bu tian chuan

Chapter 137 Life or Death

After a few loud noises, the first floor of the villa can still be said to be healthy, leaving only Dick, who is far away from the explosion. Others were more or less affected by the explosion and lost some combat effectiveness. The two snipers can't count on at all, and they are lucky if they still have breathing closest to the explosion.

The rest of the people were not seriously injured because they fell down in time. They patted off the dust on their bodies and stood up. Their coldness has been completely resolved by the waves of attacks of the forest world, showing the most real anger at the bottom of their hearts. When a person is forced to be confused, this will be a sign of his failure.

Originally, I thought that Lin Jietian's means had been exhausted. Who knew that in the eyes of several people in black, a few black * were thrown in from the broken window. This time, the throw was more accurate and pushed the explosion directly to the place where several people in black gathered.

"Boom!" After a loud noise, everyone else had completely lost their combat effectiveness except for Dick, who felt the danger for the first time.

Lin Jietian used two desert eagle magazines and a few* to kill a group of professional killers, but he was still unharmed. This is enough for anyone in the dark world to make those big bosses spend millions of annual salaries to hire him. But the premise is that Lin Jietian will be able to walk out of this villa alive today, and there is a cold dick in front of him from beginning to end.

facing the door of the villa, Dick fired a shot without warning without any specific basis, but felt that Lin Jietian was behind the door. The huge impact of the shotgun left a big hole in the gate of the villa. He did not see the body of the expected forest world, but through the blood stains on the surrounding ground, Dick could be sure that he felt right.

Lin Jietian leaned his back against the wall. He bet that he would not take the initiative in the villa. He needed some time to buffer and think about what to do next. All the * on the body has been used up, and there is only one full seven-round magazine left. How many enemies are there in the villa? This is what Lin Jietian is most concerned about at this moment. Unfortunately, he has no other channel to get information except to see it himself, which means that he must continue to attack with injuries until all the people on the other side fall or he is unable to continue to support.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Jietian took out a special bandage from his pocket and wrapped it around his bleeding lower abdomen. Be careful to sail the ten-thousand-year-old ship, which is a truth that Uncle Tang has always been warning him, and now the speed of his injury has been temporarily relieved.

With all the hot tingling pain from his abdomen, Lin Jietian stood up against the wall. He is not Superman, and he can't stay healthy after being shot. Slowly moving outside the other half of the door of the villa, Lin Jietian took out an empty magazine from his body and threw it at the right window.

Dick remained vigilant wholeheartedly. No wind and grass could avoid his ears. His eyes were staring ahead, while his ears were paying attention to hundreds of meters around him. Suddenly, a small sound alarmed him, like the sound of an object collision. Dick almost subconsciously turned the muzzle and aimed at the source of the sound.

But when he found that there was no forest sky, only an extra magazine, he didn't even have time to think about it, so he lay down on the ground. His brain is like a sophisticated computer that can always make enough correct decisions in the first place.

After three consecutive shots, Lin Jietian has come to the villa. There are still four bullets left in the gun. He does not intend to leave any of them for himself, so he must kill all those who hinder him. The gun was pointed at Dick on the ground, and Lin Jietian was not busy shooting.

Dick threw away the shotgun in his hand. Whether from the perspective of an ordinary person or a professional mercenary, he has lost the meaning of continuing to resist. Lin Jietian's first two shots were emptied, because Dick's dangerous perception that he lay on the ground and successfully dodged two deadly shots, but the third shot by Lin Jietian's wrist was almost fired under unstable conditions, but it still hit Dick's left leg.

Coldly looking at the man who was deadlocked with him until the last moment, Lin Jietian's face did not change. The white bandage wrapped around the abdomen has been dyed red, but Lin Jietian did not say a word because of the pain, even if the upper half of his expression did not change. If it's one-on-one and absolutely fair, I'm not necessarily your opponent. Lin Jietian was not show off, but said what he really thought in his heart. A house can sometimes be a solid fortress, and sometimes it can be a heavy burden.

Dick forgot whether he had laughed when he was a child, but he hasn't laughed since his parents can remember. At this moment, Dick smiled in the face of enemies who could know his life at any time, but the smile was still sharp and cold. There is no if in the world. If there were, I'm afraid I wouldn't be a gambler here with my life now.

"You are a mercenary." Lin Jietian respects Dick more than Ma Jiancheng. A person who fights with his own strength is always more valuable than a person who fights with the strength of others. If you can promise not to stop me from killing Ma Jiancheng, I can let you live. Lin Jietian remembered Lin He, who was being chased and killed by Ma Jiancheng's men, and his tone began to become cold. His time was no longer enough for him to squander.

