Step by step

Chapter 119 The Heart of the Ten Generals

[Don't eat the joys and sorrows, don't know the taste of life, don't go through the wind and rain, don't know the sprink of life. ——Don't talk]

Cao Yu coldly walked into the VIP box No. 1 of the underground auction hall and found that the little fox Fangyi's expression was a little unnatural. Instead of paying more attention, he first told the marquis.

"I told the marquis that his subordinates were not doing well and made the dark killer injured and escape. Please punish him!" Cao Yu's tone was cold like a human language, and his expression was like saying something that had nothing to do with him.

"Oh? Speaking of what's going on, I didn't see that guy has such ability to escape under your sword. It's really rare. The marquis took a sip of tea and said lightly that this tone was as natural and kind as a loving father talking to his son.

The corners of Fang Yi's eyes beat imperceptiblely, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

"My subordinates are a little big this time. The nine-tailed fox had some means. The practice of yin and yang and Zen skills seemed to have been completed. The sword that his subordinates must kill was blocked by him with all his strength and hurt the inner house by my sword spirit. Presumably, it could not be cured within three months. When his subordinates were about to take advantage of the situation to pursue, they were accidentally delayed by one person, so they failed to get the head of the nine-tailed fox.

"Who would arouse your interest?" The marquis's eyes lit up.

Since subduing Cao Yu, this boy doesn't know how many problems he has secretly dealt with for Li Si and how many lives his opponents have taken.

Cao Yu's swordsmanship is so special that Li Si asked himself that if he wanted to catch Cao Yu's shocking sword, he had to use five or six successfully resist.

Li Si knows more than anyone the power of Cao Yu's swordsmanship, and the extremely fierce killing intention can never be countered by ordinary martial artists.

A person can immerse the murderous spirit** on the sword, form a square circle, and the sword spirit is vertical and horizontal, and the murderous atmosphere covers the world.

Cao Yi, who has always been above the top, doesn't even pay attention to the talented Fang, let alone others.

He was taciturn, only listened to Li Si's orders, never discounted, and never disappointed Li Si. This is Cao Wei, Li Si's most powerful finger.

The person who can make Cao Yu interested must be very special, especially that Marquis Li Si immediately became interested and immediately forgot the decadence of the failure of competing with Yang Ying for magical storage.

"Marquis, what I met this young man can only be described in four words: unlimited!"

"Where is this person now?"

"I didn't ask much, but this man has a grudge against the nine-tailed fox."

"What's your name?"

"Zhong Li."

"Zhong Li..."

Marquis Li Si fell into meditation, and Cao Yu retreated behind the marquis and still stood upright with a sword, like a javelin.

When Fang also heard the name Zhong Li, his mind moved, as if he had some impression of the name. He, who had always had an amazing memory, immediately squirmed his lips and wanted to speak, but he wanted to stop talking.

Li Si glanced at Fang Yi indifferently and said, "What do you want to say, Xiao Fang?"

"The Marquis, the mysterious teenager bought by the elf princess at our auction a few days ago is the local of Niuhua Town, after the authentic drug farmer, his name is Bruce. Zhong Li, the teenager was very close to the owner of the auction, khaki, as if he bought a blind barbarian boy that day and spent 60 million on the elf princess. khaki was the one who paid for him. My subordinates boldly speculated whether this teenager would be the person in Cao Yu's mouth, or the person in the vertical and horizontal group behind the scenes of khaki?

Fang also carefully worded and sorted out a large amount of information in his mind before saying it clearly.

Li Si's eyes flashed, and he immediately snorted coldly in his nose, but he didn't say anything.

Fang Yi knew that the marquis must have had a great interest in this teenager named Zhong Li, and also affirmed the information he had recently collected in Niuhua Town, but he felt a little uneasy in his heart. He couldn't say what the reason was.

In the dark, Fang, a well-informed little fox, always felt that the young man named Zhong Li was absolutely extraordinary, with many unpredictable mysteries and mysteries, but the doubts and scruples in his heart were never afraid to quote the marquis.

That's something that an excellent subordinate should take the initiative to accomplish.

Fang Yi's eyes suddenly became a little fierce.

At this time, the competition for those runes was coming to an end.

Many small families and forces have obtained a variety of charms, and these valuable charms will largely become an important magic weapon for these small forces to protect themselves in a crisis, whether the charm is offensive or defensive.

When the platinum broad sword came up, the eagerness in everyone's eyes could no longer be concealed.

Especially Huadu Goro, I can hardly wait to hold him in my arms at once.

