bu tian chuan

Chapter 70 Market?

If Lin He doesn't see it with his own eyes, he will never believe that the scene in front of him is real. The strange- looks of monsters are selling things on the second floor of the Demon Tower, some selling herbs and some magic weapons, just like a market often seen in the world. Carefully walked through the crowded demons, and there was no monster to attack Lin He. Is the second level of testing my ability to do business? Buy all these monster's goods with a copper plate and pass? While Lin He was secretly fantasizing, a tall dark shadow blocked his way.

Fortunately, Lin He's footsteps were timely, otherwise the tragedy of hitting the south wall would not be avoided. Looking up at this multi-meter-tall giant demon, Lin He couldn't help swallowing his saliva. This is a rhinoceros spirit. The big horn on its head indicates its identity, and the copper bell-sized eyes are staring at Lin He.

"Little! What kind of monster are you? Why can't I feel any demonic spirit in you? The one-horned rhinoceros asked rudely that if it was replaced with a pair of skin, it would be the same image as the ancient bandits, especially the giant mace pinned to its waist, which was as thick as Lin He's two arms. In such a strange eye, it is no wonder that Lin He only deserves to be called a small one.

"Demon spirit?" It seems to understand that not everyone can enter the Zhenyao Tower. The last time someone came, it is estimated that it can be traced back to when Nie Yun was a little apprentice hundreds of years ago. These monsters should not have seen human beings for a long time and have forgotten that there will be a trial of Shushan disciples in hundreds of years, and Lin He is also regarded as a monster. There is no shortage of monsters in the demon tower, so the rhinoceros spirit thought that Lin He turned into a human form only because of play, and the body is also a complete monster.

Realizing this, Lin He immediately drove his consciousness and began to communicate with the little fat man, signaling it to release some demonic spirit to get through. The little fat man disagreed for fear of being found by the big rhinoceros and hammered into meat sauce. He couldn't stand what Lin He said, so he hummed and released the demonic spirit of the hedgehog on his body.

Who knew that the rhinoceros spirit, who was still indifferent, immediately ran away after sensing the little fat man's hedgehog demonic spirit. Hurry up and inform the boss that those pierced things are back for revenge. Let everyone fuck the guys!" Although the rhinoceros is more than two meters tall, its running speed is proportional to its height, and it disappears from Lin He's sight in the blink of an eye.

If you don't understand what the rhinoceros is crazy about, Lin He will naturally not chase it. After carefully looking at the second floor of the Town Demon Tower, I found that this floor was much larger than the first floor. Lin He couldn't help sighing the supreme mystery of the demon tower, but his footsteps did not stop. Since there was no monster to stop him, he naturally hurried to the third floor. Thinking of this, Lin He couldn't help laughing, "I'm afraid I'm the first person to break two floors on the day I entered the tower, right? Haha."

"Are you the hedgehog who came to seek revenge?" A fat pig demon came out with heavy steps, followed by several strong monsters, one-horned rhinoceros spirit, buffalo spirit, tiger demon and wolf demon. A pig demon has subdued so many powerful monsters. It seems that this pig demon can't measure its strength by its unsightly appearance.

"I'm just passing by and don't want to make trouble." Lin He calmly said that the worst result is a big fight, and the best result is that he doesn't have to fight directly to the third floor. Since Lin He can accept the worst result, there is nothing that he can't accept.

The pig demon wears a copper ring on his nose, six copper rings on both ears, and one on his thick lips, which is already wearing eight copper rings on a big pig's face, which is simply more terrible than the non-mainstream only available in this era. Its eyes are so small that it can hardly be seen with a slight squinting. At this moment, it is squinting at the forest river with a pair of small eyes. After a moment, the pig demon suddenly laughed loudly.

Although the demons behind the pig demons are unknown, they only understand one truth. When the old man laughs, it means that something good must happen. If something good happens, everyone should laugh together. Suddenly, a few silly laughter filled the second floor of the town demon tower, which rippled back and forth.

The pig demon walked to the edge of the one-horned rhinoceros spirit, looked at it with a smile, and suddenly knocked on its head fiercely with lightning. You idiot rhinoceros, open your bull's eyes and show me well. Is this hedgehog? This is simply a human. You can't recognize the snacks sent to your door. There is no share for dinner tonight.

The one-horned rhinoceros retreated aggrievedly. It also wants to eat meat. If it doesn't eat dinner, it will be crazy! However, since the boss has said something, it's better not to go against its meaning, so as not to be eaten for dinner and eaten by other monsters as dinner, which is not beautiful.

Those meek monsters who were selling things immediately changed their appearance when they heard the word "human" when the pig demon said it. Their eyes were shining, some of their fangs became longer, and the claws with favorable claws turned to the front, all surrounded Linhe. Although there are kind people among the monsters, most of the demons who will be caught in this demon tower are vicious demons. The meekness just now is entirely because they have not met anything enough to make them crazy, but now they have.