The first time he showed a helpless smile, Dick said with a pale face. Aren't mercenaries also gamblers who use their lives as bargaining chips? You know I will promise you." After saying this, Dick dragged a broken leg and rushed forward, where there was a shotgun that he had just deliberately not thrown away, and it was also the last bargaining chip he used to turn defeat into victory.

Dick is a cold man. He does not put his emotions on his mouth and does not show his emotions on his face. He always does everything silently and conscientiously protects the safety of Ma Jiancheng. This counterattack, his hunch told him that the probability of success was so low that it was negligible, but he still did it, just to raise him, but just to take advantage of his man.

"Bang Bang Bang" Lin Jie shot four shots with a blank face, and the magazines in the gun have all been emptied. This desert eagle has completed the task excellently. Originally, one shot was enough to end Dick's voice, but Lin He used up all the bullets in the gun. The reason was simple. He was worried that he would not hit the dying Dick. All he could do was to completely end Dick's life and end his pain before his death.

Dick's chest has been bombarded by powerful pistol bullets, and the broken flesh and blood hanging there look particularly bloody. His eyes stared at Lin Jietian, or the stairs leading to the second floor behind Lin Jietian. A figure was reflected in his completely lax eyes, and the faint bitter smile at the corners of Dick's mouth may have a difficult relationship with this figure.

"Are you a born killer and just spent a year of special training? I just promised that Curus would not do better than you under the same circumstances. If you don't have that bastard brother, I will dig you into my hands at any cost, and I don't even mind being on an equal footing with you.

Ma Jiancheng stood on the stairs. A light machine gun in his left hand had been aimed at Lin Jietian's chest, and his right hand was holding a desert eagle exactly like Lin Jietian had just thrown a pistol, with a very sad look on his face. At this moment, Ma Jiancheng makes it difficult for Hot to imagine that he is the crazy and cold-blooded underworld boss.

"First, there is no if in the world, which I think you just heard." The man who just said the same thing has become a cold body at this moment. Maybe he still maintains some body temperature, but his lifeless body has declared his isolation from the world. Second, my brother is not a bastard. In my eyes, you are.

Ma Jiancheng did not seem to be in a hurry to kill Lin Jietian. He killed enough of his men and paid a heavy enough price. He was waiting for the news of Lin He's death. He wanted Lin He's family to be destroyed, including Lin He's own brother in front of him. Do you know what my nickname is? Mad dog, a mad dog that even tigers and lions will be afraid of once they go crazy! Your brother hurt what the mad dog cares most, and he will pay the price today!"

Lin Jietian's face was full of contemptuous smiles, as if laughing at ignorant people. The family is ruined and people are dead? Do you know why I came here alone? Because Uncle Tang's power has been scattered by me to solve your mob, I'm afraid that all your garbage men have seen the king of the year at this moment, right?

Completely angered by Lin Jietian's words, Ma Jiancheng pulled the trigger in his hand, and the bullets of the light machine gun began to pour out one after another, hitting Lin Jietian accurately.

At the same time, Lin Jietian threw out the dagger that had been hidden on his body. He did not expect himself to survive. At the same time of death, he hoped that Ma Jiancheng would get the same result. The bullet ruthlessly hit Lin Jietian's body. He could clearly feel that his vitality was passing rapidly. Blood was like cheap soda that was constantly leaking out. Life was about to come to an end at this moment.

The dagger hit Ma Jiancheng's arm, and the desert eagle in his hand fell to the ground because of pain, but it was not enough to kill Ma Jiancheng's life. He laughed wildly, as if responding to the ridicule before Lin Jietian. Who is the final winner? Ma Jiancheng continued to pull the trigger, and he wanted Lin Jietian to experience more pain before his death.

Lin Jietian is unwilling! He was almost able to kill Ma Jiancheng, but he had no strength to change anything, even if it was even a small thing. Suddenly, a faint sound came to his ear, as if across thousands of mountains and rivers, and as if they were close at hand.

"Do you live to protect your family? Sell me your soul and I'll give you everything you want!"

"I do!"

As Lin Jietian exhausted some of the remaining strength in his body and shouted these three words, then he saw the fear on Ma Jiancheng's face and a green strange flame burning on Ma Jiancheng's body.


First update, the National Day has passed. Let's welcome new work and study with a brand-new attitude and fight together.