Immortal Dragon

Chapter 192 deterrence

Above the vast sea, the sun showed its head and sprinkled a red tide of anger on the earth.

Countless Taoist figures began to float back and forth on the sea level. They, from the sea people, are the forces formed by countless strong people in the sea and the geniuses of all ethnic groups of the sea people.

And on the coast, there is also a sea of people, but most of them watch this killing conference. Xuantianyu has been fighting with the sea people for thousands of years.

But at the last moment, it was completely integrated into the Killing God Conference. Long Yun had heard Chen Tianyi talk about the origin of the Killing God Conference before.

It was an agreement between the three old antiques of Xuantianyu and the peerless strong sea clan, which began to maintain this killing conference and avoided the endless struggle between the two sides.

But in fact, no one knows the truth. Perhaps only the three Xuantianyu old antiques who have reached an agreement can know the inside story.

However, not many people believe that it is the rules set by the leaders of both sides. Otherwise, although the killing conference has been set, the battle between the Haizu and Xuantianyu has not stopped, but there will be no large-scale war.

"Qu Hai, are there only four people in your line to participate in the killing god conference?" A majestic old man frowned and said, thinking that he was unhappy.

This old man, from the Xu family in the central city, is a guest elder of the Xu family. He has the cultivation of Tongxuan realm. Dongcheng belongs to the sphere of influence of the Xu family in the central city, so he speaks very rudely.

Qu Hai was not angry because of the disrespect of the other party, but said lightly, "My Qu family originally participated in the God Killing Conference, but one disciple went out to try and has not returned yet. If he does not return today, there will be only these four people. My Dongcheng is adjacent to the Hai people. Every Hai people invades, the Qu family is the first Therefore, it is not easy to take out four disciples. No matter how many there are, there are no more!"

"Hmm!" The old man snorted coldly. He didn't think that the Qu family did not have the strength to send ten disciples. At that time, the strength of the Qu family was not inferior to the Xu family.

The Qu family is like this, which makes him think a little extreme. It is expected that the Qu family deliberately preserves their strength, and at the same time guesses that the Qu family is ambitious.

"If you look at my Xuantianyu, even some small families will make up the number of people. At the beginning, the three venerable people were set to be at least five people. Although your family is in decline, the thin camel is bigger than horses, and even five people can't make up enough?" The old man's words inevitably have a sense of cynicism.

Qu Hai's face cooled down. Although the old man was the guest elder of the Qu family, he was also the nominal guest minister of the Xu family. Because he had his own family, he was not included in the position of elder.

Now that the other party is so sarcastic, Qu Hai's voice has become extremely cold: "How about my Qu family? It's not your turn to dictate. The venerable person blames it, and I, Qu Hai, will bear it!"

"Well, since Qu Hai doesn't know whether it's good or not, it's up to you!" The old man sneered and wanted to get up and leave.

"Is that how you left?" Qu Hai's eyes flashed and he said coldly.

The old man suddenly turned around, met Qu Hai's eyes without mercy, and said tit-for-tat, "What else are you going to do?"

"You said before that a thin camel is bigger than a horse. Although my Qu family is declining, no one can insult at will. I want you to apologize in front of a group of Qu family disciples!" Qu Hai said in a low voice.

The old man laughed and said, "Apologize?" Haha, Qu Hai, if your family is still the Qu family five years ago, maybe I will apologize without hesitation, but now, you don't deserve it!"

After saying that, his body flashed and he wanted to get up and leave!

"If you don't apologize, then stay for me!" Qu Hai snorted coldly and covered it with one hand. The huge pressure turned into a wave of anger, covering the old man in mid-air.

Tong Xuan is a complete success! Feeling the magnificent momentum of Qu Hai, the old man's face changed dramatically. Although he knew that Qu Hai's cultivation was stronger than himself, he did not expect that he would be so stronger than himself.

And what he didn't expect was that Qu Hai dared to take action directly at himself, and he didn't say anything about it.

"Qu Hai, how dare you take action against me? The Xu family can't forgive you!" The old man roared repeatedly and patted dozens of palms with his hands one after another. He wanted to break through Qu Hai's shackles, but he couldn't shake it at all!

