The Undead King

Chapter 47: Can do laundry, cook, and warm the bed!

"You are wrong about this. In fact, there are also bad sects, and you still have to rely on your strength. If your strength is not good, you can't do it even if you have more *." Ling Hanyue Road.

"Yes." Xiao Yao thought for a moment.

Not long after, Luo Chao came back from work. He stepped on his sword and thought he was very windy. Then he wanted to fly a difficult round arc to show off. Unexpectedly, his face fell to the ground first and was half dead.

"Hahaha..." Xu Yun covered their mouths and pointed to Luo Chaoxiao cutely.

Luo Chao got up and said calmly, "I don't mean anything. Don't think too much about it. I just want to try the strength of this ship."

Xiao Yao and Ling Hanyue looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"What's the result? Are you strong, or is it strong? Xu Yun smiled.

"You are so awesome. I just tried it. It doesn't hurt!" Xu Yue asked.

"Ouch!" Luo Chao finally couldn't help feeling pain and fell to the ground and howled.

"Hahahaha!" Everyone who saw it laughed.

"You are still laughing! Siru's sister!" Luo Chao howled.

A shadow came out of the boat in a hurry. It was Li Siru.

"Luo Chao, you... What's wrong? How did it turn out like this?" Li Siru looked at Luo Chao's face and said blue.

"No, nothing.. Give me some medicine, no.. I can't." Luo Chao's voice became lighter.

"Oh, okay." Li Siru spread his small hands and a bottle of ointment to stop bleeding appeared in his hand.

"Get up!" Xiao Yao walked to Luo Chao and kicked him fiercely.

"Ah! Boss, you are so cruel!" Luo Chao jumped up in pain.

"Did you find the team?" Xiao Yao said.

Li Siru pulled out the plug and began to apply medicine to Luo Chao's face little by little.

"I found it. They said, let's meet at the bottom of the mountain in an hour." Luo Chao pointed to a small mountain road ahead.

Xiao Yao nodded and asked everyone to clean up and gather later.

"Would you like to go with me?" Xiao Yao turned his head.

"This..." Ling Hanyue was a little hesitant.

"Miss, the second brother has sent a message, and we can't go with the prince anymore." Xu Yuedao.

Ling Hanyue suddenly said, "Oh.. Well, I'm sorry."

Xiao Yao waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!"

"Wow, are you leaving? Isn't it that I won't see you in the future? Can you take me with you? Think of me as a servant! I can do everything, laundry, cook, and warm the bed!" Luo Chao was shameless.

After Li Siru applied the ointment, she couldn't help laughing when she heard him say so.

"Ah, you die!" Xu Yun took out a mace and rushed to Luo Chao.

Luo Chao moved, "Hey, you can't fight, hey... I flash.."

Xu Yun was very angry and her face turned red. She said harshly, "Grandma, I don't believe it!"

As a result, she was tired and panting in a short time. She put a mace on the deck and hurried respiratory tract: "You... You son of a man.. You can... You can really run!"

Luo Chao smiled proudly.

"Forget it, I won't chase you! Come here, hammer my legs! So sour!" Xu Yun said.

"What!" Luo Chao stared at his eyes, as if he had been enchanted. Did you hear that right?

The people present were stunned and their faces became wonderful.

"What are you still doing? Didn't you hear what I said?" Xu Yun was impatient.

"Good! OK!" Luo Chao ran over with a happy face, and even his tone changed. He said softly, "Xiaoyun, come on, I'll give you a hammer!"

He was about to squat down shamelessly when a shadow smashed down with lightning.

Bang! Luo Chao's eyes were full of golden light. His eyes turned violently and his body shook. He stammered and said, "Okay... It's so dizzy!"

After saying that, he fell to the ground like a pool of mud.

Xiao Yao smiled bitterly. Now you should be honest.

"Why do you all look at me like this? I just didn't like him and taught him a small lesson. Xu Yun said.

A small lesson? This has knocked people unconscious. Isn't it too tragic for him to marry you?

Li Siru hurried forward to check the state of Luo Chao. Poor Luo Chao's old injury has not recovered, and new injuries have been added.

