bu tian chuan

Chapter 31 George

Seeing Lin He's dull expression, Hypson quickly introduced him. This is the new classmate in our class, named George & Hanks. You should get along well in the future." No wonder feng phointh did not inform Lin He in advance. He also just received a phone call from the dean at noon, saying that a foreign student would arrange classes in his class in the future.

After all, after seeing foreign vampires, he was not so surprised by foreign things. Lin He stared at the dark-skinned foreigner sitting in his position, paused for a few seconds and then casually found a vacant seat to sit down. The classroom was quiet again, and only the sound of feng pens writing on the blackboard was heard.

George & Hanks, a purebred black man from the United States. Today, 2032, Americans are no longer just white people, but also black singers and stars. In politics, it is not only the gentle white gentlemen with golden glasses, but also black people who can be president.

The information given by the dean about George & Hanks is very rare, and his biological parents did not mention it. He was a priest* since he was a child. Born in the Vatican, the smallest country in the world, he emigrated to the United States with his adoptive father and grew up there.

Lin He held his chin and quietly stared at George diagonally ahead. He didn't understand whether the appearance of the black man in front of him was just a coincidence or intentional? It's too coincidental to appear at this special time.

Perhaps Lin He's eyes were noticed by George. He suddenly turned his head and grinned at Lin He, revealing a row of very white teeth. The simple smile was revealed through the dark face, which was particularly sincere. Especially under the embellishment of the white teeth, it is a little more rustic.

He quickly withdrew his flustered eyes, and Lin He turned his face to the other direction. As a result, it didn't matter. He found another pair of angry eyes and really cast a fierce look at Lin He. The owner of this vision is the current monitor Xia Ling.

For more than a month, Lin He and the class leader have no communication at all. He is a sports student and does not need to complete his homework, no classroom tasks, and no need to be tutored by top students. Lin He thought that Xia Ling's anger against him had been completely eliminated, but now it seemed that it was just his wishful thinking.

I don't know if I did something wrong to offend the class leader again. Anyway, it's better not to make him angry. On the left and right sides, there were people on the left and right that Lin He didn't want to look at each other. Lin He simply lay on the table and fell asleep. Who knew that I would sleep until the end of school in the afternoon.

Feeling that someone was shaking himself, Lin He sat up in a daze and rubbed his sleepy eyes and asked. Xiaobai, are you going to have dinner now? Under normal circumstances, Linhe's dinner is eaten with Hyacinth, and most of the dining places are in the school. Every time Hyacinth asks to eat something good outside the school, Linhe is unwilling, saying that the restaurant outside the school is unhygienic. In fact, only Lin He knew that he just wanted to go out less and avoid trouble, and waited until Wang Benchu came back.

"Hello, Lin." That stiff voice is George, an international student! At this time, he was looking at Lin He with a smile, with the usual cheerful smile of black people, and sincere eyes revealed in his clear eyes. A slightly white T-shirt is worn, like a delivery waiter.

tilted his head, and Lin He's eyes passed through George. As a result, he did not find the figure of the feng feng cison in the classroom. Obviously, that guy secretly went on a date with Zhang Yan. Leave this for yourself to entertain. Lin He will not be angry, but he will not spread this anger on this lovely foreign friend in front of him. Come on, George, I'll treat you to a big pot of rice in the canteen.

Since the jade fell through the seal of Wang Benchu, the aura of the divine stone wrapped in it no longer leaked out. It penetrated into Lin He's body and quietly began a huge transformation project for his meridians. Although Lin He does not understand the exact reason, he will naturally not fail to notice the great changes in his body.

Vision has returned to its peak. Whether it is day or night, Lin He can clearly see hundreds of steps away. Lin He even suspected that it was like a foggy day with extremely low visibility, which had little impact on his eyesight. The hearing of the ears has also reached an alarming height. Now the pleasure of Lin He's sleep at night is not listening to music or watching football, rather than listening to the graduate students in several dormitories next door chatting. Even the whispering of the girls' building at night fell into Lin He's ears word for word.

The power of the eyes and ears is turned on to the maximum, and the nose will naturally not lag behind. Lin He can clearly smell the perfume on the female classmates far away. Of course, the disadvantages are also obvious. Whenever Linhe passes through the garbage dump or the bathroom, his nose will not be passive.

