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Chapter 117 Billionaire Obsessed with Sanying

[Highly recommend my friend Superwood's new book "Those People" in those years. Let's collect, click and vote. The real-life novels seem to have given me a trick. Don't ask for a lingering practice. Gaga, I'm looking forward to it. I can live in college and pick up with girls. The romantic experience of paper, thinking about swallowing water, thanks to the wood, the direct train at the end of the article.]

I have to say that getting without work is the most pleasant thing in the world.

Zhong Li couldn't help sighing when he looked at the mountain of wealth poured out from the storage ring of Marquis Li Si. This feeling of plunder was really good.

Thousands of jewelry and jade are valuable or even old things. These are probably the family treasures collected by the marquis from countless big families, but unfortunately they are all ordinary things.

What makes Zhong Li's heart flutter most is the large pile of diamond amethyst cards, the largest kind.

Zhong Li listened to Kaki's introduction that the minimum deposit amount of this anonymous crystal card is 50 million gold coins, and the upper limit is 500 million gold coins.

This marquis is too perverted!

How much does it cost? This————————

173 pieces.

Even if there are only 50 million gold coins per card, I'm afraid it will break 100 billion!

I didn't expect that this fat sheep, which is estimated to be the strongest and fattest in the empire, was killed by Zhong Li like this. This knife is fierce enough!

Zhong Li only thinks about two things now.

First, you can bring up so much cash in that bank, because what Linglong God wants to "eat" is not the card, but cash;

The second is how many poor schools, charities, and how many grassroots people can support with the money he has now.

There is no better feeling of getting rich overnight. Of course, he immediately thought of the seriousness of this matter.

Will Lord Li Si give up after losing this huge amount of wealth comparable to the imperial treasury?

How can I reasonably wash this stolen money and use it for my own plan?

Tour auction!!!

Hahaha, it really takes no effort.

Zhong Li really wants to praise himself fiercely. What a wise choice the planned tour auction at the beginning!

This time, as long as the first auction of the miracle is successful, the stolen money in his hand will be whiter than the thigh of the girl Chunyulou.

Zhong Li's mood has changed.

The financial problem that has plagued him for many days has finally been initially solved. How can he be in a bad mood?

So, in this case, he did not pay attention to a broken yellow brown paper piece in the pile of jewelry.

Just picked it up and took a light look. There are some vague drawings on it, which are not very clear. It seems that this piece of paper is only a small part of a picture.

In the corner of this piece of paper, there is a seal word -- "sealed".

Zhong Li doesn't understand what this is.

These treasures were collected into the greedy wolf cave warehouse, and those cards were of course collected into the exquisite divine ring.

Zhong Li ran out of the greedy wolf and entered the broken army. He wanted to see what Shui Lifang Sanying was doing. Thinking of those obsessed geniuses, Zhong Li smiled obscenely.

Zifeng is immersed in the new world of metaphysics.

He has been quite obsessed with the Book of Changes recently, and has been struggling to think about the mystery of the Book of Changes for days.

Time starting hexagram method, two-form number method, four-xiang number method, six-line number method and other methods of arithmetic have completely subverted the single simple algorithm he has learned since childhood, leading him to a new world of arithmetic.

The Book of Changes divides all the trigrams into eight palaces, namely Qian, Dui, Gan, Kun, Li, Zhen, Xun and Kan. Each palace is divided into eight trigrams, a total of eight hundred and sixty-four trigrams.

Vinable and mysterious.

"Yi Zhuan·Shi Ci Xia" said: "The ancients sacrificed the king of the world", which began to be a gossip, in order to communicate the virtue of the gods and to like the feelings of all things. Eight trigrams have been associated with some specific meanings, namely: Qian symbolizes heaven, light, jade, king, son, father; Kun symbolizes earth, silk, horse, mother, Zhong, Shun, Wen, An, Zheng and thick; Kan symbolizes water, Sichuan, Zhong, husband, labor, Qiang, harmony; Li symbolizes fire, sun, bird, cow, prince, Hou, aunt, etc.

Zifeng's heart has a clear understanding. It turns out that the most important thing is the two trigrams of Qian and Kun, which are compared to yang-yin, heaven and earth, and parents as the first source of all phenomena in nature and human society.

"The hexagrams are said to be sixty-four hexagrams, and the Qi is said to be effective for everything. Those who are cold and turbid are as good as those."

The Yi hexagram is matched with the climate calendar, and the four seasons are called the four hexagrams or the four hexagrams. The twenty-four hexagrams of the four trigrams are matched with the twenty-four solar terms, and the first line is the main winter solstice, summer solstice, spring equinox and autumn equinox respectively. Twelve hexagrams, such as Fu, Lin, Tai, Dazhuang, Wei, Qian, Yu, Dun, Nou, Guan, Pei, Kun, etc., are called twelve news hexagrams or twelve hexagrams. There are 72 lines in December, with 72 lines. Sixty-four hexagrams are called sixty miscellaneous trigrams. Sixty miscellaneous trigrams have a total of 360 lines, with 365 and a quarter of a year, and each trigram is matched with six and 80 minutes of seven days, which is known as six days and seven points in the world.

Purple Wind devoted himself to the study of the Fire Pearl Forest Method.