"Xiaoyun, your action is too heavy, prince, look at her..." Ling Hanyue looked at Xu Yun and scolded.

"It's okay.. He is also too rude. It's good to teach him a lesson like this. Xiao Yao said.

"No, Xiaoyun, Mr. Luo will wake up later. You have to apologize to him and get his forgiveness. Do you hear me?" Ling Hanyue Road.

"Ah, I want to apologize to him?" Xu Yun pointed to Luo Chaodao.

"Yes! Who told you to hurt him?" Ling Hanyue stared at Xu Yun.

Xu Yun pouted angrily and was a little uncomfortable, but she didn't say anything more.

Nine rainbows of different colors suddenly appeared in the sky not far away. Xu Yun was overjoyed and pointed to the nine rainbows and said, "Look, Miss, it's the nine smoke rainbows in the sect. I'm afraid my brother took this to inform us to gather."

"Ah, that's right, it's indeed Jiuyanhong." Ling Hanyue Road.

"My son, we are leaving." Ling Hanyue looked at Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao looked at the nine rainbows and said to Ling Hanyue, "Miss, if you have something urgent, go. See you next day."

Ling Hanyue nodded and said, "Mr., let's go."

The two Xu Yun sisters arched their hands and said, "Farewell!"

The three stepped on the sword and turned into three rainbows and left.

**, Luo Chao slowly woke up, shook his painful head, and tried to wake himself up.

"This little woman is too heavy to take action!" Luo said with a painful expression on his face.

" boss, Luo Chao woke up." A young man trotted and ran to Xiao Yao's side.

Xiao Yao glanced at the cabin and said, "Oh, tell him to come to see me."


In a short time..

"Big.. Are you looking for me? Luo turned around the white cloth and came out.

"That's right. You inform others to lead the way. After waiting for everyone to gather, take off the boat and set off." Xiao Yao said.

"Oh, okay..." Luo Chaodao.

Before he took a few steps, he turned back and stared at Xiao Yao and said, "Big boss, where are Xu Yun and the others?"

"Let's go." Xiao Yao said.

"What? Gone?" Luo Chao shouted miserably.

"It's their business whether they leave or not. Why do you care so much?" Xiao Yao said doubtfully.

"How can you understand! She left, didn't I get hurt in vain!" Luo Chao stamped his feet with hatred and walked angrily to the cabin.

Xiao Yao shook his head.

After everyone was integrated, Luo Chao closed the boat and the group set off on foot. The mountain was not too far, and it took several people to arrive.

"Big boss, it's here. What about the people?" Luo Chao looked around doubtfully.

There are still a lot of people around, and they can't be found for a while.

"There!" Luo Chao's face suddenly became happy and found the other party.

Xiao Yao nodded, and the group followed Luo towards each other.

"Brother Zhou..." Luo Chao greeted the other party alone.

This person is about 30 years old, with a square face, a high nose, and a relatively tall man, but he is a little thinner.

"You.. Are you Brother Luo? How did it become like this?" Zhou Hong stood up and said in surprise.

Luo Chao sighed in front of everyone and said, "It's nothing. I just saved a girl who was almost insulted, but I couldn't beat her four hands. When I beat those beasts away, I became like this, but although I became like this, I seemed to be very happy."

Xiao Yao and his party were speechless.

"Zhou Hong admires the chivalrous and courageous!" Zhou Hong arched his hand and showed admiration.

"Small things!" Luo Chao waved his hand and said carelessly.

"Is this your team?" Zhou Hong looked at Xiao Yao and his entourage.

"That's good. Let's get to know each other!" Luo Chaodao.

"Well, that's right, you little guys, get up." Zhou Hong shouted at the people behind him.

When the man heard this, he immediately stood up and walked to Zhou Hong.

"Let me introduce you first. This is my boss, his name is Li Yao." Luo Chao pointed to Xiao Yao.

"Oh! Brother Li! Nice to meet you! My name is Zhou Hong." Zhou Hong was surprised and arched his hand.

"This is Shao Jun, Brother Shao!" Luo Chaodao.