bu tian chuan

Chapter 33 Gangster

After paying the bill depressedly, Lin He never thought that this foreigner would have such an amazing explosive power. The distance of several hundred meters was exceeded by him by one-fifth. However, since Haikou has been praised, the money still has to be given. Fortunately, George tasted some local snacks in Minghai, and the price was not very expensive.

Holding four skewers of grilled fish in his left hand and a lot of packaged snacks in his right hand, George's mouth was bulging and stuffed with food, and it was not difficult to hear what he wanted to say. Go back, Lin, there will be class tomorrow morning. I don't think I can fall asleep soon when I first came to this city. It will take some time to get used to it.

Lin He, who hasn't been out to visit the night market for a long time, immediately agreed to George's suggestion. The flow of people in the night market is so high that they are basically crowded to walk. When he was about to go back to school, Lin He's ears suddenly caught a slight sound. He could notice the strangeness in this noisy night market. Lin He's six knowledge was stronger than many monks in the later stage of foundation construction.

Quickly found the source of the sound. Three hooligans with dyed hair and sunglasses in black jackets stopped a girl. Because he turned his back to Lin He, Lin He could not see the girl's appearance clearly, but felt a little familiar. Lin He said to George when the three hooligans were about to drag the girl into the alley. You go back to school first. I have something to do. As soon as the words fell, the forest river rushed towards the three hooligans, and a wonderful feeling arose spontaneously. Although the crowd was crowded, Linhe could easily avoid them, greatly saving the time when it was crowded all the way, and all this happened in Linhe's subconsciousness.

Looking at the running Lin River and the big pile of delicious food in his hand, George threw down the food without tears and chased it closely to the Lin River. Lin! Wait for me! I just came to Minghai. How can I find the way back?"

It had just rained in the morning, and the rain condensed on the roof was ticking on the ground. Three men with tattoos on their dyed hair fell to the ground. There has just been a battle here, where a freshman knocked down three hooligans who were fooling around in society.

Protect Zhuo Xuaner behind him, Lin He is like a tiger, the king of beasts in the forest, and his majesty does not allow other beasts to invade at all. I don't know why there are always scum like you in society. Three big men bullying a little girl is very powerful, right? OK, stand up now and knock me down!" There was a trace of blood on the corners of his mouth and a few large bruises on his body. Lin He didn't pay attention to his injury at all. At this moment, he was roaring at three scum who fell to the ground.

The leader's mouth was inlaid with a golden tooth. He climbed up with difficulty, and his face was covered with mud left after the rain. Boy, no matter who you are, you are dead. I just called to inform the members of the gang that they are coming here now. You definitely can't live and leave today..." Before Jinya could say his words, he was blown out by Lin He with one punch and fell to the ground heavily, and his whole body trembled.

"A character like you only knows how to deal with fewer people, and can only stand at the bottom and look up at the sky all his life!" Lin He roared again. I don't know what was going on. Such a sentence came out of Lin He's mind, as if someone had told him in the dark.

"Lin He, let's go. Anyway, I'm fine. You'd better wrap your injury quickly." Zhuo Xuaner said worriedly. The library where she was was closed late at night. When she just came out of work and walked to this alley, she was stopped by this group of hooligans and insisted on making friends. Zhuo Xuaner refused. They forcibly dragged her into the alley. Just when she was desperate, Lin He appeared. With one enemy and three enemies, he completely ignored his crazy attack and completely knocked the three hooligans to the ground after paying a certain price.

Waving his numb arm, Lin He couldn't help grinning in pain. This group of hooligans seem to know their fate very well. They are naturally causing trouble everywhere and carry weapons such as iron bars. Just as Lin He was hit in the arm with an iron bar without paying attention. If it had been the previous right hand, it would have lost its combat effectiveness, but now Lin He only feels a little numb, and the pain is only bouts.

"Well, I'll take you back first. I'm afraid I can't take care of you if there are too many people." In this case, Lin He finally forgot his nervousness and did not stag when talking to Zhuo Xuaner, protecting his beloved woman like a big man.

At this moment, the sound of arrogant motorcycle wheels rubbing against the ground quickly came up in the distance. More than 30 unified black motorcycles, plus a black extended sports car with no signs, blocked the alley and completely blocked the way to Linhe.

