Immortal Dragon

Chapter 383 Reincarnation

Long Yun gasped, and the red blood stains at the corners of his mouth looked shocking. The immortal sword lay in front of his chest and stared at the last five zodiac signs in front of him without blinking.

The five genera of dragons, tigers, snakes, sheep and dogs are intertwined. Once again, they surround Longyun in the center, staring at Longyun, and may launch an attack at any time.

A trace of helplessness flashed in Longyun's eyes. If it were in its heyday, these five zodiac phases could be broken one by one by one by relying on the mysterious body method, and it would not pose such a great threat to itself.

But now, after fighting for the seven zodiac, it is the end of a strong crossbow. Now the true qi has been consumed, and the body has also received a lot of load.

Although the reincarnation of Zhenqi is running with all its strength and encouraging the recovery of Zhenqi, the meridians have been seriously traumatized and recovered much more slowly. At this moment, the breath of the five zodiac sign gradually rises, which makes Long Yun sigh in his heart.

"Woo--" The sheep took the lead in launching. The seemingly flexible figure suddenly stepped on the void and was about to hit the dragon cloud. A pair of coiled horns with two shocking chills.

Long Yun's mouth aroused a trace of bitterness, secretly urging the reincarnation mirror. Now he can only rely on the reincarnation mirror. Maybe he still has the strength to fight, and other treasures can no longer be used.

He also thought of drilling into the reincarnation space, turning the reincarnation mirror into dust and landing on the ground.

But thinking of this horrible and strange white sand, Long Yun had to give up the idea. Although the reincarnation space is strong, it is not indestructible.

God knows what kind of power this horrible white sand can emit. If his reincarnation mirror is buried in it, he is afraid that he will be completely trapped in it for a lifetime.

Thinking of this, Long Yun did not dare to be careless. The reincarnation mirror flew out of his body and suddenly turned into a huge light shield, resisting in front of him. At the same time, he pressed his palm and pressed on the huge light shield.

The only power of reincarnation in his body is crazy. Except for this move, he can't perform any other moves.

While carrying out this move, the Changsheng sword suddenly turned into a light and entered his body. At the same time, a small white porcelain bottle was in his hand, and the white porcelain bottle contained ten reincarnation pills he exchanged from the store.

is the reincarnation elixir, and it is also the trajectory of the road of reincarnation. At the entrance of a reincarnation elixir, a refreshing fragrance permeates, the medicine melts, and the whole Dantian begins to become warm and comfortable.

Long Yun was overjoyed. This reincarnation elixir was indeed worthy of the elixir that the three leaders of the store were careful at the beginning. Unexpectedly, it was so powerful. This one alone restored his true spirit by 30%.

Seeing that the sheep was less than ten feet away from the light shield condensed by himself, Long Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, and two reincarnation pills fell into his mouth at the same time.

The true qi surged all over the body in an instant, and the reincarnation true qi shuttled across the body. Coupled with the fierce medicinal power of the reincarnation elixir, the injuries of the meridians were also in operation, and most of them were cured.

A feeling of controlling power again returned to Long Yun's hands, and a touch of fine light flashed in his eyes. Although the two reincarnation elixir taken continuously, the effect of the medicine was not as good as the first one.

But it also restored his true spirit to more than 60%, which is enough for him to fight fiercely for another moment.

"Wow--" At the moment when the sheep was about to collide with Long Yun, Long Yun's other arm also pressed hard on the reincarnation mask, and the true qi in his body turned into reincarnation true qi.

The light swayed violently, and the mask condensed by the true spirit of reincarnation was also shaking violently, but it was not broken.

Long Yun pressed down some churning qi and blood, and the reincarnation mirror returned to the palm of his hand. At the same time, the Changsheng Sword also appeared in his right hand. His figure, ghostly flashed out and rushed directly to the retreating sheep!

