Step by step

Chapter 132 Be guilty

Hurry up and send the second update. Everything you want is false, and I want it too, quack!

[Until now, I have found that life is actually a buffet. In addition to paying, I have to take unremitting actions to get what I want. How hard is life? I don't cry.————Don't talk nonsense]

Zhong Li's painstaking efforts to create the results he wanted finally dawned.

In fact, as soon as he returned to Niuhua Town from Wulan Valley, he discussed the whole plan step with Kaqi in detail. It was really difficult to exchange it for an opportunity for the anamorphological plan to achieve a good development with the lowest cost or cost. Zhong Li almost integrated the ultra-modern business philosophy of his previous life. Combined with the current situation of Qingxi, it took a day and a night to finalize the first draft.

Who would have expected that the battle of the Golden Grottoes almost scattered Zhong Li's soul and turned into flying ashes. It was Xiaojiu who forcibly saved Zhong Li into the Linglong Ring at the cost of 300 years of sleep. He did not hesitate to use the huge cost of 300 years of sleeping to open the various items full of phoenix dance nine days for Zhong Li and the more precious things in Zhong Li's reality. The intermediate storage warehouse of the product.

This warehouse immediately added confidence to Zhong Li, who was originally lacking in confidence!

After knowing some real situations in the world that are close to the origin, the discovery of the seven stars of Shuiyue undoubtedly surprised Zhong Li again.

The seven independent caves not only solved several worries for Zhong Li, but also added some important weights for him to realize the rescue plan.

The addition of Shui Lifang and Stealing Tianshen Temple will greatly make up for the biggest problem that Zhong Liren is overstretched.

The proper placement of Yueying Qingchen and Joanne, the proper placement of the five small blessings, the snow burial moon, the ten generals and the grass will unify their respective nations and become great figures of their respective nations, and have also been properly placed.

These people are all powerful assistants in the future plan that Zhong Li is very concerned about.

Unfortunately, after Zhong Li learned some terrible truths about the world from khaki, he couldn't wait to reveal something and find something, so he couldn't personally preach these people. Fortunately, Shuiyue Qixing helped him solve these problems better.

Ten days in the cave, one day in the outside world.

This is Zhong Li's greatest reassurance.

As long as this tour auction is unprecedentedly successful, Zhong Li will never worry that the khaki will not be able to slowly build the giant ship. What's more, Wu Xiaofu, Yueying Qingchen, Anne and others will soon be able to help or assist the khaki, so the pressure on Zhong Li has finally been greatly relieved.

Only then did he have time to stop and think about his own development.

At present, the first layer of the exquisite divine ring has been unblocked, and I don't know that it will take until the year of the monkey. The problem of 100 million gold coins has been easily solved, but the murder value has troubled him a lot.

What Zhong Li believes in is by no means killing to solve everything.

Xiaojiu told him that the exquisite ring can automatically absorb the spirit of killing, if it is on the battlefield.

And the acquisition of the mysterious potential value requires Zhong Li to constantly use the exquisite divine ring.

Xiaojiu made great sacrifices to help him unblock the second layer of seal as soon as possible. For Xiaojiu Zhongli, he should also begin to unblock and upgrade the exquisite divine ring.

What's more, Zhong Li can almost be sure that the unblocking of the divine ring to the second level will definitely give him at least one powerful and anti-sky skill again, and more importantly, it can re-awaken the old monster spirit Xiaojiu who has lived for tens of thousands of years!

In his previous life, Zhong Li has read many handwritten novels on the Internet. Many of the protagonists will have a rather suffocating golden finger in the early stage after crossing or rebirth, and his golden finger seems to be much stronger than those. Zhong Li is good at contentment. If there are shortcuts to take, why should he take detours and dangerous roads?

This is as described in the novels with golden fingers and don't know how to open the protagonist's aura. The protagonists are almost stupid, and few are handsome and rich. Zhong Li doesn't want to do any of the two types. He is Zhong Li. He is a unique person who never leaves. He wants to take the path he chooses!

However, the upgrade condition of Linglong God Ring is really fucking. Zhong Li can't help thinking of a word "eggache" that many brain-damaged people like to use in his previous life. He feels that many times when he thinks that there are so many layers of Linglong God Ring that have not been unblocked, he doesn't know how many perverted requirements or restrictions will torture him to live. It's better to die. At these times, Zhong Li is very painful!

I made a vow to shape the weapon spirit Xiaojiu, but this process is more difficult than climbing to the sky!

To unblock all the seals of the eight-layer exquisite divine ring, you have to find eight extremely rare materials in the fairyland. These two conditions are like the heavy Xuantie Mountain pressing fiercely in Zhong Li's heart.

Whether it is good in the reality of the previous life, or whether it is the independent professional life master in Fengwu's nine days, it is actually the reaction of Zhong Li's real personality.

He belongs to the typical pressure resistance type when it is strong, and belongs to the elite spring type. The greater the pressure on him, the stronger he will struggle to bounce back!

