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Chapter 130 Vertical and Horizontal Wrist

The three-character update broke out again. Everything, hey. Finish the work!

[Know how to forgive, accept forgiveness and give forgiveness. You should not only forgive others, but also learn to forgive yourself.


Everything is as short as a flick of a finger, but the process is as classic as the vicissitudes of life.

This is everyone's conclusion about the scene that just happened.

No one speaks.

No one knows what will happen to the vertical and horizontal auction. No one is naive enough to think that the strange circle can destroy the strong saint female military god, but with this "vertical and horizontal gold lock array" to temporarily trap it in it.

However, the array that can trap the Holy Son has made people tremble to death.

Even the Huadu family is known as the most promising genius to advance to the holy level, and Huadu Goro, who first got a satisfactory quasi-gold-level broad sword "super degree", is still as cicada. He is secretly glad that he is not as arrogant and unscrupulous as the two monsters in Shazui, otherwise he may have been made face by this vertical and horizontal auction house. The name that did not exist for a lifetime has been wasted.

The holy-level female military god still can't get rid of the ruthless hand, let alone him?

I'm afraid ten of him are not enough for the female military god to see with a few fingers.

He thought of the horror of the vertical and horizontal group, and the strange means emerged one after another. The young master was dressed in cloth, but he was absolutely not as simple as the three-star middle-level warrior on the surface!

Looking at the master on the west side of the painting building who stood beside Kaki with dementia, Huadu Goro shivered again. From then on, he made a heavy oath in his heart that he would definitely retreat and stay away from people and never provoke them easily.

vertical and horizontal, an unaffordable existence, after that, gradually like a huge thing, slowly revealing its huge grandi in the Qingxi mainland!

Vertically and horizontally, a brand-new force is quietly rising.

Its rise is expected by many people present. Such a force is absolutely strong enough!

Kakki smiled and said to everyone, "Guys, please listen to me!"

The eyes were focused on this auctioned bull, an awesome man who ordered to trap the holy female military god without changing his face. From then on, who else in the world dares to look down on???

"Guys, there has just been a small situation. In order to make up for the damage caused by this small situation, my young master has decided that every guest present today will immediately receive a free elixir. Although an elixir cannot make up for our regret and apology, just talk about it!————"

With a slap in the palm of his hand, a pair of beautiful women in short skirts immediately came out of the entrance of the workshop, about 15 or six. These beautiful women are about the same age as the short skirts in the previous four hand trays. They wear a clear grass green skirt and a sleeveless short jacket on the upper body, showing their exquisite and chic figure vividly and swaying. The posture is eye-catching.

These beautiful women held trays with simple and unique Dan bottles on the plate, and began to distribute elixir one by one from the golden box in an orderly manner!

There are only nine of the ten super VIP rooms left, and nine escorts in greedy wolf condoms have been distributed one by one.

What is the elixir?

Everyone is curious. It seems that this is really good at being a person and doing things.

Everyone knew that what happened at the beginning had nothing to do with half a copper coin? It is clear that she has never provoked the female military god who has always paid attention to the world. Zongheng now takes the initiative to gently take a series of mistakes on themselves and give elixir to show their goodwill. This method is really admirable.

From this, everyone increasingly feels that this vertical and horizontal group cannot be underestimated.

A guest in the golden box suddenly exclaimed: "Peiyuandan! The best Peiyuandan! Oh, my God!————"

This exclamation immediately raised everyone's hearts, and they couldn't wait for those short skirt beauties to quickly walk to their positions.

Peiyuan Dan is not a very precious elixir.

This is an auxiliary elixir that nourishes the mind, refines the aura, and refines the cultivation.

The price of ordinary grade ranges from 3,000 to 5,000.

But the best Peiyuan Dan is extremely rare.

Huadu Goro suddenly stood up from the chair and looked at khaki with a fist and smiled, "Huadu Goro of the Huadu family in Xiameishan County, please ask Mr. Kaki to express his gratitude to the young master for the medicine. From then on, wherever the vertical and horizontal group needs our Huadu family, the Huadu family will do their best and ask Mr. Kaki to convey their greetings on their behalf.

Kakki was slightly surprised, but the surprise only lasted for an extremely short moment in his heart.

This flower is not simple!

"Kaci thanked the predecessor Huadu and your family for their kindness. Next, I will definitely convey the meaning of my predecessor to my lord. The little elixir can't express my apology for the recent changes. Please forgive me!"

Kakki bowed back.

"Hahaha!" Huadu Goro laughed loudly, and the laughter came from his sincerity.

