bu tian chuan

Chapter 153 Thunder Falls

The dark sky, a sad cloud and mist, a thunder cut through the long night sky, and the fierce rainstorm like a waterfall seemed to open the floodgate and tilted down unscrupulously. The gentleness of the spring rain disappeared at this moment. It seems that the tyrannical rain and the thunder mixed between it are the soul songs that sounded for this bloody night.

The dark clouds were washed away by the rainstorm, and the original appearance of the moonlight was restored. I don't know if it was the rain that brought a gust of wind, and the mottled tree shadows began to dance with scary branches in the moonlight. Only the stubborn stone still stands still, still wind and rain, like thunder, I am as motionless as a mountain, indescribably calm and firm.

Jiang Yuanchen's robe has been wet by the sudden rain, but this cannot be an obstacle to his ambush. A mysterious giant sword, a thin figure, is this seemingly uncoordinated combination that stopped the three monsters attacking from the front. His long sword flew up and down, and each sword cut out with deep determination. There was never a trace of drag and water. Under the collision of gold and stone, it temporarily forced the attack of the three monsters.

Shenghe did not have as powerful sword skills as Jiang Yuanchen. He also couldn't figure out why Jiang Yuanchen had this amazing martial arts skill at a young age. Even several elders in Kunlun may have far surpassed Jiang Yuanchen's cultivation, but Sheng He dared to guarantee that the sword skills will never exceed three people above Jiang Yuanchen. Suddenly, Shenghe remembered Jiang Yuanchen's surname. Many monks surnamed Jiang in the Xiuzhen world are like ants, but one family is the most famous. That is the Huainan Jiang family, which has been using martial arts for generations!

Although there are thousands of thoughts in his mind, Sheng He dares not neglect at all. Any monster who wants to attack Jiang Yuanchen will receive Sheng He's attack first. Kunlun can become a giant in the world of cultivation, and the means it has naturally been very rich. Sheng He is not as dazzling as Sheng Qing, but after his extremely difficult efforts, his return was reflected at this time.

Kunlun is best at thunder, so the thunder formulas kept bombarding the monsters, and the corresponding blue smoke also rose. Although those monsters have lost their minds, they have not lost their pain. They grin their teeth one by one, and the steps under their feet slowed down a lot.

The afterlight flashed and finally found a good opportunity by Jiang Yuanchen. He hit the monster on his side with his hands. The monster's movements were obviously stagnant, and the huge sword in the porch that was ready to go rushed out obliquely. The vast power like the sea broke out in an instant, and the monster succeeded before it could react. Kill it.

"Brother Shenghe, it's really difficult for you to cast spells for so long with the cultivation of the foundation period. You step back and adjust your interest for a moment, and leave it to me first." Jiang Yuanchen's sword is still flexible and seems to have transcended the original boundaries and reached the horrible realm of human and sword unity like Lin He. However, if he is really the descendant of the Huainan Jiang family as he guessed, he can also explain the past. After all, this family has been the only one in the world of cultivation for thousands of years. Adhering to the elder brother of Master Zhang Sanfeng in ancient times, he pursued the method of martial arts.

The expression on his face began to become paler because of Zhenyuan's overdraft, but Sheng He's footsteps did not retreat at all and still persisted on the front line. Brother Jiang's kindness and heart are well received, but Sheng He can never take half a step back even if he fights to the end. Sheng He's eyes were like a torch. Taking advantage of his speaking, he forced back several monsters who intended to invade, but his Zhenyuan also overdrawn to the limit and may fall at any time.

Jiang Yuanchen smiled bitterly, and he had already expected that Sheng He would not choose to retreat. If you are in a high position in the world of cultivation, the slogan of eliminating demons and guarding the way has been shouted a lot, but at the critical moment of life and death, you may not be willing to give up your life for righteousness, and only this young disciple will have blood in his heart. But why not?

One is the cultivation status. With the extraordinary willpower to support hard, a firm heart is no less than those masters who have experienced the invasion of many people. One is the detached swordsmanship, with countless auras on his head and an unlimited future star, who also adheres to the persistence in his heart and fights to death on the front line. Such a wonderful combination has foreshadowed the future achievements of the two in the world of cultivation, but even these strange two people are still far worse than another fellow monk of the same age.

I don't know how many times more difficult the monster Lin He faces is than the more than a dozen monsters dealt by Jiang Yuanchen. It has no fangs, no horns, only four blood-red claws, but this random claw is enough to tear up the body of a Dan monk. Even if the monks in the Yuanying period accidentally take care of it, it will inevitably take a long time to recover.

Although Chang Rui's monster no longer has human thoughts, it is different from other monsters with countless combat skills. It is waiting for Lin He's distraction. Even if it is just a small distraction, the monster will immediately launch a rapid attack. Unfortunately, the battle on the other side has been going on for a long time, but Lin He has always maintained a focused spirit and has never relaxed at all.