The rise of the Qingxi Empire is already an unstoppable momentum. Zhong Li only needs to prepare the items for the next few auctions. How to arrange the venue, arrange staff, do publicity and so on are all khaki's work. In addition, there is also a little guy who is quite favored by Zhong Li, which seems to be a You don't have to worry about it.

But Zhong Li is only afraid of one thing.

That is, if he meets a powerful person like the military marquis and the female military god again and asks him the origin of the auction items, how should he explain it?

This is the biggest problem -- a fatal problem that directly restricts vertical and horizontal development.

However, Zhong Li has his own plan, and sometimes it is also a good choice to make appropriate use of some celebrity effects.

Water encourages Fang Sanying!

These three most famous masters in the world, who are still busy in his broken army, seem to be the best shield for those unexplained rare auction items!

As for the elixir, although Master Tian is not as good as the pigeon magic doctor in alchemy, it doesn't mean that this fanatical alchemist can't refine rare elixir, right?

Therefore, Zhong Li has always been very sure that he is not worried at all even if he uses the "vertical gold lock array" to trap the holy female military god.

He did not know that among the three women trapped with the female military god, there was the only woman in the world who had moved him, a woman named Chunyu, who was very similar to the drunken moon and Yinfeng, and a woman several years older than him.

Zhong Li is not a royal sister control, nor is he a so-called infatuated person. The reason why he hates the so-called practice of skills requires that he must cut off the seven emotions and six desires and put aside vulgar ideas and so on. Most of the factors are that he is that he is unwilling to forget his family affection. He doesn't think Jane with Chunyu. A few simple eye contact (apart from the time when Wulan Valley quietly saved the spring rain, he has ignored it at all), which is called love.

Zhong Li has never been in love for two generations. Sometimes he feels a little regretful.

It is said that heroes are sad and beautiful, and most of their skills will warn them to write such a sentence: Love is sad.

Zhong Li was a little excited. What is love like? He is very interested in trying it.

He thought very well. He felt that he was not greedy. If he tasted it lightly, he would stop. Just like in the face of a large jar of wine, he only drank a small glass. It must be harmless, right?

He didn't know that the rise of this idea made him add endless waves and dangers on the road of cultivating immortals, and he paid an unimaginable huge price for it. This is a later story.

The greedy wolf suit is actually a kind of team suit. In addition to the magic effects that Fang also found, there are also some unknown mysteries. Zhong Li is waiting for the inquiry of the big man.

He was a little worried, which echoed an old saying: be a thief with a guilty heart.

Carelessly, Zhong Li swept away the majestic veteran Hou, who may have accumulated a lifetime of wealth. To be honest, talking to the owner face to face like this, Zhong Li was still the first time in a world. As the saying goes, when the big girl got on the sedan chair, he inevitably felt a little red and heartbeat, which was seen by the old marquis who has been holy for many years. It's an extremely normal reaction.

No matter who, if he sees Li Si for the first time and is not afraid of the stage at all, this person is definitely not a human being!

Zhong Li's fear of guilt was directly regarded by the military Marquis as revering him. How could he think that the cloth boy in front of him was the villain who stole the storage ring from his finger?

Cao Yu had a little doubt before. He always felt that there was a place in Zhong Li that he seemed to be familiar with, but he could never remember where he paid so much attention. Maybe the teenager was too unique and his performance was too extraordinary. Now he has a super identity as a young master, and Cao Yu also completely beat I dispelled the trace of doubt in my heart.

The military marquis pointed to the empty seat next to him, "Sit!"

Zhong Li was not humble and sat down calmly as he thanked him.

The man quickly served fragrant tea.

The Marquis's eyes were burning directly at Zhong Li, and Zhong Li did not look back timidly. Although the interweaving of the eyes of both sides was only a short moment, the Marquis of the army once again found some extraordinary things on Zhong Li's body.

This teenager's breath is calm and stable. In the face of his forced vision, he is not afraid of the stage, leisurely, and full of calmness and atmosphere cultivated by a big family, which ordinary people can't even learn.

I don't know why, the military marquis suddenly felt a trace of dissatisfaction. The young man was young and had such a good family background, which was no different from being one in the sky and one on the ground. Immediately, he was relieved and extremely proud at the same time.

An ordinary civilian son can achieve his remarkable achievements and achieve his current achievements for thousands of years. Li Si is the first and only one who is blessed.

How could he be jealous of the young family background in front of him? It's really ridiculous. The military marquis secretly blamed himself and couldn't help taking a sip of fragrant tea to cover up the moment's distracting.

Am I really old?

The idea of the military marquis flashed by in my heart.

PS: The wonderful fantasy plot of the real story is now starting to unfold slowly. If you have been patiently reading other books, I just want to say that this book will never disappoint you. Although I have been deliberately dragging the text so that it is not concise, the latter text is absolutely different from any book you have read. I guarantee it, hehe. Reading other books is like singing with trembling? Maybe it's a divine book, maybe it will be devalued, and it doesn't matter. It's enough to write what you think and what you like. Thank you again for your reward, Lao Qi, the author of Thirty-Six Stratagems for Cultivating Immortals. I will work harder.