Step by step

Chapter 127 Goddess of War

[I don't want to follow life and death, but I hope to have a clear conscience. I only love a person once in my life, and I will be the same as the sun and the moon. - Don't talk about it]

Ten will close his eyes tightly and silently feel the comfort and comfort of the potion transformed by Shenmu pills flowing in his eyes. It seems that the drug power has even penetrated his whole head, making his mind calmer and clearer.

The grass snuggled close to the feet of the big brother, and he didn't dare to breathe. At this moment, his mood was even more nervous than when he was injured and waiting to recover.

I hope the elixir refined by the master will have a miraculous effect.

No matter what Zhong Li said before, Xiaocao has long vowed to recognize Zhong Li as his master. The dwarf family has always regarded vows as more important than their own lives. Generally, they will never easily make such heavy vows. Since he identified Zhong Li in the underground foundry room that day and vowed to follow him, it means that he will never regret it, and it is impossible to regret it.

The consequences of breaking the oath have been seen with Xiaocao with his own eyes.

Therefore, although Xiaocao has been saying flattering flattering words in front of his master Zhong Li, in fact, Xiaocao has an inexplicable belief in Zhong Li in his heart.

Just as he firmly believes in the secret "divine cooking" of the dwarves, this feeling is wonderful.

The expectation in his heart is by no means indescribable. Among the four people in the alchemy room, he is the most excited.

In comparison, the ten parties seem to be particularly calm.

The elf princess Xue Buyue just stood silently beside Zhong Li, with beautiful eyes without blinking and watching the changes of the ten generals.

In fact, Zhong Li also quietly checked the body of ten generals before going to Wulan Valley to look for medicine, and he found something strange.

This strangeness is related to the blood of the ten generals.

Therefore, Zhong Li found that the eye disease of the ten generals was caused by anger, and the strange blood of his body was also the main reason for his blindness.

Fortunately, after successfully building the foundation, with the support of strong spiritual power, his samadhi fire has simply reached the point of collection and release.

This has always puzzled Zhong Li.

After he formed a golden elixir in the nine days of Fengwu, he used samadhi to reach such a level. What happened to himself?

During this period, Zhong Li has not been able to calm down and practice, nor has he been able to carefully check his physical condition, but he is more sure that although he does not know the cause of these changes, these changes are developing in a favorable direction.

Suddenly, he heard the creaking and crisp sound of Shi's body's endoskeletons. Suddenly, a few words of "drink and drink" came from his mouth. The next moment, Shi suddenly opened his huge eyes.

The purple pupils flow with three points of joy and seven points of determination.

Xiaocao's fingernails were deeply trapped in the muscles of ten thighs, and they were also unconscious.

The surprise in the eyes of the snow burial moon was beyond bound, and he muttered, "Okay, it's really good..."

Zhong Li smiled and said, "Ten generals, what else do you think is wrong?"

Without saying a word, he pushed the golden mountain and down the jade pillar, knelt down in front of Zhong Li, and kowtowed three times in a row!

Without waiting for ten people to get up, the grass jumped to the side of the snow burial moon like waking up, grabbed the princess's skirt, and shouted excitedly: "Princes, do you see? My big man's eyes are better. Thank you for the great rescue of the hardship and the wise martial arts. Master, the princess, go and let the big man have a good look. He has been crazy to see you for a long time!"

The snow burial moon, which was made red by the words of Xiaocao, almost kicked the hateful dwarf out. Because Zhong Li was beside him, she scolded shyly in a low voice: "Xiao Cao, you... Don't talk nonsense..."

Zhong Li's eyes lit up.

When did the big ten generals come out with Princess Xue Buyue?

What an unexpected surprise for him!

The ten generals stared at Xiaocao fiercely. Xiaocao was not afraid at all and spit out his tongue mischievously. The ten generals were so angry that they couldn't wait to strangle the man to relieve his hatred.

However, he never dared to look up at the holy princess of the elf clan, the fairy who had given him too much warmth and care in the dark.

Zhong Li pulled up the giant and suddenly laughed and said, "You don't have to make this big gift, just be fine. I think your height is too scary. Be careful and don't smash my elixir house, it will be very bad, hahaha..."

Ten generals scratched the back of his head slightly awkwardly and grinned.

But he really bent his straight waist down a little.

Zhong Li suddenly looked at the three people and said to them.

"The three of you, Xiaocao, vowed to recognize me as the Lord. The ten generals will definitely return to your hometown in the future. I will also arrange for you to go back later. Since you met me, I will give you something. As for whether you can practice hard and become heroes of your nation from now on, it depends on you. The determination and perseverance.

After a pause, he took out three beads and flicked their fingers. The three beads sank into the right wrist of the three people.

"Although it looks like a bead I gave you, in fact it is the legendary cave sky, a wonderful space magic weapon. I will pass on your magic formula first--"

With that, three tips flew into the eyebrows of the three people.

Suddenly, the three people had some understanding in their hearts. Even the ten generals who had always been calm and calm were very surprised. How could they say anything for a moment?

Zhong Li continued.

"I give you these three caves, which are enough to hold all your people, but if you want to bring all your people into the cave, it is absolutely impossible now with your cultivation, at most three or two people. No matter who you are, you can't tell this secret, otherwise, I will take it back immediately. Let me tell you about the role and precautions of Dongtian.

Next, Zhong Li carefully explained the powerful role of the cave to the three people who were still dreaming.

