bu tian chuan

Chapter 132 Conspiracy under the Dark

The islands in the East China Sea are full of poisonous insects and beasts, and their long-term living in aura-filled environment greatly increases the probability of forming monsters here. Many overseas monks also took a fancy to the nearby islands, but unfortunately, their cultivation is gone forever. Over time, the activities of overseas monks have concentrated on several islands that have been explored and developed, but the islands in the depths of the East China Sea have become desolate.

The mysterious man and the magic flame live on one of the inconspicuous islands. I don't know what method he used to make this island non-existence in the eyes of outsiders. All the creatures on the island have been killed by mysterious people, leaving only magic flames and residual water cold. The whole island is isolated from the outside world and becomes a small world. If you want to pursue the breath to find the mysterious man, it seems almost impossible now.

Yu Shuihan was tied to a broken wooden shelf, and the rope she used to tie her was an ordinary hemp rope. These constraints can be destroyed in the blink of an eye for a monk in the Dan period, but Yu Shuihan has not completed this seemingly extremely simple thing. The mysterious man used an extremely ancient magic secret to pump away all the power in her body. Yu Shuihan's current physical condition is like a patient with a serious illness, and he can't lift any strength at all.

The mysterious man was very relieved to throw Yu Shuihan alone in the middle of the island. He was not worried that Yu Shuihan could escape by himself, nor that someone could find her, at least not for the time being.

"Your purpose is not to kill that boy? If it hadn't been for his death, I wouldn't have to force myself to break through the seal!" The magic flame was obviously very dissatisfied with the mysterious man's words. His impulsive and irritable hands were full of blue veins, as if he would do it with a discord.

Perhaps because of the mask, the mysterious man's voice has become particularly strange, and even ancient demons like the magic flame are a little unbearable. If you can't change your character, I believe that you won't even have a chance to change it soon. Do you think I risked a huge risk to refine human demons and let them go to the downtown to make trouble just to kill this boy?

"Don't you have a plan to tell me yet?" Although the magic flame was impulsive, he was not stupid. The mysterious man's words made him find a breakthrough and asked excitedly. In ancient times, the demon clan acted fearlessly. Now he can only hide in this overseas island to barely save a small life, and there has been an evil fire in his heart. If there is a chance to turn the demon clan over, he will definitely achieve it at any cost.

The mysterious man's body, which had been turning his back to the magic flame, finally turned around. The simple mask on his face was like a black whirlpool, giving people the illusion of slowly spinning. I don't need to tell you my plan, but you can help me do something. Before that, I want you to promise one thing. If you can promise me, the probability of a new arrival will be greatly increased.

The magic flame lit up, and the mask on the mysterious man's face reminded him of some past events. You are! Haha, I remember the guy who has more eyes than ants. Since it is you, I think you must hope that the Lord will return to the earth than I do. Tell me, what do you want me to do? As long as I can see the birth of the Lord, I will promise everything.

The mysterious man seemed to have expected that the magic flame would think of his identity at this moment, and he did not make a fuss about it. He still looked cold. Very good, compared with Bishui, you still maintain the fanatical piety of the demon clan towards the Lord. I won't kill you, but you will suffer more pain than the seal. Come with me."

The identity of the mysterious man actually made the magic flame obey him and did not care about the pain mentioned in the mysterious population. The magic flame immediately followed the footsteps of the mysterious man. After the wind, the two soon arrived outside a dark cave.

"I laid a rotating fire cloud array in this cave, which consumed all the materials I could use at hand and took several years to complete it. Now I want to enter this array and bear the refining of the rotating fire cloud. When the 100th date is full, your body will never be gone, but your strength will also be improved by several levels. At that time, even Bishui will not be your opponent.

The rotating fire cloud array is a powerful fire array that existed in ancient times. The bottom is grounded to the bottom of the fire, and the upper part inherits nine days of cold clouds, and takes turns polishing the array with the power of gloomy and cold. Use the power of cold to stimulate the fire array, so that the people who enter the battle will bear the impact of multiple forces at the same time, and the gods will be destroyed by a little carelessness.

"My body has disappeared? So I'm going to take away a body again? I don't know if I can find a body that satisfies me. I don't want to be as beautiful as a woman. The magic flame was stunned at first, and then cursed and said that physical destruction was a huge disaster for any kind of monk.

shook his head, and the voice of the mysterious man was still low. Out of the array, no vessel can accommodate the high temperature on your body, and you will become the purest power of fire in the world. So you will no longer have a body, and you will appear in front of the world in this form. As the mysterious man's words fell, a pair of dark red armor floated out from behind him, floating in mid-air as if waiting for the master's call.