"Disciples of the Qu family, have you ever remembered the ancestral teachings of the Qu family! Those who bully my family--" Qu Hailang said.

The disciples of the Qu family have been looked down upon countless times, especially those in the central city, who looked down on the Qu family and ridiculed everywhere.

But they all put up with it, because they knew that the Qu family was no longer the same year.

Now the head of the family took this exit with the momentum of thunder and insulted an elder of the Xu family of the Qu family, and said the ancestral motto loudly. Those disciples of the Qu family couldn't help but boil their blood.

At this moment, they felt that the silent bloodline seemed to erupt like a volcano.

"Those who bully my Qu family will kill without forgiveness, kowtow and admit their mistakes, and the death penalty can be avoided!" All the disciples of the Qu family roared as if they wanted to shout out all the grievances in their hearts for so many years.

"Bow and admit your mistake!" Qu Hai turned over with his big hand, and the old man fell to the ground and knelt down under the huge pressure of Qu Hai.

The old man looked at Qu Hai with humiliating eyes, but clenched his teeth and did not lower his head!

Qu Hai's eyes flashed and said, "It's tough. Since you don't want to kowtow and admit your mistake, then die!"

"Uncle Qu!" Suddenly, a voice came, which made Qu Hai stop the arm that was about to fall, and his eyes followed the source of the sound!

A figure slowly came towards Qu Hai, who was the eldest son of the head of the Xu family, Xu Fan.

At the age of twenty-eight, Xu Fan was handsome and naturally decent in a cyan gown, which added a little elegant and easy-going atmosphere to him.

Xu Fan is the strongest genius of the Xu family. His cultivation has reached the peak of the innate realm. The round realm is also the best of the young generation of the whole Xuantian domain.

"Uncle Qu, Elder Lin's words have been offended. I apologize to you on his behalf. As a disciple of Xuantianyu, I absolutely dare not forget what the Qu family has done to Xuantianyu over the years. The Qu family can not abide by the appointment of the five people. If the venerable comes down, my Xu family will stand on the side of the Qu family!" Xu Fan opened his mouth slightly and immediately bowed to Qu Hai.

Qu Hai's eyes flashed. He didn't know why Xu Fan was like this. The Xu family always regarded the Qu family as an eyesore, and usually embarrassed the Qu family a lot, but now Xu Fan is doing so in front of the families, which makes him a little stunned.

Does the Xu family also know about that? Qu Hai secretly thought to himself that this is the only way to make the Xu family treat the relationship between the two families like this.

Qu Hai took down Elder Lin because he wanted to stand up. Now that Xu Fan apologized in person, Qu Hai could not continue to force him. His palm moved and the light that suppressed Elder Lin disappeared.

Elder Lin also heard Xu Fan's words, but this time he didn't dare to say anything more. He retreated aside and looked at Qu Hai with resentment.

Qu Hai smiled and said, "Since Mr. Xu Fan opened his mouth, let's forget about this matter and say thank you to the owner of the Xu family for me!"

Xu Fan held his fist and said, "Uncle Qu is polite. My father also told me this time that after the killing conference, please invite Uncle Qu to go to the Xu family to get together!"

Qu Hai nodded secretly in his heart. It seemed that he was right. It must be that the Xu family learned that he had met Long Yun and thought that they had been helped by Shenlong Island.

He smiled and said, "Definitely!"

Xu Fan saluted Qu Hai again and said, "If Uncle Qu doesn't mind, let Brother Qu Chong follow us, so that we can take care of each other!"

Qu rushed forward and smiled, "Thank you for taking care of me, but there is another disciple of my Qu family who has not come. I believe that as long as he is there, the Qu family will be fine!"

"Haha, aren't you the only one in your Qu family who is a pillar? Why don't you even know what your strength is in order to find some face? If the Qu family has disciples in the realm of Yuandao, I'm afraid that in the name of the central city family this time, there will be more place for the Qu family!" Another figure appeared in front of the two people.

"Wind and dust!" Qu Chong's face changed. Looking at the first talented disciple of the Feng family, he couldn't help burning with anger and clenched his fist!