The three genera of dragons, snakes and tigers did not move, while the dog brought a white wave from one side and rushed to the dragon cloud.

At the same time, the snake also launched another attack, but this time, it did not use its giant tail to hit the dragon cloud, and the blood-red core rolled in the air.

Pieces of venom formed a fine rain dew, covering the dragon cloud, covering an area of more than 30 feet, and the venom flashed blue in mid-air.

Under the refraction of the sun, it gives people a strange and cold feeling, but Long Yun's face changed greatly. He abruptly stopped the forward rush, and his whole body suddenly stopped and retreated quickly.

He could feel that as long as the poison was stained with a drop, his whole body would melt directly, so he did not dare to be sharp at all. While retreating, he flicked his fingers and a light flashed away.

hit one of the venoms in an instant. After a muffled sound, the venoms were torn apart, which also made Long Yun feel slightly relaxed. Finally, the toxins of these venoms were not too abnormal to really burn the real gas.

If the venom can burn through your true qi, I'm afraid the next battle will be very difficult. When thinking about it, a vigorous figure flashes out.

It was the dog that rushed to kill. What surprised Long Yun was that the dog was not afraid of the venom ejected by the snake, which was a little strange.

However, it suddenly became clear in my heart that these zodiacative phases are condensed from the white sand on the ground. Although I don't know where the snake venom comes from, it is normal for dogs not to be afraid of venom.

Long Yun frowned and saw the dog open its mouth and bite down at himself. His cold teeth were so horrible that it actually bit directly at Long Yun's head.

Long Yun's eyes narrowed slightly. At the same time, the Immortal Sword waved to protect his whole body, and a group of protective body burst out. Immediately, Shenglong Qi stepped out one after another, turning into a streamer and instantly disappeared into the big mouth of the dog's blood basin.

The dog was stunned at first, but immediately closed its mouth and its sharp teeth bit down fiercely towards Long Yun, about to bite Long Yun.

"Mom, can a guy made of sand eat? If I don't break a few of your teeth today, I won't call you Long Yun!" Long Yun sneered, thinking that he was so easy to be bitten?

Without using the Changsheng Sword, he waved his fist and continuously bombarded the teeth that were about to come together. This punch had no dazzling light.

Long Yun condensed all his strength on his fist and smashed it out with one punch. The sharp teeth of the dog burst into powder, which could be broken.

At the same time, Long Yun also fell into the gap of this tooth and avoided the bite of the dog's teeth!

"Isn't it good? Break all your teeth, how can I see how you bite people? Long Yun laughed and bombarded the teeth of the dog one after another.

The dog roared to the sky, and white sand kept pouring out of its mouth. After the teeth were smashed, it turned into white sand. Long Yun actually smashed all the teeth of the dog's mouth.

The dog seemed to feel pain and roared. Its huge body fell to the ground fiercely and kept rolling, as if it were going to fall out the dragon cloud.

However, once Longyun seized the opportunity, he would definitely not let the opportunity slip away. After smashing all the teeth of the dog, the long sword in his hand flew out of his hand, and the sword spirit suddenly spread out.

"Sword swing!" A circle of fine ripples rippled from the long sword and turned into heavy shock ripples. Wherever he passed, all the organs in the dog's abdomen were all defeated.

Immediately, the dog's huge body gradually turned into a puff of flying sand, quickly drifted in the heaven and earth, reintegrated into the white sand all over the ground, and no longer existed.

Long Yun's figure also appeared from the white sand all over the sky, but his figure just appeared, and the sheep swooped over again.

When Longyun felt it, the two horns of the sheep genus were already close at hand, and his heart was not good. He was in the abdomen of the dog genus, but he did not feel it or judge that the genus of sheep was ambushed around the dog genus.

Now that there is no way to avoid it, the Changsheng sword has no chance to stab out. He just supported the top of the sheep's head with one hand. However, his palm touched the top of the sheep's head, and a sharp pain suddenly came.