bu tian chuan

Chapter 8 Shadow Moon Gate

"Explosion! Are the terrorists trying to attack the principal?" Wang Fugui saw the floor-to-ceiling window that had turned into ruins and the burning smell of the room. At first, he thought that someone had planted a bomb in the principal's office, and suddenly said nervously. Another thing surprised Wang Fugui. The young man who shouted downstairs a few days ago was also in the principal's office. Does he really know the principal?

Principal Wang Benchu smiled and signaled Wang Fugui not to be so excited. Captain Wang, don't be so nervous. Where are the terrorists from in our great country? It's just that the quality of the glass is not good. It just exploded by itself. It's nothing serious. Just find someone to change it. It's getting late. I'm going home to rest. Lin He, come with me. I happen to have something to do with you.

Wang Fugui looked at the broken glass on the ground incredulously. He really couldn't figure out how the glass could explode by itself. You should know that the office appliances and decoration materials of Minghai University have cost a lot of money, and the quality has been certified by ISO9999. Just as he was about to express his doubts, Wang Fugui suddenly saw Lin He winking at him on his mission.

After thinking about it, Wang Fugui still chose to shut up. Lin He still gave Wang Fugui a good impression. Since he can walk with the principal now, his meaning more or less represents the meaning of the principal. Okay, headmaster, you can go back and rest. Leave it to me here. I will inform you to rearrange it overnight. It should be all done when you come to work tomorrow.

After the early morning, no one can be seen on the campus of Minghai University. President Wang walked in front of him, and Lin He followed him closely. People are always afraid of the unknown darkness, especially Lin He has just experienced that adventure, and now his mind is still full of ghosts.

"What exactly is Yujing? Is there anything special about the jade pendant that used to hang on my neck? In the end, Lin He couldn't help but be suffocating and opened his mouth first. His first question still has something to do with what the vampire Rado called "Yujing". After all, it has been worn on Lin He's neck for a long time. If he is infertile by radiation, Lin He really doesn't know who to cry.

Principal Wang looked around and began to read some strange things in his mouth. After reading for a while, he stamped heavily on his left foot before answering Lin He's question. I have raised the perception of the six senses to the highest. I can feel that someone is close to us for hundreds of steps. Now I can safely answer your questions.

found a stone stool and sat down. Principal Wang seemed to be afraid that Ron would really be suffoned to death, so he turned it out of his pocket and put it flat on the stone table. Yujing is the name of foreigners. In China, it has another name, and you have definitely heard of this name, that is, Bu-Tian-Shi.

Lin He grew up and looked at Principal Wang incredulously. To mend the sky stone? The legendary tonic stone used by Nuwa to mend the sky? Lao Wang, you'd better tell me about the structure of your world first, and then tell me the origin of this tonic stone. Lin He felt that his head was about to explode, and so many incredible things poured into his mind, which made him a little unbearable for a moment.

After pondering for a while, Principal Wang slowly opened his mouth to explain to Lin He the mysterious world that was around ordinary people, but many people could never see in their lives.

At present, there are three most respected sects in the East, one of which is the Taoist sect that was born and grew up in China, with the longest inheritance and the richest mythology. Through the sporadic description of ancient books, most people think that Laozi is the founder of Taoism, but in fact it is not. The real Taoist founders have a relatively unified idea in the world of cultivation, that is, Fuxi and Nuwa. Because these two are both ancient Protoss with human head and snake body, and the earliest Taoist characters are really based on human head and snake body. However, these can only become recognized legends. After all, the ancient floods and famine have disappeared with unknown reasons, and no one can accurately know what happened during the famine.

There is also a Buddhism from ancient India. Although they come from exotic countries, the believers and influence of Buddhism in China are not inferior to native Taoism. On the contrary, in the heart of compassion, the idea of universalization of all sentient beings has been supported by a large number of believers. Compared with the Taoist sect, which is relatively low-key and does not restrict the disciples from entering the world to practice, most of the disciples of Buddhism recite Buddhist scriptures in temples, or practice hard in the mountains and forests, which are closer to the idea of seeing through the world and practicing Buddha wholeheartedly.

The last school is Confucianism, which began in the Yin Dynasty and flourished in the Spring and Autumn Period. At the earliest time in the Yin Dynasty, Confucianism was a priest responsible for funeral affairs. They were proficient in local funeral ritual habits. At that time, the original nature of Confucian's profession was a warlock, and it was also a kind of inextricable connection with Taoism. Later, during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, with the Confucianism founded by Confucius. Confucians gradually evolved into elegant literati, forming a strong and magnificent spirit through their own noble thoughts. It was also thanks to this magnificent spirit that Confucianism finally became one of the three gates.

