Immortal Dragon

Chapter 1 Long Yun

The dragon world is a powerful world in the vast universe. Legend has it that the dragon world was originally established by the Dragon God, which has been inherited for tens of millions of years and has flourished to today's grand situation.

However, 3,000 years ago, the origin of the dragon world was infected by an external force, and a peerless demon appeared out of thin air, harming the world, establishing a demon gate, cultivating countless strong men, and setting off a shocking war with the righteous sect.

In that battle, countless righteous masters fell. In the end, the Genesis Dragon God personally fought against the demon god for ten days and ten nights. In the end, although the demon god was sealed, the Genesis Dragon God also suffered indelible heavy damage.

It is said that the Dragon God condensed the essence of his life on two fangs and fell into the dragon world. One turned into a peerless dragon tooth sword, and the other condensed the essence of the Dragon God's life, leaving behind the inheritance of the Dragon God and waiting for the predestined people.

It was also because of that battle that the two sides stopped fighting and temporarily reached a balance. The dragon world was reduced from the original right rule to the two sides of good and evil.

"Shenlong Island, Phoenix Pavilion and Waishan Mountain." This is a ballad circulating in the dragon world, talking about the three mysterious forces in the dragon world.

These three forces are hidden, but they represent the top forces of both good and evil. Among them, Phoenix Pavilion was founded by the Phoenix family and is the ethnic group of the descendants of the wife of the Dragon God, with pure Phoenix blood.

Shenlong Island is the descendant of the Creator Dragon God. Naturally, its strength is understandable, and the outer mountain is the most mysterious one among the three mysterious forces.

Some people say that Waishan is the only force created by a personal disciple of the demon god, and some people say that it is the power of the demon god. There are different opinions, but no one has seen the real strength of Waishan.

In addition to these three forces, the evil forces occupy the far north and are divided into two major sects. There are eight major Taoist sects in the central state world, including countless small and medium-sized sects in the eight directions of Zhongzhou, and countless sects in 100,000 mountains.

Yujianmen is a medium-sized sect under the Qingshan system of Yunmen in the south of Zhongzhou. It is said that in those years, Yujianmen was once very prosperous, but after a great disaster 3,000 years ago, it was seriously damaged, and it began to gradually decline.

Yujianmen is divided into five branches: Tianjian one vein, the earth sword one vein, the human sword one vein, Qi sword one vein and the heart sword one vein. The disciples of each vein live in the mountain group to which each vein belongs and devote themselves to practicing swordsmanship.

The mountain gate of Yujianmen is a giant pine that has been growing for many years. It grows and forms an arched gate. Looking carefully, the giant pine is like a Wolong, sleeping quietly.

It is said that when the Jade Sword Gate opened the mountain gate, it once wanted to cut down the giant pine, but the axe blade passed, the giant pine trembled, and the whole mountain was shaking.

When the doorkeeper of Yujianmen saw this, he couldn't help exploring carefully and found that the root of this giant pine was connected to the dragon vein of the whole mountain range.

One loss, one glory!

Immediately broke the idea of cutting, and simply regarded the giant pine as a mountain gate, which is also a strange flower.

And this giant pine, also known as the dragon pine by the disciples of the Jade Sword Gate, has been passed down through the ages.

At this time, on the branches of Longmen Pine, a young man about 16 or 17 years old sat cross-legged there, and a trace of aura kept pouring into his body.

The young spiritual platform is clear, and a wisp of white air column rises slowly above his head, and the momentum emitted naturally as if it has reached the realm of the second level of the eight realms of the day after tomorrow. At this moment, he is calming down and constantly beating the nine acupuncture points, which is actually impacting the third level of condensation.

At the beginning of cultivation, it was the eight realms of the acquired, which were divided into eight realms, such as micro, enlightenment, condensation, cohesion, abination, bone transformation, rebirth, and return.

And through the nine acupuncture points, it is necessary to reach the condensed realm of the third realm of the eight realms of the day after tomorrow. Through the nine orifices, connect the aura of heaven and earth, and pour them into the body, which is the state of condensation.

People are divided into nine orifices. The so-called condensation is to use the spiritual power of heaven and earth to penetrate these nine orifices and gather energy in Dantian. Of course, not all nine orifices can be penetrated.

In ordinary circumstances, those with slightly better qualifications can achieve three orifice condensation and four orifices condensation are excellent qualifications, while five orifices condensation is the best, can achieve six orifices condensation and become a genius.

