Immortal Dragon

Chapter 153 Interception from the Magic Gate

"Squeak!" The door opened quietly, but a figure flashed in, carefully closing the door, and his eyes fell on the green and delicate face.

Yan Qingqing also opened her eyes at this moment, and the murder in her eyes flashed away. She immediately looked at the person, and her eyes flashed with a trace of puzzlement.

"Green girl!" Qu Chong called softly and looked left and right carefully, then carefully took out half a pot of wine from his arms and put it in front of Yan Qingqing.

"Who the hell are you? Why did you remind me before? Yan Qingqing didn't know the relationship between Qu Chong and Long Yun, and a look of vigilance flashed on her face and asked.

Qu Chong sighed and whispered, "Long Yun is my eldest brother. I sent it to you before. Do you remember?"

Yan Qingqing glanced at him and said, "You lied. This is the first time my brother has come to Xuantianyu. How can he become your eldest brother? Who the hell are you? What's the purpose?"

After experiencing so many things, Yan Qingqing also became alert and did not easily believe Qu Chong.

Qu Chong shook his head and smiled bitterly and said, "Miss Qingqing, this matter is a long story. Don't be excited first, so as not to attract Chen Chang and others. This pot of wine is an antidote to ten thousand years of black mud fragrance. You should take it first, but this antidote should have been eaten in advance to be effective. It's hard for me to say how far it can be reached now!"

Yan Qingqing still couldn't believe it. Instead of moving the wine pot in front of her, she continued to ask, "Why on earth did you do this?"

Qu Chong was relieved and thought that Long Yun did not tell Yan Qingqing about her own affairs. No wonder she couldn't believe herself. If it were herself, she would not trust others so easily.

Immediately lowered his voice and whispered, "Brother Long Yun has come here before. My skill is what he taught me, but his appearance at that time was not like this, and his cultivation was also much stronger. I just judged that it was him from the breath, and finally I was confirmed by him that you It's his sister. He should know why he became like this and why his cultivation has been reduced so much. I can guess that what I said is not a lie!"

Yan Qingqing blinked her beautiful eyes. Although she felt that Qu Chong was not lying, she still said with some embarrassment: "I... In fact, I haven't known my brother for a long time. When I first met him, he had not yet reached the innate realm!"

Qu Chong was speechless and sighed heavily and said, "Miss Qingqing, don't worry, you don't need to doubt my identity. When Brother Long Yun comes, you can naturally testify for me. Now the most important thing is that you can suppress the ten thousand years of black mud fragrance in your body. With these antidotes, even if it can't be eradicated, it can be slowed down. You have a profound cultivation, and it should not be difficult to completely remove these toxins! You can take it first. I'll pay attention to the situation outside. Once Brother Long Yun appears, we will fight with them!"

Yan Qingqing believed a little. Seeing that Qu Chong's appearance did not seem to be a lie, she couldn't help saying, "But my brother is the realm of God. How can he compete with so many people? I will not completely recover in a short time, and my strength will be greatly reduced!"

Qu Chong said, "Don't worry, I am in the realm of disaster, and I still have a few brothers under me, who can find some balance. Although Brother Long Yun's cultivation is not high, I believe that he is not that simple. This is the feeling he brought me. I don't think there is anything that can embarras him, as long as there is him, All problems will be solved!"

Yan Qingqing was surprised. She didn't know why Qu Chong had such blind trust in her brother, but she nodded. This time she believed Qu Chong's words.

Qu glanced at Yan Qingqing and said, "Miss Qingqing, after drinking the antidote, you have to rest first. I have to go back early to avoid being found by them, and it will be difficult to do it then!"

Yan Qingqing nodded and saw Qu Chong leave. Then he stretched out his jade hand and held the wine pot in the palm of his hand.

"Looking at his appearance should not be fake. Now although I can gradually suppress ten thousand years of Xuannixiang, it is difficult to expel him in a short time. It's better to have a try, so as not to cause him trouble when my brother comes!" Yan Qingqing made up her mind and opened her mouth to pour the half pot of wine into her mouth.