"Ha ha, I said you couldn't leave." The golden tooth that was blown out by a punch stood up tenaciously again, looking at more than 30 accomplices with iron bars and machetes, holding the wall with a ferocious smile.

A sven middle-aged man got off the sports car, wearing a pair of gold glasses, like an entrepreneur who often appears on TV. Brother, why are you getting into trouble again? One person can easily defeat the three of you. It seems that you have some ability, young man, what's your name? The first half of the sentence was said to the golden tooth. Before the golden tooth could answer the middle-aged man, he asked Lin He again.

Pulling Zhuo Xuaner behind his back, Lin He rolled up all his sleeves, revealing his toned muscles. He turned his head, shook his still numb arm, and stared at the middle-aged man with a blank face, as if the armed men around the middle-aged man were completely non-existent.

Middle-aged people are slightly surprised. At most, young people at this age are still hanging out in college. They have such a calm mind that they can not panic in the face of absolute overwhelming strength. If they can be included in the account, they will definitely become a strong help in the future.

"Young people, are you interested in joining our organization? In Minghai, my words still have some weight. Every person Lin He has seen wearing gold glasses has the habit of holding glasses, and so does this middle-aged man. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Tang Qiang. It was my brother Tang Hua who was seriously injured by you. The middle-aged man didn't care at all that his own brother had just been beaten to death and invited him to join his organization. No wonder he could gain a foothold in Minghai.

"I'm not interested. Looking at your costumes, I know what you usually do. Is it great to bully fewer people with more people? The only thing I want to ask you is that if I am knocked down by you, please let go of the girl behind me anyway. As for me, you can deal with whatever you want. Feeling that Zhuo Xuaner's body was trembling slightly, the girl tried to control her emotions and didn't want Lin He to worry.

"Lin He, if you can't leave here today, I won't leave alone." There was not much fierce emotion in it. Although it was just a faint tone, it revealed Zhuo Xuaner's extremely firm belief that she shared difficulties with Lin He, but would not leave him and leave by herself.

smiled slightly, and Tang Qiang applauded Lin He and Zhuo Xuaner's persistence. It's great to see your two children in this era. For this reason, let the man named Lin He save his life. Don't embarrass that woman and let her go. Tang Qiang gave the final order to his subordinates. As the boss of a gang, Tang Qiang has always left room for himself and others, instead of blindly pursuing violence.

Lin He smiled and smiled gratefully for the first time. Thank you, Tang Qiang. If you fall into my hands in the future, I will try my best to save your life. Looking at the more than 30 men in black around him, Lin He clenched his fist and took a firm step forward. At this step, no one could let him step back. Tang Qiang can't do it, and thousands of troops can't do it, unless he falls, unless he dies.

After a muffled sound, the men in black looked back to check the situation of their boss, and Tang Qiang frowned tightly. He saw a strong black man coming out of nowhere and jumped into his car and stepped on the roof of the car. A precious car is nothing to Tang Qiang. At most, a month's protection fee can be recovered, but now there is a guest in the car who can only look up even with Tang Qiang's strength. If something happens, Tang Qiang is worried that his head can't be kept.

"Haha, Lin, you run really fast. Why didn't I notice it just now? Huh, why are there so many people around here? Is there a masquerade party? Lin, why is the corner of your mouth bleeding? George kept asking questions like a big boy, without thinking about the men who stared at him with weapons in their hands.

"Bang!" After a burst of explosion, the whole roof of the extended sports car was cracked and turned into ashes. With the powerful impact, George was blown out and fell into a nearby trash can.

"George!" Seeing this dangerous scene, Lin He shouted that the cute and indifferent foreigner was always thinking about remote towns in Africa. He couldn't die like this!

"Don, hasn't it been solved yet? When on earth will it take?" A white and scary man came down from the car, and the blue pupil also showed his identity, another foreigner! What surprised Lin He more was that this foreigner's beauty could almost make women scream and men obsessed. The reason why he uses beauty instead of being handsome is that he is so strange-looking.

"It's dirty, it's dirty! Huh? Why are there vampires in China? George, who came out of the trash can, kept patting the dirty things on his body. Suddenly, the strange figure fell into his sight. George was slightly stunned and said to himself.


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