Of course, there are many sects, families and scattered practices in the real world. They don't like to stick to the restrictions in the three gates. Most of the skills they practice are inherited from one lineage or obtained by chance. Naturally, there are practitioners and goblins. They are originally ordinary animals and plants between heaven and earth, and some of them have mana because they have been sucking the aura between heaven and earth for many years. Some have been opened by chance and embarked on the path of cultivation. The goblins are not all traitors and evildoers. Most goblins will still choose to hide in the deep mountains and practice silently, and strive to become human forms as soon as possible and achieve the right path.

Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism are only three major categories, and there are many sects in its sect. For example, the Zen sect that flourished in the late Tang Dynasty, and the Tiantai sect and Huayan sect, which also developed from the local area. There are countless sects under the Taoist sect, among which the representative ones are Longhu Mountain Tianshijiao, Maoshan Qingjiao, Gezaoshan Lingbaojiao, and known as the "Three Fuyu Sects". Confucianism is more low-key than Taoism. At present, most of their disciples have chosen to enter the world, and there is no obvious factional boundary. Except for a few elders on the table, Confucianism is recognized as the most difficult to recognize.

Those foreigners, whether they are paladins of the Holy See of Light, bishops, or werewolves and vampires of the Dark Council, they all like to call the patching stone jade crystal. However, it is certain that anyone who knows this thing will be very interested in it. Because of the Tianshi, it is a divine object left by the ancient Nuwa. If you can get the power contained in it, I'm afraid it is not impossible to fly up in the day.

Principal Wang took out a box of white wolves from his pocket and handed one to Lin He. Suddenly, he remembered that the other party was a freshman who had only reported this year. Smoking seemed to be a little inappropriate, so Principal Wang pulled back his hand, put the cigarette in his mouth, and took another one out of his pocket. The lighter lit a fire on the cigarette in his mouth, took a leisurely breath, and spit out a smoke ring.

Lin He's head is quickly processing the information conveyed by Principal Wang, and he has read more or less about Chinese myths and stories. The debate between the founders of Taoism has never stopped, which Lin He has heard a little. But in his mind, Taoism is just an ordinary sect. As an organization where people exist to pray for psychological comfort, they do not have more magical abilities than ordinary people.

After the introduction of Principal Wang, Lin He learned that outside the world of ordinary people, there was such a huge branch in the mysterious world of cultivation. After all, Buddha and Daolinhe have been influenced by movies and books since childhood, and they are barely acceptable. What he didn't expect was that even Confucianism had become a member of the world of cultivation. Confucius didn't know what he would think under the nine springs.

While Lin He was slowly processing this information, Principal Wang dialed a phone number that had not been contacted for a long time. Brother? I'm at the beginning. How have you been recently? Are those chickens raised in the backyard diligent in laying eggs? Ha ha, I didn't come to disturb you to sleep. Today, I received a foreign vampire, oh, a foreign bat spirit. Look at those foreign monsters who have come to our country to be wild. Do you think you react like that "organization"? Okay, if they want to know the situation, just call me. Well, hang up.

"Headmaster, do you still have a brother? I thought you were the kind of small sect. But can practitioners also hold positions in the world? It's still an important position as the president of a first-class university, alas!" Lin He was saying that Principal Wang gave him a shudder rudely.

"Hu" spit out a smoke ring with great enjoyment, and Principal Wang glanced at Lin He. What is a small sect? Although there are only two people in our Yingyue Gate, their strength is absolutely strong. Besides, since I have entered the world, of course, I have to live the same life as ordinary people, otherwise I will carry a sword to the circus all day to perform flying swords? Don't imagine that practitioners are so special. They just live longer and have more abilities than ordinary people. Many practitioners have not seen his identity until the death of others.

Obviously, Lin He's condescenance of President Wang has aroused the strong dissatisfaction of Principal Wang, but Lin He can't be blamed. Who said that Principal Wang's identity is a disciple when he introduced himself? A real person can keep a young face. Lin He estimated that President Wang is less than 60 years old. People in their sixties are just ordinary disciples, and it is inevitable that people will not be underestimated. In particular, President Wang's all-day careless appearance, Lin He even doubted whether he had violated any precepts and was expelled from the house.

"Don't look at me like that! Son of a bitch, what the hell are you thinking! Let me tell you, there are only two people in our Yingyue Gate now. My brother has held all the large and small positions in the door alone, and I am happy to come to enter the world to practice. So it only has the name of one disciple. And don't question my identity anymore! I'm not afraid to tell you that our Yingyue Gate is a sect separated from Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, so don't put the understanding of the traditional image of practitioners on me. What we Yingyuemen respect is Taoism and nature, so the Wang Benchu you see now is also the most real and natural Wang Benchu!"

seemed to be unable to stand Lin He's repeated questioning eyes, and Principal Wang lost his temper like a child. And he threw out a blockbuster news. Yingyue Gate turned out to be a sect separated from the three sects of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism!


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