And the most important feeling is the most difficult to say clear feeling since ancient times. Lin He can be aware of the joys and sorrows of the people around him. Like the last time he dealt with the vampire Woma in the alley, Lin He could feel a heavy smell of blood from his body. Vampires who live on blood all year round rely on their own control of the wind element, thus dissipating their own bloody smell, but against Lin He, who was washed by the divine stone, they also had nothing to escape. Shape.

When he saw George's smile twice, Lin He could feel his sincerity. In any case, he is at least not those dirty vampires. As long as he doesn't intend to harm Lin He, Lin He doesn't mind having another foreign friend.

"It's so spicy. I'm going to die." Still not very fluent in Chinese, George's tears are swirling in his eyes, as if they would fall at any time. Lin He just made a hearty dinner of four dishes and one soup for George, one of which was a famous dish, Mapo Tofu.

Looking at the cute black boy around him laughing, Lin He became more and more convinced that George was not a bad person. He was so cute that he couldn't see anything related to desire in his eyes. Like a three- or four-year-old child, there were only flying dandelions in the world, only chasing and playing with each other. Friends.

"This dish is called Mapo Tofu, which is one of the eight major cuisines in our country." Looking at George with an open face, Lin He simply introduced this very famous Sichuan dish to him. When he was at home, Lin He liked to cook and slowly practiced his cooking skills. People who had tasted it praised his cooking skills. Mapo tofu is a dish that Lin He likes to cook and eat very much. According to the legend of this dish, Lin He is also a family member.

After the introduction, Lin He looked at George, who was at a loss, and remembered to talk to a foreigner who had just come to China. It was like playing the piano to a cow and smiled awkwardly. Lin He put the chicken legs in his bowl into George's bowl. Come on, don't eat anywhere. Eat more.

He is not as particular about food as ordinary Americans. Looking at the chicken legs in the bowl and the rich dishes on the table, George seemed to remember something in the past and showed a little sadness on his face. Thank you, Lin. Please forgive me for my gaffe. I suddenly remembered the place where I stayed for a year.

Seeing George's performance, although Lin He didn't understand what he thought of, Lin He was willing to be a listener. When your friend needs comfort the most, you can choose to be a listener, listen to his story, and then comfort him.

"I went to school a year earlier than a normal child, but I entered college in the same year as a normal child. I once took a year off from school and worked as a primary school teacher in a remote place in Africa for a year. The reason why I went there was also because of my adoptive father. He is a priest who often needs to go around the world to preach. In the summer vacation of the year he graduated from high school, I went to a small village in Africa with him, where I saw unforgettable pictures.

"Children's heads are bigger than their stomachs, and they may fall down at any time when they walk, which is all caused by malnutrition. They lack the means to survive and can only repeat the same tragedy in that harsh environment. At the age of 55, the elderly will walk into the mountains alone and die, because they are unwilling to consume the few grains at home, and they prefer to leave those grains to their children who have just walked.

"Whether it is severe winter or late autumn, they only have one dress. And it's still the shabby clothes left by our ancestors, and the patched clothes have been torn to the extreme. The serious lack of water resources often makes them live on the sky. If they catch a slightly longer rain-free period, they have to walk to water sources more than ten kilometers away to get water.

"I thought that people living in this environment had lost hope, and there was no color in their living world. But I didn't know I was wrong until I blended into them. They work hard to cultivate food. If the harvest is not good, parents would rather starve themselves than leave food to their children. We see that those children are somewhat deformed and sympathize with their suffering, and their parents save part of their own scarce rations and supply them to their children. Even if the environment is bad, they have never given up.

"Severe lack of water makes them not be able to take a bath once a year. The nearest water source is also more than ten kilometers away. They are unwilling to go there to fend water not because of laziness, but because they are afraid of eternal sleep underground because of lack of physical strength on the way back and forth, and there is no one to take care of the young children in the family.

"There is no school there, and no teacher is willing to be a teacher in that harsh environment. Many locals can't even write their names when they die. Finally, I decided to take a year off from school and be a primary school teacher there. I didn't expect to change anything, but I just tried my best to help them.

George's Chinese is not very fluent. When he spoke, he used two-thirds of English mixed with one-third of Chinese, and there was not much anger. A little loss and sadness surged up on his resolute face, and the corners of his eyes surged with crystal **.


I would like to dedicate this chapter to volunteers who support the construction of poor areas to let disasters go to hell