A warm current flowed down her throat, and a little wine came up. Her pretty face couldn't help but rise two red glows, making her more and more delicate.

A vitality passed out from her abdomen, and Yan Qingqing's heart moved, and then she was a little lost. It turned out that the ten-thousand-year-old black mud fragrance was fixed and blocked, and the medicine in this water wine was the elixir to promote the event.

Under the cover of vitality, ten thousand years of black mud fragrance will be catalyzed into ordinary soil and lose the blocking effect. However, this vitality, which symbolizes wood attributes, has become chicken ribs at this moment.

The ten-thousand-year-old basil fragrance in her body has taken shape. No matter how much vitality it is, it can't expel all the obstacles. This antidote can only prevent but cannot be treated.

However, Yan Qingqing also understood Qu Chong's intention. It seems that what he said was true, otherwise there would be no such vitality in this antidote.

vitality? Yan Qing's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up. This vitality is the mellow wood attribute breath. Five elements of wood make a fire, and the nine-turn sky fire in her body. If this vitality is used to stimulate it, can't it be doubled?

Thinking of this, the lost eyes were extremely happy, carefully controlling the nine-turn sky fire, driving those breaths of vitality around the ten-thousand-year-old black mud fragrance and piling up.

The vitality in this half pot of wine is very rich, which makes Yan Qingqing more and more firm her thoughts until all the vitality is gathered.

Yan Qingqing's heart jumped, and the nine-turn sky fire is behind this vitality, ready to use the power of this vitality to raise the nine-turn sky fire to a higher power.

"Wood makes a fire, look at your vitality, which can give birth to my nine-turn sky fire!" Yan Qingqing snorted softly, and immediately, the nine-turn sky fire in his body rushed to the power of vitality!

Long Yun chased all the way to the central city. It was expected that they would not move too fast with Yan Qingqing. Without passing through a town, he inquired carefully and determined their direction in his heart.

"It seems that they deliberately left this route for me. It's so easy every time they inquire, and the person who is probed doesn't think at all. I'm afraid this situation is wrong!" In the process of speeding, Long Yun suddenly thought of it.

Indeed, anyone who is asked will say the direction of Chen Chang and others without thinking, which seems to be very familiar. According to reason, these civilians will not pay attention to Chen Chang and his party, let alone Yan Qingqing.

But every time he asked, these people seemed to be ready to speak, which made Long Yun's mind gradually alert, and it was very likely that Chen Chang deliberately left news for himself.

"Humph, what can happen even if it's Longtan Tiger's den? They caught Qingqing, and even if there is a sea of knives and fire, they will break through together!" Long Yun clenched his fist, and his speed increased instead. He chased quickly in the direction of Chen Chang and others disappeared.

"stop--" just got out of the town, but a figure blocked Long Yun's way. At the same time, more than ten black figures came out of the oblique ground and stood in front of Long Yun.

Long Yun stopped his figure, frowned suddenly and said, "Yulun? Why didn't you escort Xiaoxiao back? Is it possible that you want to take me down first and find out the whereabouts of the bleeding unicorn?

Yu Lun smiled and nodded and said, "You are smart. By the order of the saint, please go and catch up. Mr. Long Yun, you won't even give me this face!"

Long Yun hugged his fists with a smile and said, "Please tell Xiaoxiao that Long has something important to do and it is not convenient to stay. After finishing the matter, he will come to apologize!"

Yu Lun's smile gradually turned cold and said slightly, "No one can refuse the saint's words, and you Long Yun can't either!"

Hearing this, Long Yun's face also calmed down. If he hadn't been worried about Qingqing's safety, he might have met Liu Xiaoxiao, but now, it was indeed not delayed at all.

"I can't do it or not. It's not up to you. At least I'm sure. As long as I want to leave, you can't stop me!" Long Yun hummed, his voice fell, and his figure snatched out.

Ling dragons and seven steps! Seven steps out in an instant!