"Mr. khaki is really funny! Such a best Peiyuan elixir is worth at least 50,000 gold coins, and it is impossible to find an ordinary elixir shop. This elixir can help people with obstacles to open up the meridians and improve the speed of cultivation, and refine the essence in the body to the greatest extent. No one will give a pill to such a high-quality elixir. I'm afraid that under the whole world Only vertical and horizontal have such a great lofty hand! People who are vertical and horizontal will be my friends in the future! ha ha ha ha——————”

Huadu Goro's joke immediately made other guests feel it.

Some people only spent 10,000 gold coins to buy advanced admission tickets, and these people accounted for more than four-fifths of the total number of visitors.

They also got a 50,000 elixir as a gift! Where can I find such a good thing?

These people who originally only spent 10,000 gold coins to come in to see the novelty are all very ecstatic!

Make a lot of money!

There were nearly 4,000 people in the audience.

Huadu Goro has been silently calculating in his heart for a long time, and nearly 200 million gold coins were sent out just by vertical and horizontal!

But these two billion gold coins will be exchanged for a good reputation that cannot be measured by money!

If nothing happens, in a few days, the vertical and horizontal group and its touring auction will spread to every corner of the empire!

This is something that can't be exchanged for advertising with ten times the gold coins!

Goro Huadu sincerely admires this horizontal decision maker, with courage, wisdom, means and talent!

If you cooperate with such a big force, you will definitely have a lot of money! As long as they can survive the female military god!

Huadu Goro was the first to stand up to show his goodwill. Naturally, he has his plan. Generally speaking, the first person to eat crabs will never get any benefits.

This is also the reason why Huadu Goro, who has always been rough in appearance but quite meticulous in heart, is deeply dependent on the family.

This is also the reason why the Huadu family has become stronger and stronger over the years.

So, more than a dozen women in short skirts strangely found that they had not been oiled once until they sent the last guest, which was very abnormal!

These beauties have always wandered in all kinds of auction venues. They are not ordinary in appearance. They have breasts, buttocks and buttocks. They are often teased by those guests or are brazen or obscene in their work, but they have encountered more than 4,000 people in the auction houses. A guest who is more gentleman than a gentleman!

Who will believe it?

These beautiful women couldn't help looking at each other. Is there something wrong with the overalls of the auction, or the ugly makeup on their faces? They always wondered why.

The action of dispensing the medicine took more than ten minutes. During this period, khaki always smiled and kept greeting the people who took the initiative to thank him like Huadu Goro. His memory is amazing, and he can naturally remember the origin of these people * without the same!

The west side of the painting building has finally regained its calmness. Anyway, things have been like this. Is it related to the things that offend the female military god in the auction house?

However, he hesitated whether his attitude was too tough and arrogant when he first discussed the cost of appearance with Kaki, and whether the asking price was a little too much. He hesitated about the Kaki around him and said that this time he was willing to work for the vertical and horizontal auction house for free.

However, he is very reluctant in his heart! The west side of the painting building has never been a generous person. When his seven apprentices occasionally meet the scene and need him to go out to cover up, he made his seven disciples spit blood countless times on the cost of appearance.

Who is willing to give up the eight-digit gold coins that are about to be included in the bag? Who is willing to get along with the money?

Seeing that the owner of the auction house around him sent out more than 200 million gold coins in a short time without blinking his eyelids, the west side of the painting building came down calmly.

Dare to say that this vertical and horizontal group is the kind of rich outbreak of wealth!

People may still think that the eight-digit reward given to him is too low. Don't do it for nothing, no matter how can they resolve this entanglement for the female military god who is treated like this?

It's best to finish this auction with money!

It doesn't matter who fights to death! We are just a little old man who loves money, a slightly fat man with a strong talent for identification and evaluation. Who cares about a fat old man like us?

The west side of the painting building, which made up his mind, obviously relaxed. He quietly asked Kaki around him, "Mr. Kaki, I have previously observed that the strength of the greedy wolf suit is that he still has hidden, teleportation, critical strike and other functions?"

khaki laughed and said, "Master, I'm afraid this is called who knows who uses it!" You'd better announce the official auction of the first round of five sets!"

The west side of the painting building was half-dead by the sentence "Who knows how to use it", shaking his fat head, ringing the golden bell on the auction platform, and announcing loudly:

"Presumably everyone has seen the greatness and magic of the greedy wolf suit! Next, I announce that the first round of five sets is now officially launched, with a reserve price of 25 million gold coins!————"

Before he finished speaking, he heard a loud and passionate roar: "I will pay 50 million gold coins!"