And the seven orifice condensation is a well-deserved peerless talent. It is definitely a disciple of major sects who want to break through the head and want to be included in the door, and no one has heard of the eight or even nine orifice condens.

Everyone's nine orifices are not born exactly the same, but different thickness, which also causes a difference in qualifications. However, once one orifice breaks through, the condensation has become, and the rest of the acupuncture points will automatically close.

Therefore, the state of condensation is definitely not a realm that can cheat, but the ability to penetrate a few tricks depends on the perseverance of the practitioner and the quality of his own acupuncture points.

"Wow--" The teenager slowly opened his eyes, and a faint sadness flashed in his eyes, as if he was born with it. At such an age, it would not have been impossible to have it if he had experienced some indelible pain.

"I still owe some heat!" The teenager sighed and said to himself, and immediately looked down at his arm. On his right arm, a golden dragon loomed.

Five-Claw Golden Dragon!

This golden light turned out to be a golden mini dragon less than a foot in length. Although it is small, every scale and every dragon's beard are clearly visible and vivid.

You should know that the name of this world is called the Dragon World. The creator god of the dragon world is the five-clawed golden dragon, the legendary creator dragon god, and the five-clawed golden dragon will be completely listed as a totem-like existence.

This teenager actually has the tattoo of a five-clawed golden dragon, so what is his identity?

The left hand gently stroked the tattoo on his arm, and a trace of determination flashed in the teenager's eyes.

"Dragon Island, a dragon island, a holy land of the dragon world!" The teenager read slowly, and there was a trace of disdain at the corners of his mouth: "You can do this to treat your closest relatives, but in the end, one day, Long Yun, will embark on the road of the strong and trample you under your feet fiercely!"

Thinking of Shenlong Island, Long Yun couldn't help gritting his teeth again. Yes, he was an eliminated disciple of Shenlong Island and a direct disciple with the blood of Dragon God.

Shenlong Island is a force formed by the descendants of the Dragon God. Each generation of disciples have been cultivated since childhood. As candidates for the descendants of Longya, they are waiting for the opportunity to accept inheritance.

However, in each generation, only one person can become a candidate for dragon teeth. Some of the disciples who did not get this title could not withstand cruel tasks and cultivation, and some were deprived of the blood in their bodies to inject them into the body of the lucky candidate, increasing the blood in his blood. Degree.

And Long Yun is exactly one of the ten disciples trained as Longya candidates in their generation. Three of the ten disciples died in high-intensity cultivation, and five died in those extremely challenging tasks. In the end, only Long Yun and another candidate survived.

In the final competition, Long Yun and another disciple were directly eliminated because they were not as good as the genius disciple Long Xuan because of the last heavy test. All their cultivations were abolished, and the blood power in their bodies were also extracted to complete Long Xuan.

Later, he was thrown into a mass grave by the disciples of Shenlong Island.

It's just that he didn't expect that he survived and vaguely remembered that when he woke up, he had fallen outside the mountain gate of Yujianmen.

Someone specially sent himself here! Long Yun knew in his heart, otherwise, how could he come directly from the mass grave to the Jade Sword Gate tens of thousands of miles away?

It's just, who will it be? Are you from Shenlong Island? Long Yun himself did not dare to think so. Even his father, the high-ranking man of Shenlong Island, was one of the culprits who advocated extracting his own blood. The people of Shenlong Island would not have the intention to save himself at all. So, who will send him here?

Long Yun couldn't figure it out, because in his consciousness, no one would help himself like this.

Yes, it must be reported! Since that person has saved himself, he will not let himself go. I believe that when the time comes, he will come out and meet him.

Now, the only thing he has to do is to improve his strength as soon as possible. He wants the whole Shenlong Island to regret throwing himself into the mass grave as an abandoned disciple.

Moreover, I don't know whether it is the mercy of the people of Shenlong Island or why. The blood power in the body still retains a trace, and it seems to be more pure, mixed with a sacred and mysterious breath, condensing on his arms, forming the tattoo of this five-clawed golden dragon.

The power of this bloodline is very strong, which makes him break through two realms in a row in just one year, shock the Jade Sword Gate, and become the most outstanding genius in the heart sword.

Now that he is about to enter the realm of condensation, Long Yun knows that this is a crucial step for him. When he was on Shenlong Island, he was in the realm of seven orifices of condensation, and Long Xuan was eight orifices of condensation, which was higher than his own level.

And his cultivation was all abolished, which also gave him a chance, so he was not in a hurry to break through the realm, but relied on the control of Zhenqi and polished the nine orifices. He wanted to break through himself again.

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