Step by step

Chapter 107 Golden Dream Beast Inner Dan

[On human feelings, only from thin; on human heart, only think on the side of evil, this is human nature. -- Other thoughts]

The smoke slowly dissipated, and the four beautiful women stepped on a small round platform that could automatically lift, swaying and dazzling.

There is a kind of beauty called eye-catching.

It seems that Kaqi has still spent some time on selecting beautiful women in the auction service, but he is very satisfied at this time.

He sat in the last row of the open-air seats, which was also the highest place to see the table seats in the whole underground auction house.

He is not worried about the success of this auction. He is just thinking about what he will do next.

At this time, Kakki announced loudly.

"The first auction item is: a gold-level nightmare beast inner elixir, with a starting price of one million gold coins, and now start bidding!————————————"


People are like boiling oil in a fryer, and their voices suddenly boil.

Golden Warcraft Neidan!

God, this is one of the ideal magic crystals enchanted by golden warriors! One million gold coins, even five million people don't think it's expensive. Almost everyone present knows the amazing value of the light gray thing the size of a baby's fist on the tray where the red skirt beauty uncovered the cover!

I didn't expect that the first item to witness the miracle auction was so rare, and it was really a miracle!

Many people are full of expectations and have great expectations and yearning for the next auction items. They know that the more they go, the more rare and valuable the auction items will be.

Dream Beast is a kind of Marco Warcraft. In the war of gods and demons ten thousand years ago, these snow-white furs and warcrafts with long pointed horns on their heads suffered serious slaughter.

Because at that time, many people hunted this kind of warcraft, which was born good at spiritual attack spells, and absorbing the essence of its inner elixir can greatly improve their spiritual strength. Adult dream beasts can defeat hundreds of human warriors without difficulty, and the cultivation of these warriors is at least above the silver level. It can still win easily.

The best attack spells of dream beasts are "dreamwalking", "dream cold" and "dream broken". Of course, this is a spell that can only be used by golden dream beasts. Usually, lower-level dream beasts will also attack spiritually, but the means are far from reaching the level of golden dream beasts.

After the war between gods and demons, the dream beast even fell into the crisis of extinction.

Today, on the Qingxi mainland, there may be a few in the depths of the forest. But no one has seen it, because no one can go into the depths of the forest to explore.

It seems that the dream beast has also retreated to the isolation system with the army of the demon world, completely saying goodbye to this world. Legend has it that dream beasts can only find their traces in the ravaging forest or the demon world.

But who can enter the demon world?

How on earth did this golden Nedan get it by the boss of khaki? Or who has such a powerful inner elixir?

The crowd began to whisper and secretly discussed.

The first bid was the No. 7 box, and a big blood-red character appeared on the curtain wall of the No. 7 box: 1.2 million!

Following the No. 11 box of the bid, 1.3 million, the little man holding the card was like Qiu Buer's upper body, and his face turned red.

Then, a dramatic scene appeared: although there are as many as 50 golden admission tickets, it does not mean that the guests from No. 11 to No. 60 are golden-level cultivation, and even a few rich people who have no martial arts cultivation are mixed in it. The speed of everyone raises their cards makes four wearing various short skirts. The stunning beauty has a feeling of being overwhelmed. In a blink of an eye, the price climbed to a staggering height: 4,900.

The most useful internal elixirs such as dream beasts are gold-level martial artists. If they are enchanted, with their own cultivation, they can almost successfully perform ten of the spells of dream beasts. Although the years have passed today, few people in Qingxi mainland know what kind of dream beasts are. However, this kind of powerful warcraft that appeared ten thousand years ago is by no means comparable to those ordinary monsters on the mainland now.

Most of these guests are representatives from various large families. Like their family, there are many platinum-level strong men in charge. These strong men may advance to the golden level at any time, and this golden-level dream beast inner elixir is the best choice for enchantment crystals.

If such an elixir is enchanted by a warrior with a platinum star, it is almost certain that it can directly bring this warrior into the realm of platinum perfection, which is a powerful advantage added by a powerful magic crystal.

Therefore, the first item of this conference has made many people want to get into their bags and want everyone to stop competing with them to hold cards.

Even if they can't advance to the gold level, even if the family or themselves have not been promoted to the gold level, such an internal elixir is completely worth their decades of hard work!

A man in purple with a fox mask sat in the No. 18 box, that is, the golden area where he can enjoy 20% off shopping discounts. He Fan, a nine-tailed fox who escaped his life under Zhong Li's golden needle and was secretly scared by Nana by the divine religion. He flew into the soft grass nest of the five-colored chicken and escaped for many days ago. Only a few days later, he dared to come out of the fog area of Wulan Valley and return to Niuhua Town, and happened to meet the crazy grabbing of tickets to witness the miracle conference.

