Immortal Dragon

Chapter 586 Marriage

"I'm going to give birth to him!" Feng Qingyan repeated, and then took two steps back, and her eyes were full of vigilance: "If you dare to force me, I will fight myself in front of you!"

At this time, the phoenix Qingyan was like an injured female leopard, indescribably fierce.

Together with Feng Shaohua, who looked at her, she couldn't help but be slightly stunned. Seeing that Feng Qingyan was so determined, Feng Shaohua gritted his teeth and sighed and said, "But how can you marry Long Xuan like this? If he knows, the Phoenix Pavilion will be destroyed in your hands!"

Feng Qingyan wiped the tears from her cheeks and said firmly, "I have experienced everything. I'm not so afraid of death. I will deal with Long Xuan's affairs by myself, as long as you don't force me anymore!"

"But how do you deal with it?" Feng Shaohua said slightly.

Feng Qingyan said, "You don't have to worry about this. I won't be involved in the Phoenix Pavilion!"

"But--" Feng Shaohua seemed to want to say something more, but suddenly Feng Luan's voice came from outside: "E elder, Long Xuan came to welcome you!"

A trace of relief flashed in Feng Qingyan's eyes: "Big Elder, Long Xuan has arrived. It's too late for you to do it now. Why don't you believe me once? I can really handle it!"

After all, the elder sighed and waved his hand, "That's all! Only the two of us know about this, Qingyan, you can take care of yourself!"

After saying that, she pushed the door and went out and said to Feng Luan, who was waiting outside the door, "Help her clean up and follow the welcoming team to Longshenfeng!"

Feng Luan walked into the door and felt that the atmosphere was a little wrong. When she saw the tears on Feng Qingyan's face, there was a trace of suspicion in her heart, but she didn't think much about it. She didn't expect that the elder would tell Feng Qingyan about this matter.

"Qingyan, you have lost your makeup. Hurry up and make it up. As a bride, you will be beautiful!" Feng Luan said slightly.

This time, Feng Qingyan obediently nodded to Feng Luan, sat in her seat, mended her makeup, and followed Feng Luan to the main hall.

Long Xuan had been waiting there for a long time. After seeing Feng Qingyan, he was also surprised, but he soon regained his calmness and was polite, which was different from the conflict with Long Tian yesterday.

"Qingyan is the baby of my Phoenix Pavilion. I'll give it to you now, Long Xuan, you have to treat us well!" Feng Luan smiled and said, picked up Feng Qingyan's jade hand and handed it to Long Xuan.

Long Xuan smiled and said, "Qingyan is not only the treasure of the Phoenix Pavilion, but also the treasure of my Longxuan. Long Xuan swears here that he will never let Qingyan be wronged at all and swear to heaven!"

After saying that, his arm reached out and wanted to take Feng Qingyan's arm from Feng Luan's hand.

Feng Qingyan gently broke away without a trace, avoided Long Xuan's big hand, and said lightly, "Brother Long Xuan, lead the way ahead. If you have anything to say, it's not too late to go back!"

Long Xuan was somewhat embarrassed by such a lure rejection. He also had a great displeasure for him who had always had a good face. After all, those who followed him this time were all his loyal friends.

He sneered in his heart: "It's a little arrogant, but after tonight, I will let you be a real woman. I see if your head can be as straight as it is now!"

Long Xuan has fantasized in his heart that he pressed the arrogant and cold phoenix under his body and couldn't help but feel sad.

He laughed and said, "Well, in that case, then come with me. The sedan chair is ready outside!"

Feng Qingyan followed Long Xuan all the way. Her eyes were calm and silent. In the face of Long Xuan's intentional or unintentional words, she only responded gently, which was polite.

After getting on the sedan chair, Long Xuan also sorted out the silk flowers on his chest and said, "Let's go!"

The people of the Phoenix Pavilion also followed him. As the family's sending team, they followed a group of masters on Shenlong Island.

At this moment, there are already crowds everywhere on the main peak Dragon Peak, but this time it is the most grand wedding in the history of Shenlong Island, some disciples with low cultivation still do not have the right to come here.