But after absorbing the price of the arrogance just now, he knew that today's auction can be described as hiding dragons and crouching tigers, and there should be many people with special identities. Even if there is a golden strong man like him, there is a strong gold signboard of the Huadu family behind him, but there is no one who does not pay attention to him or even disdain him. For example, the imperial female military god is one of them.

Once, Huadu Goro once admired Yang Ying. On impulse, he entrusted the family elders to prepare a generous gift to propose marriage, but was rejected.

As a result, that night, Huadu Goro was attacked by a strong man at his residence. He was slapped in the face and knocked off three teeth without even touching the corners of the other party's clothes.

Under frightened, Huadu Goro only remembered that the other party was like a shock, leaving no trace, but a sentence was engraved in the depths of his mind: the imperial female military god, not his Huadu Goro can touch his fingers!

Since then, Huadu Goro's heart has had some inexplicable fear of this Luoshen-like woman. This fear is like a perverted seed with tenacious vitality, which has grown in the heart of this golden master. Perhaps this is the so-called heart demon, and it also prevents Huadu Goro from being unable to touch the holy gate over the years. The root cause of the threshold.

But his desire for this super sword temporarily made him overcome his fear, because if he had a good weapon, he would definitely achieve better results in the imperial elite warrior competition next year, which may make the Yangying goddess look at him.

Thinking of this, Huadu Goro's heart became more and more hot.

Five million gold coins, which is the starting price of this platinum weapon.

Everyone knows that the starting price of this quasi-gold weapon is so low that it only lowers the threshold for participants. I believe that the competition will become more fierce in the later.

There is a trace of determination and fierceness in Huadu Goro's eyes.

Shazui Shuangjie originally wanted to continue to watch the bustle, but suddenly they saw some familiar images from the shadowy No. 27 box, and their faces changed greatly on the spot.

The two stood up and left in a hurry without saying a word.

What is strange is that the mass of the 27th box also disappeared.

It seems that the guests inside also left at this moment.


Xiaocao is still used to lying in the shoulder well of the ten generals. Although the room arranged by the adult Bar is not particularly luxurious and exquisite, all kinds of furnishings are also good. However, Xiaocao seems to be in love with the warm shoulder well of the ten generals, but refuses to rest in the arranged room.

During this period, the ten generals gradually calmed down, and his heart has always been bearing on behalf of his master.

I heard that the Wulan Valley is extremely dangerous. I don't know if the owner will encounter unpredictable dangers. If the owner has three advantages and two shorts, ten will be difficult to rest in his life.

Zhong Li's temperament and character made the ten generals really willing to follow him all his life. From the continuous noise in his ear, he also got a lot of information about the magic of the owner, which made the ten generals more worried.

His eyes have not gotten worse recently. Thanks to the careful care of the elf princess Xue Buyue, Xiaocao always nagging in his ear with envy and hatred, saying that if he could get the care of such a peerless fairy, he would rather live ten years less.

The ten generals dare not cherish the snow burial moon. What is their identity?

He is just a blind barbarian boy who has been reduced to slavery by the disaster of extermination. He is penniless, and his martial arts cultivation is only in the ranks of intermediate martial artists. Although there will be some unexpected and amazing actions at the outbreak, it is not a real performance after all.

And the snow burial month is different.

She is the holy goddess in the hearts of thousands of elves. She is the master of the future elf continent. Her archery is amazing and extraordinary. This point will be seen in the bloody battle on the nest street that day.

After all, the snow burial moon is the future king that the elves have devoted themselves to cultivating. Since childhood, they have received almost rigorous training in the temple. Naturally, what they have learned is not comparable to that of ten generals. In terms of merit and cultivation, compared with it, the ten generals are really a little embarrassed.

This gentle and kind elf princess is at least several levels higher than him. What other fantasy can he have?

What's more, the master has already promised that after the recent matters are dealt with, he will personally escort the princess back to the elf continent. At that time, the ten generals will completely say goodbye to the fairy.

One is a poor boy who destroys the clan, or a barbaric alien in the eyes of others, and the other is an elf princess like a fairy in the sky. The future king of the elf continent is destined to be two different worlds between him and her, just like two rivers with different sources and flowing north to the north of the far south pole, and there will never be no friendship. The day of remittance.

I don't know why, thinking of this, the ten generals couldn't help feeling a little sour in his heart and reached out to play with the dwarf sleeping soundly in his shoulder well

It is still this little brother who will definitely stay with him for a lifetime.

The giant's heart suddenly became softer than tofu.

Xiaocao turned over with dissatisfaction and kicked away the huge finger that harassed him with all his strength. In a daze, he seemed to hear the elf princess shouting in surprise all his life.

"Master, you're back!——————"