The one in his hand is actually a big mine owner. As for the mine owner who can save his life after being calculated by the nine-tailed fox, it may also be a miracle.

It was impossible to slaughter Jiao in the Wulan Valley. Two beautiful beauties with drunken begonias disappeared under his eyelids, which made He Fan feel extremely bad. Unexpectedly, he took the risk of raising a card to compete for this inner elixir. Originally, he originally hoped to help him break through the stagnant cultivation with the powerful energy of Neidan. He did not expect that he was targeted by himself or a person who was afraid of seven points from all over the world, a person who almost dared not provoke.

He Fan has worked for the Dark Guild over the years, but in fact, the bounty is not much. However, He Fan, who freely changes his identity and image among men and women, has his own set of means to rob people. Therefore, this guy is rich.

Except for a strong figure, Zhong Li recognized He Fan at the moment he raised the card.

For some reason, as soon as he saw this guy who used drunken begonia, Zhong Yuan's heart rippled softly and gently, and a pair of smiling eyes seemed to stare at him.

Is that the eyes of the drunken moon and the wind? Is the woman who exists like the queen of the nine heavens, the woman who always wanders away from Zhong Li and has no intersection after several times?

Or the eyes of Mrs. Chun, the owner of Chunyu Building, Zhong Li can no longer distinguish it.

It's just that even if there is only a trace of good feeling, the dark guild first plotted him once, making him fall into a fight in front of the newly bought "slaves" and owe him a huge human debt. That day, under his eyelids he plotted something that could evoke his infinite memories through time and space. How did the nine-tailed fox know that he was included in Zhong Li's must-kill list?

Otherwise, he would have fled as far away at this moment, or returned to the headquarters of the Dark Guild and would never dare to come out again.

6.8 million, this is the price quoted by the nine-tailed fox He Fan.

This price gradually exceeded the budget of many people who bid with him. Only the guest of the No. 7 box, who has not given up, is still shouting with He Fan. The eyes under He Fan's mask seem to be able to melt the iron bones of a hero in an instant. It is really a kind of tender look. As he swims gently in the crowd, many Mr. Junlang inexplicably tightened his flowers. These people are not ordinary people, and they have already vaguely guessed the origin of this man in purple.

Don't buy good things, but be targeted by the nine-tailed fox. How unfortunate and sad is that?

The shackles of "Yin-yang harmony and Zen skills" may really be gently broken by this little thing, and it is not even known that he will be brought into a new realm. Thinking of this, He Fan felt the heat rising from the bottom of his heart.

However, the guests of the No. 7 box did not seem to be afraid of his nine-tailed fox at all, and still did not let go, which made He Fan soon have a sense of embarrasssment.

He doesn't have enough money.

8 million gold coins are already He Fan's limit, but the current price has been shouted to 750 million. Do you really want to risk your full life?

He Fan was furious.

The most annoying thing is that the man didn't respond for half a day after he spent eight million. It seemed that he couldn't get along with him, and he could see through his family background, which made He Fan excited for a while when he got the dream beast powerful Neidan sent by the short skirt beauty next to him, and he began to resent the hate the hateful guy in the No. 7 box.

It's just that he hides behind the curtain wall and can see him, but he can't see half of his hair. What can he do?

But at this time, He Fan hurriedly got up and walked into the VIP channel. He was eager to leave here and return to the Dark Guild.

This golden-level inner elixir is definitely more valuable than the thousand-year-old inner elixir in the Wulan Valley, so if those legends are true, He Fan, a nine-tailed fox whose cultivation has stagnated for several years, is expected to wash away the depression that has been accumulated for several years with this thing, and is expected to step into the realm of gold.

So, He Fan is not interested in the items to be auctioned next. Even if he is interested, he only has a few gold coins left all over his body. What can he do to fight with those guys who have money and no place to spend?

Zhong Li's heart moved. Now he is sitting in the wide underground hall, and every move in every place is within the monitoring range of his consciousness.

Even He Fan's small movements caused by slight mood changes could not escape his observation. At the moment when He Fan got up and left, Zhong Li found that a man quietly walked out of the No. 1 box and followed He Fan far behind him.

The strange man with a strong murderous intention and holding a sheathless rusty sword, the old marquis Shukel. The personal bodyguard beside Li Si.

Zhong Li's heart moved slightly and quietly followed them.

Zhong Li is very careful. In addition to the light skills of Xiangshuai, Xiangshuai also has a set of extremely mysterious tracking techniques, and Zhong Li has almost cultivated it to the extreme.

Zhong Li is very confident. As long as he is not a real Jindan-level strongman, he will never find the trace he has traced.

The moment I left, I clearly heard Kaki's shouting.

"The second auction item is Yuanyang elixir, Diling elixir, Huangji elixir——————"