The onlookers around are the most direct disciples of Shenlong Island, and only they can enter the Dragon Peak.

Both sides have been surrounded by welcome Shenlong Island disciples. Long Xuan rode a tall horse, showing some pride and arrogance.

The welcoming team marched very slowly and walked for nearly an hour before coming to the Dragon God Peak. Long Xuan also jumped off the horse. On the Dragon God Peak, only walking was allowed.

This is an unwritten rule, symbolizing respect for the Dragon God of Creation, so Long Xuan handed over the horse rope to the disciples next to him, waved to the disciples carrying the sedan chair, and strode towards the peak!

The peak is the largest palace of Shenlong Island. Compared with the palace of the seventh peak, this palace is like a gathering on the top of the mountain and is towering.

In the center of the palace is a huge square. When the sedan chair is carried to this huge square, it stops. Long Xuan walked to the side of the sedan chair and whispered, "Qingyan, the rules of Shenlong Island, the direct disciples of marriage must come here to worship the Dragon God!"

Feng Qingyan gently picked up the curtain, walked out of it, and nodded to Long Xuan. In the center of the square, there was a huge stone carving carved by a middle-aged man standing against the wind.

This middle-aged man, wearing a golden crown and holding a long sword, stands in the wind. His whole body seems to be completely in line with heaven and earth, and there is an indescribable feeling.

This stone statue is carved as the ancestor of Shenlong Island, which can also be said to be the ancestor of the whole dragon world, the creation of the Dragon God.

It is said that this stone statue automatically came to Shenlong Island after the fall of the creation dragon god. Some people say that it is the manifestation of the creation dragon god, so that it can be worshipped as a god every year!

Long Xuan and Feng Qingyan came to the statue of the Creator Dragon God and bowed three times. Then they took Feng Qingyan together and walked to the main door of the hall.

At the gate of the hall, a figure slowly appeared there, which was the island owner of Shenlong Island and the dragon crown fly known as the first master of the right path.

Long Guanfei stood at the door of the hall with his hands on his back. He had an indescribable momentum. He looked at Long Xuan and Feng Qingyan, who were gradually approaching, and finally a faint smile appeared on his face.

"more than two thousand years ago, the ancestors fell, the right path was in chaos, and then the war of the right demons broke out. Although at that time, I took the upper hand and drove the demon people back into the demon realm, the right path was also greatly damaged. After more than 2,000 years of development, now my righteous path is thriving!"

Long Guanfei paused and continued to say, "Today, two thousand years later, whether it is Shenlong Island or for the whole path, today is a grand day. Phoenix Tiannu and Dragon Teeth inheritor, originally a pair created by heaven and earth, are the creation of the Dragon God and Phoenix. The rules jointly set by the ancestors of Huang, but whether it is Shenlong Island or Phoenix Pavilion, these two descendants have never appeared. Unexpectedly, they will come here together today to prove to the right path of the world that the foundation of my right path has returned again!"

It was quiet below, and no one said anything more. Long Guanfei continued: "Although Xuaner is my son, countless sweat and blood have been spilled on the road to the inheritor of Longya. He is my pride and the pride of Shenlong Island. The future Shenlong Island, the right path in the future should be given to you. Both of you, the Dragon God of Creation once said that when the inheritors of these two forces appear, it will cause dragons and phoenixes to sing together. At that time, the right path of the world will not die!"

"Today, we finally waited for this day, symbolizing my right path, immortality, ceremonial master, and the beginning of the wedding!"

A middle-aged man came out and hugged his fist and said, "Newcomer, worship heaven and earth!"

Long Xuan bowed down, and Feng Qingyan bit her cherry lips tightly, which was also Yingying's worship.

"Two-bai Gaotang!" Feng Shaohua was also invited to the side of Long Guanfei, but both of them had elders.

"Three Worship--

"Wait a minute!" A voice suddenly came, and then a figure slowly landed in front of everyone. A smile appeared at the corners of his mouth and said, "Gaotang can't worship for the time being. I have something to say!"

"Long Tian, what the hell are you doing? Why don't you step back!" Long Haideng's face changed, and the ancestor went up to make trouble again and hurriedly opened his mouth to stop it!