Lin He's pupils reflected the appearance of the monster, and he was also waiting. He sensed that the monster's cultivation would not exceed the Yuanying period, but its strength was not in its cultivation. Lin He didn't know where this feeling came from, just by virtue of his caution, so Lin He has never launched an offensive. However, this is also due to the monster's defensive posture, which is not flawed at all, which makes it difficult for one person to do it first.

"Boom!" A deafening thunder sounded in everyone's ears, and I don't know how many sleeping babies cried. Lin He finally waited for his opportunity. The other party seemed to have a little fear of thunder, and his body trembled unconsciously at the moment of the thunder sounded. This has made a loophole in its perfect defensive posture, and also gave Lin He the opportunity he had been waiting for.

All kinds of thunder methods bombarded the monsters. Wind, showers, and the spells of each genus also flashed. From afar, it looks like a group of monks belonging to different sects fighting. If people know that all this is from the same person, there will probably be countless legendary stories in this cultivation world.

If Jiang Yuanchen is given a free time, he must be stunned. The battle on Lin He's side is really too exaggerated. The real Yuan reserve is simply a monk who is about to catch up with the distraction period. The dazzling spells kept exploding, like a group of gorgeous fireworks, but Jiang Yuanchen clearly knew that no ball under this seemingly beautiful fireworks was enough to kill people.

Sheng He's left hand supported the ground and barely supported his body. He and Jiang Yuanchen joined hands, one far and one near, one attack and one auxiliary, and finally killed half of the monsters. The price is that Shenghe's Zhenyuan is completely consumed, and Jiang Yuanchen is still struggling to support it, but it can be seen that his physical strength is also problematic.

A series of explosions in the distance was full and surprising, and at the same time, it made him sigh. The age of the three is almost the same, but Lin He can exert such terrible strength. If there is no one in this world of cultivation, can be his opponent? Looking at the faint flame in his hand, this is the last power that only a little Zhenyuan can exert. Looking at the distance, the explosion created by Lin He is still continuing.

"Boom!" After another series of explosions, Lin He finally stopped the output of Zhenyuan. This series of attacks made him gasp a little, but Zhenyuan in his body still maintained a relatively stable state. Although the momentum just now was great, in fact, it didn't consume too much Zhenyuan. This was Lin He's tentative attack, and he didn't think it could kill the other party at all.

Sure enough, after the smoke caused by the explosion dissipated, the monster Chang Rui turned into nothing different except that it looked a little embarrassed. It seems that his body has undergone a very special transformation, at least it is ten times stronger than those guys after being demonized.

"Ho~" The monster roared, burst out at an amazing speed while Lin He was thinking, and jumped straight to Lin He. All this just happened between lightning and flint. Even Jiang Yuanchen, whose martial arts skills reached the peak, did not react, and Lin He was even more unlikely to avoid it. At this time, the seven-leaf heavy light given by the floating butcher showed its power again, and the protection was automatically carried out without being driven by Zhenyuan.

The monster grabbed the green light mask fiercely, and suddenly there was an unpleasant sound of metal tearing. The green light mask shook and finally kept it from collapsing. The monster still wanted to continue to attack and destroy this layer of green light that was in the way, but he just thought so, and the next moment had flashed far away.

At the same time, Linhe's two swords had been cut off the place where the monster stood when attacking. If it hadn't flashed fast enough, the sword would have cut it in half. Originally, I wanted to ask, but now it seems that you people have completely lost your mind, and I'm afraid you can't ask anything if you catch it. In this case, I will help you get rid of it."

"Buzz!" There was a buzz in the body of the swords of Qingtian's two swords, which was a sign that Lin He was serious. He had given up the idea of asking for clues from these monsters. With dazzling blue light scattered all over the body, a terrible power has been formed on the sword body of Qingtian's two swords.

"hoho." As if laughing or howling strangely, Chang Rui is very afraid of the blue light on the two swords of Optimus Prime. Even if he loses his mind, he will still be afraid of powerful existence.

At the same time, on a remote island far away from the East Sea, a man wearing a mask was sitting by the sea. The night could not stop his sight. His eyes looked through the layers of the sea, as if he had seen thousands of miles away from the West Square and a group of people there who were killing.

"Little guy, you ruined my business." Quietly feeling the quietness of the tide, the man was full of dozens of bloody hearts, and the placement of these hearts was also very strange that they turned into a huge skeleton. Well, when that day comes, the world is still our world, hahahaha." In the end, the man laughed wildly, but the powerful laughter was limited to this island, and there seemed to be an invisible diaphragm that separated the island from the outside world.


First update, it's Friday, and I can sleep in tomorrow. I'm happy.