What the snow burial moon got is "Yuheng".

The ten generals are "heavenly power".

The grass is "Kangyang".

The cave is not only full of aura, but also a time difference.

One day outside, ten days in the cave.

That is to say, if you practice in the cave for three years, it is equivalent to practicing in the world for 30 years.

Moreover, there is plenty of aura in the cave, and never worry about the thinness of the aura, because in the sky of each cave, Zhong Li has built a "yin and yang five elements gathering array" with five extremely high-quality spiritual stones, and the aura cycle of aura continues to grow!

There is a library in each cave day. According to the different direction of the three people's practice, Zhong Li made careful arrangements.

In addition, storage warehouses, alchemy rooms, refinery rooms, equipment warehouses, etc. are fully equipped and have many items.

If several people want to move their people to live in the cave in the future, they only need to send building materials into it to build more residential houses.

Each cave is vast and stretches for more than a thousand miles. Mountains and rivers, forests and grasslands, lakes and hills, fertile land, and fertile soil are all in their own.

However, if the seven-star beads that were forcibly entered the body of the three people by Zhong Li and almost forcibly recognized the owner can't be used normally, the three people who have no power can be said to do it at present.

Therefore, Zhong Li prepared a large number of elixir and daily necessities for the three people, and deliberately left three unrivaled codes for the three people to practice.

The Snow Funeral Moon is the True Secret of Phoenix Nirvana.

The ten generals are the Secret of Killing Dragons.

The grass is Six Reincarnations.

This is a super code that ranks in the top ten of the three fairy worlds. The peerless masters who enter the world's top ten in the four fairs of the nine heavens of Fengwu are all cultivated.

Of course, Zhong Li once again put the steps of practice and step-by-step planning formula into the minds of the three people, which is to avoid unnecessary mistakes in the cultivation of the three people.

I believe that with such a powerful cheater as Dongtian, it won't take long for three people to be reborn and enter the ranks of truly high-start practitioners.

After doing this, Zhong Li smiled and said, "The master introduced the door and practiced as a person. I don't know whether it's right or wrong to take you on the path of immortals. Everything has to depend on you. Tianheng, Kaiyang and Tianquan have given secret methods, so that you can keep in touch at any time so that you can discuss with each other during practice. Well, now you can go back to your own cave to practice. This cave is called Yaoguang. If you want to meet and discuss, you can only be in this cave. In a hundred days, I will come back to see your progress. Go--"

After saying that, Zhong Li ignored the behavior of the three people who were going to thank them and disappeared in front of several people.

There is a gentle breeze blowing on the lake, and the lake gently ripples gently, just like the hearts of three alien young people by the lake, which have been rippling for a long time.


In a hurry, Fang Yi forcibly urged the power he could collect to the maximum extent. Unexpectedly, these pure spiritual power suddenly poured into the five parts of the greedy wolf suit. The suction was as fast as the long whale absorbing water, and instantly swept away the spiritual power in Fang Yi's body.

Just as Yang Ying's destructive palm gently fell on his chest, Fang Yi suddenly felt that the greedy wolf trap on his body suddenly had a shocking upheaval. This upheaval made Yang Ying's fierce palm of at least 4,000 to 5,000 horsepower be empty!

Fang Yi actually disappeared ghostly!

The shadow was shocked!

With her cultivation, such a palm, even those tough soldiers who have experienced hundreds of battles in the realm of golden perfection may not be able to escape easily. What's more, this is just Fang Yi, whose platinum cultivation has long been locked by her air machine and can't move?

What's going on?

Without waiting for her to wake up, an extremely tragic sword light hit the air!

Cao Yu!

refused the healing medicine sent by khaki, and Cao Yu, who had been standing behind Fang Yi and silently closed his eyes for self-healing, actually chose to take action brazenly at this time.

The timing of this sword is just in the gap between Fang Yi's disappearance and Yang Ying's mind.

This subtle distraction can never be captured by anyone, especially the subtle distraction of a powerful saint with a long battle!

However, the mysterious swordsman, who was initially whipped by Yang Ying so that he could only close his eyes and wait to die, accurately caught this fighter that was not a fighter!

This sword is full of fierce determination like a long rainbow, but the sword spirit is strong without a trace of relief, which is firmly embedded in the rusty sword, and Yang Ying shouted: "Look for death!"

Without seeing how to move, Cao Yu's sword, which has never failed, failed brazenly!

At the same time, a shout came from the void: "Take me a knife!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, and this shout was exactly the little fox who lost its shadow like a ghost.

What a female military god in the empire!

At this moment, he fully demonstrated a saint's strong cultivation and terrible adaptability.

The gorgeous knife light cut down in the air behind her was accurately received by a whip from her back.


A figure suddenly flashed in mid-air and a broken kite fell obliquely near the auction table. A blue figure jumped up and jumped directly into the air to catch it with his hands.

Only then did the sharp-eyed man see clearly that the man who fell was the little fox Fang Yi, and the one who picked him up was the owner of the auction house khaki.

Kake hurriedly stuffed a white elixir into Fang Yi's mouth and shouted: " Stop!————"

In the shout, Cao Yu's sword, which had been issued, fell on the floor tiles, with a loud noise.

The extremely hard bluestone floor tiles have been cut into a huge trench about three meters long and two and a half feet deep.

It also made the female army stand beside the boss Kaki, and her face sank like water.

The whole scene was shocked.