"Oh, these bastards are not afraid to die and want to grab food in the hands of our five monsters. I'm blocking it here. You take him back to the old nest! Remember! If anyone dares to touch this human hair before I go back, I will take it to the hot pot after I go back!" The pig demon roared and transformed. The figure, which was one head higher than the one-horned rhinoceros, instantly soared to three meters. His two strong arms were wider than Lin He's shoulders, and his eyes were ferocious blood-red. His scarlet tongue licked his lips and rushed to the demons with its giant weapon meteor hammer.

The wolf demon has changed its primitive shape, and a giant wolf is not much smaller than the tiger in the normal world. Come on, I'll take you back first. You help the boss, don't let anything happen to the boss!" The giant wolf's voice is unusually low, which makes people feel a little gloomy after listening to it, which is much more horrible than the thick voice of the pig demon and rhinoceros spirit.

Several other monsters looked at each other and changed their bodies to help the pig demons press the array. The giant weapons in their hands flew for a moment and resisted the crazy demons. Lin He hesitated and jumped on the back of the giant wolf and let the monsters fight. Both defeats hurt himself so that he could escape. But he didn't want the mantis to catch cicadas. After the yellow finch, Lin He calculated the demons. At the same time, the giant wolf under his seat was smiling with a cold smile.

ran far away in a row and finally disappeared into the sight of the demons. The giant wolf shook and fell Lin He from its back. Lin He fell straight. Fortunately, with his current solid body, he would not easily fracture or sprain, otherwise because of this He withdrew halfway from the injury and died of regret.

"No monster robbed me. You are mine." The giant wolf has turned into the shape of the wolf's head, but its body is much stronger than ordinary people, and it also has a pair of sharp claws and strong canine teeth. Approaching the forest river step by step, the giant wolf's saliva is about to flow down. How many years have you not eaten human flesh? I'm afraid it can't remember clearly. It can be satisfied immediately, and the giant wolf's excitement is beyond words.

"Wait, didn't your boss say that he would wait for it to come back and eat me? Are you not afraid that it will come back and eat you to vent your anger?" Lin He originally wanted to look for the entrance to the third floor while the giant wolf was not paying attention. He didn't want the giant wolf to be very anxious and wanted to have a full meal as soon as he arrived.

"Ji Jie, boss? My cultivation has long been comparable to it. The reason why I call it the boss is just to let it cope with many unnecessary troubles. As you can see, your cultivation should have reached the Dan period. As long as I eat your meat, drink your blood, and dry your aura, the hegemonic position on this level is mine! At that time, pig demons and rhinoceros spirits will let them all go to hell, but those who don't listen to my orders will be killed without mercy!" The wolf demon said confidently, as if he had seen the picture of himself dominating the second level.

sighed and knew that this scene was inevitable. Lin He sacrificed his own fire gourd, which is still the old saying. Lin He doesn't want to use it as much as possible. There are too many unknown factors. It would be bad if he touches the sword spirit to invade the body halfway. The secret of mysterious flames!" With the sound of Lin He falling, a blue flame spewed out of the fire gourd. This formula is an unusual formula to attack directly, but there is a tedious process.

The wolf demon was shocked. I heard that most of the demon towers in this town were trial disciples of Shushan. I didn't expect that they were already equipped with good magic weapons. And the power of the flame seems to have exceeded the limit that the monks can release in the Dan period. It seems that the real element of this boy in front of him is very powerful and can't be underestimated! The wolf demon set his mind and just wanted to break out, and immediately found a terrible fact that it was surrounded by blue flames.

According to common sense, the monk's spell attack is in a straight line or a small covering area. Both wolf demons are confident that they can dodge at their own speed, but now the human monk has released a blue flame and surrounded it in the middle in a whirlpool, unless it can escape into the demon tower. The first floor, or go to the third floor, otherwise there is no way to avoid it!

Lin He looked forward to looking at the wolf demon gradually swallowed by the flames, but he was not happy at all. He always felt that things had not ended so soon. The special feature of this mysterious flame secret is not its attack power, but its attack range. First, it will turn into ribbon-like flames, and then surround the enemy like a python cannibalism. Lin He has read the description in the book that the cultivation of the wolf demon in front of him is likely to have reached the spiritual period. Normally, only the monk of the Yuanying period is its opponent.

"Despicable human beings! I want you to die slowly!" The giant wolf roared and flew out of the enclosure of the flames. The gray fur on its body had been completely scorched. In anger, the giant wolf drove the demon power of the whole body and exerted its special speed to the extreme, wanting to capture the forest river with one blow! The monk's body is very fragile and loses his resistance when he approaches. The giant wolf thinks evilly, but he doesn't know that the monk it faces is not an ordinary monk.


Today's second update, stable update is my last limit. The only sense of achievement comes from this. Collection, vote, thank you, work hard to update~