Magic Flame thought about this possibility, but he didn't want it to be possible. He will never have a body again, which is bound to cause him great trouble. Looking at the dark red armor behind the mysterious person, the magic flame suddenly smiled. He, who had only known the killing, actually smiled, and it didn't look so ugly. Who left this pair of armor? I can clearly feel the flowing fighting spirit above, which is enough to destroy the powerful fighting spirit of everything.

This time, he did not deny the view of the magic flame again, and the mysterious man nodded. If the fire magic armor refined by Lord Huangquan in those years is better than the ability to withstand high temperatures, I'm afraid that there are few magic weapons in the world that can compare with this fire magic armor. The mysterious man did not continue to urge the magic flame to make a decision, and the calm reaction of the magic flame has given the mysterious man the answer he wanted.

The smile on his face restrained, and the red robe on the magic flame instantly turned into dust, revealing his strong body under the red robe. These are the ancient demons. If you put aside the magic in your body, they are almost the same as ordinary people. Fire magic armor! Come on, your new master will uphold the will of Huangquan Lord and spread the black symbolizing the demon clan all over the world!"

The Yan magic armor sensed the call and immediately broke into several pieces. This powerful defensive armor never shattered because of strong attacks. It only changes when it is reorganized. The fire armor can change with the size of the wearer. If the wearer is the controller of the fire force, it will get an increase in both attack and defense.

"Uh-ah!" Even the magic flame of the natural fire element shouted unbearably when it felt the burning enthusiasm. Fortunately, the shouting did not last long, and the fire armor completed the fusion with the magic flame. After the refusion, the whole person of the magic flame was covered under the fire armor, revealing only a pair of hot eyes.

Looking at the ancient texture on the armor, the magic flame knew that this was Huang Quan's magic array on the fire armor. Although it has lost a lot of memory like Bishui, the magic flame's ** nature to things related to the demon clan far exceeds that of Bishui. Just a simple glance at him found a familiar feeling, the blood of life in ancient times.

"I hope I can see you come out of the formation safely in a hundred days. I don't want to break you, let alone this first-class armor of defense." The mysterious man is still in that favorable tone. Perhaps in his opinion, only when all the demons of the four demons are broken out will he really show his inner feelings. This is the demon clan, an extreme race.

The irritable temper of the magic flame seems to have changed at the moment he made the decision to enter the battle. The mysterious man's words, which are usually enough to arouse the murderous intention of the magic flame, just make him blink the eyes outside. Of course, I won't let you down. I'm also waiting to welcome the arrival of several lords. I'm going, Baifan."

After saying that, the magic flame flashed and entered the dark cave, leaving only a few wisps of black smoke to prove that he had been here.

The mysterious man was silent for a long time and slowly took off the mask on his face, revealing a pair of wise eyes. Fantasy? How many years have you heard people call it that? Don't listen to it since you woke up. Blood Thunder, the next birth is you!" The man, who was called a fantasy, revealed fanatical emotions in his eyes, and it seemed that the blood thunder was also an essential part of his plan.

Finally killed dozens of demons. Lin He was so tired that he couldn't straighten up and held a big tree and gasped for breath. At this time, if there were still surviving demons, even one of them could easily knock down Lin He. A man sitting cross-legged beside Lin He, meditating and adjusting his breath. He took action at a critical moment and helped Lin He and Ye Shaoqing.

After a long time, Linhe finally adjusted his breath and looked around. Fortunately, the damage was not too serious, otherwise Lin He was afraid that Lin Shannan would be blamed. Ye Shaoqing has also finished adjusting his breath, and his robe looks particularly elegant.

"Wait for me to make a call and deal with this." Lin He's words were said to Ye Shaoqing. He was afraid that Ye Shaoqing would be a modern version of Lei Feng and leave after doing good deeds. Lin He still has a lot of questions to ask him, but now it is more important to deal with the scene properly.

"Uncle Nan? There has just been a large-scale battle at Minghai University, and the innocent casualties are still unclear. Yes, yes, come and have a look and deal with the scene of the war damage. I have something important to do now, and I will report to you in detail in the evening. Naturally, Lin He will not do the aftermath by himself and has no ability to do it. The best way is to ask Lin Shannan for help, which is also a matter of the local group.

"Let's go quickly. I feel that a few forces are coming. I don't want to be exposed to too many people. I think you are the same?" Ye Shaoqing's eyes suddenly turned to the northwest sky, and a few escapes rushed to the place where Linhe could not be seen.


The second update of No.5. It seems that the time was set wrong and I didn't send it. Now it's reissued. Today's two update are still the same. Every click, message, red ticket and collection is the greatest support for the author. O(∩_∩)O