Immortal Dragon

Chapter 684 The Conspiracy of the Outer Mountain

On the outer mountain, above the main peak, 108 elders gathered together, but the seat sitting in the center is not the Lord of the outer mountain, but the Hongmeng spirit demon!

The Lord of Waishan sits beside the spirit demon, but even so, the power of the Lord of Waishan for so many years makes people dare not peep at his existence.

"Lord, the disciple is incompetent, and the task fails!" Chu Yuhuan knelt in the center of the hall and dared not raise his head.

There was a smile on the corners of his mouth, but the Hongmeng spirit demon beside him said faintly, "This is none of Chu Boy's business. I have also seen that Long Yun can escape from my hand. He really has some ability. It's normal that Mr. Chu is not his opponent!"

Chu Yuhuan has told everything to Hongmeng Lingmo. Relying on his obedient and skillful means to coax Hongmeng Lingmo very happily.

Only a little almost took him as a disciple, so when he came back this time, Chu Yuhuan also had some confidence. If Hongmeng demon wanted to protect him, even if the master touched him, he was afraid he would not have the courage.

At this moment, when he heard that Hongmeng Lingmo really said it for himself, Chu Yuhuan was relieved and continued to say, "My lord, this disciple failed because of that Chang Xuanyi. If he hadn't refused to take action, Long Yun would not have cultivated himself in the void turbulence and surpassed his disciples in cultivation!"

Hongmeng spirit demon also snorted coldly: "Chang Xuanyi's move is indeed a little too much. Although you are the Lord now, you are too indulgent to these ancient masters, otherwise such a thing would not happen!"

The Lord of Waishan can naturally see the protection of Hongmeng Lingmo for Chu Yuhuan, but he did not show much, but said lightly, "Is the saint with Longyun now?"

Chu Yuhuan nodded and said, "The saint has been robbed by Long Yun, and the disciple has been blocked desperately. Unfortunately, Long Yun's physical cultivation level has reached a level comparable to the heavenly realm. The disciple is not his opponent and was almost killed by him. If it hadn't been for the help of Hongmeng Lingmo, I'm afraid that the disciples would not have returned here!"

Lord Waishan nodded, and there was a trace of indifference at the corners of his mouth. He said to Chang Xuanyi, who was sitting aside, "Chang Elder, is what Yu Huan said true?"

Chang Xuanyi nodded, but Hongmeng Lingmo snorted coldly. Both of them were figures from the same period, and even Hongmeng Lingmo was not as famous as Chang Xuanyi.

However, later, Hongmeng spirit demon luckily entered the ends of the earth. Relying on the spirit of Hongmeng there, he raised his cultivation to a terrible peak and surpassed Chang Xuanyi.

At this moment, seeing Chang Xuanyi still looks high, Hongmeng Lingmo is naturally not so interested in him.

"Although Elder Chang is at fault first, the disciple is also a failure of the task and is willing to bear any punishment. Please respect the Lord's guilt. The disciple dares not resist at all!" Chu Yuhuan said respectfully.

Lord Waishan waved his hand and said, "If the saint is really with Long Yun at this moment, then your mission will not fail, but succeed!"

Chu Yuhuan was stunned, Hongmeng Lingmo was also stunned, and the 108 elders were even more stunned. Only Waishan Zunzhu and Chang Xuanyi were still very calm.

"What the hell is going on?" Hongmeng Lingmo asked.

Master Waishan laughed and said, "Senior, the saint was taken out of the abandoned ruins. In addition to the inheritance of His Majesty the Demon God, there is also a trace of creation in her body. If the saint in this state breaks the seal of His Majesty the Demon God, I'm afraid it will be counterproductive. That trace of creation is likely to be It will be a fatal injury that is difficult to succeed in the end, so this time, although Elder Chang and I have found Long Yun wandering among the disciples of the trial, we did not say anything, let alone take him down, just to send the saint into his hands very unexpectedly!"

"Lord, do you mean that the permanent elder did not do anything on purpose? Is this what you have already booked?" A deep sense of frustration surged in Chu Yuhuan's heart. It turned out that he was used by the Lord and Chang Xuanyi.

In order to protect the saint, he almost lost his life. Even after the mission failed, he was afraid of the punishment of the Lord.

At this moment, it seems that it is just a joke. In their eyes, they may not be the first talented disciple of the young generation at all, but a clown.

The Lord of Waishan smiled faintly and said, "Yuhuan, although you are young and ambitious and my future hope, you are too young and inexperienced. This is also to exercise your mind and let you mature as soon as possible!"

Chu Yuhuan laughed and said thank you, but his heart was full of bitterness, but there was more hatred. Now maybe you can play with me in the palm of your hand. After I rely on the swallowing formula and promote my cultivation to the realm of heaven, I will not act at your faces.

"In Longyun's body, there is the purest blood of the Dragon God, so this time, I sent the saint to him to rely on his strength to extract the power of creation in the saint's body and make the saint a truly pure demon god!" Lord Waishan continued.

"I can also extract the power of creation in her body. Isn't it a snake to add feet to your practice like this?" Hongmeng spirit demon was also used invisibly. He felt uncomfortable and immediately said unhappily.

Lord Waishan laughed and said, "Senior, it's not that I don't believe you, but this matter must be done by Long Yun, because the seal of the demon god has begun to be thin, and we can even feel the sound of His Majesty the demon god bombarding the seal in the seal. Even without us, it won't be long before he can break the seal. Yin, come out of it. The reason why I set this plan is that Long Yun is likely to become the next creation dragon god, so he must be destroyed!"

"It is useless to destroy his method and kill him, because after his death, another Genesis Dragon God will grow up, and the inheritance will not be broken because of this. However, if his Taoist heart is destroyed, his inheritance will come to an end, and he will not continue to destroy the Genesis Dragon God. Continue to pass on!"

"His Taoism is very stable and will not be destroyed so easily!" Hongmeng Lingmo's face is slightly better.

Lord Waishan continued: "Although his Taoism is stable, he can't escape a word of love! He dared to enter the demon gate to save the saint, which showed that he had affection for the saint, but what he did not expect was that once the power of creation in the saint's body was extracted, the saint would automatically feel the call of the demon god and go to the sealed place to join the demon god. At that time, Long Yun would know that everything was his own sin, especially After the resurrection of His Majesty the Demon God, the right path will certainly be the end of destruction. Even if Longyun has the intention to save the dragon world, I'm afraid he does not have that ability, so his Taoism will be affected and become a walking corpse without any threat!"

What a poisonous method! Waishan Zunzhu actually had such an arrangement to completely destroy Longyun.

Chu Yuhuan also took a cold breath. He thought he was smart enough, but he was more than a little worse than the wise master.

Hongmeng spirit demon also understood, glanced at Chang Xuanyi, and the anger in his heart disappeared. He nodded and nodded, "As you said, this is really the best way. Once his Taoist heart is destroyed, the creation of the world will completely collapse. His Majesty the Demon God will become the only one in the whole dragon world, and there is no power to stop it. He!"

The Lord of Waishan also said slightly: "The abandoned magic ruins began to reveal a trace of the original breath of the devil's way as early as many years ago. A wisp of willpower of His Majesty the Demon God was also transmitted from it and was captured by me. This plan can also be said to have been improved under the guidance of His Majesty the Demon God! It's just that I didn't inform Elder Hongmeng in advance. It's really not considerate!"

Hongmeng Lingmo sighed, "You also did this to understand the seal of the demon god. There is nothing wrong. I am also waiting for His Majesty the demon god. The purpose is average, so there is no right or wrong, that's all!"

"In this way, thank you for your generosity!" A smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.