Immortal Dragon

Chapter 498 Step by step

Long Yun's heart moved, and Yun Zhongyue's eyes were clear and pleading. He was immediately unpretentious and said slightly, "So, Long Yun's respect is not as good as obeying!"

Yun Zhongyue finally laughed and said, "So, it's my brother!"

Long Yun narrowed his eyes and looked at the people around him. Of course, Xiao Leng and the old man Wangwu didn't care. They were completely listening to themselves, and Sima Wubing didn't take this seriously, and so did Huo Yuanfei.

But others are different. After all, Long Yun's realm at this moment is far inferior to them. If you want them, the top masters of various sects, I'm afraid it's not so easy to do.

However, Long Yun is confident that he was ordered to be in danger and had many such moments, but every time, he was saved from danger, thus establishing his position in the hearts of everyone.

Long Yun moved his arm and said, "Brother Yun, seniors, this time we went deep into the devil's door to seek that glimmer of life, which is a nine-death life! But even if we die, we can't die without any value!"

No one spoke, but Yun Zhongyue narrowed his eyes and knew that Long Yun had made a plan in his heart. He immediately said, "Brother Long Yun, but it doesn't matter!"

Other people originally wanted to ridicul Longyun, but when Yun Zhongyue had already said so, they immediately closed their mouths.

Long Yun had a clear idea of everyone and continued: "If we have been careful to avoid disaster, although it is relatively safe, the other two brothers will bear most of the attacks for us. It is unkind for us to throw the package to them like this. For us, since we have chosen this We must stick to the road. Even if there are many dangers ahead, it can't stop us!"

"Hmm! Well said, we have now penetrated into the realm of the Devil's Gate, and have almost been by the various sects of the Devil's Gate. If we are still a little careless, I'm afraid that we can't even see Xuanyuan Valley, and we will be killed on the spot. How can we have so much time to help the other two ways? Qingyuan really snorted and said.

Sanqingmen is a not weak sect in Nanzhou. As a young elder of Sanqingmen, Qingyuanzhen has a very high reputation. If Yunzhongyue's cultivation is far better than him, he would not have been afraid of anyone in this team.

At this moment, when he heard Long Yun's beautiful words, he said disdainfully. Naturally, his words were also a little sharper, but after all, with Yun Zhongyue present, he was more or less restrained.

Long Yun smiled and said, "This senior is man-made. The senior is older than me, and the cultivation of heaven is far better than me. Don't you even believe it?"

"I believe in myself, but I don't believe you!" Qingyuanzhen got Longyun's ridicule everywhere, and he suddenly opened his mouth to sarcastically.

Yun Zhongyue narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the source truth, but did not speak, because he knew that if he suppressed the source truth with the help of his prestige, he was afraid that he would not be able to completely submit to it.

So since he wants to release power to Long Yun, let him do his best and must find a way to convince everyone. Yun Zhongyue believes that Long Yun can do this. At least now, there is still no panic in his eyes, and he thinks that he has found a solution to the problem.

"I don't mind if my predecessors don't believe me. As a member of the right path, I have the right and the obligation to help everyone strive for maximum vitality!" Long Yun said lightly.

Qing Yuanzhen curled his lips and said, "Is it up to you? It's not that I don't believe you. Although the array master behind you is indeed good, it's not enough for me to convince you!"

Long Yun simply ignored him and glanced at everyone and said, "From here, continue to the north is where the outer mountain of the Magic Gate is located. Xuanyuan Valley is not far from the outer mountain, but this way, we need to pass through countless powerful sects. Among them, strong sects like Yunmen, I'm afraid they will also appear, so that we If you really meet such a sect, then there is only one end, that is, the destruction of the whole army!"

"I also know this. If you really have a way, you might as well say it and have a look. There are all people who understand. If what you say is reasonable, it's okay for me to listen to you once!" Qingyuan said indifferently.

Long Yun didn't take a look at Qingyuan Zhen at all and continued: "The so-called one mountain does not allow two tigers. There will be no too powerful sect near the outer mountain. This is a law, so as long as we can enter the outer mountain, we are relatively safe!"

Seeing that everyone did not continue to speak, Long Yun continued: "If we want to successfully enter the situation of the outer mountains, we have to travel through many magic sects. Although there is a big gap in number and strength, we win in the dark. This alone makes us destined to be different from the enemy. Advantage!"

Yun Zhongyue was fascinated, and everyone felt that Long Yun's words were very reasonable. Together with the halogen truth, he could not find a word to continue to squeeze Long Yun.

Long Yun said, "In this trip, we should not only avoid the sphere of influence of the sect, but also take the initiative to defeat the forces of some small and medium-sized sects, and hit the opponent with the strength of all of us, and then the speed of escape should not let the battle stalemate for too long, which also increase our flow. Sex!"

Yun Zhongyue said slightly, "However, it's our first time to come to the Demon Realm. We are not familiar with this place. We can only recognize the general direction. How can we understand other things?"

Long Yun smiled and took out a crystal from his arms. Under the slight injection of true gas, the crystal reflected a colorful light and fell on the grass.

A complete topographic map suddenly appeared on the ground, and the coordinates and positions on the map were clearly marked, which made Long Yun couldn't help sighing.

This picture was obtained from him when he refined a demon gate leader. It is thought that after the demon gate understood the conspiracy of himself and others, he distributed these maps to various sects.

Each sect relies on the location on the map to find the location that the other party can reach. Unexpectedly, being robbed by Long Yun at this moment, it makes everyone's doubts easily solved.

"Where did you get this map?" Qingyuan really frowned and said, "Are you a spy of the devil's door?"

Long Yun looked at him disdainfully and said, "If I am a spies of the devil, none of you can escape at the right time. You are also an elder of a sect. Can you use your brain to think about problems?"

"How dare you disrespect me!" Qingyuan stood up suddenly and was about to walk towards Long Yun.

"Enough!" Yun Zhongyue, who had never spoken, suddenly got up and his eyes fell on Qingyuanzhen. His cold eyes swept his eyes, making Qingyuanzhen like falling into an ice cave!

"If you don't believe in Longyun, then leave now. If there is any difficulty, I, Yun Zhongyue, am responsible for sending you to any of the other two roads!" Yun Zhongyue said coldly.

Qingyuanzhen was shocked when he heard the words. At this time, if Yun Zhongyue sent them away, he was afraid that he would not treat himself and others well either way, and he would have a reputation for fleeing from battle.

immediately smiled and said, "I'm just joking with Long Yun's little brother. Go on, I'm at Sanqing's orders!"

After saying that, he sat down on the grass. Although he no longer spoke, a faint cold light flashed out in his eyes.

Long Yun said lightly, "Through this map, we can easily avoid some of the demon gate forces, so I will say that everything will get twice the result with half the effort!"

Yun Zhongyue clapped his hands and said, "It's a good idea. In this way, we will not only lead the nose of the magic door master, but also make them into a pot of porridge. I don't know where we will go? Completely disrupting their positions, Long Yun is indeed a good ability, and I admire it very much!"

Long Yun waved his hand and said, "This is also the way, as long as Brother Yun doesn't dislike it!"

Yun Zhongyue nodded and said, "It's not too late. Let's set out now. In that battle, it is estimated that the masters of the Demon Gate have begun to search for our traces all over the mountains and fields. It won't take long to find here. Brother Long Yun's idea is just right. If you don't have any objection, we will start to implement it!"