The fire bead forest method divides sixty-four hexagrams into eight palaces, each of which is a gossip:

Qiangong gossip belongs to gold. Dry for the sky, and the wind is dirty. Tianshan escape, earth, wind and land view, mountain peeling, fire and earth Jin, fire and sky.

Kan Palace gossip, belongs to water. Kan is water, water festival, water thundertun, water and fire, Ze people's revolution, thunder and fire, earth fire Mingyi, earth water master.

Gong Palace gossip, belongs to the earth. It is a mountain, a mountain fire, a big animal in the mountains and sky, a loss of mountains, a fire, a gentle walk in the sky, a breeze in the middle of the wind, and a mountain gradually.

Zhengong gossip, belongs to wood. The earthquake is thunder, thunder and land, thunder and water melting, thunder wind constant, earth wind rise, water wind well, wind over, Ze thunder.

Xun Palace gossip, belongs to wood. Xun is the wind, the wind and the sky are small animals, the wind and fire family, the wind and thunder are beneficial, the sky and the thunder are delusional, the fire and thunder is devoured, the mountain thunder, and the mountain wind is gregs.

The gossip about leaving the palace belongs to fire. It is the fire, the volcanic brigade, the fire wind tripod, the fire and water are not good, the mountains and rivers are blind, the feng shui is not good, the sky and water lawsuit, and the sky is the sky is the same person.

Kungong gossip, belongs to the earth. Kun is the earth, the landmines are restored, the earth is close, the earth is the sky is strong, the sky is strong, the sky is strong, the water and the sky need, and the water and the earth are compared.

Palace gossip belongs to gold. The water is poor, the land is salty, the mountains are salty, the mountains are modest, the mountains are modest, the thunder mountain is small, and Lei Ze returns to the sister.

There is a song secret purple wind in mind: the first six of gossip, the following first wheel rises;

The wandering soul gossip stands in four, and the return soul gossip is detailed.

From this, Zifeng slowly summarized some clear rules.

He summarized these laws into four principles.

Prediction principle--Four unpredictable:

(1) Insincerity. If the idea is not pure, the information is inaccurate, and the information reflected in the hexagram will not be accurate.

(2) Nothing happens. If you want to try it, please don't test it. It may not be accurate.

(3) Don't move. For example: test the game, don't know the time of the game, don't know who the opponent is and how to test it.

(4) Heavy gossip. For example: I have got a gossip, and I want to have another hexagram to see if it is consistent, which cannot guarantee the correctness.

In the corner of the broken army library, where can the purple wind with beards have the handsome appearance of the past?

Days of sleepless hard study and painstaking research have made this exquisite talent sloppy, but his eyes have faintly added endless wisdom to everything.

Another attic separated by three rooms from the library.

Every day, I am busy putting some granular material on a handful of sky with exquisite tweezers and saying words in my mouth.

He is trying to use the brand-new equipment and materials in this alchemy room to complete an experiment he has envisioned for many years.

In the corner of the alchemy room where he is, there are countless broken utensils. From the degree of damage of those utensils, it can be predicted that there have been many almost tragic failures in this room in the past few days.

It seems that countless failures did not dispel the enthusiasm of daily experiments, but he became more and more brave.

In the room separated by a wall from this alchemy room, it is a completely different scene.

The dazzling spiritual power circulated on the wrist of reading, and his hand holding the wolf's rune pen seemed more stable and powerful.

He had painted 397 precious runes before that.

But he couldn't stop the mountain of materials in this rune making room.

He can almost recite the book "Fu Li Daquan" that he devoted himself to.

He began to try to make a brand-new rune four days ago.

These charms are beyond the limits of what he can make at present. He knows that only in constant challenges will his charm making skills break the existing shackles and be promoted to a new stage.

The failure of the production of 397 rune paper has greatly improved the delicate control of spiritual power and the fine conditioning of mind.

The failure in the past few days has given him unprecedented valuable experience. After all, how can Shui Lifang give him so many precious materials and blank runes to try?

At this moment, reading has long forgotten that this is in other people's caves. He has forgotten that the blank rune he painted is worth hundreds of gold coins, and the preciousness of the beast blood materials full of five elements. He just wants to draw a perfect rune beyond the limit of his production.

King Kong general.

A powerful battle charm similar to the summons of puppets. You can summon a battle charm that is equivalent to that of a golden warrior.

This is the art of making charm that I have always dreamed of learning.

Now that he has learned this production technique, there are a lot of ready-made materials in front of him. For a master who is obsessed with the making of runes, nothing can stop him!

silently saw the current situation of Shui Lifang Sanying. Zhong Li did not feel sorry for the performance of those materials and utensils, but he was secretly happy.

These three arrogant but almost crazy geniuses can only be easier to do things in the future if they owe more.

Hey hey.......

After coming to the Qingxi Divine Realm for so many days, Zhong Li smiled for the first time with an almost obscene and treacherous smile.

It's time to go out and meet those aliens.

Zhong Li shook his body and left the broken army.

Although flying is prohibited in the town, as long as it does not touch the prohibition of the magic array, it is generally not dangerous. There is no problem to run a little faster.

Zhong Li was still his original face, wearing a worn-out cloth and went straight to the mayor's mansion.

No, he was shocked when he passed by the door of Yipin Hall!