made the ancient blood of the East a chill. While Huanyipin Hall will achieve a huge harvest today, a sentence surges in his heart repeatedly: Damn it, the children of our poor families really can't afford to be hurt!

There is a mask on each floor. With them, the ancient blood of the East is extremely relieved.

As long as no one dares to make trouble and no one steals something, he will count the money behind the cashier until his hand cramps!

He is curious about where the boss got the large number of strange things in the store?

The boss is such a genius!

Dongfang Guxue secretly praised the boss's extremely beautiful means. This hand is really beautiful. Before the trading conference over there began, the main store here set off one fierce wave after wave of panic buying!

This is a khaki-style marketing method, which is simply a golden sales method. Oriental Guxue secretly vowed that after the boss expands his business, he must be independent and make twice as wonderful sales activities as the boss's method this time!

Spring has long passed, and now it is a hot summer, but the spring of Yipintang seems to have just begun!

The face of oriental ancient blood is covered with a green grassy smile, which is happy and spring-style happiness.